Peter Klaver vertelt

Peter Klaver vertelt

Dierenarts Peter Klaver maakt video's en plaatst ze op internet om u te voorzien van dierennieuws, dierengezondheid en wat er is gebeurd in zijn praktijk.

Chimpansees zoo Entebbe

Chimpansees zoo Entebbe

Op  weg naar Oeganda

Op weg naar Oeganda

Ontwormen paard

Ontwormen paard

Schoenbekooievaar Entebbe Zoo

Schoenbekooievaar Entebbe Zoo

Castratie rendier

Castratie rendier

Kip met staar

Kip met staar

Jeuk bij een pony

Jeuk bij een pony

Hond met hotspot.

Hond met hotspot.

Slang met bekrot.

Slang met bekrot.

Schaap op de rug.

Schaap op de rug.


  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 күн бұрын

    Grasaren Pas op voor grasaren! De eerste patiënt met dit probleem hebben we deze week weer gehad. Grasaren zie je op het moment veel langs stoep- en wegranden. Het zijn vervelende scherpe zaden die kunnen afbreken en in de vacht blijven hangen. Door de scherpe punten en kleine weerhaakjes kunnen ze in de huid, oren, neus of ogen terecht komen. Grasaren kunnen zorgen voor vervelende beschadigingen en infecties. Je hond of kat kan gaan bijten, niezen, schudden met de kop of overmatig gaan likken. Probeer plekken met veel grasaren te vermijden en controleer regelmatig de huid en vacht van je dier. Heb je het vermoeden dat jouw huisdier last heeft van grasaren? Neem dan contact met ons op en voorkom grotere problemen!

  • @ashrafbdx
    @ashrafbdx17 күн бұрын

    Hello sir. ❤

  • @ashrafbdx
    @ashrafbdx21 күн бұрын

    Great video ❤

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver7855Ай бұрын

    Vaccination against Bluetongue in the Netherlands At the end of last year, the bluetongue virus caused significant devastation in Dutch pastures among ruminant livestock. The virus was spread among ruminants by a tiny midge known as the Culicoides biting midge. Until recently, there was no treatment or vaccination available for this infection. A week ago, the minister announced the development of a vaccine. Now, veterinarians have no choice but to vaccinate all sheep as quickly as possible. #Bluetongue #Vaccination #Ruminants #Livestock #DutchPastures #CulicoidesMidge #AnimalHealth #SheepVaccination #VeterinaryCare #peterklaver #veterinarian #syvazul

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver7855Ай бұрын

    In april 2024 door Peter Klaver overleg geweest met Frank van Dulmen bij uitgeverij Libre@ van het blad Dier en Arts, maar tegenwoordig ook van mijn Zakwoordenboek van de Diergeneeskunde in Leeuwarden. Plan is om de bewerkte heruitgave van mijn Zakwoordenboek van de Diergeneeskunde, (7e druk) in 2025? te laten verschijnen. #Libre #peterklaver #woordenboek #diergeneeskunde #dierenarts #leeuwarden #uitgever #zakwoordenboekvandediergeneeskunde #elsevier #reedbusiness #praveterinair #

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver7855Ай бұрын

    "At Peter's clinic Klaver4dieren in Dodewaard, The Netherlands , a French Bulldog comes in with a drooping head due to neck problems, which in turn causes difficulties with eating and moving. Peter improves the situation by giving the bulldog an injection of pain reliever." , corticosteroids! #VeterinaryCare #FrenchBulldog #NeckProblems #PainRelief #bulldog #hernia #veterinarian #peterklaver #peterklaververtelt #kliniekklaver4dieren #Dodewaard #Rhenen

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver7855Ай бұрын

    Circus Renz Berlin:

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver7855Ай бұрын

    Renz International in Oss:

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver7855Ай бұрын

    Peter is once again at Circus Renz Berlin. This time to check and vaccinate the camels against ectoparasites. The camels are also receiving a deworming treatment. The camel (Camelus bactrianus) is a domesticated animal, which means that these camels, like dogs, horses, and sheep, are fully accustomed to humans. This type of camel descends from the 'wild' camel (Camelus ferus bactrianus), often seen in zoos. Contrary to popular belief, camels are not used as pack animals in Arab countries. Instead, they use the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius), which is the camel's cousin. The dromedary is only found in its domesticated form. A camel can survive for weeks without drinking water. Additionally, a camel only begins to sweat when its body temperature rises above 40°C. Peter contributed to the book 'The Scent of Camels' or in Dutch "De geur van Kamelen" #CircusRenzBerlin #Camels #AnimalCare #Deworming #Vaccination #Ectoparasites #CamelFacts #AnimalWelfare #Camel #peterklaver #zoovet #kliniekklaver4dieren #camelmedicine

