Attraction Ideas

Attraction Ideas

Making theme park commentary videos with a focus on Universal Studios Orlando, Six Flags, Walt Disney World, as well as many other theme parks. If you want an honest, informed, and light-hearted take on the theme park industry, you've come to the right place.


  • @brad349miller
    @brad349miller2 сағат бұрын

    Disney has failed Pandora, failed Star Wars, failed Epcot remodel, failed to address outdate FUTURISTIC Tomorrowland altogether. DISNEY. IS. FAILING. AND ITS STORY IDEAS SUCK! ENCANTO WAS A MOVIE WHERE NOTHING HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @brad349miller
    @brad349miller2 сағат бұрын

    Disney, if you keep sterilizing your parks and dont start getting crazy and creative and quirky, if you dont start throwing in a couple thrasher rides to compete with Universal and even SeaWorld, you're going to lose. People are going to stop coming. Nobody is coming to sit in a cafeteria or walk in giant open baren concrete courtyards.

  • @brad349miller
    @brad349miller2 сағат бұрын

    Disney needs to be held accountable. Disney has mismanaged its revenue and killed off and forgot what makes it great. If they wanted timeless and relevant they should have tackled Tomorrowland first. There's no innovation or imagination or creativity. Ripped out Mouse Gear and StarBucks for what? Two cafeterias and a concrete field. THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN A THRASHER RIDE THROWN IN TO COMPETE WITH UNIVERSAL AND SEAWORLD!!!!!

  • @kevikiru
    @kevikiru3 сағат бұрын

    You used the weighing scale wrong. The side which is favoured (eg Revenue/Profit vs Guest experience) is where the bar is lower. So if Guest Experience will improve with a fifth gate but hurt profits, the bar will be tilt lower on the Guest experience side and be higher on the Revenue/Profit side. That would show that Guest Experience 'has more weight in this condition than Revenue/Profit'.

  • @kevikiru
    @kevikiru3 сағат бұрын

    I do not think that the comment of Disney giving discounts will make it more difficult for universal. The reason is that it is cheaper to stay at Universal than to stay at Disney World hotels even if the latter gives discounts. What will matter more is if a guest wants to go to Epic Universe, the price of stay in the hotel will not matter more, and if it does then when they compare, Universal will win. The kind of person to be swayed by a discount from Disney and not go to Epic Universe is the kind of person who wants to go to Disney no matter what, and now they have a discount to do so. Not because Disney is comparatively better at the moment.

  • @gagesmith-sl2cf
    @gagesmith-sl2cf7 сағат бұрын

    Replaced with halloween movie land

  • @BruhÆ2022
    @BruhÆ20229 сағат бұрын

    I got a Six Flags ad on this video 💀

  • @Jace-qp8ej
    @Jace-qp8ej9 сағат бұрын

    log fume won't get you wet because it's a gas and doesn't contain enough moisture to interact with your skin in a way that would cause moisture transfer

  • @ODMagicMike
    @ODMagicMike14 сағат бұрын

    Popularity couldn’t save splash mountain.

  • @btpati
    @btpati14 сағат бұрын

    They can’t do this. SeaWorld been a part of our lives since The day it opened. it will always be part of us We need to make a Revolution to save SeaWorld

