Cutting Concepts

Cutting Concepts

Cutting Concepts is an explainer and essay channel that examines the art, craft, and theory of editing and cutting-edge entertainment, along with *occasional* deep dives into media philosophy and industry inner workings.

Oh, and I'm Jack, by the way. This channel is built on my love of editing, exceptional content, and the video essay. Feel free to peruse as much as you like, and I hope you enjoy what you find.

Is Editing Art?

Is Editing Art?


  • @Jaiven1
    @Jaiven1Күн бұрын

    why do you look like that 0:10 😭

  • @willlogs
    @willlogs2 күн бұрын

    Your thumnail

  • @itspoffy
    @itspoffy8 күн бұрын

    Low subs but love the video and very thought provoking. I'll sub

  • @rchltmedia
    @rchltmedia9 күн бұрын

    watching those videos with "retention-based" editing is breaking my brain. thank god i'm not only one.

  • @RafaCuber
    @RafaCuber14 күн бұрын

    I completely agree with everything you said and I as a creator I am trying to shift towards longer videos with less retention editing. Hope it works...

  • @lepen_macron
    @lepen_macron14 күн бұрын

    Bro neeeeeeds to lookxmax

  • @LawaCCG
    @LawaCCG16 күн бұрын

    I'll be waiting for your next vid, no matter how long it takes

  • @innerguardianXIII
    @innerguardianXIII17 күн бұрын

    I absolutely cannot stand Retention Editing. I love Ironmouse and CDawgVA. They both use the same editing team and their editing style is simply annoying. It's like a hyperactive child trying to turn EVERY 3 seconds into "Comedy Gold" by shoving tired internet Memes into our faces...during a Sugar rush. Completely overwashing CDawg and Mousey, who are genuinely funny when at THEIR pace.

  • @sierragutenberg
    @sierragutenberg18 күн бұрын

    But there are also great KZreadrs who don't even need to use retention editing, such as _"Mentour Pilot"_ (including his other channel _"Mentour Now!"_), Johnny Harris, 74gear, and so forth

  • @4sk3wrecital
    @4sk3wrecital20 күн бұрын

    cool video well done, i watched till the end lol!

  • @the_flipside
    @the_flipside22 күн бұрын

    Incredible video that deserves so much more love. Subscribed.

  • @DeathCon666
    @DeathCon66626 күн бұрын

    #DefundNetflix Share this ⬆️

  • @PsychesGamingAddiction
    @PsychesGamingAddiction26 күн бұрын

    I just upload what I think i`d like and hope that people will too. I don't have the time nor the interest for such editing nonsense like these "retention editing" youtubers have. If people like my content the way I edit it then that's fine, and if not thats ok aswell. I don't wand OCD/short attention span audience xD

  • @themidnightsnow
    @themidnightsnow28 күн бұрын

    Love to hear some validation while I build up my channel focusing on storytelling and slower pacing. I’m tired of cut-cut-cut smash zoom content.

  • @WritingwiththeCamera
    @WritingwiththeCameraАй бұрын

    This is great, subbed

  • @artofersuke
    @artofersukeАй бұрын

    As a newbie in video editing, I'm really tired of seeing the same types of videos on TikTok. Everyone's edits look the same with all the sound effects and movements. I hope more people find your video. Thanks for this!

  • @burntheboxes
    @burntheboxesАй бұрын

    I love this. It's so discouraging to make a video that gets received well by those who stick through it, but still feel like you have to cut out really good stuff because of a lower retention rate. Hopefully we see this shift soon. Thanks for the video!

  • @SnailOXD
    @SnailOXDАй бұрын

    High Retention Editing is just a dopamine hamster wheel that stupefies your audience into being unable to click away. It's sinister at it's worst and probably does things to the human psyche that we don't yet comprehend when exposed to it on a mass level.

  • @tywinkalandyk
    @tywinkalandykАй бұрын

    Well done on the video!

  • @daancreaties7307
    @daancreaties7307Ай бұрын

    mr beast might be the biggest creator because of this, I don't like his content. it gives me a headache.

  • @reallyrealraven
    @reallyrealravenАй бұрын

    This actually made me wish I could see the movie. On a bjg screen.

