itsudemofudosan(Japanese Real estate preview Ch)

itsudemofudosan(Japanese Real estate preview Ch)

Japanese real estate preview channel


  • @user-rb8eo9ks4b
    @user-rb8eo9ks4b2 сағат бұрын


  • @user-qw2du9om8d
    @user-qw2du9om8d3 сағат бұрын


  • @takayui-m.t
    @takayui-m.t8 сағат бұрын

    私だったら外観は古めだけど4部屋目が1番いいかなぁ 部屋と玄関前に扉あるから脱走防止にもなるし ベランダもあるし👍

  • @user-wq1bf8ww2q
    @user-wq1bf8ww2q17 сағат бұрын


  • @marchall5173
    @marchall517319 сағат бұрын

    Neither of the apartments is a favorite of mine, but are all very liveable and in a prime location in the city. Why is the common area maintenance fee 3 times higher in the final property ? - all the others seem to be the same at 5,000 yen but it is 15,000 yen. Good selection today. Marc - from Georgia, USA

  • @itsudemofudosan
    @itsudemofudosan17 сағат бұрын

    I think that properties with expensive common areas are more expensive for elevators, security, etc.Thanks again for your comments.

  • @user-qq8xk4oc8d
    @user-qq8xk4oc8d19 сағат бұрын


  • @Gloria-eg5vr
    @Gloria-eg5vr20 сағат бұрын

    今回の動画で紹介する部屋数多いですね 1物件の1部屋目が一番ないかな、トイレと洗濯機隣接は無理。そして4部屋目は色々良さそうけどキッチン隣のトイレも残念です 畳ある3部屋目が一番使いやすいそうですトイレ水回りとキッチンはやや近いけど、間の天井に嵌め式の空気清浄機ある工夫が素敵です

  • @user-zc5ys6ve6r
    @user-zc5ys6ve6rКүн бұрын


  • @daphne7739
    @daphne7739Күн бұрын

    I really like this place it's nice

  • @user-yr5hz6pp9e
    @user-yr5hz6pp9eКүн бұрын

    どのお部屋も素敵でしたが、個人的には2部屋目が好きです 玄関入って部屋が丸見えって言う間取りが苦手なんですが『物干しワイヤー』を使えば、感性的?一時的にも目隠しが出来そうなので😅 家賃は可愛く無いですが、お部屋は可愛い物件でした😊

  • @user-yokaze
    @user-yokazeКүн бұрын

    どちらの部屋も良い感じ。 アメセパじゃないってほっとするな。 しかしキッチンそばの物干しだけは頂けない。まあ使わなきゃ良いだけだけど。

  • @user-yokaze
    @user-yokazeКүн бұрын

    アメセパなのが残念すぎる。 あと土間キッチンは意味不明。オシャレなの?

  • @ahumanbeing812
    @ahumanbeing812Күн бұрын

    Both apartments have (1) shoe box, (2) separate toilet and shower, (3) ample storage space, (4) abundant natural light, and (4) sleeping area that is somewhat separated from the living room. In the first apartment, the bedroom is in the third floor, clearly separated from the living room. In the second apartment, the a curtain separates the sleeping area from the living area. The second apartment is smaller than the first apartment by 7.63 squared meters, but spacious enough for one person. That does not seem to be that much of difference besides areas. However, the first apartment has lots of stairs. That can be a problem for people with knee pains. In the U.S., a 2014 study found that climbing up and downs stairs is the most-often cause for knee pain for people with or at high risk of osteoarthritis. There are stairs outside the second apartment, but much fewer than at inside the first apartment. That said, people with knee problems or at risk of osteoarthritis may find the first apartment undesirable. Thanks for sharing!