  • @gagesmith-sl2cf
    @gagesmith-sl2cf18 сағат бұрын

    Mybe put movieland at disneyland

  • @devilzwishbone
    @devilzwishbone20 сағат бұрын

    If you are an animal rights person my message is for you Whilst you are busy trying to cancel Sea World, saying its awful for the animals, they are abused or mistreated, they should be in the wild, im sure you are well aware of Keito the star killer whale in Free Willy movies, how upon release into the wild, it died from Pneumonia within months, a disease that would of likely been treated had he been in captivity, what a lot of animal rights conservationists fail to acknowledge, is these animals are not cheap to own, otherwise everyone in love with Orcas would have one in their swimming pool. Just as many love Huskies for their beautiful coats, but the reality here is this. They cost an absolute fortune, and they are the main attraction as to why people come to these shows, so any business is going to look after its assets, its not just going to let them come to harm or risk them dying only to have to find another trader and buy the animal or try desperately for the whales to mate. There many university veterinarians and marine life experts at the hand to look after the animals, I personally grew up in Tenerife, where Black Fish set out to cancel Loro Parque and I know first hand how much the animals are looked after Many of you started the "Free Morgan" campaign despite multiple court hearings and the outcome not being supportive in your favour, and with all due respects, its like your a child having a tantrum because you didnt get your own way, so your kicking up dust even more, Wah Wah Wah, I didnt get them cancelled, I achieved nothing in my life, well... to you I say grow up. You may be quick to respond back saying I am thank you I dont condone animal cruelty etc, hmm yet you only focus on whales, ignore bears, elephants, tigers, gorillas, lions etc What about the death of the trainers at both parks Guess what... they are ANIMALS these things happen God how many dogs around the world have attacked children and the dog owners were like, they wouldnt usually harm, ive got children and they have never once attacked them, I dont know what came over the dog, yet the dog is taken for walks, feed well and looked after in good health, an animal has hormones like humans and some day it can be pissed off like it or lump it, its very very natural and normal. Yet, I dont see people saying "Free all domesticated dogs and cats!", its not fair those who live in high rise block of appartments to have a cat, poor thing should be out in the streets fending for its own meal and fighting off fleas or a dog should be allowed to roam the streets and risk getting rabies (Luckily thats not an issue for me in the UK) Further more, in 2016, another theme park had an "accident" also which didnt involve a single animal Why did you not cancel them? Which themepark is this Alton Towers, in the UK with the Smiler ride PS: Loro Parque: 3 million guests per year Alton Towers: 2.3 million NO BODY has tried to cancel them because we all accept accidents do and can happen, but when it happens with humans its ok, but when its animals we get our too goody shoes on and want to spoil the fun for everyone. It will be a VERY VERY VERY sad world, when children cant see these magnificent animals upclose or see them swimming under water with glass bottom pools, I have been to Loro Parque (which is simiilar to sea world) and ive taken my eldest, ive witnessed time and time again the marvel of kids faces as they see these animals up close in amazement if anything they find new love for the animals and respect and talk about them for weeks, its an experience that often stays with them for life and you "Richard" heads (Im sure you know whats short for richard) keep trying to stop that Grow up You took it to the courts, many of times you been thrown out of court and ignored You have taken protests to the parks and been kicked out You are doing very little about the increase in orcas in captivity in china, thats because you would be imprisoned over there (Talk about fighting for a cause you believe in, oh only if its were there no consequences, very valiant and heroic lol)

  • @joshisanL
    @joshisanL23 сағат бұрын

    africa where no one can afford it

  • @iangarcia7459
    @iangarcia7459Күн бұрын

    pokemon world would kill the park hopefully they go with something else

  • @jorgezaldivar3113
    @jorgezaldivar3113Күн бұрын

    I cannot belive it. Activits took advantage and weaponized it!!! They do not realize that orcas have a sense of own will, just like us!

  • @millabasset1710
    @millabasset1710Күн бұрын

    I guess I'm cynical, but Pokemon as an IP is overvalued and I grew up with the franchise when it was at its prime. Pokemon is only alive because of Millennials and Zoomers who are already getting old.

  • @jcsmith8861
    @jcsmith8861Күн бұрын

    Rumor: They’re moving all the back of house offices and such to epic. That should free up at least a couple more places for houses to get to that 12-14 number inside studios. I think that’s the plan.

  • @QDude24
    @QDude24Күн бұрын

    They should make the other parks full day parks before opening a fifth one.

  • @DapperIndividual
    @DapperIndividualКүн бұрын

    Im still early in the video, but I really dont like the opinion that Disney *has* to immediately open another gate to compete with Universal because it deminishes the work done by both Disney and Universal. Both Disney and Universal parks are feats in artistry, engineering, management, and overall innovation. They're genuine pieces of art, and reducing it down to just a product for a corporation to earn money and mindlessly entertain the masses is a very disheartening take imo.

