
  • @ydoIhavetohaveachann
    @ydoIhavetohaveachann9 күн бұрын

    Idk about overseas tax codes, but in the US donations are not %100 deductible, you do get credit, but come on, the guy knew he’d deduct it who cares

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions7 күн бұрын

    According to my tax advisor this particular donation is 100% tax deductible. Yes, you are right. There are certain criteria, like …I assume… NGOs, overseas projects, or private funds, where you can‘t deduct all the money, or maybe even nothing, but in this case it‘s doable. Thank you for your hint, though.

  • @ScaleHangar182
    @ScaleHangar1829 күн бұрын

    Dude you are sad. Get a life.

  • @OldManTheseDays
    @OldManTheseDays9 күн бұрын

    I don’t even like Tony and I still think this video is a pretty sad attempt at creating drama.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions7 күн бұрын

    @@OldManTheseDays Again, no drama. Just mythbusting. But thank you for your opinion.

  • @phillipstory2523
    @phillipstory252313 күн бұрын

    Ooh, a channel devoted to bashing other YT channels that are doing better than you, how cutting-edge! Hard to believe there are only 77 little toadies elbowing each other out of the way to take cheap shots at 'Michael's sycophants.' I'll have this pathetic sh*t-show blocked against future recommendations before you can delete this, so take your own advice: Knock it off and get the help you need (also: Bone up on your own grammar before citing someone else about 'you're articulation.')

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions12 күн бұрын

    Mate, how about you'll take your own advice, because a) you got no clue what this is about b) no, not everyone wants to be a professional YT, c) but that does not mean you can't call bs, when you see/hear it. And 100,000 subs don't give you immunity. And for the record, English is my second language. Lastly, you have no idea what a cheap shot is, resp. what my cheap shots look like. Have a good one, simp!

  • @Retrotoyguysi
    @Retrotoyguysi15 күн бұрын


  • @Retrotoyguysi
    @Retrotoyguysi15 күн бұрын

    oooh, it's that 1 dollar isn't it, that's the kicker right there. If you hadn't pointed it out I would never have noticed....... Nice one.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions15 күн бұрын

    @@Retrotoyguysi Nah, the kicker was a) the tax deduction, b) the „expensive“ trip to bali and c) the money shortage, though having a more than well paid job.

  • @Retrotoyguysi
    @Retrotoyguysi14 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions you are absolutely right, I just mean the $1 is the cherry on the top. It just sticks out, why didn’t he make it 550, then it wouldn’t have stood out so much 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂

  • @Retrotoyguysi
    @Retrotoyguysi15 күн бұрын

    Hmm, you make some interesting points, I like Tony's videos, but I don't think I would want to hang out with him in the pub. Now, if I may give a minor criticism, your video is too long, I did watch it to the end, though it took 3 sittings, I suggest trimming it to get your point across quicker. Now, here's a question for these big channels, they have tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands subs, and get thousands of views. So that must be bringing in some KZread money right? Plus they have well paying jobs, then they get 'gifted' extremely expensive toys for their collections which they can use to make more content, get more views, get more money. But, and this is the kicker, they still have patreon's and happily collect super chats because without that, sadly, they wouldn't be able to keep their channels running. I signed up to Tonys Patreon for a month and there was no benefit to it at all other than access to a video a few hours before it goes up on KZread, he didn't even acknowledge any comments..... Narcissist you say, could be........

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions12 күн бұрын

    It is fairly long, I agree. That's why I added bookmarks.

  • @Harrison1875
    @Harrison187515 күн бұрын

    His unhinged responses to various innocuous comments on KZread, Twitter, and Instagram are so baffling. Someone will just ask a basic question and he feels the need to snap back with a weirdly aggravated/annoyed response. What a weird guy.

