ALPHA Philosophy

ALPHA Philosophy

Philosophy (from Greek: φιλοσοφία, philosophia, 'love of wisdom') is the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind, and language.

Me and my friend, we both are students and we absolutely love science, philosophy, podcasts, debates and all. In our free time, the little we get, we intend to make videos to extract the best thoughts out of the best thinkers across the world.

So, watch em all if you love the same as we do and grasp the most out of the videos.

SUBSCRIBE to motivate us, thanks. ^_^


  • @Abuzarpolabhai
    @Abuzarpolabhai4 минут бұрын

    The person who has the most kills assist in history was atheist 😂😂

  • @QasimBabar-nu9yw
    @QasimBabar-nu9yw2 сағат бұрын

    Then who made all this? How did all this come to be? Oh don’t tell me the universe made itself, my cup of tea didn’t make itself! And to avoid the problem of infinite regression, God was always there, no one made God, and God created everything. Also scientist have proven that this universe wasn’t always there and was proven to have begun at some point. And nothing just creates itself and appears! God made it.

  • @johncawley5579
    @johncawley55796 сағат бұрын

    Christ is king ❤

  • @TanakaMasungo-pm8tq
    @TanakaMasungo-pm8tq9 сағат бұрын

    We all know the mean religion 😂😂

  • @user-bf1vc8en8l
    @user-bf1vc8en8l10 сағат бұрын

    کوئی اتھیسٹ مجھے اس بات کا جواب دے کے اگر مرنے کے بعد خدا کا وجود ھوا تو پھر آپ کا کیا ھو گا اگر مرنے کے بعد خدا کا وجود نہیں ھوا تو خدا کو ماننے والا تو بچ ھی جائے گا مگر خدا کے وجود کے ھونے سے اس کے نہ ماننے والے کا کیا ھو گا اب کون سا خدا برحق ھے یہ اگلا مرحلا ھے

  • @pawereliga9174
    @pawereliga917411 сағат бұрын

    Patriotism is bad...well that is edge of western civilization in one word.

  • @darrenskinner3711
    @darrenskinner3711Күн бұрын

    So what’s to be done about that other than continuing a dialogue in which you argue your case in order to change the minds of those whose beliefs you find at the very least to be problematic?

  • @coachtaewherbalife8817
    @coachtaewherbalife8817Күн бұрын

    If science is wrong, it's still the best chance of being right, because it's consistent with our knowledge. But religion is loaded with inconsistencies that people have to ignore. Be fair to your slaves, stone women for adultery, etc.

  • @thehappiness55
    @thehappiness55Күн бұрын

    Allah did not know that the earth is not flat but round. 😂😂

  • @bolshoefeodor6536
    @bolshoefeodor6536Күн бұрын

    By what standard is Dawkins suggesting it is wrong to kill apostates? Seems to me he is being arbitrary amd supremacist in choosing one cultural worldview over another.

  • @fanstarszilla1381
    @fanstarszilla13812 күн бұрын

    Mudlim guy bought up wrong

  • @riverday9131
    @riverday91312 күн бұрын

    He is wrong. All religions were and are evil. They have been a bunch of nonsense invented by a bunch of power hungry lunatics to make people do what they want them to do so that they can do what they want to do.

  • @yacinebateya2788
    @yacinebateya27882 күн бұрын

    Huge flop

  • @marale72uk
    @marale72uk2 күн бұрын

    I do completely agree with Mr. Dawkins.

  • @b_f_d_d
    @b_f_d_d20 сағат бұрын

    Me too I definitely see the point he's making

  • @zukarry
    @zukarry2 күн бұрын

    Law for Apostasy in the context is equivalent to the law for treachery in a democracy.

  • @Dabi666-
    @Dabi666-2 күн бұрын

    Every religious apologist in the world:

  • @mocro12
    @mocro122 күн бұрын

    Oohh nice..a muslim who defend pedofile...good job

  • @MocatafamulusdeSet
    @MocatafamulusdeSet2 күн бұрын

    Christianity has 'grown out of it'? 🤔 Take a glance over at America, please. 🙄

  • @misterstallion9121
    @misterstallion91213 күн бұрын

    He has no idea what 'America first' means. It means stop prioritizing our tax dollars and the blood of our soldiers for foreign countries over our own citizenry. That's it.

