Mama and Rocco

Mama and Rocco

Mama and Rocco love being in the kitchen! Join us for toddler friendly recipes of all kinds.
Rocco is an almost 3-year-old sweet boy who loves animals, numbers and letters, hands-on learning, and “pouring”, “stirring”, and “dumping" ingredients! Roc has a speech delay that we’ve been working on- watch his speech develop and bloom while we add new vocabulary through cooking, baking, and crafting!
Mama is a pastry chef at a local restaurant (where Rocco’s daddy is the chef!) She enjoys arts and crafts of all kinds, runs an Etsy shop of mostly stickers and greeting cards, and spending time with Rocco James!
We live on the island of Martha’s Vineyard and together enjoy the beach, playing, and creating these videos!
Thanks for joining us, friends!!