  • @TheJaredExpress
    @TheJaredExpressКүн бұрын

    Figment is actually getting a movie, so I would argue that yes, he is an IP

  • @Fyx5010
    @Fyx5010Күн бұрын

    Six Flags has faced difficulties being successful due to several factors: 1. **High Debt Levels**: Six Flags has historically carried substantial debt, which can limit its financial flexibility and increase vulnerability to economic downturns. 2. **Economic Conditions**: Economic recessions and downturns can significantly impact discretionary spending, leading to lower attendance and revenue. 3. **Competition**: The amusement park industry is highly competitive, with rivals like Disney, Universal, and regional parks offering strong competition. 4. **Seasonality**: Six Flags parks are often highly seasonal, with peak periods in summer and holidays. Off-season periods can lead to uneven cash flow and profitability issues. 5. **Operational Costs**: High operational and maintenance costs for rides and attractions can eat into profits, especially if attendance does not meet expectations. 6. **Changing Consumer Preferences**: Shifts in consumer preferences towards more experiential and digital entertainment options can reduce demand for traditional amusement parks. 7. **Pandemic Impact**: The COVID-19 pandemic severely affected the amusement park industry, leading to prolonged closures, reduced capacity, and increased health and safety costs. 8. **Management and Strategic Decisions**: Decisions related to park management, pricing strategies, and investments in new attractions can also impact success. Missteps in these areas can lead to financial difficulties and reduced customer satisfaction. Addressing these challenges requires strategic planning, investment in new and appealing attractions, effective cost management, and adaptability to changing market conditions.

  • @SalveRegina8
    @SalveRegina82 күн бұрын

    Stupid place should’ve never opened at all.

  • @joshuajones3245
    @joshuajones32452 күн бұрын

    What would be dope is if they re-themed MIB and made it Ghost Busters

  • @SouthernBelleReviews
    @SouthernBelleReviews2 күн бұрын

    There's no Six Flags in my area so obviously I've never been. Never been to Disney either.

  • @CC-sv9fs
    @CC-sv9fs2 күн бұрын

    In my opinion i think Disney should look on keep expanding within the current parks and look into building or adding a new resort (like buy a property from the new Six flags chain) rather than building a new park. I think something like that would more value and bring more true competition to Universal rather than the 5th park. However i guess we will find out at D23 what Disney decides to do.

  • @funnywackysillyman7780
    @funnywackysillyman77802 күн бұрын

    2:25 "I'm not making that video"

  • @thebottomline6075
    @thebottomline60752 күн бұрын

    Before Disney should consider building a Fifth park at Disney World they need to FIRE Bob Iger, the DEI hires, DUMP all their WOKE agendas, fix repair and update what they already have and start making a profit again.

  • @jaydenchrist6152
    @jaydenchrist61522 күн бұрын

    They need to fix Animal Kingdom first before talking about a 5th park. In a year Animal Kingdom will lose another ride in Dinosaur so they can retheme it with the Tropical Americas. They also need to update or replace some of their rides like Journey Into Imagination at Epcot and Animation Courtyard at Hollywood Studios.

  • @Geethepancake
    @Geethepancake3 күн бұрын


    @KARZJR3 күн бұрын

    this video was like a fever dream

  • @jacobwasano2543
    @jacobwasano25433 күн бұрын

    Black fish was blown out of proportion and it’s ruined Seaworld to even go and learning about these animals is now gone thanks America get to offended by the dirty means you get pissed we all know what the government will do to protect or sell us out he’ll I’d rather give that 6 million to Seaworld than Ukraine or hey 9k to everyone in the us but no

  • @flaco171ac
    @flaco171ac3 күн бұрын

    So you're telling me there's a chance?

  • @HummingbirdInAHurricane
    @HummingbirdInAHurricane3 күн бұрын

    Disney have already pretty much destroyed EPCOT and are on the verge of neutering Animal Kingdom as well, so building a fifth park doesn't address the fundamental issues on Disney's part. Iger & Co. are in an existential crisis and don't even understand their own brand.

  • @tstidm4
    @tstidm43 күн бұрын

    Comcast is not going to make the same mistakes as 1999. You’re going see ads on NFL playoff games on NBC. Every major market east of the Mississippi is going to be doing live shots with Al Roerke. There’s going tone a behind the scenes special and major NBC shows will be there (NBC Nightly News and Today). You’re going to see marketing everywhere. This is going to be bring 3 to 4 million new tourists.