  • @tyrannozilla
    @tyrannozilla16 күн бұрын

    I have a bit of a short history with Michael. Some of this will be direct quotes from my comments and his, so it may be a little long. I don't have all of them because he took some of them down and he ghosted me from his comments and chat cause I agreed with people calling him out. Here is a comment I posted on his Indy 5 review: "Say what you will about Crystal Skull, Michael (I enjoyed it for what it was), at least Indy still felt like Indy and the ending when he takes his hat back from his son was gold. Also, I never had a problem with the idea of aliens being in the Indiana Jones universe. If you're going to have an ark that melts your face, or the fountain of youth, you might as well have aliens in there at that point. The filmmakers at least tried to make it fit within the universe. It's also not like there haven't been theories about aliens helping to build our civilization or being worshipped as gods. You could've easily called Crystal Skull "Indiana Jones and The Chariots of The Gods" (a little nod to Erich von Däniken's novel and claims). I also give the film leeway because I've always been interested in Von Daniken's claims, primarily since I first got into the Stargate franchise (which also dealt with a crystal skull in one episode)." As you can see, it reads like a fair and respectful comment. However, Mikey-boy didn't see it that way. Here's what he replied with: "I spend four hours focused on Dial, defend Indy 4 multiple times in this video, and THIS is your comment? You need to check yourself, pal." Pretty harsh, wouldn't you say? Now, admittedly, I didn't finish his video before posting the comment, but still, he didn't need to be so hostile over it. Honestly, it would've been better if he didn't say anything at all. I was a man, though (more of a man than he'll ever be) and mentioned how I commented too early and didn't mean any disrespect. A few months later, he posted his "review" of Neon Genesis Evangelion. All it was was just a name-calling session and criticizing the creator of the anime, and its fans, as being narcissists and creeps. Kinda hypocritical of Michael calling other people narcissists when he's been one of the most narcissistic people I've ever seen on this platform. I did manage to save a session of comments from the video before he took them down that consists of people calling him out: "@BloodyRobot-kh7cv 16 hours ago (edited) This is the worst EVA review I've ever seen in my life. You only seem to be able to appreciate art that depicts things that the majority of people deem acceptable. Your attempts to psychoanalyze the author also is very creepy and weird. It comes across as very puritanical. The holier than thou attitude in this video also gives me incredibly bad vibes. Same with your friend Lio Convoy. @timothyward8695 8 hours ago So... criticizing writing that includes masterbating on unconscious teens is what you deem puritanical? Is that kind of behavior fair game where you come from? Reply @BloodyRobot-kh7cv 6 hours ago @timothyward8695 Is fictional media not allowed to depict bad things because it hurts your fee fees? 1 Reply @tyrannozilla 1 hour ago I know. If people like Michael and Lio had their way, there wouldn't be any genuine risk taking and storytelling would be boring. @BloodyRobot-kh7cv Reply @tyrannozilla 59 minutes ago It's very hypocritical of Michael acting like he is holier than thou when he goes around attacking fans for asking simple questions. Also, I can tell he already had a biased opinion on Evangelion when he mentioned his experience with a narcissistic roommate. No, I don't think he deserved to go through that, but the experience seemed to have jaded him to the point that if he sees a film/TV show that has a character that reminds him of that roommate, he automatically judges the show and the creator for supporting narcissistic behavior. Even though the series doesn't support Shinji's behavior and is more of a warning of what not to do. Just because a story depicts someone with mental problems, that doesn't mean that it is in support of those mental problems." After that video, as well as the fact that I couldn't stand his childish attitude anymore, I unsubbed from his channel and have rarely gone back to it.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions16 күн бұрын

    @@tyrannozilla Thank you for the very informative, reasonable, and throrough statement.

  • @tyrannozilla
    @tyrannozilla16 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions You're welcome. I have another opinion on him as well. It's about a particular video he did that I think you might find interesting to make a response to. The video in question is about his criticisms of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. Now, don't get me wrong, he hates the series (as anyone should), but there is one criticism from him that makes no sense, imo. At one point, he basically blames George Lucas for the series' existence. Why, you ask? Well, he believes that since George made Luke and Leia siblings in the first place that that's the reason for the series being terrible and full of plot holes. He starts to blame George at around the 22 minute mark of his video, but I'd recommend watching the whole thing for added context. Peace.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions15 күн бұрын

    @@tyrannozilla Well, I am not fond of the Obiwan show, either, resp. Disney in it‘s entirety (Star Wars, MCU, etc.) but I might have a look at it.

  • @tyrannozilla
    @tyrannozilla15 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions 👍

  • @3Storms
    @3Storms17 күн бұрын

    Most YT celebs don't handle disagreement well. Some like Michael Mercy will politely ghost you while others will get nasty to get in the last insult before ghosting you. And Michael was right about needing to know the history people don't like. And CRT is just another version of the nazi race theory but different races.

  • @3Storms
    @3Storms17 күн бұрын

    Don't apologize for being German. My mom was born there, and I'm proud of the history and culture that a group of A-holes only represent around eight years out of it. I am also a southerner. Whites didn't invent the institution of slavery, but whites are the ones who ended it. I am not apologizing because of it.

  • @3Storms
    @3Storms17 күн бұрын

    I like Michael. I really do. He is right about a lot of things. I just wish that he would understand that a disagreement is NOT a challenge to a fight nor an attempt at trolling. He ghosted me a while back after I questioned the authenticy of so many rocket firing Boba Fetts out there.

  • @spaghettijacket7667
    @spaghettijacket766717 күн бұрын

    This is sad. Bro… you should be ashamed. You’re looking for something to get upset about and a donation is what you found? Do better.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions17 күн бұрын

    @@spaghettijacket7667 a) I am not upset. b) it is not about the donation as such, but the whole false schmear built around it. Sorry, but you failed in your analysis. Also, if you enjoy being deceived express it in your comment.