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78552 ай бұрын

    Q fever bacterium discovered in sheep's milk. In 2007, Q fever was first identified in the Netherlands, specifically in the eastern part of North Brabant. At that time, 173 people were infected, with the infection officially confirmed; unfortunately, some infected individuals also died. Following this outbreak, the government decided that farmers with more than 50 sheep or goats must vaccinate their animals. This requirement also applies to others with fewer animals if these animals come into contact with the public, such as institutions like petting zoos. The bacterium is primarily released after birth or miscarriage. It then spreads through the air by 'clinging' to dust particles that are inhaled by people. During a routine inspection, the bacterium was found in the milk of a sheep farm in Brakel. Subsequently, the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and the NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) initiated various procedures to prevent the spread of the bacterium. We need not fear an outbreak like that in 2007 now. #Qfever #sheepmilk #animalhealth #dairyfarming #RIVM #NVWA #farm #livestockfarming #health #peterklaver #veterinarian #goat #scheep #smallruminant

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78552 ай бұрын

    Q fever bacterium discovered in sheep's milk. In 2007, Q fever was first identified in the Netherlands, specifically in the eastern part of North Brabant. At that time, 173 people were infected, with the infection officially confirmed; unfortunately, some infected individuals also died. Following this outbreak, the government decided that farmers with more than 50 sheep or goats must vaccinate their animals. This requirement also applies to others with fewer animals if these animals come into contact with the public, such as institutions like petting zoos. The bacterium is primarily released after birth or miscarriage. It then spreads through the air by 'clinging' to dust particles that are inhaled by people. During a routine inspection, the bacterium was found in the milk of a sheep farm in Brakel. Subsequently, the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and the NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) initiated various procedures to prevent the spread of the bacterium. We need not fear an outbreak like that in 2007 now. #Qfever #sheepmilk #animalhealth #dairyfarming #RIVM #NVWA #farm #livestockfarming #healthrisk #vaccination #animalwelfare #veterinarian #Peterklaver #zoovet

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78552 ай бұрын

    #schaap #schapengeneeskunde #dierenarts #veearts #dierenartsRhenen #Rhenendierenarts #schurft #parasietenschaap #terugopderug #schaapopzijnrug #dierenwelzijn #diergezondheid #zwanger #dracht #drachtigschaap #schapendokter #schapearts #schapenveearts #blauwtiong

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78552 ай бұрын

    Algae remover, green algae remover, or green algae cleaner is a chemical product classified under crop protection agents. The main ingredient, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, may sound like a mouthful for a substance harmful to plants. Ingestion can cause burns and inflammation in the mouth or throat in humans, while even a small drop can be dangerous for cats. It is essential to thoroughly rinse surfaces after using this product to remove any residues of the pesticide. However, avoiding the use of these chemical substances is the best option. Vinegar is also not a safe alternative, as it can kill all life in the soil when used as a cleaner for green algae. The most environmentally friendly and least harmful method to clean your tiles is the traditional approach: scrubbing by hand. #AlgaeRemover #CatSafety #EnvironmentalFriendliness #veterinarian #peterklaver #felidae #catintoxication #algaeremover #algeagarden

  • @DeOliveiraAlmeida
    @DeOliveiraAlmeida2 ай бұрын

    Flauwe kul verhaal zegt.

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78552 ай бұрын

    Common Cold in Tortoises A common cold, respiratory infection, or pneumonia in a tortoise can be identified by wheezing breath, moisture from the mouth, nose, and "watery" eyes. The cause of a cold can vary. The immune system of a tortoise emerging from hibernation is often very low, which can cause a common cold. Later in the year, a virus such as a herpes infection could be the culprit. Eye inflammation falls within the same spectrum. After hibernation, your tortoise may have a deficiency in vitamin A. Food rich in vitamin A is strongly recommended at this time. Think of foods like carrots and winter carrots. Especially later in the year, it is advisable to have the tortoise examined for Mycoplasma and Herpes. A tortoise that consumes fresh vegetables will hardly have a deficiency in vitamins, especially with sufficient sunlight. The same measures are useful for both colds and eye inflammation: 1. Place the tortoise in quarantine. 2. Ensure that the habitat maintains a temperature of 30°C during the day. 3. The temperature of the entire habitat should not drop below 20°C during the day. 4. Ensure a properly functioning UV-B lamp. 5. Provide vitamin-rich fresh foods such as herbs and vegetables. 6. Consult with a knowledgeable veterinarian. Hashtags: #TortoiseCare #CommonColdInTortoises #AnimalHealth #TortoiseWellbeing #veterinarian #peterklaver #zooveterinarian #wildllifeveterinarian #kliniekklaver4dieren #pneumonia #lunginfection #UVBlamp #lunginflammation #vitamine #hibernation #Mycoplasma #chlamydiae #

