Miroda Otto

Miroda Otto

Videos from my Leisure Athlete blog adventures around the globe. It includes mountain bike events / rides, food & wine and travel ideas

Stairs of Lake Atitlán

Stairs of Lake Atitlán

CA2CX 2021Tour

CA2CX 2021Tour

Downhill Montagu Pass

Downhill Montagu Pass

Cycling down Montagu Pass

Cycling down Montagu Pass

Mount Anderson 360 view

Mount Anderson 360 view

Mount Anderson cycling 2

Mount Anderson cycling 2

Drive to Skardu from Gilgit

Drive to Skardu from Gilgit

Weihnachtsmarkt 2018

Weihnachtsmarkt 2018

BikeForEurope in Maastricht

BikeForEurope in Maastricht