  • @marchall5173
    @marchall5173Күн бұрын

    I liked the sweeping staircase up to the second apartment and I really wanted to like it, but for me only the wood tone cabinets in the laundry area. The first apartment was very nice with good separation of spaces. Great window in the laundry area. - Marc - from Georgia, USA

  • @Gloria-eg5vr
    @Gloria-eg5vrКүн бұрын

    どちらの物件も素敵ですね👍👍 1物件目の畳がちょっと小上がりだからそのまま布団使って寝床にしたいかも、窓に日が差すので畳と布団干しも便利で衛生面もいい感じだし、その分部屋を有効活用できそう あと階段面を有孔ボードにするのが好き、わざわざ壁や収納の半分を有孔ボードにして使い道の制限するよりは全然活用できそう トイレは階段の踊り場だけどちゃんと広めな板にしてあるので安心、でも中にも1段あるので、夜中や寝起きのトイレは気を付ける必要があるかなぁ🤭 2物件目はなかなかいい、収納を玄関周りの空間を区切ってドアから丸見えしないのが好き ただ曲がるところに置く家具は工夫が必要ですね👍広くも見えるし、いい感じです

  • @hirockinui260
    @hirockinui260Күн бұрын

    1つ目の1LDKは生活動線の観点でいえば最悪に近い。玄関が外から丸見えな上に居室が玄関すぐ横ってイヤなレイアウト。 水まわりが1階と2階に分かれてる時点でダメダメだけど、それに加えてアメセパがなぁ…。ロフトが完全に無駄スペースで、これなら天井高いほうがよほどマシ。立地も三鷹駅徒歩7分、築12年、家賃込み込みで14万弱ってちょっとぼったくり。田園都市線の二子玉川より渋谷寄りでもこれよりもっといい条件で家賃13万円台の物件が見つかる。三鷹ならせめて管理費込みで12万円までじゃないとなかなか成約できなさそう

  • @user-yj2uf6oz5e
    @user-yj2uf6oz5e2 күн бұрын

    1部屋目は遊び心ありますね… せっかくスペースあるのにアメセパは残念です フリースペース土間は良い感じ、次の間は作業の合間の休憩場所的な感じかも…… 2部屋目は狭小ぽく無い(天井高いロフト2箇所)かな…… 割り切ってシャワーブースならトイレとの共存スペース広かったかも……

  • @ahumanbeing812
    @ahumanbeing8122 күн бұрын

    Problem(s) with the first apartment: 1. The entrance. You can use the space by the entrance as a lobby or something like that, but the problem is: if you don't close the shutter, there is no privacy at all. However, if you close the shutter, natural light will be blocked and the space will be quite dark. Also, because the bedroom directly faces the door, for privacy concerns, you'd better keep the door for the bedroom closed all the time. With such a layout, every time you open the door to enter or exit the bedroom, you risk compromising your privacy. 2. The window by the toilet. Once again, for privacy concerns, you'd better make sure that that window is shut before you use the toilet each time. If it was me, I would just keep that window closed all the time, became even if you are not using the toilet, but you are coming out from the shower, that window still poses a privacy issue, especially if you are a woman. 3. The toilet and the shower are not in separate spaces. That can be inconvenient if two people live together. 4. The toilet and the shower are both inside the bedroom in the first floor. That means every time you need to use the toilet, you need to go through the bedroom. That is extremely inconvenient if you have guest(s) visiting you. 5. It appears that the loft could only be used as storage space, but not as another sleeping space, because it is quite low and there is no air conditioning there as well. It will be quite hot in the loft during the summer. Problem(s) with the second apartment: 1. There is no air conditioning in the loft as well, and the air conditioner in the living area is at level height as the loft, meaning cold air coming out from the air conditioner will unlikely travel to the loft. It is going to be hot during the summer as well. But there is no suitable place to put the bed in the small living space. You may need an electric fan or portable air conditioner for the loft during summer months. 2. In the kitchen area, there is an electric outlet for washing machine, but there is none for a refrigerator. That is really weird. 3. Toilet and shower are in the same space again. Neither apartment is ideal, but analyzing the problems of each apartment, I think that the second apartment is more desirable. If you live alone, the problems with the second apartment are not that bad and, indeed, manageable. Thanks for sharing!

