Sue Barnett  -  Nature Gazing

Sue Barnett - Nature Gazing

Sue Barnett-nature and wildlife videos.

Warnham's Tern Chicks

Warnham's Tern Chicks

A Knepp Adventure

A Knepp Adventure

The Fox and the Eel!

The Fox and the Eel!

Flower Moon

Flower Moon

Terns Attack Heron

Terns Attack Heron

Who owns the puddle?

Who owns the puddle?



Adorable Ducklings

Adorable Ducklings

Dashing Ducklings

Dashing Ducklings

Ducklings Galore!

Ducklings Galore!


  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Күн бұрын

    If you check the live camera feed there is a period yesterday when all 4 have left the nest. I haven't seen any on the ground this year though. When the 3 fledged the Pond Field nest 4 years ago we went down the next day and they were all just wandering round the field didn't see any flying.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingКүн бұрын

    I didn't realise they have all fledged now, that's good to know though. I never managed to see the ones in the Pond Field down on the ground that year. They were always just flying in to the nest from wherever they had been, which was wonderful to see too. That was the best year. I had such a fondness for those chicks. I loved the year after that too, although by then the parents weren't half as attentive! It was fantastic too seeing that new nest lower down the following year as the chicks could be clearly seen from a really young age. Some wonderful memories.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingКүн бұрын

    Great sightings of a juvenile kingfisher and a distant hobby eyeing up the young Terns today at Warnham NR! (Loads of photographs on the Warnham FB group). Not seen by me I hasten to add, I'm certain if I had been there there wouldn't have been any sightings at all! 😄

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15332 күн бұрын

    Just returned from another bike ride down to Knepp; it was quite busy with lots of groups walking. I tried the Pond Field nest first not much happening just two juveniles standing around. Walked round past all the other nests to the camera one. Could only see 3 young but a parent was standing on a branch in the tree nearer to the stables. After about 30 mins a stork circled round and landed on a branch above the camera at 1221. Checked with binoculars it's definitely a juvenile! Nothing going on in Sand School nest either. No Emperor butteflies! probably a bit windy?

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing2 күн бұрын

    Hope you enjoyed the bike ride along the coast yesterday. Good that your injury has recovered enough to do that now! When I went the other day I definitely saw four young standing in the Sand School Nest-and the adult just literally flew away as I was taking a photo so only got its feet in the picture! 😄 How fantastic to see the juvenile flying in to the nest. All four were in there the other day even though one had then fledged. They were having great fun with a twig-or an argument, or practicing their nest building maybe! Luckily I think I can post that video now as my computer has allowed me to share it. Shame about the Purple Emperors. People in a group I know didn't see any today either but one of them photographed a Turtle Dove which was great. I think the butterflies do prefer to come out when it's sunny. Also, you have to look up to the tops of the trees to see them flying about and settling. They only come on the ground when someone baits them with a foul smelling liquid apparently! 🙄😄

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15332 күн бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing Yes fully recovered now after my op 200km yesterday! back to France next week. Interesting about the Emperors I was expecting to see them where the ribbons and purple posts are! Even with binoculars I find it hard to spot which are which when they are flying, not sure how big these juveniles are compared to the parents but the bill colour is a giveaway. I see the parents are both from Poland have they been at Knepp a while?

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingКүн бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 Long bike journey! Apparently the parents have been given Polish names so I guess that is where they originated. Apparently they have been nesting and bred successfully there for two years before this year, so I had no idea why I had never ever set eyes on that nest before, but apparently was told by a photographer I met there a month or so ago that they had originally nested in another tree nearby which had blown down and this was their first year in this nest.

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15334 күн бұрын

    You'll probably see the Juveniles flying out of Camera nest if you go today, 2 have flown out so far. To me nothing beats that evening 4 years ago when we both saw one fly round Pond Field Tree. It will never be the same again.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing3 күн бұрын

    Yes, coincidentally I was talking to a photographer I met on the walk round yesterday about that very incident. That was a such a special moment wasn't it. That year was really magical I think. So different this year. I did watch a video excerpt from the live cam nest showing the first stork fledging. It was such a lovely sight-its siblings were standing there following its every move and then it sort of crash-landed back in the nest! Wonderful footage! They were all standing about back in the nest yesterday evening though.

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15335 күн бұрын

    I went down after work today, the chicks are almost fully grown! both parents spent ages fishing eventually one came back with a small fish but neither chick was interested so it ate it itself. No Kingfisher that's a must for me! I see at least one Camera nest Stork has fledged at Knepp!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing5 күн бұрын

    I have been meaning to get up to Warnham NR myself before they fledge as I see they are getting their adult feathers. One fell in the millpond again yesterday but was back safe and sound by closing time! Yes they have said that one of the four storks has fledged and another one is close. All four in the nest again tonight though. I may go down for a short time tomorrow as I want to see if I can spot some Purple Emperor Butterflies. I got a really good photo on this day approx. three years ago! My computer is playing up at the moment-(too many videos!) , so I probably won't be able to post any more until I get it sorted out. Two are waiting to be posted! There is some sort of fault on the iMovie App that I use I think. Very frustrating. Went with a group to spot Nightjars at Pulborough Brooks on Sunday evening. We didn't see any but everyone could hear them except me! 🙄😄