  • @SloveLDK
    @SloveLDK3 күн бұрын

    There was no opportunity. What a fool.

  • @user-si6cw4wk8z
    @user-si6cw4wk8z3 күн бұрын

    Proud to be Atheist ⚛️❤️

  • @halimsaid6974
    @halimsaid69743 күн бұрын

    ATHEISM is a RELIGION, ISLAM is the only RATIONAL religion ATHEISM, like most religion, is a BELIEF SYSTEM, based on certain precepts, rational and/or IRRATIONAL concepts. Atheism is therefore a religion, no matter how much the atheists want to dispute it. Atheism is also IRRATIONAL, a BIGOTRY and IDIOTIC. It is based on NONSENSICAL belief that SOMETHING is created by NOTHING which is ABSOLUTELY ABSURD. The fact is that only NOTHING COMES FROM NOTHING. No rational person can rebut this. A UNIQUE, INFINITELY POWERFUL, INFINITELY WISE, INFINITELY INTELLIGENT UNCREATED being must DEFINITELY have CREATED the WHOLE UNIVERSE which is almost INFINITELY complex, almost INFINITELY gigantic - the universe that is HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of LIGHT-YEARS in diameter containing HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of STARS, some of which are more than a BILLION times larger than our SUN, TRILLIONS of planets and other celestial beings. A being who is INFINITELY POWERFUL, who can do EVERYTHING she/he desires to do as per verses of the QUR'AN: "إِنَّ اللّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ " "Behold, ALLAH (the CREATOR) has the power to will anything. " (The Qur'an Chapter 2: Verse 20, 2:109, 24:45 and other verses) "وَاللّهُ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ" "..... and ALLAH has the power to to will anything." (The Qur'an 5:40, 8:41, 59:6 and many other verses) ABSOLUTELY, "nothing" could not have created such a UNIVERSE! Also only the same "BEING" who is INFINITELY WISE and INFINITELY INTELLIGENT could have created such a universe as per the QUR'AN: "اللّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ " "And ALLAH is ALMIGHTY, INFINITELY WISE." (Qur'an 2:240, 5:38, 8:67, 31:27 and many other verses) ATHEISM is therefor a RELIGION that is ABSURD, IRRATIONAL and IDIOTIC. To my DEAREST ATHEIST and