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    Barbados sheep "A tropical surprise with a Dutch touch. Het Barbados sheep is a furry sheep that easily gives birth and has a high milk production. In the Caribbean, there was little breeding with these animals. This changed when the Americans discovered the taste of the meat. The sheep develops a woolly coat in autumn and winter to protect itself from the cold. The ram has a mane like a lion's which is fully grown in the fall. The sheep can jump high but are easy to handle. They are very tame in a smaller herd." #BarbadosSheep #TropicalSurprise #Caribbean #Netherlands #Livestock #Agriculture #SheepFarming #peterklaver. #veterinarian #sheep #sheepveterinarian

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    #BarbadosSchaap #TropischeVerrassing #Caribisch #Nederland #Veehouderij #Landbouw #Schaapsfokkerij #peterklaver #kliniekklaver4dieren #dierenarts #veearts #Zetten #Dodewaard #dierenartsRhenen

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    #Pasen #Paasfeest #Traditie #Jodendom #Christendom #Uittocht #Verrijzenis #GoedeVrijdag #Voorjaar #NieuwLeven #Eieren #Paashaas #Kinderen #ChocoladeEieren #Commercieel

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    Easter and the New Life Here too, we witness the new life that is heralded each Easter. Every year, around Easter time in the northern hemisphere coincides with spring, with spring being the announcement that everything is blossoming anew, eggs hatch, and many animals are born in nature. Here in Haalderen, they had a unique occurrence: a goat giving birth to five lambs, unfortunately, one lamb did not survive the night.Death is also associated with Easter. In the Old Testament, from the book of Exodus, there is mention of slaughtering a lamb and sharing its meat with less fortunate neighbors. Similarly, in Islam, there is recognition of this, and notably, this year, Ramadan and Easter coincide. With the death of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, his resurrection has transformed Easter for Christians into a celebration of new life. Eggs serve as a symbol of new life, and a hare swiftly spreading this new life across the world. We at Klaver4dieren Clinic wish you all a fantastic Easter. After Easter, we will be here to care for your animals. For more information or appointments: During office hours tel 0488-410040 email [email protected] #JesusChrist #Resurrection #Celebration#Information #Appointments #Easter #Spring #NewLife #Birth #Nature #Death #Exodus #Ramadan #Tradition #Symbol #Eggs #Hare #Klaver4dieren #AnimalCare #Easter #peterklaver #veterinarian

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    #Pasen #Lente #NieuwLeven #Traditie #Geboorte #DoodEnLeven #Exodus #Ramadan #JezusChristus #Wederopstanding #Symbool #Eieren #Haas #Feest #KliniekKlaver4dieren #Dierenwelzijn #Afspraak #Informatie #peterklaver #dierenarts #haalderen

  • @eggyolk5403
    @eggyolk54033 ай бұрын

    Srop de misha deli g

  • @PeterKlaververtelt
    @PeterKlaververtelt3 ай бұрын

    Kunt u aangeven welke mishandeling we hier uitvoeren?

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    Your cat and the bird breeding season. With the growing population, the number of pets in the Netherlands is also increasing. The cat remains by far the most beloved choice, resulting in an abundance of stray animals. This large population of cats has significant environmental consequences as they capture a substantial number of birds and small reptiles. The estimated numbers of birds annually falling prey to cats are staggering. It ranges from 17 to 200 million birds per year, many of which are protected species. This means that on average, 32 birds die every minute due to cat predation. As responsible cat owners, we can take action. To prevent further decline in the bird population, especially of protected species, we can start by keeping our cats indoors at night during the breeding season. This simple measure can make a significant contribution to the restoration of the bird population. Hashtags: #cat #environment #birds #breedingseason #responsibility #conservation #veterinarian #peterklaver