  • @reallyrealraven
    @reallyrealravenАй бұрын

    Excellent video, a lot of easily digestible information, thanks

  • @reallyrealraven
    @reallyrealravenАй бұрын

    No question, it is art

  • @reallyrealraven
    @reallyrealravenАй бұрын

    Thank you.

  • @Nikologicaldk
    @NikologicaldkАй бұрын

    So freaking true

  • @AnubhavSharma-zc1ov
    @AnubhavSharma-zc1ovАй бұрын

    ⚡️ I really want to tell all that i think Audience Retention On youtube is a myth what people are usually talking about. There is no fixed number. Content Creators who are hitting above 50-70% retention was just showing their graph of one or two videos where they actually got hit with above 70% because it really depends on Niche to Niche. I really expect @thinkmedia or someone to answer this if i am wrong. I have my self made much better videos more then my competitors who had 1million views on that video but i got less retention because i had lesser subscribers and less data for youtube to process. I think there is direct relation between larger the audience you get over time - automatically retention become higher because then “that avg.” becomes better. Problem here is every body is trying to hit 70% retention after seeing Mr. Beast video and other KZread teachers but i think half of them are not telling the full truth. I am from india i have worked in Bollywood as assistant director in films and ads and now on KZread and i can really say i have just started my channel and it will slowly building BUT truth is i have recreated some topics from my competitors in my finance and infotainment niche and these videos are far far far much better than people who has million subscribers and views on same video and even better thumbnails even blind person wont deny that but retention is 20-30% as of now its increasing slowly has subscribers are increasing. I mean at times i was feeling low that after putting so much effort why it is like that. I am sure i can happen you too. But i dont know why All youtube teachers are keeping saying 75% retention minimum ? I really need answer on this. If we assume video is good enough with good story telling and crazy edits but video still didn’t do well at first since less or no subscribers. Please answer is there a direct relationship with Rention graph and number of subscribers. (Assuming your videos are actually good and professional, not talking about people who’s videos actually sucks and had no plan and less effort)

  • @Stopbegging271
    @Stopbegging271Ай бұрын

    I hate KZread for deleting dislikes

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    It worries me that big mouth is their most successful show that they keep putting out there because a bunch of kids going through puberty in an adult themes. Seems like it’s going to attract the wrong kind of people because it seems like it’s designed for teenagers but the people who watch it is adults because when I saw animated versions of child cartoon nudity, I felt very uncomfortable and I’m pretty sure that’s the reason why they’re the most popular one because they’re demographic is probably creeps in weirdos That’s why I like human resources better than big mouth because it has the comedic style of big mouth without the worry of child nudity because you would think watching a cartoon. You didn’t need to worry about there being a scene where they depict a young girls, vagina, talking to her . Like how the hell is big mouth still successful after that season?

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    So my understanding of how Netflix judges show his quality is the best way to get a successful show on Netflix is create a mediocre piece of garbage that barely any people like and the people who do you like mediocre garbage will watch the entire thing Because it doesn’t matter, if a show is good, or not as long as 50% of people finish it And if that’s the case for Netflix, I really hope that other companies aren’t doing that because why horrible shows like Velma was being considered for a second season But good shows on Netflix, like Captain fall get cancelled because they didn’t get enough people to start watching it initially because it was a completely new show and it takes time for people to warm up to new characters Because personally, I can say I didn’t like some shows on Netflix like farzar But I gave it a second chance and enjoyed it. It wasn’t a masterpiece. It was just a stupid show that you laugh at. It would’ve been nice to get a second season But I understand that I won’t get a second season of it because it wasn’t that good of a show But why do I not get a third season of inside job when it was literally the hit show when it came out and currently it is the highest rated Netflix cartoon