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153312 күн бұрын

    I just saw exactly the same thing just a bigger chick and a bigger fish! It somehow managed to swallow it heaven knows how it will come out of the other end! Some very pensive Herons over the lake are they the local Mafia? I hope they don't like Tern chick! Went yesterday apparently a Kingfisher flew over but didn't see it

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing12 күн бұрын

    Yes it seems impossible that they can swallow such large fish! It always amazes me when the Great Crested Grebe chicks do that too! I worry about the herons taking the chicks too as they sometimes use that floating platform to fish from themselves. The adult Terns are quite aggressive at anything that comes near, but they do sometimes both leave the platform at the same time. I think seeing the Kingfisher seems always to be a matter of luck, but it will be great when you do actually see one! I got a couple of my photos of the Tern chicks with their Mum in the Argus yesterday! 🙂

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153314 күн бұрын

    Walked down from home today still very muddy! The Hammer pond has sprung into life with swans coots ducks and crested grebes. At the camera nest one of the helpers said they were due to fledge last weekend so should any day now! Carried along to the mill pond spotted all the Fallow bucks in the shade on the way. At the pond loads of geese but couldn't see any goslings are they grey with white necks and breasts? If so saw quite a few in the far side from the bird hide. I may also have seen Citrine Wagtails? They were lemon coloured, seen bright yellow ones in Madeira. Also a solo Pied example. A very welcome bus back!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing14 күн бұрын

    Actually I wonder whether I am thinking of a different Hammerpond as I had no idea there was a bird hide anywhere near the one I am thinking of which is turning right at the first bend of the White Route after going past the "Camera" nest? I haven't seen any Canada Goose goslings there this year, but there were some Egyptian Goose Goslings, might be them you are seeing if it is the same pond. But if so, where is the bird hide?! Those Wagtails must be just Yellow Wagtails. They Citrines have a completely yellow head and a sort of black collar at the back of their neck. But if they were Citrine Wagtails then they are rare visitors. Were they at the Hammerpond too. I must go and have a look! Good you could get a bus back-it can be very tiring walking round Knepp, especially if it is muddy!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153313 күн бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing No the bird hide is on the Mill pond near the castle in the other half of Knepp. Yes the wagtails were just before the entrance into Knepp from the Shipley direction after the farm.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing13 күн бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 I don't get up that way very often. I must go and check it all out! Would be amazing if they were Citrine Wagtails as there has been only one sighted in Sussex this year. (By me! 😄)

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153311 күн бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing I'm going to go down after work today; hopefully see the young flying from the camera nest!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing11 күн бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 I'm going there today too, but probably a bit earlier on, although I am going to visit the Pond Field nest after seeing the "Camera" one and will walk back through the woods again, so might be at the "Camera" nest again later on in the day too.

  • @terrak7609
    @terrak760914 күн бұрын

    Beautiful scene! 👍(sorry dragonfly).

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing14 күн бұрын

    Yes a lovely scene except for the poor dragonfly! 🙂

  • @PondLab-wh7wn
    @PondLab-wh7wn15 күн бұрын

    Nice, looks like a Black-tailed Skimmer dragonfly

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing14 күн бұрын

    Thankyou. Yes, I think you are probably right.

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153315 күн бұрын

    You've convinced me to join! it's only £22.50 a year and a nice walk along the river from home. Hope they are still there later I saw a fox and her cub on the way.

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153315 күн бұрын

    They were still there but the chicks are a lot bigger! didn't see any feeding but one of the parents was flying around a lot chasing off other birds mostly gulls. Also saw an Egret in a tree across the pond, a black and white crested Grebe (if that's possible) and a regular one some Coots a Moorhen and I think a Cormorant! wonderful place I'll be going there a lot now!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing15 күн бұрын

    That's brilliant. Yes hopefully they are still there-they are on the floating platform which can be seen from the Heron Hide-great to watch! How fantastic to see the fox and cub too. Enjoy seeing the terns!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing15 күн бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 Just seen this after I posted my earlier reply. Glad they are still there, my video was from a week ago. There are so many predators that I think the adult terns have their hands full keeping those two chicks safe! Yes, there are a couple of Great Crested Grebes there, and Little Grebes too. Also Mandarin Ducks. Sometimes there is a lot about, other times it is very quiet. All the luck of the draw. I think there is only a male kingfisher there now as the female was apparently drowned in her nest when the waters rose from all the rain. But there are sometime some quite rare visiting birds such as the Great White Egret last year and a Blue Heron passing through this year. I love the Little Egrets too. It's nice just to sit in a hide and see what materialises! Also, a nice walk around the reserve too.

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153315 күн бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing is there a regular FB / etc that posts sightings? I only have yours to go on currently. PS I'm still not a birder yet!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153315 күн бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing This is another place I never knew existed before Covid (like Knepp) Looking at the OS Map I can see that much like the bit South of the old London Road there was simply nowhere they could build more residential areas and roads because of the A264 where no junction was possible, river and in this case also the railway. They built another golf course which is fine but even that was stopped from going any further by the pond. I have been before and I think you can eventually walk out via a public gate North although that involves walking along the A264 to get anywhere which is not a good idea!

  • @terrak7609
    @terrak760924 күн бұрын

    Glad to know you're almost recovered! I have to admit, it's quite fun to read only if it were a fictional misadventure.😅but the very beautiful images prove that it is real ! Chris Haugen's music is also perfectly chosen. Well done 👍 and take care ! 🙂

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153318 күн бұрын

    Sorry to har about your fall hope you are OK now! I'm also grounded this week after an eye op will try next week

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153318 күн бұрын

    Those chicks look like they have a way to go before they fledge; have they from any other nests?