NON-MUSLIM friends, If there is no GOD (which is irrational), EVERYBODY (atheist or non-atheist) will be SAFE. WHAT IF THERE IS GOD, the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE - the INFINITELY Powerful, Wise, Intelligent, ALL-KNOWLEDGEABLE (OMNISCIENT), EVERYONE of the ATHEISTS and those who do NOT WORSHIP HER/HIM according to the MANUALS SHE/HE PRESCRIBES will be in by far, the BIGGEST TROUBLE in her/his life! IMAGINE YOU ARE FACING THE INFINITELY POWERFUL, WISE, INTELLIGENT, ALL-KNOWING EMPEROR, what TANGIBLE excuses can you all give HER/HIM? NONE WHATSOEVER! Absolutely NONE! WHY ISLAM is the only RATIONAL religion This is a huge topic in itself that can cover thousands upon thousands of pages. However it is enough for me to quote the following Mandarin-translated verses of the QUR'AN: 求真主 从受刑罚的恶魔上保护我。 伊斯兰教的古兰经汉译选 “奉至仁至慈的真主之名. 一切赞颂全归真主 ~ 全宇宙的主, 至仁至慈的主, 报应日的主, 我们只崇拜你,只求你祐助, 求你引导 我们上正路,你所祐助者的路, 不是受谴怒者的路, 也不是迷误者的路.” (Chapter 1) “…真主是创造万物的,也是监护万物的。” (39:62) “…真主是万能的,是至睿的。”(2:240) “…真主确是全聪的,确是全知的。”(2:181) “…真主确是至赦的,确是至慈的。”(2:182) 奉至仁至慈的真主之名. “真主,除他外绝无应受崇拜的;他是永生不灭的, 是维护万物的;瞌睡不能侵犯他,睡眠不能克服他; 天地万物都是他的;不经他的许可,谁能在他那里替 人说情呢?他知道他们面前的事,和他们身后的事; 除他所启示的外,他们绝不能窥测他的玄妙;他的御权力/帝国权力 (IMPERIAL AUTHORITY),包罗天地。天地的维持,不能使他疲倦。他确是 至尊的,确是至大的。”(2:255) 奉至仁至慈的真主之名. “你说:他是真主,是独一的主; 真主是万物所仰赖 的; 他没有生产,也没有被生产; 没有任何物可以 做他的匹敌。” (112:1-4) “众人啊!我确已从一男一女创造你们,我使你们成 为许多民族和宗族,以便你们互相认识。在真主看来 ,你们中最尊贵者,是你们中最敬畏者。真主确是全 知的,确是彻知的。” (49:13)。 ‘你说:“我的礼拜,我的牺牲,我的生活,我的死亡,的 确都是为真主 ~ 全宇宙的主。 他绝无伙伴,我只奉到这 个命令,我是首先顺服的人。”’ ‘你说:“真主是万物的主,我能舍他而另求一个主吗?”各 人犯罪,自己负责。一个负罪的人,不负别人的罪。然后 ,你们将来要归于你们的主,而他将把你们所争论的是非 告诉你们。 他以你们为大地的代治者,并使你们中的一部分人超越另 一部分人若干级,以便他考验你们如何享受他赏赐你们的 恩典。你的主确是刑罚神速的,他确是至赦的,确是至慈 的。’(6:162-165) “信道的男女互为保护人,他们实施善禁止恶,谨守拜功 ,完纳天课,服从真主及其使者,这等人真主将怜悯他们 。真主确是万能的,确是至睿的。真主应许信道的男女们 将进入下临诸河的乐园,并永居其中,他们在常住的乐园 里,将有优美的住宅,得到真主的更大的喜悦。这就是伟 大的成功。”(9:71-72) “信道而且行善者,是乐园的居民,他们将永居其中。” (2:82) “伪信的男女,彼此是同类的,他们实施恶禁止善,紧握 双手,(不肯施舍),他们忘记了真主,主也忘记了他们 。伪信者就是放肆者。 真主应许伪信的男女和不信道者 ,他们将入火狱,并永居其中,火狱是足以惩治他们的。 真主已诅咒他们,他们将受永恒的刑罚。”(9:67-68) 奉至仁至慈的真主之名. “以时光盟誓,一切人确是在亏 折之中,惟信道而且行善,并以真理相劝,以坚忍相勉的 人则不然。” (Chapter 103) 古兰经汉译选 (Translation of Selected Verses of the Qur’an) 全古兰经汉译