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    We have never cancelled a successful show is a big ass fucking lie. I can name one show that a successful that Netflix refuses to bring back, even though it’s the highest rated adult cartoon Inside job We shouldn’t be determining the quality of the TV show based on arbitrary metrics. We should be turning a quality of the TV show based on critic reviews because if critics are telling you that the show is positive people will go watch it if critics are telling you the show is bad people will not watch it. That’s what happens when you have honest criticism The only way Netflix can truly recover their understanding of what is popular is if they create a Netflix critic board that is ran by the users where it’s like Twitter where everybody can discuss their favourite Netflix show and each show has its own little community. Let people can talk about the show and be excited for the next season. Because if you can centralize and understand the hype, you will truly know how good your shows are instead of judging by arbitrary metrics Because if the show is really popular because I route, lotta people wanna watch it but then a lot of people who thought it was something else dropped it because it’s not there a cup of tea suddenly it’s a bad show and everybody enjoyed. It doesn’t get any more seasons. Like I understand if a long running show with a constant metric of 70% watch through and then your newest season only like 40% of your fans watch through it. Yeah that’s a time to move on to something new and that’s exactly what walking dead did they noticed the last few seasons of the show with starting to lose yours instead of cancelling the show out right and just finishing The Walking Dead franchise, they broke off into other sectors. And right now the ones who live is literally the most popular The Walking Dead show It literally brought back a lot of the OG fans who left after the bridge incident Because personally after Andrew Lincoln left The Walking Dead, the show didn’t feel the same And that’s why they’re viewership lost count And instead of cancelling the show, they redirected it into a direction that people enjoyed by bringing back Andrew Lincoln Instead of just cancelling a show outright and not giving them a chance if it is moderately successful in the first season game is the second season if they’re pretty successful, the second season given third season Because success shouldn’t directly mean that they get another season, but that doesn’t matter you can literally have a hit TV show that is popular in all of Canada but because 50% of the people who watched it didn’t finish it. It’s suddenly a horrible show, even though it was a hit show in Canada.

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    If you want to keep a sustainable user base on your platform, create your own version of family, Guy, and keep the show running instead of cancelling it every couple of seasons, and then coming out with a new version of that is just slightly different characters because we have Brickleberry Paradise PD in farzar They’re all basically the exact same show with small differences and you keep fucking cancelling it The only thing I can say is props to the writers for keep on doing what people like instead of changing up the show to the point where nobody wants to watch it Because the only reason people watch Brickleberry, Paradise, PD, and farzar it’s because of the dumb, unexpected comedy. You can watch the show a bunch of times you will still life at the stupid jokes because they’re fucking stupid because sometimes you just need to take yourself not seriously and laugh at something at fucking stupid.

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    I have an idea to grow Netflix that the board of directors have their head to fill up their ass. The realizes maybe stop cancelling shows that are considered highly rated. Hi viewer count Four shows that that nobody likes Or very little people like Because why does She-Ra princess of power Netflix original have five seasons but inside Job only has two I understand she rides a little bit older than inside job, but

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    How much longer until Netflix start charging you per season like every show you get the first season for free but if you want to watch the second one you have to pay for Netflix premium Like, when will we draw the line because it seems like it doesn’t matter if we stop paying with our wallets, and somehow they still have all these power

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    I always thought when the show is popular and everyone who sees it it enjoys it and that is usually a sign that it’s going to at least get a season two and then if it keeps the same level of viewership, it gets a season three if it loses viewers, it gets cancelled But now, like every show, have to be an instant overnight sensation or it’s not worth being renewed apparently

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    The only reason squid game is low cost is because Netflix isn’t. The one who came up with the idea or produced it. They just bought the the licensing rights from the South Korean film company that produced squid games Of course, squid games didn’t cost Netflix that much. It was a cultural phenomenon worldwide thing that they didn’t need to pay for the initial investment. The only thing they need to pay for the licensing So, of course, squid games was a high user low cost But not every show is going to be like squid games and just fall into your lap Sing with money heist initially, money heist was a low cost hi user account But by the end of the show it became a high cost. Hi user account.

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    I understand Netflix can’t spend a massive budget on multiple shows so you give a show a small budget for a season one if they’re successful give them a little bit more and if they’re continue to be successful, you give them a little bit more it’s a basic work, girl employee interaction the better you do the better you get paid and if you give them more opportunities to do better, they will deliver you give every first season of standard certain amount of money and if they want a second season, they have to prove themselves and then they get a bigger budget after the people like the show But it seems like we’re just turning out shows not because people like them because they just want to make it as many shows possible for the company in the investors and just keep that money rolling I feel like the entertainment business doesn’t care about entertainment they only care about making as much money as possible and trying to squeeze as much money out of investors

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    So if I want Netflix to actually pay attention to a good show, do I have to make hundreds of bought accounts that are brand new accounts to constantly be watching the exact same show to make it look like a show is good Because the only thing stopping me from creating multiple accounts is credit cards and I know how to get multiple credit card numbers, prepaid gift card I just sign up for hundreds of one month, free subscriptions and binge the exact same show and suddenly it’s popular They’re literally setting it up for people to artificially inflated the view count at least those who are smart enough

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    So, if Netflix determines a shows quality based on completion rate, I can have a successful TV show if I only release it in a remote country that nobody will watch it because they don’t have Internet to watch it So only like six people from that country, watch it because only three of them finish watching it. That means it was a successful show equal to Stranger Things Because judging is shows metrics by percentages, saying that we don’t care how many people we walk, we actually want less people to watch. It just means more people watch the entire thing.