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing18 күн бұрын

    😄 Thankyou 🙂

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing18 күн бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 I don't think any chicks have fledged yet, but it will be soon. There is a "live camera" on the nest linked to KZread so I will check that out as I didn't go today. Will maybe go next week to see if they are practicing their flying by jumping up and down in the nest. I love seeing them do that! Hope they don't fledge before then! 🙂

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153328 күн бұрын

    We saw Puffins in Iceland! Really close and natural. Lots of other birds too including Eider Ducks. Volcanoes glaciers and waterfalls for rest of week

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing28 күн бұрын

    How fantastic! So glad you got to see some. Not jealous at all! 😉😄

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153327 күн бұрын

    There were only about 6 as they close from evening until 0900 not that would have got there earlier! Saw a pair of Whooper swans today plus loads of other birds it's a birders paradise but we're not birders

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing26 күн бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 Sounds fantastic. Maybe it's time you did become birders by sounds of things! 😉 I'm not really a birder either. I think I like to see all sorts of wildlife really-it's just nice being out and seeing wonderful creatures!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153326 күн бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing last day of the hire car today. To be fair we've gone about as far as possible each day given the need to go back to Reykjavik where we are staying. Saw a few more birds today I've never seen before. Just gonna chill in the capital for the next couple of days lots of free stuff to do and probably more birds! Would have been great to fly to Heimay for the day but silly money

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud153325 күн бұрын

    A quiet day today in Reykjavik. Walked down to the Thorn (lake) where the Terns were going wild! Then a £10 beer whilst watching a couple of families of Eider Ducks with ducklings swimming around the unused whale watching boats (too windy, probably also for Puffins but We've seen them!) Don't think I've ever seen ducks in the sea before

  • @dragon-acrocantho
    @dragon-acrocantho28 күн бұрын

    Amazing 😊

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing28 күн бұрын

    Yes it took me a long time to recover from the surprise of it doing that! 🙂

  • @poziomkax5985
    @poziomkax5985Ай бұрын

    Really lucky to film this fox in action

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing28 күн бұрын

    Yes, I just couldn't believe it! It was all thanks to the goose who flew across the water to scare it away! (I was watching the geese and their goslings at the time).

  • @terrak7609
    @terrak7609Ай бұрын

    The goose and the coot not even afraid. Was the eel alive? Great sequence ! 🦊

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing28 күн бұрын

    The goose flew across the water to try and scare the fox because he thought the fox was after the baby goslings. The coot swam across to see what all the fuss was about! I think the goose and the coot were as surprised as I was when the fox caught the eel. I think maybe the eel wasn't alive because it would have probably been wriggling around to escape, but I don't know for sure as it was quite a long way away from where I was filming. I filmed it on very long zoom.

  • @terrak7609
    @terrak760928 күн бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing I also think that the eel was already dead and its better that way 😅

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing26 күн бұрын

    @@terrak7609 😅

  • @tonym480
    @tonym480Ай бұрын

    Hi Susan, nice video 👍 A question if I may, is this the Dewpond near Chanctonbury or at Beggers Bush ? I'm assuming one or the other. I was pleased to see a pair of Bullfinch at Warnham recently, and last Saturday at Rye Harbour, Common Tern and Avocet, amongst many other birds. We seem to know the same locales 😃

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou 🙂 I'm not sure where Beggers Bush is, but I do know the Chanctonbury one, which I believe has newts in it! I walked to this one along the path from the Kithurst Hill carpark towards Chantry Hill carpark. Apparently it is nearer to Chantry than Kithurst but it was a sunny day so I fancied a bit of a walk. Yes I do go to Warnham once in a while although it is a bit of a drive. Also Pulborough Brooks RSPB from time to time, although very often there isn't a lot to see there-they do have Avocets from time to time though. I have never been to Rye Harbour as that is a long drive from here, but I would really love to see Spoonbills one day, so I guess I will have to make the effort when I am certain they will be there! 😄

  • @tonym480
    @tonym480Ай бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing Yes, I know the one you mean. I grew up in West Chiltington and the part of the Downs around Chantry and Kithurst is where I spent a lot of time as a kid, although I have to admit I had forgotten about that one when I commented. Can I plead old age ? 😅 Beggers Bush is near Sompting. Do you know Lambley's Lane ? It's off the A27 between Lyons Farm and Titch Hill, the road that goes past Sompting Church over the Downs to Steyning. You can also reach it via the footpath that runs around and behind Sainsbury's supermarket at Lyons Farm. If you walk up Lambley's Lane, past the Barn and the horses at the top of the hill and down the other side, keeping to the left path toward Cissbury Ring, Beggers Bush is in the valley you come to. alternatively you can reach it from the little car park on Titch Hill. I'll try and post a link under this comment and hope YT doesn't delete it. Rye Harbour is most definitely worth a visit. I went with a friend by train from Worthing last Saturday. As well as the Terns and Avocets I mention above, yes there were Spoonbills.I was kicking myself because I had left my Nikon and long lenses at home, I didn't want to carry too much weight. The way it goes 🙄 Thank you for your videos, I always enjoy seeing them. ps. YT deleted my link 🤔