  • @halimsaid6974
    @halimsaid69743 күн бұрын

    Not so İSLAM. İslam is based on evidence and proofs. ATHEİSM is also a BLİND FAİTH based on NOTHİNG CREATED the UNİVERSE which is utterly ABSURD.

  • @halimsaid6974
    @halimsaid69743 күн бұрын

    İ think Richard Dawkins is a BİGOTED MUDDLED-HEADED DEMAGOGUE who essentially believes the equivalent of claiming NOTHİNG MANUFACTURES a SMART PHONE he has been using for years!

  • @halimsaid6974
    @halimsaid69743 күн бұрын

    The universe must have its CREATOR: The extremely COMPLEX and VAST UNIVERSE with a diameter of HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of LIGHT-YEARS, i.e. ZILLIONS of kilometres in diameter, containing HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of STARS, a number of which are more than a BILLION times bigger than our SUN, TRILLIONS of planets and other celestial matters, The universe that contains, INTELLIGENT HUMANS must have been CREATED by a SUPREMELY INTELLIGENT, ALL-KNOWİNG, ALL-POWERFUL, INFINITELY the MOST WISE but yet the MOST COMPASSIONATE, MOST MERCIFUL BEING who has created OXYGEN at PRECISE percentage of 21% of the air every human and animal breathes in, ABUNDANT of WATER of which humans and animals drink and clean themselves, NUMEROUS types of animals and plants many of which become foods for humans and animals, positioned meticulously the EARTH at 150,000,000 kilometres from the Sun so as to be able to sustain HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of NUMEROUS types of animals and plants, GRAVITY at just 9.8 m/s2 as well as MYRIADS of other things and laws that benefit every human, animal and plant. PRAİSE BE TO THE CREATOR OF THE UNİVERSE: بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ۝١‎ 1 In the name of ALLAH (the CREATOR of the universe and everything), the MOST COMPASSİONATE, MOST MERCIFUL. ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ ۝٢‎ 2 Praise be to ALLAH, RABB (CREATOR/Master/Lord) of the UNİVERSE - ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ۝٣‎ 3. The Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, مَـٰلِكِ[i] يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ ۝٤‎ 4. Owner of the Day of JUDGEMENT. إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ ۝٥‎ 5. Only You do we worship and only You do we ask for help. ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ ۝٦‎ 6. Guide us to the straight path- صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ ٱلْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ ۝٧‎ 7 the path of those You have favored, not those You are angry with or those who are astray.

  • @serene03422
    @serene034224 күн бұрын

    I feel sorry for this man. He cannot think beyond what his two eyes see.

  • @antoma6844
    @antoma68444 күн бұрын

    Islam began with join or die. And it's die if you leave!

  • @antoma6844
    @antoma68444 күн бұрын

    They don't respect non Muslims we are their Dhimmies

  • @taby9756
    @taby97564 күн бұрын

    If this person returns to Allah with these views, there isn't any saving his soul. Rather than try and compare Islam to Christianity and what it did in medival times or for that reason any other religion, the first question he should ask himself is whether or not Muslims are justified in believing their religion is from Allah and if they have proof for it. The second question should be, whether or not I like Sharia, is there logical reasoning behind it's injunctions. There is no way, if this man or any other, sets out with a neutral mindset that he will find any wrong with what the creator of all beings and the universe himself has ordained. As far as the second part is concerned, that is true. Patriotism, nationalism, our national interest, the colorful piece of cloth called the national flag that people are ready to justify any wrongdoing for is an idol of the modern world.

  • @riaandoyle8196
    @riaandoyle81964 күн бұрын

    Imagine being in heaven with humans who curses,swears,proud and full of themselves, causing division between people, full of hatred ,jealousy, flirting and wanting to commit adultery (not that that would be anymore;just talking about what is in there hearts now) , moaning and groaning all day , having unforgiveness and hatred in their hearts ...just to mention few things Not even to mention talking about God and the Lord Jesus Christ the way they do here on earth Imagine living forever and ever inside of a beautiful place called heaven with humans with hearts like this ? Bringing and carrying into heaven hearts full,and I mean all day long full ,of wicked pity full dirty rotten hearts ! No ! I can understand why God wouldn't want to allow such humans into where His children,bought by the Blood of His Son,Jesus Christ, into heaven . When fruit is rotten you better make sure you remove it from the fruit that is still fresh and useful before it contaminates the others .... Why is it so difficult to realize this fact ? Why would God allow humans with hearts like this to come close yo His children He Loves,forever ! That's why there is a place such wil be lead to ,not because of what God is , but because of what and who they all choose to be ! Full of hatred,anger,unforgiveness, pride,jealousy , murder, thieves ,adulterous, fornicators ..... So stop blaming God for what you are and plead for mercy while the door is still open and while there's still mercy and grace to be found ! Because , as the moment Noah entered into the Ark , God Himself closed that door ! And when God closes a door , no one can open it ! This is why Jesus came and died , because of us humans whose hearts are in such condition one can receive a New heart and be washed clean of all the wickedness inside of our hearts and minds .... Dirty humans like we are , buy still God Loved us so much so that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him might not perish but have Life everlasting... And this is why God is good ! When you go to speak to a president of a country in his office, you better be clean,presentable and know how to speak to and address him How much more God ,creator of the heavens and the earth ? You wil go to Hell and burn forever not because God is cruel, but because of the evil and wicked heart and thoughts you have and , for rejecting the Only One who can save you,Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God ,slain from before the foundations of the world , for you...