  • @CrazyolshaunY
    @CrazyolshaunY17 күн бұрын

    who gives a shit? Why should anyone care what someone else does with his own money? Please tell me.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions17 күн бұрын

    It's not about the money. It's about the false narrative around it. You are just one more person, who has not gotten the clue. Congrats for being gaslighted by him. At least try to see the bigger picture...

  • @CrazyolshaunY
    @CrazyolshaunY17 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions looks likehe gaslit you without even talking about or to you. im not being a smartass i really don't give a crap about other peoples spending. suck it.

  • @alltheparts
    @alltheparts17 күн бұрын

    The link to the intro video doesn't seem to work.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions17 күн бұрын

    Yes, because I put it on private. It does not contain any more information as such. It was primarily meant for Instagram.

  • @Ship-security
    @Ship-security17 күн бұрын

    Michael seems like a sort of a dick, I bet he acts the way he does because he lived in England for a few years as a kid and thinks he’s well traveled😂

  • @Ship-security
    @Ship-security17 күн бұрын

    I had to stop watching retro blasting after Michael threw a number of very childish yet pretentious temper-tantrums.

  • @benjerison7074
    @benjerison707411 күн бұрын

    You're either with him or against him when it comes to opinions. He thinks so highly of himself when other toy groups don't take him seriously due to his episodic tantrums.

  • @thegodfatheroftoys3349
    @thegodfatheroftoys334918 күн бұрын

    I thought my channel was low budget……

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions17 күн бұрын

    @@thegodfatheroftoys3349 Have not invested in sophisticated equipment. On the other hand, I am no professional.

  • @toyhunterslasvegas
    @toyhunterslasvegas18 күн бұрын

    This is why i just want to pay for something and not feel like i owe someone if they gift me an item. A $500 donation to help people in need is better than a no donation. If you feel its not enough, donate something. You feel better and the charity wins.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions18 күн бұрын

    @@toyhunterslasvegas You are right. The donation however never was the issue. It’s the subterfuge around it.

  • @RedHandedGod
    @RedHandedGod18 күн бұрын

    Critical Race Theory (which is taught in higher level education, not to children) is not eugenics and shouldn't be compared to it. Critical Race Theory is the idea that racism/racial bias has had a real and lasting impact on 'Western' society, including how and why certain laws were written. The intention being to shed light on how racist ideas could become encoded in our society and cause us to treat people differently based on race. Obviously, it's far more complicated than is worth trying to even properly summarize for a YT comment. But please do not make the mistake of comparing this academic concept with 'race theories' from WWII Germany. That's ridiculous and quite the opposite of something one does when they value truth or integrity. Also.. I don't understand why anyone bothers trying to teach Michael anything. The guy is a twerp.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions17 күн бұрын

    CRT is not eugenics, but is based on an equally fallacious (and evil) approach, and that is to demonise a certain specific group. In this case it had first been "old white men", which has now widened to the "straight, white/european male". Also, the awry claim is that racism is innate/intrinsic within this particular ethnic group. The reason, why it has an academic concept is that universities/colleges have become infested by the "Roberts". If you are not familiar with that term, I suggest you once more read the book "The Wave" by Morton Rhue, aka Todd Strasser. No, this book is not specifically about Nationalsocialism, but how extremism accrues, and thrives. Besides, the German eugenical race theory also was taught and researched at universities, not only in Nazi Germany, but i.E. in Switzerland as well. Canada, Finland, and Sweden conducted sterilisations due eugenic justifications, even until the 70ies. In fact, Eugenics was a matter on universities at the end of the 19th century, decades before the emergence of the Nazis. Thus, taking the CRT academic concept as an argument for it's legitimisation is flawed. You are right. It is far too complicated to properly summarize it into a KZread video. But all in due time.

  • @RedHandedGod
    @RedHandedGod17 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions First of all, I didn't make an appeal to authority by saying CRT is due a level of respect ~because~ it is an academic theory. I said do not confuse or conflate ~this~ academic theory with the race 'theories' of previous generations that were used by WWII Germany. Secondly, and with all due respect, it's simply a nonsense white supremacist/far right talking point that CRT in any way vilifies white men of any sort. I ~am~ a white man. I understand CRT. I am not offended by it in any way because it's accurate. You can't have primarily white European straight men making a bunch of racist laws and then when talking about those laws and their impact pretend it could have been anyone writing them. It wasn't. It was a specific group. But JUST in the way that you would get very offended if I suggested you are in any way responsible for the actions of your ancestors, you cannot pretend that ~pointing out and criticizing~ the actions of our your ancestors (or anyone else's) can be taken as a blanket assault on ALL people of that ethnicity forever down through all of history. That's absolutely ridiculous. You are well-spoken, but on this issue sir, I tell you that you are not well-informed and, perhaps, have bought into some propaganda. You should know the dangers of buying into right wing propaganda. I have no ill will toward you, but I sincerely hope you choose to research this topic further, from legitimate sources (i.e. not right-wing talking heads that just want you to be angry about it). Good luck, either way.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions17 күн бұрын