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    Worminfectie bij hobbygeiten Dierenarts Peter Klaver geeft advies: Worminfecties kunnen een aanzienlijke bedreiging vormen voor de gezondheid van hobbygeiten. Het is belangrijk om regelmatig de gezondheid van uw geiten te controleren en preventieve maatregelen te nemen om worminfecties te voorkomen. Symptomen van worminfecties bij geiten kunnen variëren, maar kunnen onder meer verminderde eetlust, gewichtsverlies, diarree, lusteloosheid en een slechte vachtconditie omvatten. Als u deze symptomen opmerkt bij uw geiten, is het raadzaam om onmiddellijk een dierenarts te raadplegen voor een nauwkeurige diagnose en passende behandeling. Preventieve maatregelen zijn essentieel om worminfecties bij hobbygeiten te voorkomen. - Regelmatig ontwormen volgens het advies van een dierenarts, - Controle van de ontlasting op wormeieren - Regelmatig omweiden en tussen door maaien van het gras of beweiden met andere diersoorten - Het vermijden van overbevolking Door proactief te zijn in het beheren van de gezondheid van uw hobbygeiten en door samen te werken met een dierenarts, kunt u de impact van worminfecties minimaliseren en de algehele gezondheid en welzijn van uw geiten bevorderen. #GezondheidVanGeiten #WorminfectiePreventie #Hobbygeiten #DierenartsAdvies #WorminfectieManagement #Gezondheidscontrole #Dierenwelzijn #Ontwormen #WeideManagement #Dierenverzorging #Hobbyboer #dierenarts #geitendierenaets #geitendokter #peterklaver #parkdieren #erfdieren

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    February: A Month Dedicated to Pet Dental Health In numerous veterinary clinics, February stands as a tribute to dental care for our furry companions. You can book a complimentary appointment to have your pet's teeth assessed and potentially undergo tartar removal. Occasionally, treatment involving anesthesia becomes imperative, in which case we arrange a subsequent visit to conduct a comprehensive examination, cleansing, and potential tooth extraction under sedation. To exemplify, I present the teeth of an impressive feline specimen (lion). Apart from the imposing canines, it's striking to observe that the cranial capacity occupies only a fraction of the skull compared to humans. The jaw musculature constitutes a significant portion of both the lion's and your domestic cat's cranial anatomy. To forestall tartar accumulation, regular tooth brushing using gauze or a toothbrush is recommended. While this may require gradual habituation, initiating this training regimen with your puppy often results in many dogs developing a tolerance for teeth brushing to some degree. Special solutions (such as Vet Aquadent) can be added to water to aid in teeth cleaning. Simply dip your finger wrapped in gauze (or the toothbrush) into the solution and gently move it back and forth across the teeth. Furthermore, specialized dental care kibbles are available to uphold dental health and mitigate tartar formation. Additionally, dental chews contribute to diminishing plaque buildup on the teeth. A Concise Guide to Dog Teeth Brushing: Envelop your finger with gauze, immerse it in the special solution, and gently massage the outer surface of the (canine) teeth back and forth. Special pet toothbrushes are also available for owners who prefer not to directly handle their pet's oral hygiene. Canine teeth typically accumulate the most plaque. Summary: February: A Month Dedicated to Pet Dental Care Complimentary dental check-up for your pet - Tartar removal available for a nominal fee without anesthesia - Discount offered on comprehensive dental treatments under anesthesia, encompassing extensive tartar removal and extraction of compromised teeth. Call to schedule an appointment at Klaver4dieren Clinic: 0488-410040 #February #DentalCare #PetHealth #TartarRemoval #TeethCleaning #VeterinaryCare #Klaver4dieren #dierenkliniekKlaver4dieren #peterklaver #veterinarian #lien #zooveterinarian #felinecare #dogcare #felinecare #dogcare

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    February: month of the teeth In many veterinary clinics, February is dedicated to dental care. You can schedule a (free) appointment to have your pet's teeth checked and potentially remove tartar. Sometimes, treatment under anesthesia is necessary, and in that case, we schedule a follow-up appointment to further examine, clean, and potentially extract teeth under sedation. To illustrate, I brought the teeth of a very large cat (lion). Besides the enormous canines, it's notable that the brain occupies only a small portion of the skull (when compared to humans). The jaw muscles form a large part of the lion's head, as well as your domestic cat's. To prevent tartar buildup, you can brush your pet's teeth with gauze or a toothbrush. This may not happen all at once but is a process of habituation. Starting this training with your puppy often leads many dogs to tolerate teeth brushing to some extent. There are special solutions (such as Vet Aquadent) to add to water or expedite teeth cleaning. Dip your finger wrapped in gauze (or the toothbrush) into it and gently move it back and forth. There are also special dental care kibbles to maintain dental health and reduce tartar formation. Additionally, dental chews help reduce plaque buildup on teeth. Teeth brushing for dogs, a brief guide: Wrap gauze around your finger, dip it in the special solution. Gently rub the outer surface of the (canine) teeth back and forth. There are also special pet toothbrushes for owners who prefer not to put their fingers in the dog or cat's mouth. Canine teeth often accumulate the most plaque. Summary: February, month of dental care: Free dental check-up for your pet Tartar removal for a small fee without anesthesia Discount on a "real" dental treatment under anesthesia, such as extensive tartar removal and extraction of damaged teeth. Call to schedule an appointment at Klaver4dieren Clinic: 0488-410040 #February #DentalCare #PetHealth #TartarRemoval #TeethCleaning #VeterinaryCare #Klaver4dieren