  • @vamoscruceros
    @vamoscruceros3 күн бұрын

    Is there a balance between existing parks so much that ticket prices have to be raised to unsustainable levels, and building a fifth park? You also have to take into consideration the logistics of either expanding the other parks or adding a park, as each presents different challenges for traffic, utilities, flow of people, etc.

  • @WhiteHeavenRuckus99
    @WhiteHeavenRuckus994 күн бұрын

    I went to six flags after a decade and they no longer accepted ACTUAL cash, only card. Yk how mad i was?

  • @rapunzel1701
    @rapunzel17014 күн бұрын

    OFTF is the only ride at UOR I haven't ridden. Last 3 times I tried, I got rained out.

  • @zero-wolf5519
    @zero-wolf55194 күн бұрын

    They can always rebrand to Ed’s sea ranch 😂

  • @aidencordon7884
    @aidencordon78844 күн бұрын

    Your scale isn’t working

  • @TheItachiIshtar
    @TheItachiIshtar4 күн бұрын

    So it seems like the core issue presented in this video is that Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom are heavily underdeveloped parks that need to be expanded to full park experiences closer to Magic Kingdom. By comparison, Islands of Adventure offers about just as many attractions as Universal Studios Florida. Disney needs to expand and add more attractions in these parks without just replacing existing attractions.

  • @Just_Call_Me_Aurora
    @Just_Call_Me_Aurora4 күн бұрын

    I would absolutely adore there being a Pokemon world in Universal, especially since I’m kinda disappointed by Springfield USA in all honesty.

    @NOVELBITES4 күн бұрын

    Native Floridian here, so I can’t help but point this out-conch is pronounced kaangk (or konk) 😊 Great video. You nailed it.

  • @xx4u2fearxx89
    @xx4u2fearxx894 күн бұрын

    $15 for 4 chicken strips is what made me never come back.

  • @12PieceAndaSoda
    @12PieceAndaSoda4 күн бұрын

    I went recently and there was no line for any ride. It was fuckin amazing

  • @samexahr3326
    @samexahr33264 күн бұрын

    It's hard with beloved rides. Especially if a park has a large quantity of them. It's good to give the ride a send off if that's possible. Shows the park still respects the ride despite choosing or needing to close it. Possibly reference the ride elsewhere after closure with easter eggs. If possible try to record the ride well, won't capture the full ride experience but may capture theming. Try to have a worthy successor, or possibly remaster the ride. Like a retrack. If the issue is the age of the ride over popularity or cost of running.

  • @44bthknuckles
    @44bthknuckles4 күн бұрын

    yes they will they might have a thrill park rumor is force world.

  • @timothybernardi68
    @timothybernardi684 күн бұрын

    Wondering if Mr. Attraction Ideas has ever been on an attraction development (construction) team, or if he is just one of those cliche outsiders who are commenting on a industry with which he's only had experience as a consumer?

  • @KhurtKhave669
    @KhurtKhave6694 күн бұрын

    I stopped going to the Disney parks 2 years ago because of all the broken animatronics and rides breaking down. No longer worth the money to go.

  • @yesorlando05
    @yesorlando054 күн бұрын

    As someone who attended WDW most years between 2977-2016, Disney would be idiotic to build a 5th park. Their core problem is their obsession with lecturing its target audience with politics, not its "lack" of parks. I mean, really??? It's obvious, lol. Yes, Disney is grossly overpriced, its current rides are falling apart, they're cutting way back on offerings, needlessly changing beloved attractions, etc. But to arrogantly tell guests to screw off when we say, "Get out of our faces with the politics. We just want to enjoy the parks", THAT is the foundation of where their problems lie. Until that changes, they will continue hemorrhaging money and losing park guests while they double down on their political dogma. The ride are in such poor condition, offerings are taken away, and prices are going through the roof because people are not buying Disney park tickets/merchandise/movies/tv. The 100's of millions of dollars of money they've been losing over the last 5 years has to be made up elsewhere. Ignoring the truth won't helps. Universal is already a ride-for-ride, resort-for-resort better value. When Epic Universe opens, it will be a death nail to Disney.

  • @michaelmiller6843
    @michaelmiller68434 күн бұрын

    No, the answer is no.