  • @lebo3793
    @lebo37934 күн бұрын

    If you can't moraly justify your religion, just leave it 😂

  • @12Mojo
    @12Mojo4 күн бұрын

    Well clearly you made a mistake, if your an Agnostic, than there's fair enough, but atheism is a bit like flat earthers, because we haven't personally seen the earth being round, it's got to be flat, same applies with atheism. lol

  • @SONofTHC
    @SONofTHC4 күн бұрын

    Marching for nationalism and patriotism is a march straight into NAZISM!

  • @SONofTHC
    @SONofTHC4 күн бұрын

    Were marching for nationalism today in the west! when its co insided with religious wars starting again at the same time. Scary times!

  • @gunnarganzer
    @gunnarganzer4 күн бұрын

    Dawkins is becoming a coward, and trying to sweep his anti-Islamic comments under the rug.

  • @Prime366
    @Prime3664 күн бұрын

    'They are brainwashed' well, can say same to you that you are brainwashed to say it's not normal wheh they don't have any problem wearing it by their own choice! And no one should force anything on anyone but should tell them yhe result at max

  • @EnglishwithJoe
    @EnglishwithJoe4 күн бұрын

    Dawkins is a fucking legend

  • @user-gz3dr9mj3c
    @user-gz3dr9mj3c4 күн бұрын

    100 per cent true

  • @MocatafamulusdeSet
    @MocatafamulusdeSet4 күн бұрын

    Firstly, most Muslims are non-white, so there tends to be a racially relevant blurring of lines there. Secondly, criticism of the religion quickly and dangerously turns into hatred of the human beings who practice it. Again, the lines are easily blurred into mutually dangerous and unfair discrimination. Why do those who most loudly attack Islam seem to be nasty shit stirrers like Tommy Robinson or Nigel Farage?

  • @cyanexwr
    @cyanexwr5 күн бұрын

    Christianity is like aids it rots all the incoming generations of human 😂

  • @aiseymen90
    @aiseymen905 күн бұрын

    Bill Maher.. if I insult your mother, would you care? If you do, then do not insult our prophet..

  • @YouDontKnowMebro69
    @YouDontKnowMebro695 күн бұрын

    I don’t disagree with anything here. Next video.

  • @SaraGasmi-tr4so
    @SaraGasmi-tr4so5 күн бұрын

    Omg thank u so much for addressing this! I didn't even know a term existed for that. Being the oldest sistet, I can say that my brother does that sometimes unfortunately. Whenever he asks me to do something for him while I'm busy, I would always say "can't u do it yourself?" he would say "I don't know" "I don't know" "I'll mess it up anyways" I would then respond "then learn". I have to teach him to rely on himself, bcs I don't wanna see his future wife deal with that! My other brother, however, is the opposite Always asking me how to do things, especially related to cooking and he got really good at it. These skills are important for both men and women. Period

  • @dalelerette206
    @dalelerette2065 күн бұрын

    Seeds of the Holy Spirit grow within us -- humility, kindness diligence, charity,, temperance, and chastity. Mark 11: 24-25 further reads, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have recieved it, and it wiill be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive your sins." Once we understand the seeds have already been planted within our souls by our Baptism, the seeds then grow by the forgiving graces of the Holy Spirit into greater gifts. ❤

  • @lakshay7901
    @lakshay79015 күн бұрын

    Hadn't thought Richard would go upto condemning Patriotism. 😅

  • @margokupelian344
    @margokupelian3446 күн бұрын

    Richard Dawkins, it’s about time you let go of these interviews. They’re just pointless and they’re getting more and more annoying. You don’t believe in religions, that’s fine, keep it to yourself and let people believe in whatever they want to believe. It’s about time you think about your soul (if you have one.)

  • @Nahrandi4
    @Nahrandi45 күн бұрын

    Arguably, if anyone has a soul, as there is not necessarily any proof for such claims.

  • @akunamatata26
    @akunamatata266 күн бұрын

    Without lies, Islam dies.

  • @RikuSora456
    @RikuSora4566 күн бұрын

    Did he forget what the Mughal and Ottoman empire did 🤣

  • @andreadelcorvo6890
    @andreadelcorvo68906 күн бұрын

    He didn't answer the question. I expected that

  • @xlife642
    @xlife6426 күн бұрын

    He avoided the question