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    ELST - A deer in the deer enclosure in Elst, ther Netharlands got itself into quite a predicament on Friday. The little animal got its antlers caught in the fencing, causing wire to become entangled in its antlers. Veterinarian Peter Klaver from Dodewaard had to step in to help the deer. Male deer normally fight each other with their antlers, but this particular male had no opponent in Elst. 'Often, you see them choose something else in such cases. In this instance, it was a fencing,' explained the veterinarian. It was a challenging task for veterinarian Peter Klaver because the deer was quite agitated. 'Due to the adrenaline, the first tranquilizer dart didn't work properly, so I had to shoot a second dart,' he said. 'There was so much wire tangled in the antlers that Klaver had no choice but to saw off the antlers.' This also has another advantage, Klaver pointed out. 'That way, the deer can't get itself into trouble again.' However, for those who may think it's cruel to saw off antlers, Klaver offers reassuring words. 'You have to compare it to trimming nails for humans. So, the deer doesn't feel anything.' The deer was able to peacefully recover from its ordeal and was able to walk around again after a few hours. Hashtags: #Elst #DeerEnclosure #VeterinarianPeterKlaver #AnimalRescue #FencingIncident #DeerBehavior #EmergencyResponse #Dodewaard #AnimalHealth #AntlerSawing #WildlifeAssistance #NailTrimming #Reassurance #deer #wildlifeveterinarian #wildlife

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    Dental Treatment for Alpacas Adult llamas and alpacas have modified canine teeth, also known as 'fighting teeth'. They are very sharp and can cause serious injuries. These teeth are often removed or shortened in intact males because they can injure other males during dominance fights. After castration, the fights often decrease, but this is not always certain. Castration before puberty generally results in castrates with a gentle disposition. Llamas and alpacas have split hooves with calluses underneath (calloused feet), short tails, and long necks. They have a split upper lip. Llamas and alpacas come in many colors, such as white, black, brown, gray, and multicolored. Hashtags: #DentalTreatment #Alpacas #Llamas #FightingTeeth #Castration #AnimalBehavior #Hooves #Calluses #ColorVariety

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    "Alpacas (Vicugna pacos) belong to the small camelids native to South America and are the domesticated variety of llamas, which inhabit the Andes, the high mountains of Chile and Peru. In the Netherlands, alpacas are kept as hobby animals in parks and/or on farms. They are sheared once a year or once every two years. They are ruminants and have no teeth in the upper jaw. Alpacas are susceptible to mange, a skin parasite that lives in the hair follicles. Veterinarian Peter Klaver has been asked to treat an alpaca for mange." Hashtags: #Alpacas #SouthAmerica #Andes #Chile #Peru #HobbyAnimals #Shearing #Ruminants #Mange #VeterinaryCare #PeterKlaver

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын


  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    Leeuw Remy gaat naar Zuid-Afrika:

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын #wildlifedierenarts #PeterKlaver #dierenarts #dierenopvang #Remy #leeuw #stichtingleeuw #ZuidAfrika #Afrika #wildlife

  • @user-xh4mh8wf3j
    @user-xh4mh8wf3j3 ай бұрын

    Mag ik vragen wat voor zalf jullie hebben gebruikt?

  • @user-xh4mh8wf3j
    @user-xh4mh8wf3j3 ай бұрын

    Mag ik vragen wat voor zalf jullie hebben gebruikt?

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    Turtles in Dutch Nature: Exotic or Indigenous? In the summer of 2023, numerous turtle enthusiasts announced that eggs had hatched in gardens, a unique phenomenon for the Netherlands that even made headlines. The Limburg broadcaster, L1, reported the news. This development raises the question: should we be pleased about this? Until the ninth century AD, the European pond turtle lived in the Netherlands. A return of this indigenous turtle is therefore not inconceivable. However, the hatching of turtle eggs in nature does give us pause for thought. This indicates a warming climate, with at least 30 days where the daytime temperature exceeds 20°C. Based on this, the return is not only conceivable but also desirable. In addition to climate change, there is a larger problem at play. In 2016, the European Union issued a list of species that are invasive or may become so due to climate change. This list includes three species of turtles that are widely sold in the Netherlands and unfortunately often dumped: the red-eared slider, the yellow-bellied slider, and the yellow-bellied turtle. Many specimens of the first two species have been living in ponds, lakes, and ditches for decades. Until recently, it was believed that they could not reproduce in the Netherlands and therefore posed no threat to native flora and fauna. However, it now appears that they can reproduce, making them a threat. Therefore, it is now necessary to control or reduce the population. If you see a turtle, please contact the animal ambulance in your region. They will identify the species and, if necessary, capture the turtle. If you see a European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis), please report it to RAVON: #Turtles #DutchNature #InvasiveSpecies #ClimateChange #EuropeanPondTurtle #RedEaredSlider #YellowBelliedSlider #YellowBelliedTurtle #AnimalAmbulance #RAVON #veterinarian #peterklaver #reptileveterinarian

