GeoScouter117 Geocaching Adventures

GeoScouter117 Geocaching Adventures

Hi there! I'm Bill, aka GeoScouter117. What is Geocaching? It is the worlds largest GPS based treasure hunt game. I discovered Geocaching in July 2015, but didn't make my first geocache find until October 2016, I have been doing it ever since. I don't get out nearly as often as I would like, but I get out when I can. I started vlogging my geocaching adventures in August of 2017 which I really enjoy (and hope you do too).

I like GeoCaching in the woods the most, but because of where I work I do go for urban and city geocaches as well. I try to get out at lunch when when I can if the weather is good and find one or two.

Thanks and subscribe and share this channel of your are so inclined. Thanks for watching!


  • @WhatIsKevinUpTo
    @WhatIsKevinUpTo4 күн бұрын

    Congrats on completing your first lab. They are a blast.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1173 күн бұрын

    Thanks! I agree and will be completing more.

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino4 күн бұрын

    Congrats on finishing your first AL!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 күн бұрын

    Thanks! Not sure why it took me so long to complete one. 😋 But now that I have, I want more.

  • @GeoRick
    @GeoRick6 күн бұрын

    Loved the start. We don't display our flag nearly as much as you guys do. Looks great to see them all blowing in the breeze. We will remember them!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1176 күн бұрын

    Thanks! Yes, you are correct about the display of our flag. It does the heart good at times. I wish I had a drone to show an areal view. This was just one of the plots, and I really only showed a small area of it. There are also more on the other side that I didn't show. The place is quite large. Thank you for watching and keeping the men and women here in your thoughts.

  • @BrentSmithsimrebel
    @BrentSmithsimrebel6 күн бұрын

    Surprised you haven't done labs yet

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1176 күн бұрын

    I know right? It's only been five years. In "my defense", there really weren't too many close to me early on. But I don't really have an excuse now.

  • @julie-nm6lv
    @julie-nm6lvАй бұрын

    If they have gooslings leave them alone, the will attack you and its not pretty

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter117Ай бұрын

    Absolutely! I was a good 75 yards or so away, but when I was walking the trailI could see I was being watched very closely. Trouble is you don't know what they consider "a safe distance" to be! Thanks for watching and your comment?

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX24 ай бұрын

    I am not sure what happened, but I am glad that you found a solution to fix it. Thanks for sharing.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    There was a metal rod that fell off. It wasn't on screen very long. I put the cache back to move the camera. When I picked it up again, the rod fell off down the pipe. Glad I picked up that Allen wrench tool. I knew I would use it some day. I'll be honest, though. I didn't think it would be for a geocache.

  • @GeoElmoGeocaching
    @GeoElmoGeocaching4 ай бұрын

    Nice cache and nice job fixing it! Keep putting out those videos!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    Thanks. I knew that tool would come in handy some day. Yep. Just doing what I can when I can and enjoying the creative process.

  • @Skimbosh
    @Skimbosh4 ай бұрын

    Nothing wrong with being a slight hoarder, ya cache breakin summagun! Your honor, I present this video as EVIDENCE A!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    I was framed! At 1920x1080 30fps. 😅

  • @Geogurl82
    @Geogurl824 ай бұрын

    It happens! That’s a cool hiding spot though. Keep on getting out there, even if it is just every now and then 😊

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    So great to hear from you! It is a different kind of spot for sure. The placement is great being next to the light pole. Yeah, I just need to take geocaching as it comes.

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino4 ай бұрын

    Good to see that you are still out there caching and filming!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    Yeah still at it. Thanks!

  • @Hakliva
    @Hakliva4 ай бұрын

    Whoops! Been there! Done that!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    I got lucky that the CO used a good duct tape and that there was enough to use with the salvaged tool.

