10.29.22 Trust the Process (Dr. R. Outz Moore) Subpoena, Court pt. 2

October 2022
I’ve got to TESTIFY?: Becoming a competent and confident counselor in working with clients with court-involvement. Part II: of I GOT A WHAT?: Understanding How to Respond to a Subpoena and Work with Clients and Families with Court Involvement.
An increasing number of counselors are being called to testify in child abuse and child custody cases. Unfortunately, many counselors lack sufficient training in expert witness and courtroom testimony, yet they are often asked to make recommendations in such cases. In Part I of this workshop, Dr. Moore provided participants with an overview of the risk of liability and the importance of counselors performing their duties within their professional boundaries to avoid ethical violations or legal sanctions.
In Part II of this workshop, Dr. Moore helps participants gain an understanding of the types of witnesses who testify in court and how to provide credible testimony within those roles. Part II of this presentation will delve deeper into the role of counselors and their legal and ethical obligations in cases with court involvement. Participants will be given helpful tips for documentation and report writing, as well as reminders from Part I of the workshop regarding strategies to keep the counselor out of court. The presenter will also explain how to respond confidently and competently when being subpoenaed, giving a deposition, and/or testifying in court. Particular emphasis will be given to understanding "attorney traps" and presenting your experience and credentials in court.