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78553 ай бұрын

    Alpaca foal with a leg problem! One afternoon, wildlife veterinarian Peter Klaver in the Netherlands receives a video from a customer via WhatsApp expressing concern about a newborn alpaca foal. The right front leg is not as it should be, and the eyes are bulging. Peter wouldn't be Peter if he didn't come up with a solution for the leg. Using cotton to ensure blood circulation, he applies a splint. Regarding the bulging eyes, Peter couldn't provide an immediate answer, but it turned out not to be a real problem as they were back to normal after a day. Feeding from the mare was challenging! It seemed the mare wasn't producing enough milk. The foal kept switching nipples while drinking. Raising a colt, as is the case here, with a bottle is a daunting task. The Evers family chose to keep the foal with the group and feed it seven times a day. After a week, the foal shows less interest in the bottle and drinks more often from the mare. For the past two days, it only comes for the bottle in the morning and evening. He's growing well, frolicking with the rest of the herd in the pasture - a sprint through the meadow is not uncommon for the foal. He also makes determined attempts to graze with the rest, nibbling on grass here and there. The splint is still in place. The lower part of the leg remains at an angle, but with the splint, it's not a hindrance. The future is uncertain. There might be a need for a prosthesis or a little shoe for the young alpaca - we'll see. Thanks to Harry and Greet Evers of the alpacas. Hashtags: #Alpaca #Newborn #FoalCare #CreativeSolutions #AnimalHealth #Splint #FamilyEvers #FarmLife #AnimalLove #veterinarian #peterklaver #wildlifevet

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    Itching pony A pony at Henriekes Ponypret in Opheusden was suffering from itching. The itching was so intense that the right shoulder had been completely rubbed bare. Upon inspection by Peter, it was discovered that the pony had lice in its mane. A lice infestation usually occurs when the resistance of the pony/horse is lowered, and a period of stress sets in. Stress can have various causes, ranging from a change of residence to a period of less riding/attention. This was the case for Henrieke as well; due to bad weather and vacations, there was less enjoyment in the pasture. A lice infestation is accompanied by a lot of itching. When examining the hair of the pony/horse, one comes across the eggs (nits) of the lice. These are small white dots that stick to the hair. Upon closer inspection, adult lice can also be found. Often, the so-called biting lice are present, which feed on skin flakes. The reactions vary from one animal to another. Some are more affected than others. Prevention is better than cure in these cases. Always ensure clean tools (brushes and combs). Wash blankets regularly, and if nits or lice are found, a night in the freezer is an option. When the 'blanket season' arrives, make sure the skin/hair under the blanket receives sufficient ventilation and does not become a breeding ground. Don't forget to wash your horse/pony with an anti-lice detergent. This can be either a chemical or a plant-based shampoo. #PonyCare #LiceInfestation #HorseWellbeing #veterinarian #horsevet #peterklaver

  • @henkpietje9612
    @henkpietje96124 ай бұрын

    Beeld is slecht😢

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    Stichting Dierenlot: Heb je een Himalaya zoutlamp en ben je eigenaar van een hond of kat, lees dit dan even goed❗ Gelukkig komt het niet heel veel voor, maar wij willen jullie toch waarschuwen om leed te voorkomen. Teveel zout kan namelijk een zoutvergiftiging veroorzaken met heftige gevolgen... Dus heb je zo’n lamp? Let dan goed op dat je lieverd er niet aan likt! Een gewaarschuwd mens telt voor twee. 😉

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    Peter was invited to participate in an auction evening in support of the Animal Foundation Dierenlot in the Netherlands. Despite frequently seeing animal ambulances from the Animal Foundation Dierenlot, we wondered what else the foundation is involved in. To learn more, Peter spoke with Jane van de Berg, the general manager of the foundation. She can provide detailed insights into how the funds raised during various fundraising campaigns are allocated. #AuctionEvening #AnimalFateFoundation #AnimalAmbulances #Fundraising #JaneVanDeBerg #FoundationManager #Transparency #FundAllocation #dierenlot #peterklaver #veterinarian