  • @user-yokaze
    @user-yokaze2 күн бұрын


  • @user-ug2up2jn2w
    @user-ug2up2jn2w2 күн бұрын

    一部屋目、物凄く使い辛い間取りですね。バイクいじり用のセカンドハウスにしてもトイレもお風呂も洋室を通らなきゃいけないって…。1階洋室部分にキッチンを持ってきて2階を居室にしたら2人で住めそう。トイレは階段の下がいいけど無理でしょうか。 二部屋目、広さの割にお家賃が魅力的。ロフトの使い分けが面倒くさいけど邪魔にもならないから贅沢に使えばいいと思う。

  • @user-ej8gd3yj7z
    @user-ej8gd3yj7z2 күн бұрын


  • @marchall5173
    @marchall51732 күн бұрын

    The second apartment was really nice. I would use the loft above the kitchen as the bedroom. Nice little space to call home. Marc - from Georgia, USA

  • @MK-zu2eu
    @MK-zu2eu2 күн бұрын


  • @pianocozo
    @pianocozo2 күн бұрын


  • @Gloria-eg5vr
    @Gloria-eg5vr2 күн бұрын

    1部屋目1階の空間が広いのに、水回りをギュギュっ詰めの意味ありますが?😮‍💨せめて洗濯機は別に設置したら多少良くなるですが。。。 水回りに窓あるのは換気できるが、ここのはブロック壁のすぐだし、日もあまり入れないから、むしろ雨の季節には窓の外は湿気溜まりそうで怖いです せっかくスペースがある部屋なのに、もっと実際使う人ための工夫してほしいです

  • @MK-zu2eu
    @MK-zu2eu3 күн бұрын


  • @marchall5173
    @marchall51733 күн бұрын

    yep I like this one!

  • @user-wq1bf8ww2q
    @user-wq1bf8ww2q3 күн бұрын


  • @Gloria-eg5vr
    @Gloria-eg5vr3 күн бұрын

    1部屋目の水回り、引き戸で空間活用がいいが、トイレが独立ではないので空気漏れが気になります(実際ドアにかなり隙間が見えました 2部屋目、シューズボックスの位置がおかしい、靴をわざわざ室内にもっていかないとダメで衛生面的に抵抗あるし、リビング空間の使い勝手がかなり下がり残念です バルコニーの柵が高いと回りに高い建物がないので高得点ですね

  • @Velvettino
    @Velvettino3 күн бұрын


  • @linawtn1357
    @linawtn13573 күн бұрын


  • @marchall5173
    @marchall51733 күн бұрын

    I really like both of these - in part because of the area where they are located. But i really like the 2nd one the best with a separate sleeping area and the balcony is nice. When can I move in? - Marc from Georgia, USA

  • @user-ug2up2jn2w
    @user-ug2up2jn2w3 күн бұрын

    最初のお部屋はお向かいの人と目が合いそうで日中でもレースのカーテンは閉めっぱなしですね。 水回りがコンパクトに収まっていてとても良いです。 二件目は眺望も良くカーテンを開けて過ごせそうです。バルコニーがあるというだけで開放感もアップ。唯一の残念ポイントは水回りのゴチャゴチャ感。洗面脱衣所は引き戸が良いですね。 どちらのお部屋も玄関に洗濯機があるのが不思議ポイントです。

  • @Jg-zz8pp
    @Jg-zz8pp3 күн бұрын


  • @kinakodesu
    @kinakodesu3 күн бұрын

    いつでもさんは、玄関に洗濯機があると、汚れた洋服はここで脱げるねっていうけど、玄関で下着になる? 本当に汚れてたら入れられないし………どう言うことかなって、単純に疑問を持つのです。 なら風呂の扉も考えないとですね。

  • @Nay8975
    @Nay89754 күн бұрын

    Little john might not need to borrow screws from his aunt

  • @user-gl1ob7kb6
    @user-gl1ob7kb64 күн бұрын

    けっこーすき❤ お風呂広くていい!

  • @lynxyamaneco5590
    @lynxyamaneco55904 күн бұрын


  • @marchall5173
    @marchall51734 күн бұрын

    both are nice - I like the outdoor space on the first floor. ON the second floor, has nice windows but the space for the refrigerator looks really small and as if it would block the door to the toilet and bath area.

  • @user-wq1bf8ww2q
    @user-wq1bf8ww2q4 күн бұрын


  • @marchall5173
    @marchall51734 күн бұрын

    I really like the balcony on the 3rd floor, but these apartments have not been my favorite. I also like the small apartment on the first floor for some reason. Looking forward to next set of apartments and the next video. - Marc from Georgia, USA