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing28 күн бұрын

    @@tonym480 Shame they deleted the link but I can look up Titch Hill. I have never been along that road but have heard of it. I had no idea you could actually get to Rye from Worthing! That is something I will look into. It seems to me that everything I spot is always just that little bit too far away to get decent sharp photos. I use a tripod as I have a Nikon P950 with 83x zoom, but it can be a bit shaky when full on! I saw a lovely baby hare today away in the distance. It was shadow-boxing a blackbird. No video, but a slightly misty photo as it was all happening too quickly to put the camera on the tripod! I'm really glad you enjoy my videos-it is great to get some feedback as I never really know what people will make of them. It's all very self-indulgent really because I really enjoy making them! 😄

  • @tonym480
    @tonym48027 күн бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing I know exactly what you mean by too far/slightly out of focus. It's the story of my life 😄 One of the ways digital wins over film, which was how I started, long long years ago, is that you can take a chance and see what you get without the expense of wasted film. I often find that the best picture is not the one you spend time setting up, but the one that happens by chance. I usually shoot 'hand held', although I am finding it harder now than I did when younger, especially with my 600mm telephoto lens. As well as wildlife, birds in particular, I like aeroplanes, and have lots of 'in flight' photos from various air shows that are all hand held shots, and for which I mostly use a 70 to 300 Zoom on my Nikon D 7100. I never really tried video. Probably I have a mind set formed in the days when I was using a 35mm SLR that I'm a taker of pictures, not video. I like your videos, for both the content, and the fact that they are all local, places I've known all my life. I hope you will not mind that I often share a link to some them to a e-newsletter distributed world wide, which is an offshoot of a Norwegian railway related YT channel that I'm subscribed to, in the hope of getting you more views. Worthing to Rye is indeed possible by train, but requires two changes. Worthing to Brighton > Brighton to Eastbourne > Eastbourne to Rye, on the service to Ashford International. I have not driven for many years now, and allowed my licence to lapse when I reached 70. The friend I went with has never driven, so train and bus is how we get around. It's surprising the places you can get too with a little planing. In 2019 I visited Bempton Cliffs in Yorkshire when the seabirds were nesting. One of the most amazing things I have ever seen. I had hoped to return the next year, but so far have been unable to, for various reasons, not least the Covid thing. Take care Susan, as long as you are posting on YT you can be sure of a least one view. 😃

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing26 күн бұрын

    @@tonym480 😄 Haha thank you! 🙂It's nice to know that someone enjoys my videos! Yes, it's great that we get to take as many photos as we like with digital photography-the downside being far too much editing and too many photos not deleted! And of course there are so many editing apps available these days too which I'm sure make some photographers seem more skilled than they actually are. I very much appreciate you sharing my videos, that's really good of you. I wondered why my views had increased! 🙂 Well, the video of all videos escaped me today when I saw a hedgehog in my garden this morning carrying a huge wadge of grass in its mouth. It did this many times but I could only see its back view to get any photos. And don't hedgehogs move quickly! Then I decided to sit hidden in a flowerbed across the lawn to try and get it front view but of course I think it had decided to go for a nap by then. 😄 Still worth the long wait just in case-I would have loved to have caught that on camera. That was certainly an epic journey you and your friend made to Rye that day! I don't think I will be doing that any day soon by train! 😄 I have a yearning to get back to Bempton Cliffs too, I do wish it was within an hours drive there and back. then I would be there all the time at this time of year! And apparently there are wonderful sightings of a barn owl there too. Maybe next year....

  • @terrak7609
    @terrak7609Ай бұрын

    Nice close-ups of these little birds 👍🙂

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou 🙂

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    looks like Ewe had a lucky escape! ;-)

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    😄 Yes in fact I baa-ly had time to get up on that bank at the side of the path! 😄

  • @terrak7609
    @terrak7609Ай бұрын

    It can be a little scary when you see them rushing 😂

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    It certainly can! 😄

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    We went down today. Saw a few storks up high as we arrived in the swanky new Kitchen where we parked. They don't ask for parking any more just 50p if you need a map.Those cushions are indeed very nice and they should be at the price. Didn't realise it takes you straight to the yellow route across Swallows Lane. There were 3 youngsters in Sand School nest. The parents don't stand guard any more just fly in and out to feed, also the same at the Camera nest where a couple of adults flew straight over our heads! Walked back via the Mill Pond, not much going on there just some Mallard ducks and Coots. Saw some juvenile red deer on the private road after the hammer pond. Lots of visitors today thanks to Stork Power!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Just seen this notification and see that you already knew about the young storks being left on their own now. I can't wait to go and see how big they are, so it had better not rain tomorrow! Well, I guess you really have had the full Knepp experience now-especially now you have seen those cushions! 😉😄

  • @OlivierBillaut
    @OlivierBillautАй бұрын

    Exceptionnal visual production and video editing. So beautiful, sweet and smooth. Much inspired and talented. A real peaceful and relaxing pleasure to watch. Full of poetry and spirit. Good for the mind and the eyes. Fabulous filming. Big big big like for this fantastic perform and brighting sharing. Splendid and luminous.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Wow thankyou! Huge praise indeed! I am really glad you enjoyed it. I love to gaze at nature and to try to show the beauty of what I have seen. If one or two people understand what I am trying to say then I am truly happy. 🙂