    @@RedHandedGod Oh, I can guarantee you, I did my bit of research. And if you did yours you can maybe explain me the following: Please state one law in the US, that puts "non-whites" at a disadvantage. Or alternatively name an article in the constitution, which does that. Further, can you explain, why people from the West-Indies (who also got a dark skin tone) have a higher average income than the white population in the US, and why their kids are doing better in school/education on average? Can you explain, why most racially motivated crimes in the US are committed by Black-Americans towards Asians, rather than by whites towards blacks? Further, what do you know or think about other colonialist expansions, like the Ottoman Empire, the Arab Conquests, etc.? Have you read the book "Le génocide voilé" by Tidiane N'Diaye? Also, why are we even talking about races again, since about 25 years ago it was declared that from a genetic perspective there is only one human race? In fact, DNA analyses have proved that all humans have much more in common, genetically, than they have differences. The genetic difference between any two humans is less than 1 percent. Moreover, geographically widely separated populations vary from one another in only about 6 to 8 percent of their genes. Because of the overlapping of traits that bear no relationship to one another (such as skin colour and hair texture) and the inability of scientists to cluster peoples into discrete racial packages, modern researchers have concluded that the concept of race has no biological validity. Further, the transitions are fluid. Oh, on a sidenote, remember Lamont Humphrey? If yes, why are Afro-Americans themselves now calling themselves "persons of colour" now? All forgotten? Which is ludicrous anyway, because black and white are no colours. And if we declare black as such, then white people are PoCs as well. I dare to say you bought into propaganda, as all this social-justice-warrior-ism, woke-ism, BLM-ism etc. is just a lot of nonsense, incited by "roberts". And this has nothing to do with either left or right. It is simply a deception. Divide et impera, that is the goal of it all.

  • @RedHandedGod
    @RedHandedGod17 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions Dude. Wow. That is the most disingenuous right-wing garbage I've seen in a while. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but maybe it was too kind to assume that your own ancestry might have taught you better than to follow the path of the hate-mongers. Even just asking me to point to any law or anything in the Constitution that is inherently racist is absolutely psychotic. Have you seriously never heard about the Jim Crow laws? Segregation was enforced by law. Outright and unashamedly racist laws were on the books right up through the Civil Rights movement until 1968. And their after-affects (an important element of learning CRT) are still impacting people today. Not JUST people of color, but poorer white people as well, who suffer under systems originally designed to harm POC. Where in the Constitution, you say? Article 1, Section 2. Unless you don't think codifying slavery counts as something that negatively impacted black people in the United States. C'mon, man. While the 3/5 compromise has been misrepresented, one can simply not argue the implications OR how it impacted primarily non-white people. And that is the foundation of CRT. Not that 'all white people are evil' - but that systems were put in place and enforced that had a greater, often intentional, impact on non-white people. And it's OKAY to admit that and see how race-relations have been impacted by the actions of historical peoples without pearl-clutching about 'white guilt.' That's pitiful. You are not your ancestors, right? So stop being offended on their behalf. They did bad things sometimes. CRT is about understanding those things and how it impacts us today. That's it. Your entire post after this point is also, actually, completely disgusting. Just white nationalist talking points - some of them misleading and some of them outright false. From the 'black crime' garbage, to picking out individual communities where people of color are doing better than white people as if that's some kind of 'ah-ha, racism doesn't exist' - TO, Oh my freakin' God, trying to say 'oh actually, racism can't be real because race isn't real' - as if that matters to actual racists. It's like saying a person can't be homophobic because they're 'not scared of gay people.' It's not even respectable enough to be called pedantry. You're just wrong. Your entire post is wrong. Your 'facts' are wrong. That's not an attack. It's just the truth. It's terribly sad to see someone that I watched SEEM to get genuinely offended when they were likened to a German from WWII... doing Germans from WWII kind of stuff right now. And you refuse to even see it. By the way, those people that share your views on CRT and all this 'actually white people are victims' nonsense? They've been having some rallies and get-togethers. You may be interested to see a very familiar flag being flown by a lot of them. Maybe think about that. Maybe when you find yourself agreeing with the guys flying swastikas, it's time to read different authors and watch different news channels.

  • @XARIER39
    @XARIER3918 күн бұрын

    I only see someone who is jealous of somebody else. Very dark.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions18 күн бұрын

    @@XARIER39 There is no jealousy here. Just calling out insincerity. I do not collect Palitoy btw.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions18 күн бұрын

    @denzense If you don't want to watch, don't comment either. You do not need to watch, you do not need to like, or sub. But if you don’t watch your opinion is based on nothing. Just an advice.

