2024 Cyber Stability Conference: Unpacking Cyber Threats to International Peace & Security (Day 2.2)

Day 2 - 1 March 2024, 15:00-18:00 CET (Trusteeship Council Chamber)
15:00-16:15 - Session 3. Part 1: How is the threat actor landscape in the cyber domain evolving?
This session aims at providing an overview of the types of threat actors that characterise the cyber domain with a view to understanding not only the implications from a normative and legal perspective of different types of actors, but also more operational considerations such as: what role do they play? How can they undermine national, regional and international peace and security? How do malicious cyber tools, vulnerabilities and exploitation kits proliferate?
- Dominique Steinbrecher, Researcher, Security and Technology Programme, UNIDIR
- Howie Wachtel, Senior Director UN Affairs, Microsoft
- Jérôme Barbier, Head of Outer Space, Digital, Economic Isssues, Paris Peace Forum
- Mauro Vignati, Adviser on New Digital Technologies of Warfare, International Committee of the Red Cross
- Aamna Rafiq, Researcher, Security and Technology Programme, UNIDIR
16:15-16:30 - Coffee break
16:30-17:45 - Session 3. Part 2: How does the complexity of the threat actor landscape in the cyber domain impact the implementation of responsible State behaviour? How can such framework be used to prevent, disrupt or mitigate such impact? What other mechanisms outside of the UN could be leveraged?
While the framework of responsible behaviour has been designed by states and for states, malicious acts conducted by a broader range of actors can severely undermine national, regional and international peace and security. This session aims to highlight both the main challenges for the implementation of the framework deriving from the complex web of actors operating in the ICT domain as well as how can the implementation of the framework provide states the tools and capacity to manage such complexity. In addition, this session will also explore how other mechanisms outside of the UN could be leveraged to reinforce, complement or supplement the framework of responsible state behaviour in dealing with the complexity of the threat actor’s landscape.
- Giacomo Persi Paoli, Head of Programme, Security and Technology, UNIDIR
- Amb. Ernst Noorman, Ambassador at Large for Cyber Affairs, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Daniela Ruiz Dominguez, Director of Cybersecurity and Arms Control, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Denia Baikari, Counsellor, French Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs
- Roberto Baldoni, Professor and former Director General at National Cybersecurity Agency of Italy
- Anne-Marie Buzatu, Executive Director, ICT4Peace
- Sheila Flynn, Office Director (acting) at Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, U.S. Department of State
17:45-18:00 - Conference closing
📘 #CS24 Event Page: unidir.org/event/2024-cyber-s...
🤖 Our Security and Technology Programme: undir.org/sectec
🌐 The UN Institute for Disarmament Research: unidir.org