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    If inside job is so bad and didn’t deserve a season three why the hell is it the most liked cartoon on all of Netflix Why does it constantly sneak its way into the top 10? If it was so bad I will constantly watch inside out day and day out the entire series every day until they give me fucking season three because if watching the entire season is with the need for the metrics, I’ll do it And what about Captain fall a show that they literally only gave one season last year, and decided to bail on it with a cliffhanger

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    Maybe the reason why all these really good shows don’t make Netflix is metric standards is because they don’t give it time to meet the standards and also they don’t do any advertising. They literally only advertise their shows on there product. How do I know there’s a brand new show coming out on Netflix if you don’t advertise it on other sites Or run advertising campaigns through movie review and show critics Like they do no advertising, they think that they can just basically cut costs around every corner by removing all metrics of critics and determining how a show is good based on peoples views versus an arbitrary thing of if enough people finished watching it that means it’s a good show You know that there’s some people who like to enjoy a show, so they will only watch like one episode every now and then Do you know that there are some people who take an entire year to watch a show? Because they want the experience to last longer But Netflix doesn’t care about those people in Netflix doesn’t care about people who watch the show multiple times with multiple people, but don’t finish it because they can’t always set up movie tonight And how long did the judge the statistics of a show is popular one month because I swear if a show is in a sensation in one month Netflix is like you know what we want nothing to do with it, but every single classic movie that they get their hands on is always top 10 but every new series doesn’t even make it 10 There’s a reason why older shows are constantly operated because all the newer shows suck, and for some reason they have an obsession with giving the crappy shows more and good shows less

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    One problem with Netflix it’s the fact that everything has to be a super over complicated convoluted multiple hidden plotlines stories Because instead of focussing on things that make people feel good in life and have fun, they focus on things that confuse people and most people turn away because it’s boring, but they’re not going to compare the statistics Because there’s tons of shows that are live action that were really good in season one and season two flopped but they continue to make more seasons Like, for example 13 reasons why when it first came out, it was a sensational. Everyone is talking about it now nobody cares about it. No one really cares that they have four seasons It’s not like Stranger Things, where it’s a but for some reason I keep giving at four seasons, because the first season was successful Like Netflix needs to get their shit together because it seems like they don’t even know what’s going on their platform Because the way that they judge metrics is absurd cause a show is not good based on how many people finished watching it shows good based on what people are saying all of it online

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    At this point, I’m starting to think that Netflix is just straight up, allergic to money and get business choices Because I understand cancel the show that is a complete flop But for some reason, Netflix has this obsession with cancelling shows that are pretty good that have a massive following just to give more money to shows that nobody is asking for Or make brand new shows that nobody likes instead of giving money to these companies that have already established themselves and created a fan base with in one season They decide to cancel that show and create a brand new show that nobody is familiar with and then they hope and pray it’s an instant sensation Netflix his business practice of the past years is throw it at the wall and hope it sticks And sometimes it shit and sometimes it does stick Like, for instance, money, heist, Bojack horseman, stranger things they just threw something at the wall, took a chance and it stuck money heist was originally supposed to be one season. They turned it into five parts. Because Netflix bought it and gave it to the world Because if it wasn’t for Netflix money heist would’ve just been an exclusive Spanish TV show because Netflix brought it to their platform. Money highest is a five parts cultural phenomenon And they could’ve been donated give it up on it because it didn’t do well in Spain But they took a chance, and that chance paid off, so why can’t they take more chances with popular cartoons? Because you should not expect popular cartoons to be on the exact same level as a well written, dramatic story But for some reason, Netflix is comparing shows like money heist Wednesday you and Stranger Things The reason why those popular shows do so well is because they hit a large multiple part of demographics, but cartoons are usually only one kind of demographics of Netflix either needs to stop making cartoons all together in focus on dramatic things or maybe start giving cartoons a chance I’m talking about comedy cartoons because sometimes we just wanna sit back relax not think and laugh about stupid shit