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    "Peter is visiting a Pygmy goat suspected of having red stomach worms and provides an explanation. The goat is also missing a couple of molars and is of old age." Hashtags: #VeterinaryVisit #PygmyGoatHealth #StomachWorms #AnimalExamination #SeniorPetCare #VeterinaryExplanation #PetWellness #DentalHealth #AnimalAging #VeterinaryInsight

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    "Peter is visiting Care Farm de Kroon in Arnhem. Together with manager Marion Klomp, they take a tour around the patients. Muscovy Duck The Muscovy duck, also known as the Cape duck, was pecked in both eyes by the chickens during the confinement due to bird flu. The head looked bad, and there were concerns about blindness in both eyes. Peter prescribed eye ointment and painkillers and is now checking on the progress of the eyes. There has been significant improvement! (Four weeks later, the duck is walking with its companions around the farm). Rescue Kittens Marion heard about a litter of kittens that were not doing well; the mother turned out to be a half-stray cat. Marion took over the sick animals. The kittens are malnourished, have dirty eyes, sneeze continuously (resembling cat flu), and have nasal discharge. There is also a dwarf, Poekie, too weak to drink on its own. With daily bottle feeding, Poekie quickly becomes the favorite at the care farm. With medication and Marion's care, the kittens recover rapidly! Thanks to Care Farm de Kroon For more information or appointments: During office hours, call 0488-410040 or email [email protected]" Hashtags: #AnimalCareFarm #VeterinaryVisit #AnimalRescue #DuckHealth #KittenRescue #PetWellness #CareFarmDeKroon #AnimalHealthcare #PetRecovery #Zorgboerderij #PetMedication

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    "Modified rules regarding the buying or selling of a dog As of November 1, 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality has amended the regulations concerning the buying, selling, and registering of dogs. The aim is to improve control over the dog trade, especially from abroad. A European passport is always mandatory for purchase and sale. A chip or transponder is necessary for this. All dog importers, traders, and breeders (including those with one-time litters) must register with the government. It must be clear for each dog when he/she was born, who provided the dog's chip, and which veterinarian issued the dog's passport." Hashtags: #DogTradeRegulations #PetOwnershipRules #EuropeanPetPassport #DogImport #DogBreeding #GovernmentRegistration #PetControl #PetHealthRecords #AnimalWelfare #DogChipRequirement #ModifiedPetLaws #veterinarian #peterklaver

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    "Hobby pig at the dentist? Hobby pigs often live to be 12-15 years old without too many problems, but the annual check-up at the animal dentist is sometimes overlooked. Veterinarian Peter Klaver, an expert in the field of hobby pigs, does pay attention, even taking care of a little canine tooth. However, once under anesthesia, he looks beyond the pig's mouth. In the case of these two boars (neutered male pigs), the canine teeth, also known as tusks, are on the long side. The tip of the longest canine tooth is already poking a bit into the cheek. They are sawed off with a wire saw about 1.5-2 cm above the lower jaw. Upon further examination, it was discovered that several molars were in very poor condition and some were loose. Remarkably, there was a lot of hair between the jaw and the molars. Combined with food residues, this caused a quite unpleasant odor! The loose molars were removed. Treatment with antibiotics and painkillers ensures a quick recovery! For more information or appointments: During office hours, call 0488-410040 or email [email protected]" Hashtags: #HobbyPigHealth #AnimalDentistry #VeterinaryCare #PigDentalHealth #PetWellness #AnimalSurgery #HobbyPigCare #AnimalHealthcare #peterklaver #veterinarian

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    #DiergeneeskundeWoordenboek #Dierengezondheid #VeterinaireTermen #Dierverzorging #ParaveterinairOnderwijs #DierenartsPraktijk #StudieMateriaal #Dierziekten #Anatomie #Antibiotica #Voortplanting #Fertiliteit #Wetgeving #Diergeneesmiddelen #HarpijWoordenboek #DierenartsPeterKlaver #dierenarts #peterklaver #studieboek #diergeneeskunde #dierverzorger #dierentuin #zakwoordenboek #coelho

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    "Rescue Shelter De Nobele Hoeve has received a donation of six pigs from the intensive livestock farming industry. These sows need assistance before reaching maturity to prevent potential issues." Hashtags: #AnimalRescue #LivestockDonation #PigRescue #AnimalWelfare #PreventiveCare #ShelterSupport #AnimalHealthcare