  • @JustMe-tm5dc
    @JustMe-tm5dc18 күн бұрын

    kzread.info/dash/bejne/o2V_xciGmdKTXaw.html 15:50 🤮💰

  • @bandicootcollector
    @bandicootcollector18 күн бұрын

    I don't give a shit about what he does with his money - I like his figure history, and that's all I care about.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions18 күн бұрын

    @@bandicootcollectorYou got all the right to do so. And his figure histories are good.

  • @thezombiemachinist01
    @thezombiemachinist0118 күн бұрын

    Not sure why this video popped up in my feed as soon as I opened the app, but you just got a new subscriber. I cant stand Tony/Vala/Frenchy but I'm over those clowns. I can only assume that toy designers aren't as hardcore about toys as those guys. It's rather pathetic. All the best to you and your channel.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions18 күн бұрын

    Thank you for your interest. My main channel is Sunny's Sundries. This is only my comment channel.

  • @WompaStompaCyn
    @WompaStompaCyn18 күн бұрын

    Transparent, petty attempt at drama farming.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions18 күн бұрын

    @@WompaStompaCyn There is no drama. Just mythbusting…also see „expensive Bali holiday“, and „normal working class remuneration“.

  • @rickytoddbotelho9555
    @rickytoddbotelho955518 күн бұрын

    I think he properly addressed a ' donation ' situation. See if the entire system is adequate for cost $ ❤😂

  • @thattshawkeyeguy3343
    @thattshawkeyeguy334318 күн бұрын

    Hes a joke. From threatening other KZreadrs to attempting to start a physical altercation with (three on his side against one guy)for a negative review on a toyline i wont watch his channel and wont watch any of his buddies. Screw him

  • @ThatJunkman
    @ThatJunkman19 күн бұрын

    Anal log toy at it again lol

  • @chrisbeyond1879
    @chrisbeyond187919 күн бұрын

    ​ @SunnysCommentsnReactions Why didn't you donate 600? 700? Donating out of spite is pretty sad. Honestly I don't understand why you care? I'd rather send him figures to review than to a channel built on spite and jealousy.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions19 күн бұрын

    @@chrisbeyond1879 It was not out of spite, but to demonstrate that this is no big deal, as long as you have claimable tax. Plus I donated another 500$ to the Smithfamily, as shown in the vid. That’s more than 600/700. I am not jealous of someone, who deceives his audience. Like the idea that holidays in Bali are expensive. Or a “simple working class guy”, making 6 figures a year, but being short on money. Yet, it seems, you enjoy being tricked by him So, as I said in the video, place the sentence “Tony can bank on my naivity” in your comment. Or come back when you realized how much smoke and mirrors his video is.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions17 күн бұрын

    ​ @CrazyolshaunY Technically the taxman's money...apart from that this is my channel...my rules...Straighten up!

  • @lazylefthand
    @lazylefthand19 күн бұрын

    You can't say someone is insincere for only donating 501 and then turn around and donate 520. It makes you look like a hypocrite. Did you only do it so you could write it off on your taxes?

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions19 күн бұрын

    @lazylefthand Now first, Tony and myself, each donated 500$. However, when it came to „The little extra to cover fees“, he was only willing to put in 1$, while 20$ are preset. Why being generous first, but then being cheap on the last yard? Very odd! But this is not about numbers in the first place. Regarding your second question, this is the one you should ask him. I only pointed out, that those donations are tax deductible, and I am 100% certain he will, or already has done. I will for sure write it off my tax (as I do it regularly) for the very reason I have explained. Again, I only clarified that there is no effort in this, as donations are a way to allocate your money to specific causes instead of giving it to the taxman. Lastly, I’d like to remind you of what I said at the end of my vid. If you defend Tony in this matter, please start your comment with „I enjoy being deceived.“ Because if you think that he does NOT write it off his tax, you ARE being naive. The reason why he makes a huge thing out of it in his video is to dupe people, such as yourself. Accusing me of hypocrisy only shows that you did either not listen carefully, or you only heard what you wanted to hear. Analysis comes before interpretation, though.

  • @lazylefthand
    @lazylefthand19 күн бұрын

    @SunnysCommentsnReactions and what are you doing by donating an extra 19 and making a video poopooing on someone? I'm pretty sure every adult knows how tax deductions work. So if he is doing something wrong or just for clout, then what are you doing? I don't even like tony that much but this ain't it dude.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions19 күн бұрын

    @lazylefthand Mate, did you watch my video only until that bit? I suggest you watch the full 6 1/2 minutes, and get the full picture. a) Holidays in Bali are not expensive. b) He, of all, is short on money? With his alleged income? "I don't even like tony that much but this ain't it dude." Doesn't look like it, the way you are defending him.