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    I swear Netflix believe if a show is an instant sensation it’s not worth the money And I fear the new show delicious in dungeon because it’s not consistently making top 10 because they’re a lot more well-known animes that people will continue watching instead of trying something new But it’s really good show but they’re probably gonna cancel it because it’s not sensational Netflix needs to learn not every show is a Stranger Things and judging a quality of a show based on arbitrary metrics like how many people finished watching the entire series is crazy They literally are created a program that the longer the show goes the less likely someone has to finish the show they’re creating a way for people to be set up for failure Because instead of putting in one show with 10 seasons, make 10 different shows with one season each I Netflix says if it doesn’t make it to the top 10 and stay there for a couple of weeks you weren’t worth my time The Board of Directors at Netflix need to get in touch with reality and realize that not every single show in existence is Stranger Things and if you keep trying to make every show Stranger Things eventually you’re not gonna have any shows at all because they’re going to have so little Contant in so much shitty Contant that they can afford to license out new contact in they’ll be forced to sell the company to somewhere else Netflix making all the poor decisions in business

  • @Nautisphere
    @NautisphereАй бұрын

    This video was posted a year ago and it’s the first time it came up on my feed. Good stuff!!!

  • @teorerras
    @teorerras2 ай бұрын

    great video!!

  • @TailesfromtheCryptkeeper
    @TailesfromtheCryptkeeper2 ай бұрын

    one of the best scene in cinema... on my top 5 list with Kagemusha's opening scene!

  • @JayDeeMC
    @JayDeeMC2 ай бұрын

    You kept my attention. I watched 100% of the video. And I agree completely. A year later, I am seeing this trend of storytelling type videos growing, while retention editing is becoming less popular. It's tiring to watch, and a lot of people have told me that they're far more interested in watching something that's relaxing and has good story. I, too, welcome this change.

  • @brandonjones5879
    @brandonjones58792 ай бұрын

    The problem I have with Netflix’s approach, not all shows get their audience within days of it airing. Sometimes it takes a bit after the season has come out before people embrace it. It’s also probably why dumping the whole season on day one, doesn’t help. A 8 episode season spread out after 8 weeks has a better chance of finding and keeping an audience, than just dumping it day one and hoping for the best.

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    It definitely takes a few days sometimes for people to even discover the shows existence Because not, everybody knows when the shows are coming out especially if it’s new Because how am I supposed to know that Netflix is dropping a brand new cartoon that I never heard of or heard anybody talking about? And they don’t even advertise it. How am I supposed to know about it? Like they should be giving the shows a few months to figure out if it’s popular Imagine if Netflix cancelled Bojack horseman season one just because it wasn’t popular They gave it a second chance because they gave the Showtime to find itself because they weren’t all filled with greed back then Now If a show isn’t worldwide cultural phenomenon, they don’t want anything to do with it And for some reason Netflix has like I don’t session with cancelling cartoons that are popular with people who just put the cartoons on in the background Because we do have a lot to your metrics because we finish the show probably at least once a day

  • @Helfirehydra
    @HelfirehydraАй бұрын

    Not to mention the fact that every time they drop a show, they literally did zero advertising Like recently, they came out with a new cartoon called good times I didn’t even know it was in production or even gonna be coming out because Netflix didn’t advertise anything and I’m somebody who’s seen every single adult cartoon under the sun name an adult cartoon that has come out in the past few years I’ve seen it I seen every season of Family Guy, multiple times I need more Contant If you’re wondering who the people are watching all of these adult cartoons. It’s the kind of people like me that spend most of their day watching the cartoon. And when we’re not watching the cartoon, we have it playing on the back in the background

  • @brandonjones5879
    @brandonjones5879Ай бұрын

    @@Helfirehydra good times deserved no advertising. Shit show.

  • @taimurshaz
    @taimurshaz2 ай бұрын

    I’d click of any vid that tries too hard to keep me watching,I want authentic videos. I don’t mind small channels doing it as I understand where they’re coming from and so will keep watching. But someone with a large following?Id expect more authentic content.

  • @icceman
    @icceman2 ай бұрын

    Good job son 🫵 👇