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    Eyelid correction in a pig at home: "When a pig becomes too overweight, it can have various unpleasant consequences, including the 'closing up' of the eyes. An obvious consequence is that the pig loses its sight, and inflammations can occur. This is a common issue, especially with pot-bellied pigs. If the closing up of the eyes is in the early stages, weight loss can be a solution. If this is no longer an option, eyelid correction can be considered. In this procedure, incisions are usually made both above and below the eye to remove excess tissue, providing enough space to close the wound again. This allows for sufficient space to reopen the eye, making the eyeball visible once more. Procedure for eyelid correction in a pig: The pig must fast for at least 12 hours before the surgery (no eating). The owner must confine the pig in a small space for administering anesthesia. The pig is anesthetized through an injection. The surgical area is disinfected. Often, a local anesthetic is injected into the area (similar to a dentist's procedure). After an incision above the eye, a strip of tissue is removed. The wound is stitched, and it is verified whether this procedure provides enough space to reopen the eye. If not, a second incision is made to remove tissue under the eye. The same process is repeated for the other eye. The surgical areas are cleaned of blood. An injection of antibiotics and painkillers is administered. An injection is given to partially reverse the anesthesia, allowing the pig to wake up more quickly. After 10 days, the wounds are usually quite healed." Hashtags: #PigHealth #EyelidCorrection #OverweightPigs #VeterinaryProcedure #AnimalCare #ObesityIssues #PotBellyPigs #AnimalSurgery #HealthCareForPigs

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    Leverproblemen bij varkens!

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    "Pig with severe liver problems" "Peter comes to trim the hooves of a hobby pig owner, unfortunately, he discovers a severe liver problem in the animal." When there are liver problems, the bile pigment (bilirubin) is no longer transported to the intestines but accumulates in the blood. We refer to this as ICTERIS! Hashtags: #LiverIssues #AnimalHealth #VeterinaryCare #PigHealth #AnimalWelfare #Veterinarian #LiverDisease #AnimalCare #ultrasound #Peterklaver #veterinarian

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    HOT SPOT IN DOGS Does your dog often scratch or lick the same spot? Is there a bald, red, or wet area developing? Your dog might be developing a condition known as a hot spot (Pyotraumatic dermatitis), and treatment in such cases is often necessary. Dogs with thicker coats, such as Rottweilers, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, St. Bernards, or Bernese Mountain Dogs, are more prone to hotspots than other breeds. This skin condition arises from itching due to sensitivity after a flea, tick, and/or mite bite. Even a small wound can be the starting point for a hot spot. Continuous licking and scratching irritate the skin, leading to the formation of an eczema patch under the fur. The skin swells, turns red, and becomes inflamed. Treatment for a hot spot is crucial, starting with proper coat care. Thoroughly combing the fur may be sufficient for an incipient hotspot. Trimming or shaving the hair provides "extra air," helping the area dry faster. Applying Betadine ointment to the spot may sometimes be adequate. A cone prevents excessive licking. If the dog persists in licking/scratching, a visit to your veterinarian is recommended. They can prescribe a cream to combat the inflammation and provide an injection to reduce itching. This way, the hot spot has a better chance of healing. #HotspotTreatment #PetCareTips #VeterinaryAdvice #SkinHealth #DogWellness #ItchRelief #PetLove #DogEnthusiasts #CoatCare #HotspotAwareness #HealthySkin #DogHealth #peterklaver #veterinarian #canine

  • @peterklaver7855
    @peterklaver78554 ай бұрын

    When Peter visits and your snake is suffering from mouth rot (Stomatitis ulcerosa), it's advisable to have an expert take a look. In this film, the royal python had some issues with its mouth and already received an antibiotic treatment. Alongside the prescribed medication, Peter suggested another remedy - acidifying the drinking water with apple cider vinegar (2 ml per 500 ml water). Mouth rot is a common inflammation in snakes, often caused by improper housing or incorrect diet, with the latter being less frequent. The primary cause of mouth rot in snakes is a contaminated and damp substrate. While consuming prey, the snake may ingest some of the substrate, leading to a fungal infection behind the teeth. Generally, treating mouth rot involves ensuring proper housing and offering 'fresh' prey. If mouth rot persists, a recommended course of action is an antibiotic treatment for at least ten days, and acidifying the drinking water facilitates flushing the snake's mouth. If you suspect your pet is suffering from mouth rot, contact your veterinarian promptly. #SnakeHealth #MouthRotTreatment #ReptileCare #AnimalWelfare #ExpertAdvice #AntibioticTreatment #HousingTips #AppleCiderVinegar #VeterinaryConsultation #ReptileLove #retliemedicine #zooveterinarian #wildlifemedicine