  • @lazylefthand
    @lazylefthand19 күн бұрын

    @SunnysCommentsnReactions for most normal people 500 bucks is the better part of a weekly check. The fact that this guy was able to donate that much after even a cheap vacation, with inflation killing cost of living, is enough. What do you want him to do eat noodles the rest of the month? There's plenty of things to not like about analog toys but this issue is straight up silly.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions19 күн бұрын

    @@lazylefthand Mate, the 500Aussie$ (340 US$) are peanuts for him (he earns more than that in one single day), and you can rest assured even if he had put in 10,000 AU$ he would not be eating noodles for the rest of the month. Plus, as I said, he gets it back from the taxman. Yet again, you are riding on the amount, which is the least point in the whole argument. At least try to get the full picture, which is the sum of all hints. Listening carefully for 6 1/2 minutes is not too much to ask for, is it?

  • @benjamindobalina7493
    @benjamindobalina749319 күн бұрын

    I subscribed this morning, and by afternoon, have unsubscribed. Because I can't stand these guys like analog and retroblasting, I was happy to see you going after them, but Jesus man, the Irish guy below is right, you have to pick your battles wisely. You are sounding as wacked as they do. Best of luck.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions19 күн бұрын

    @@benjamindobalina7493 I picked this battle, because these men spit on the very values they claim to hold up. And worse. But thank you for your attention, even if it was only for a short duration.

  • @Futuredynamo
    @Futuredynamo18 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions As I just said in another comment, even if you have legit reasons to have a personal beef with them, you still need to pick your battles wisely because of how it makes you look. You seem to see this as a battle worth fighting for some reason. Every comment that I've seen here is saying the opposite. You are not doing yourself any favors to get people on your side... especially when others who also don't like Analog Toys are still pointing out how silly and petty this specific issue is to get worked up about.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions7 күн бұрын

    @@Futuredynamo I doubt that all of these are actually people, who are disliking him. People can claim a lot of things of themselves, if the day is long enough. Further, I had a lot of positive feedback outside the comment sections, i.E. DMs on Instagram.

  • @benjamindobalina7493
    @benjamindobalina749319 күн бұрын

    Get after these plebeian's my man.

  • @benjamindobalina7493
    @benjamindobalina749319 күн бұрын

    Just subscribed, please continue to talk about this rectalblasting guy, it makes me laugh.

  • @benjamindobalina7493
    @benjamindobalina749319 күн бұрын

    French is the kid who got beat up everyday, and developed PTSD. It shows in how defensive he is. It's tragic that he will probably never learn to relax, tragic for anyone surrounding him. He couldn't have been from a tough city, because he seems soft, so his bullies were also soft. Which all the more affects his personality, because he still remains un-humbled. He needs to join a boxing gym.

  • @benjerison7074
    @benjerison707419 күн бұрын

    Why bother going to a gym when he can just send his white knights defending him until the end? Also, he just needs to look at Kylie Minogue and all his anger and problems go away. What a freak.

  • @GrabAStackofRocK
    @GrabAStackofRocK10 күн бұрын

    Where did you and Michael go to school together?

  • @k-dawgbroadcasting5444
    @k-dawgbroadcasting544419 күн бұрын

    You ramble a lot. And is the lesson "I'm going to put you to sleep with silly speeches"?

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions19 күн бұрын

    @@k-dawgbroadcasting5444 You have no idea, pal!

  • @benjamindobalina7493
    @benjamindobalina749319 күн бұрын

    Ramble or not, if you ever watch a retroblasting show long enough, you will find something that guy says that's intolerable. And if you voice an opinion on what you disagree with, he WILL come after you, like a yappy, scrawny chihuahua. Don't believe us, try for yourself and see.

  • @k-dawgbroadcasting5444
    @k-dawgbroadcasting544419 күн бұрын

    @@benjamindobalina7493 the yappy chihuahuas are all in the comment section. And some of the comments about the gentleman's mental state, relationship, damn even his family...those of you saying such things sound like mouthbreathing simpletons who were picked on in high school and never got over it

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions19 күн бұрын

    Says the one, who takes sides with a pseudo-intellectual. Further, I saw what French himself and his acolytes write about other people. The attitude of "you are beneath me" is striking there. Plus, I hold back the comments with namecalling, or really rude stuff, against myself as well as Michael and Tony.

  • @benjamindobalina7493
    @benjamindobalina749319 күн бұрын

    @@k-dawgbroadcasting5444 Like I said in the comment you just responded to. *Keep watching Retroblasting. One day he will strike a nerve in you for sure, (since you come off as sensitive, it's a given). Then write him a comment that opposes his, and watch how he will comment back to you, berating you somehow. Not much different than we are doing to each other now. Only you and I don't represent channel's. So I can't cancel you, nor you I.... He on the other hand is fair game.

  • @BobChiceroido
    @BobChiceroido19 күн бұрын

    Do you even collect action figures??😂

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions19 күн бұрын

    @@BobChiceroido Yes?

