2024/06/24 - A compilation of several Chipping Sparrows checking out the feeder to get their fill


The Chipping Sparrows continue to make multiple visits every day. I think they are a kind little bird that is likely at the bottom of the pecking order. They almost always take off if another bird shows up. Since spiking the seeds with cayenne pepper, the finches are not visiting like they once were. These Sparrows have happily filled the void. Hopefully the squirrels continue to stay away. If that remains the case, there will be no need for the cayenne pepper moving forward. Hopefully you enjoyed this video. If so, please hit it with a like, leave a comment, and consider subscribing. Thank you for watching.
#chippingsparrows #hungry #compilation #fillup #checkitout #birdfeeder #birdwatching #birdwatcher #birders #birdfeedercam #birding #wildlife #cattv

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  • @PretirementDays
    @PretirementDays4 күн бұрын

    They are liking that
