Cyclone Rake

Cyclone Rake

See the Cyclone Rake in Action!

Property care doesn't have to mean long weeks of back-breaking labor. The Cyclone Rake does the hard work for you. It's easy to use on any property, with almost any riding mower. Never struggle with acres of overgrown grass or piles of heavy leaves again. In a few quick passes with the Cyclone Rake leaf vacuum, your lawn is perfectly clear.

There are 5 Cyclone Rake models with unique power and capacity combinations to meet every property care need. Each Cyclone Rake leaf vacuum is built from premium quality components and assembled to order by highly skilled technicians in our West Haven, Connecticut factory. When you call our toll-free number, you'll always speak with a specialist here at the factory who is ready to help. Our experts will help you custom tailor a system that's right for your property care needs. Plus, we'll be here if you need anything down the road.

Using Your Cyclone Nut Rake

Using Your Cyclone Nut Rake

New Cyclone Nut Rake Video

New Cyclone Nut Rake Video

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