  • @Futuredynamo
    @Futuredynamo20 күн бұрын

    I have mixed feelings about Analog Toys, and I won't defend him in every instance, but I don't see the issue here. The person who sent him the prototype asked him to make a donation that he can afford, and he did. Even if it is tax deductible and he will get that back, depending on the turn around time and the funds that he currently has available after taking the trip that he mentioned (or what his expenses are in general, even for what he earns) for all we know, money could be tight for him at the moment, and donating more now, even if he will get the money back, could be an issue in the meantime. And even if money isn't tight for him, how much should he donate? How much would a prototype like this cost under normal sale conditions? A few hundred bucks? That's what he donated. The bottom line is that the person sending him the toy made a request of him, and he kept his end of it. The person did not ask for a minimum donation, left it to his discretion, and he did what he was asked. And it's not like he only donated $20 or something. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions20 күн бұрын

    @Futuredynamo Regarding the value of the Prototype, I‘d assume it is worth more than AU$500, resp. ~US$340. Maybe not as much as a Boba Fett Prototype, which can go for 5 or 6 figures, but still a lot. Yet, that‘s not the issue. The issue is this being misplaced self-praise. Thanking Bob for the Prototype is not the issue. Yes, he can promote making donations to certain organisations. But making a big deal out of a „deed“, which - again - requires no effort, financially or otherwise, is preposterous. The purpose of his vid is pure self-promotion. But I guess, when it comes to acquiring 100,000 subs, anything goes, right?

  • @jaws848
    @jaws84819 күн бұрын

    @Futuredynamo agreed....wether you like him or not the piont is he DID make the donation and the fact it is tax detuctable /tax refundable is NOT his doing but down to the Auusie govt....im sure he is not the 1st,only or last person in Austalia to donate to a charity because they know they can get the money back

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions17 күн бұрын

    @@jaws848 The question is would he have done the donation, if the amount was not tax deductible? Also, the point is that a trip to Bali is inexpensive, and he is far from being broke.

  • @craigbloxham8344
    @craigbloxham834412 күн бұрын

    Tony was probably very put out to have any requirements placed on him at all. He is used to just having to pretend he's about to cry when you send him free collectibles. I have to agree that he loves pats on the back, it would be sufficient to simply say, yes, I will be making a donation. You don't have pretend it was a hardship to justify an amount, nor show the receipts to anyone. If you have true integrity there is no need to prove it.

  • @jaws848
    @jaws84820 күн бұрын

    Why do you even care?

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions20 күн бұрын

    @@jaws848 Wrong question!

  • @jaws848
    @jaws84820 күн бұрын

    @SunnysCommentsnReactions nope...you are a grown man so unless he makes a personal attack on you why waste your time caring about what he does...im sure you have better things to do...and yes you are creating drama..like i said unless its personal let it go and grow up

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions20 күн бұрын

    @@jaws848 1. Please add „I enjoy being gaslighted“ to your comment, as you are defending him without reason. 2. He already had attacked me in the past. 3. His video is an insult to his very audience…and to Bob Brechin. 4. He attacks other KZreadrs for less. Question to you: Are you American?

  • @jaws848
    @jaws84820 күн бұрын

    @SunnysCommentsnReactions he doesnt gas light me because i DONT watch him...its quite some time since i last did....and yes im well aware he has attacked you in the past and im ALSO well aware you have replied to those attacks in the past.let those other youtbers fight their own battles...what he does to others is not your concern unless they are you friends or family....and no,im NOT american....not that i can see what anyones nationality has to do with it...if you must know im Irish.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions20 күн бұрын

    @@jaws848 If you do not watch him, good for you. Yet, there are enough others, who still do, and those deserve to know the truth. There is nothing immature in calling out nonsense. In fact, that is what freedom of speech was originally established for. It should also be found within the constitution of the Republic of Ireland. Some countries don‘t have it. That‘s why I asked.

  • @denzense
    @denzense20 күн бұрын

    What a waste of time... dude how old are you?

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions20 күн бұрын

    Why is it a waste of time, dude? Expand!

  • @benjamindobalina7493
    @benjamindobalina749319 күн бұрын

    "Dude, I am a forty something year old who trolls intelligent people, because my wife left, and child support only allows me trailer lot rental, beer and internet money, dude".

  • @benjerison7074
    @benjerison707419 күн бұрын

    "What a waste of time" Yet you wasted your time typing this. Just pointing it out.