  • @dragon-acrocantho
    @dragon-acrocanthoАй бұрын

    Beautiful Moon 😊

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou 🙂

  • @CRVideos0877
    @CRVideos0877Ай бұрын

    So beautigul swans, so cute cygnets! Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful video! Greetings from Romania!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou! And greetings to Romania 🙂

  • @poziomkax5985
    @poziomkax5985Ай бұрын

    Hare ( Lepus) English saying ...mad as a March hare ( males fight, boxing each other for a teritory ) Hare are totally wild never mix with wild rabbits. They live in the grass, never in burrows. DIsney says that Alice goes through rabbit's hole but meets a Mad Hatter ( a hare n the mad rush)

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Actually they have now found out that it is the female hares boxing the males to fight them off when they are getting to amorous! Yes they live in shallow hollows in the ground called forms. I have never seen hares and rabbits together either-the hares are much bigger-maybe that is why! I didn't realise that there was a March Hare in Alice in Wonderland-just looked it up and saw a picture! 🙂

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    Are there any chicks in the Sand School nest? When our bike ride arrived there an adult flew in but there was only one

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    I did actually film three chicks the day we were both there, but I haven't had the chance to go back yet to see them again. Was hoping to go today but rain and Knepp don't mix!

  • @sportsmediaamerica
    @sportsmediaamericaАй бұрын

    Do the terns see the heron as a threat to their own supply of fish? Or is it simply intra-species hostility?

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    The terns have only arrived there recently and a pair of them sit on that platform on and off for most of the day so I am guessing they have claimed it as their territory and that was why they were trying to drive the heron away-which they did in the end! The herons land there occasionally to fish.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    I have since discovered that the terns are now incubating eggs there and that must have been the real reason I guess!

  • @poziomkax5985
    @poziomkax5985Ай бұрын

    Such lovely pictures & info under thr film ...more... from the 9 th of May 44 views but only 3👍 ? Every 👍 gives a message to other people to look at her films(, lets not forget)

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    I guess not that many people like my films! 😄 I do know also that it is possible to watch KZread videos without signing in and if people do that then they can't actually put a 👍 when they view a film. Also, my films have very little dramatic action-they are more about just watching nature-just nature gazing so maybe people only look for a few seconds and then move on to something else that interests them more?

  • @poziomkax5985
    @poziomkax5985Ай бұрын

    ​@susanbarnett2963 but drop us -stork camera watchers that you been, let us know. Your photos are much greener.Some of us live far away, so you are (for me a top up) can I "request "from you a vid - way walking to in Knepp, a display (of storks info) so I can read . Van with produce grown in Knepp garden ,left for sale.Tell us about it on the chat. Too much walking for me, so will not visit 😢so you could be my guide. Ps.ringing birds soon but for Project film we will have to wait for months !😢 yours brilliant from last year.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    @@poziomkax5985 I will see what I can do, but it is raining again here at the moment so not good to visit-too muddy! Yes Knepp has a beautiful new cafe in an old barn and a huge gift shop now with very expensive but beautiful items for sale. Also they have made a market garden of vegetables but I haven't actually seen any for sale yet. They sell the organic meat from their deer and pigs and longhorn cattle in the shop.

  • @tonym480
    @tonym480Ай бұрын

    Beautiful, two iconic species much less seen ( or heard 😄) than they were in my childhood. Well done. (I'm almost tempted to say that you should have used Vaughan Williams for the music)

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    I wish I had thought of that! 😄 Actually it did take me quite some time to choose some music which didn't clash too much with the skylark. Yes I really love seeing hares and it really was so lucky that the skylark was singing away in the background as I was filming as they all went very quiet just a few minutes later! It really is the most beautiful sound though isn't it.

  • @obserwatorzyprzyrody
    @obserwatorzyprzyrodyАй бұрын

    Piękny okaz Pozdrawiam

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou 🙂

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    So looking forward to seeing the cygnets (I think properly pronounced swannets!) tomorrow. We had to go to Crawley this afternoon so had a walk around the lake in Tilgate Park. There are a pair of swans, Dad was spending much of the time chasing away two geese, I don't think I've ever seen a swan flying before! the take-off is like a 747 very long and lumbering. Mum had a clutch of 5 cygnets close to the shore they are much bigger than the ones in your video but still adorable. On the other side of the lake we saw a pair of geese with 7 goslings. They all climbed onto land and had a good forage around. Then another pair with just a single tiny gosling also went onto land, it was soooo sweet! I also led the club bike ride to Knepp this morning. We rode down to the Sand School nest just in time to see an adult fly in, couldn't see any chicks though. I took a clubmate to see the Camera nest while the other riders went back to the cafe which I thought was just before the stables. But no it's off the A24 slip road and is huge! a coffee trailer restaurant bar visitor centre and new car park. It was completely full they must make a mint! do they still charge for parking? we went back via Ashington and Thakeham.

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    we went back via Ashington and Thakeham; but not the A24 went via Countryman lane and the quiet lane to Spear Hill!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Sounds like you have had a really great day! I have actually seen photos of both those cygnets (swannets!) and the goslings at Tilgate Park-one of my FB friends is a frequent visitor. There seems to be a sort of 'zoo' there too! I must try and visit one day. I went to spot hares again today and managed to see one or two. The wild flowers are amazing at the moment! Yes that Knepp Cafe is big business-and in the shop you can buy a cushion that costs £150!!! (It is rather lovely though with a pair of storks on it!)😄 I have been there two or three times now. It is expensive, but probably not that much more than some garden centres and I had a wonderful piece of cake there last time I went! I just like sitting in that barn! They haven't charged for parking just yet but might well do in the summer as they did last year before the new cafe etc. was even built. But I guess a lot of it goes to the stork project and the upkeep of the land etc. But it is certainly big business! Probably lots of campers there this weekend too as it has been sunny. You chose a good morning for your ride around Knepp. I hope your club enjoyed it.

  • @Fortheloveofbirds2020
    @Fortheloveofbirds2020Ай бұрын

    They are adorable! Amazing video!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou 🙂 Yes they certainly are!

  • @natureneverdies
    @natureneverdiesАй бұрын

    cute Kids

  • @capturingnaturewithsandip
    @capturingnaturewithsandipАй бұрын

    Awesome video.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou very much 🙂

  • @williamj.stockich
    @williamj.stockichАй бұрын

    Thank you for bringing this bit of happiness into my life. I really liked your choice of music.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    I am so pleased you enjoyed my video and the choice of music. I must confess that it did take me a long time to decide which was the best music to choose and this piece seemed to be the most beautiful, just like the little cygnets 🙂 Thanking you so much for your feedback.

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    Beautiful! think I'll ride down next week if dry, can also stop by Woods Mill as I've seen them there before. It's a joy to cycle without a heavy saddle bag (more like a small suitcase!) as I did in Ireland, plus another not light bag on the handlebars to bring the bike back on the flight from Cork.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou. I was wondering how you travelled to Ireland on your bike-was thinking you would have a long ride to the nearest ferry! You will have to get a little cart to tow your luggage behind next time! 😉 Actually you will be in for a double treat if you do get to Widewater next week as a second set of cygnets have just hatched out there-I literally was too early by half a day to get them on camera! Apparently they are from the same father which could prove to be a bit awkward-there was a bit of a stand off when the first set of cygnets came too near to the other nest yesterday-I thought the male was going to attack the other swan, but it turns out today that he is actually two-timing both females! 😄

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing The usual way I do overseas bike rides is to put the bike in a cardboard box fly out one way discard the box and get the ferry back to UK, there's no ducking out I have to ride all the way with no other means of getting home. They have decided nobody wants to get the ferry and train any more so they don't connect! It was worth the diversion to Cork as I also did Cobh which has a stunning cathedral on the hill above the town. It was also the last port Titanic called at before she sank and 400 would be Irish emigrees perished ;( I'll definitely be going down next week, will also go to Brooklands as there are always swans there too!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 That sounds like a fantastic trip. I never knew you could actually put a bike in a box to travel by plane! Must have been a very long cycle ride back home though, but I guess you could take your time and stop off on the way. Sad news and brilliant news at Lancing Widewater Lagoon. The second set of cygnets perished yesterday at the hands, or should I say mouth, of a fox who has cubs there to feed. Very sad. The male swan was seen comforting his mistress yesterday. Had he been around I guess the two of them might have fought off the fox, but he was protecting the first set of cygnets who so far are all still there! The other news was that I have discovered that I photographed a very rare bird there last Wednesday which a couple pointed out to me and asked me to identify. I presumed it was a Yellow Wagtail in breeding plumage as it had a very bright yellow head, but when I posted photographs on Sussex Birders they all went berserk because it was in fact a very rare visitor to Sussex called a Citrine Wagtail! I felt quite gobsmacked. The funny thing is that I only took a photo of it to show the couple more closely! 😄 Pure luck! I have seldom been able to see any of the rare birds that other people see and now I appear to be the only one to have actually got a photo of this one! What a turn up for the books!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing I rode down today what a lovely day to be out on the bike! I went via Henfield and Woods Mill which only had a single drake by the pond! horrible main A road too. Eventually picked up my usual Downs Link route and crossed the cycle / pedestrian / cycle bridge in Shoreham. Stll a complete mess by the A27 hope they've sorted it out by August when I'm running another bike ride. Saw about 20 swans in Widewater but no cygnets ;-( do you have any foxes subscribed to your KZread channel? maybe that's how they find out? I rode round the lake at Brooklands just a solitary swan but did see a pair of coots with 5 lovely little comical chicks! Rehydrated in Worthing (probably one too many for cycling!) and on the way back passed Widewater again and saw a pair of swans with a lady with a large telephoto lens, Your cygnets! sadly only 6 left now though but adorable!. Then wobbled back via the Downs Link. Ps we have a new Beau for our girl bunny picking him up after Iceland so excited!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    The zoo at Tilgate is more of an animal centre. We last went 6 years ago they have various farm animals some guinea pigs (maybe rabbits too) birds maybe primates and Meerkhats! it used to be donation you put a few £ into the wooden animals at the entrance. About 20 years ago they also had red squirrels which could leave their enclosure and they had special feeders on the trees which the greys fell out of because they were too heavy so it encouraged the reds. They had all gone 6 years ago maybe Squirrelpox did for them? They still have them at the British Wildlife Centre near Lingfield but they are almost tame!

  • @DookuWhale
    @DookuWhaleАй бұрын

    It’s enjoying the simple things like this in life that make me truly happy. ❤❤

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou. Yes me too. There is rarely anything very dramatic that happens in any of my videos, I just love watching nature. 🙂

  • @ClassRoutinesRENEEsFunClips
    @ClassRoutinesRENEEsFunClipsАй бұрын

    a delightful video, loved the squirrel cute eating habit, great close ups ,,,,,,,,,,greetings Renee

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Thankyou 🙂 Yes that squirrel certainly munched it way through a lot of leaves!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    Oohh must come down tomorrow after work is it still as muddy?