  • @benjamindobalina7493
    @benjamindobalina749319 күн бұрын

    @@benjerison7074 Lol, exactly, "dude" is a waste of time

  • @benjerison7074
    @benjerison707424 күн бұрын

    Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be like that debate with Spector Creative where Michael sperged so hard that after the debate, he threatened SC & GDL to never mention his name again like a coward? 🤣

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions24 күн бұрын

    Well, regarding this debate, I must admit that I do not think highly of Scott Neitlich, aka Spector Creative myself. As a matter of fact, in some instances I find him to be quite dodgy. To my observation, he warped a lot of arguments, plus on occasion he contradicted himself. Here is an example. He claimed, that online toy stores like BBTS, EE, etc. do not have the capacity, financially and spatial, to handle large order quantities like Walmart can do. On the other hand, he declares, that direct consumer sales only makes up for 5% of their sales, while they primarily (95%) supply smaller non-chain retail stores, which makes them kind of a wholesaler. So technically speaking they already have the storage and financial leeway to handle quantities similar to Target, or Walmart. Or at the very least they are close to it. BBTS also feature their very own store exclusives, much like the aforementioned chain stores do. Even if there was a gap, Michael is right in that regard in that these companies could easily adapt and catch up on the big retailers. And undoubtably, they have the range and popularity to do so, too.

  • @paltrax
    @paltrax23 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions i disagree on that .what Michael forgot to mention is that Walmart or even Amazon aren't toy stores. they sell everything under the sun nobody can suggest that they got big on selling toys. Bbts and EE is very much a specialty store.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions23 күн бұрын

    @@paltrax That is very true. But that is not necessarily a disadvantage to BBTS, EE, etc. In fact being a specialty store can actually have it‘s advantages in that regard.

  • @BobChiceroido
    @BobChiceroido25 күн бұрын

    Tony and Michael are two deeply depressing individuals. French is an autistic oddball with an Aunt Beru haircut.

  • @the80sguy80
    @the80sguy8025 күн бұрын

    I have been waiting for this video, with bated breath.

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions25 күн бұрын

    I hope you are doing well.

  • @paltrax
    @paltrax25 күн бұрын

    is michael about to advocate for the patriot to be shown as historical fact too? i mean the british has red coats, so the movie is accurate...right?

  • @DCMarvelMultiverse
    @DCMarvelMultiverse25 күн бұрын

    Michael knows that anger and conflict equals views and $.

  • @ScaleHangar182
    @ScaleHangar1829 күн бұрын

    Just like creator of this channel who is trying to stir the s**t with every video? :D okay. This is the saddest channel on youtube so far lol.

  • @kingpatriot
    @kingpatriot29 күн бұрын

    It's amazing how so many people are butthurt over one mans opinion if you want to waste your money on the cantina waste it Michael is entitled to his opinion

  • @Takeshi357
    @Takeshi35729 күн бұрын

    You really think it's that simple??

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions27 күн бұрын

    I don't mind his opinion at all. I mind his attitude, even towards people, who had no ill intend in the first place, but got flamed by him out of false suspicion. And btw, did you actually watch my vid? This was not about the Haslab Cantina.

  • @Takeshi357
    @Takeshi35726 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions I assume you've seen the debate video with Scott Neitlich, did you see the post debate video he did?

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions25 күн бұрын

    @@Takeshi357 Yes, I did!

  • @Takeshi357
    @Takeshi35725 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions Michael seems like the type of person who'd have a fit of apoplexy if you put a hoth rebel trooper in the cantina set.

  • @jameshamer481
    @jameshamer481Ай бұрын

    I think michael from retroblasting to be insufferable

  • @CivilDefenceCanada
    @CivilDefenceCanada19 күн бұрын

    They don't call it retrobitching for nothing

  • @MiniatureMasterClass
    @MiniatureMasterClassАй бұрын

    Tony is a massive shill for Vala cause they are friends and Vala made him into one of their figures. If Hasbro did even 1/10th of the nonsense Vala pulls Tony would be up in arms berating them in videos, but Bobby gets a pass. Nevermind the drama-farming he does with Retrob!tching. Total hypocrite. What I want to know, why is this Sunny dude is sending these grifters free toys and money when they obviously hate your guts?

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions27 күн бұрын

    I sent him stuff, when he still "acted nicely".

  • @MiniatureMasterClass
    @MiniatureMasterClass26 күн бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions Ya, it's all an act to get your money. These guys who try to to turn KZread into a job are the worst.

  • @hediho-ry6rs
    @hediho-ry6rsАй бұрын

    Is there a point to this ???

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactions27 күн бұрын

    Well, if you listened, you might had found it by now...

  • @MiniatureMasterClass
    @MiniatureMasterClassАй бұрын

    Mike is an immature drama farmer, hypocrite and a shill. Sunny, you're pretty dumb to give him money just to have him insult you LMAO

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactionsАй бұрын

    You could be right, though I had not anticipated his reaction. Maybe I should have spent more, to explain it more thoroughly, but then again…

  • @MiniatureMasterClass
    @MiniatureMasterClassАй бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions Send me the money, I'd be happy to insult you for it!

  • @MiniatureMasterClass
    @MiniatureMasterClassАй бұрын

    @@SunnysCommentsnReactions Send me the money instead! I'll say thank you instead of insults. lol

  • @SunnysCommentsnReactions
    @SunnysCommentsnReactionsАй бұрын

    @@MiniatureMasterClass 😂