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    Yes it was still muddy on Monday when I did a brief walk up the drive to take a friend to see the Sand School nest and the "Camera" nest after visiting the Knepp cafe! Young are showing now in the Sand School nest, although getting a good view is a bit difficult. They are now very visible in the "Camera" nest though. I'm hoping to go tomorrow too as hopefully it will be sunny. I want to see whether the young are visible in the Pond Field nest yet!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud1533Ай бұрын

    Thanks for showing me the Camera nest! definitely the best view. I waited about 30 mins in case the adult flew back to a nest but he didn't so I contented myself with watching the bunnies in the hedgerow being Meerkhats and generally doing what ours do. The wier pond (not sure what it's called) was very still with a lot of vegetation in the surface don't think there are any waterfowl on it at the moment.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 Yes I was so pleased I was able to show you where it was. I was hoping that the adult would fly back too, but no luck this time! And thank you for showing me the best view of the Sand School nest behind those huge oak trees. I never thought to look back from there. I managed to get some really nice photos of the three chicks in that nest. I was thinking it would be too far away but actually they seem ok cropped in closer. I think they call that weir the Hammer Pond? I haven't walked up that path for ages as there never seems to be anything on the pond, but in a previous year there were some Great Crested Grebes and their chicks there so maybe later. Enjoy Ireland!

  • @tonym480
    @tonym480Ай бұрын

    This is somewhere I spent many hours when I was a kid, very many years ago now. Great to see the Bluebells and other flowers are are still growing there. 🙂

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazingАй бұрын

    How fantastic-I can just imagine what a lovely place it must have been to experience as a child. I only ever go there when the bluebells are flowering-there are no permitted paths amongst the trees now once they have finished flowering, only along one edge of the wood. It always seems to be such a magical place when it is carpeted with bluebells.

  • @poziomkax5985
    @poziomkax59852 ай бұрын

    I wonder if you know live camera -Live Bird camera - forrest nook. Camera in the Polish mountain - private garden feeder. Here you will see ( at the feeder) visiting wild boar with the young, they come every night. Camera is 24 live. You can see them climbing in to the feeder ,so camera picks up every details of their body. The same with the female of Red Deer,or Munjac deer. There is of course a birds galore, with the Sparahawk coming for a piece of meat. Comments are in Polish but somebody answers questions in English. Regular nuthatch ( just pairing now) great spotted woodpecker. Poles are really excited seeing robin at the feeder. It's only recently that this bird become a garden/ park bird, not like in UK , every garden must have one.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing2 ай бұрын

    Omg I have just look it up and there is a huge boar there now making a lot of noise drinking! Amazing! Thanks for letting me know. I will follow it!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15332 ай бұрын

    Ohhhh! that's so sad 😢I live a mile from the reserve but have never been. I was going to today but decided to walk to Knepp instead. Very hard going most of the footpaths and bridleways are full of mud and puddles. Scratched my legs to bits. Knepp was very quiet saw a few Fallow bucks in the woods and a lady walking 2 military ponies (sorry didn't catch their full name) Pond field had an adult stork in the top nest, couldn't use binoculars got an eye problem. Another one flew past and saw it overhead quite close. Don't know if there are any eggs yet? There was an adult standing in the big nest you see from the white path. No sand school nest as far as I could see. Finished in the Mill pond nothing much just a couple of Coots

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15332 ай бұрын

    We have a lot of foxes round here could be the cause of the ducklings' demise 😢

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing2 ай бұрын

    I went there today too, but not until around 3.30pm. There is definitely a nest in the Sand School tree. The original nest has been destroyed again so the same pair have built a new nest further down and to the left of the original nest. You can just about see it if you know it is there! I saw it a couple of months ago when I was walking up the drive from where it is much more visible and I thought a new pair had built another nest in the same tree, but it was the same pair in the new nest! There is also another nest in a tree a bit further away if you turn round from looking at the SandSchool nest. It has a live cam on it-here on KZread. They told me that pair had been breeding there for the past three years, so I really can't understand why I have never set eyes on that nest before-unless of course they were mistaken! I sat under the usual tree for a while in the Pond Field. The male flew in and out of the nest just once so nothing really to video. He now has a new partner, I am wondering whether he ditched the original female because they didn't breed last year! There were a few deer there. It was so incredibly muddy on the way out that I had to take quite a few diversions to get through it all! Did see the Exmoor Ponies at one point though which was nice. No eggs hatched yet it seems although the live cam nest predicted today. My calculations though it would be around the !6th, so it will be very soon now! Just need some really dry weather to get rid of all that mud. A fox crossed my path on the way round to the Pond Field. Managed to get a fleeting photo. No nightingales yet, although they have them at Pulborough Brooks already. Hope to visit Knepp again next week some time depending on the weather!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing2 ай бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 People at the reserve thought either a fox, weasel or mink. I would bet on the mink myself!

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15332 ай бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing The other nest is some way West from the white path after the campsite going towards pond field. It's on the very top of one of the largest trees in that area. I've seen storks in it for the last 3 years but it's not possible to get close on any of the paths.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing2 ай бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 No I know that one-you can see it as you walk along the Yellow Route after going past the Camp Site and through the gate. The one I mean is lower down in a tree and much nearer to the stables. If you look behind you when you are viewing the Sand School nest you will see it quite close by part way down a tree. It can be seen best if you go through the gate to the White Route, across the bridge and up the path until the left hand hedgerow finishes. Then look across the field to the nearest trees and that's the one I mean. I really had no idea it was there until I turned round to look the other way when I was looking at the Sand School nest and saw it plainly when the trees were bare.

  • @iliveinsecrecy
    @iliveinsecrecy2 ай бұрын


  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15333 ай бұрын

    Won't be long now! Just returned from a few days in Nice, mainly to enjoy the snow on the Alps (not skiing sadly!) On the last day I did a walk along the hills by the coast. Suddenly amidst the mist I though I saw a dog but it was a baby wild boar! so sweet foraging around and grunting with quite a deep voice! another one also appeared but no Mum, presumably they don't have natural predators? Don't think we still have them in the UK...

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing3 ай бұрын

    Yes not long now-probably the first eggs to hatch will be around second week of April! How fantastic to see the young wild boar! They did want to reintroduce wild boar to Knepp but apparently they can be dangerous so good job you didn't go and pat them! 🙂 There is a live camera feed on one of the nests just across from the Sand School Nest. I have joined the White Stork Project Facebook Page now to keep up to date with the latest news. On the chat section next to the KZread live feed when I asked they said that the pair have bred there for the past three years, but I honestly don't ever remember seeing that nest before I first saw it this year! I do wonder whether they are correct-I just don't know how I could have missed it three years running! Did you get to see puffins in Iceland by the way, or haven't you been yet? I still haven't published my puffin photos, just one or two. Will make a slideshow one day and probably put it on KZread.

  • @grimpeursdusud1533
    @grimpeursdusud15333 ай бұрын

    @@suebarnett-naturegazing No Iceland is in June. Just Ireland a month before that so will be down to Knepp as soon as the evenings get longer

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing3 ай бұрын

    @@grimpeursdusud1533 That's three things you have to look forward to and June will come round so quickly! Be good if the weather improves too. Hoping those strong winds haven't played havoc with the nests again. It is so muddy there at the moment so very difficult to get around-we definitely need a few weeks of sunshine now.

  • @poziomkax5985
    @poziomkax59852 ай бұрын

    Wild boar lives, in Kent woods nr Westerham , as well as adder snakes, not pleasant when you mushroom picking.

  • @poziomkax5985
    @poziomkax59852 ай бұрын

    From the 1980s onwards, farmers in the UK began importing wild boar from mainland Europe to raise them for their meat. Brave escapees have led to the re-establishment of wild populations in England and Scotland. The Dangerous Wild Animals Act (1976) prevents the reintroduction of the species to the wild. Domesticated pigs, such as the Tamworth, can play a similar ecological role. A good amount of space is needed for wild boar. A small number of Tamworth pigs, standing in for wild boar at the Knepp Estate in Sussex, have taken well to their wild surroundings.

  • @gabrielg.2401
    @gabrielg.24013 ай бұрын

    Red river hog lol

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing3 ай бұрын

    Thankyou 🙂 Actually I think it might be even bigger than a Red River Hog-it's a Tamworth Pig 😄

  • @lysianechardard1696
    @lysianechardard16964 ай бұрын

    Very beautiful vidéo. Thank You

  • @naturalismundi4359
    @naturalismundi43594 ай бұрын

    Great pictures! I had a Grey Fox nest at a friends house and managed a bit of shaky video as the kits raided a nearby compost pile. Interestingly, and apparently the usual action, the parent moved the kits to another pre-made den after the event of being "spotted", even through a window.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing4 ай бұрын

    Amazing my two friends and I all sat at a distance out in the garden, me with my camera on long zoom on a tripod. The cubs appeared very quickly and were in and out of their den all afternoon trying to catch the birds which were on the ground around a feeder! And later the vixen came back with some food. Although the cubs did look in our direction occasionally, mostly they just seemed to love playing and going in and out of the den. And they lived there until they were old enough to leave, so luckily weren't scared away by us at all.

  • @gabrielg.2401
    @gabrielg.24014 ай бұрын

    Knepp is truly spectacular.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing4 ай бұрын

    It certainly is! A very special place ❤

  • @gabrielg.2401
    @gabrielg.24014 ай бұрын

    Beautiful, thank you.

  • @Kenntowol
    @Kenntowol4 ай бұрын

    Beautiful footage. I like the music over it! Thank you for sharing.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing4 ай бұрын

    Thank you, I am so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  • @visoroverwatch3247
    @visoroverwatch32474 ай бұрын

    Mmm nice and Plump!

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing4 ай бұрын

    Yes-maybe too many snacks! 😄

  • @naturalismundi4359
    @naturalismundi43594 ай бұрын

    Hadn't noticed till this video that you are in the United Kingdom... "Hey that isn't our Chickadee" 🙂. Miss England, but I have never been there as a birder. Lovely, simple videos. One needs to break away from human story telling and just see the avian creatures for what they are, what they do. You may not get thousands of thumbs pointing skyward, but know that you have spread a little more beauty across the planet.

  • @suebarnett-naturegazing
    @suebarnett-naturegazing4 ай бұрын

    Thankyou so much, I was really touched by your comment as I think you see what I'm seeing. 🙂❤