  • @JustCarloGeocaching
    @JustCarloGeocaching4 ай бұрын

    I love the process of planning, filming and editing videos. We all put in a lot of work for this niche category and it can be frustrating not seeing the views go up. I can only speak for myself, but when I started posting videos, it was to share my joy of Geocaching with my friends and family, and possibly open it up to others who have never tried it before. The question that comes up a lot is “what story are we trying to tell?” I’ve been trying to get better at that. Even if it’s for a nano in a bench, there’s a story to what brought you there. Quality recording and editing techniques come with experience but it’ll be the stories we tell that draw the audience. At least that’s what I tell myself lol. One thing if for certain: there is so much support for each other in this niche and it’s nice to see that in these comments.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    I too really enjoy the process of making videos. I don't really plan or script as much as I should so perhaps I should look into it some to see how I could improve. It certianly is not going to hurt. Often, after I watch back my edited and now public video, I always think of things that I should have pointed out or said that would have made it more interesting (aka the story). I just go out there and just record my adventure for the most part. That's OK but let's face it, not always very exciting. You are also 1000% percent correct regarding the support for each other in this niche. I have been blessed to receive so many comments of support and encouragement. Thank you for your comments, input, and being part of this fantastic group of people.

  • @Skimbosh
    @Skimbosh4 ай бұрын

    I swear this is just constructive criticism from someone that has rode the highs and lows of KZreadly waters (on another channel, another hobby.) One: which you already know, is that geocaching videos in any long form are terribly niche. Unless you do something real balls-to-the-wall, the Sacred KZread Algorithm isn't going to be doing you any favors. Two: unless you have REALLY good equipment or editing skills, might I suggest NOT walking and talking. Get taht scenery, find a spot, speak your thoughts, move on, find another spot, etc. I'm not trying to be harsh, but it could veryily turn people off from the video. If I am out of order saying that I apolgize and strike me from your channel. Three: thinking about this should I/shouldn't I stuff is gonna give you a headache. You see something and want to make a video, rock it out. If not, do something else. Don't be beholden to any one thing.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    OK. You're done. Out of here. JUST KIDDING!!! I really do appreciate your honest opinion and welcome constructive criticism. Point 1 taken. Yeah, I know about it being very niche and just have to accept it. Point 2. I will take it under advisement. I have a GoPro Hero 8. The stabilization is not great, but it's not terrible. I did cut myself off a bit in this one, but I'm not sure what happened there. OK, point taken. But I probably won't eliminate walk and talk completely but will consider reducing it. Point 3 I do enjoy doing this and will continue on for now in whatever capacity life will allow and whatever direction it takes. And like you said, it doesn't have to be exclusive. I could explore other interests as well. I heard videos about dogs riding horseback might be up and coming.

  • @Skimbosh
    @Skimbosh4 ай бұрын

    Sorry man, I meant the ambient sound while walking, not the stabilization. It is hard to hear you sometimes. Looking forward to canine equestrian content in the future.@@GeoScouter117

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1174 ай бұрын

    @Skimbosh Well on that I agree as well. I did boost it the best i could but with the leaves I could only do so much. I do have wireless microphones but have not been using them since I got this GoPro since they could not be used without the media mod which I didn't have but now do. I will be using them more. I have never been accused of being a boisterous speaker so I need them. Thanks again for the input.

  • @Hakliva
    @Hakliva5 ай бұрын

    WE will always be OUR OWN worst critic. I also fall asleep editing my own videos. Someone will always find inspiration in something that we post, even if you dont think it is worth much. Your why may change as to why you make the videos, but as long as you enjoy something out of them, keep going. Figure out what you like to put out and just do it, even if its not preforming well right now because new trends do not come from doing the same thing. I like to think that there are more than just the 2 categories... what about insirational? be it for the viewer or the creator? Some creators use youtube to keep them accountable to their own goals as well. Its late, my brain is fried, but i clicked on and enjoyed the nature! I am missing the great outdoors and all of its beauty at the moment, and the snow isnt helping to make things very accessible at the moment either lol! Keep up the awesomeness that you provide. I look forward to seeing whatever you have to share, even though I rarely comment on anyone's videos.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    You certainly speak the truth when it comes to being our own worst critics. It's hard to ignore it when it becomes overwhelming. I do enjoy making videos and that is really what has kept me going thus far despite my disappointment in the numbers. Yeah, you are correct about there more than one category but I was thinking most of what watch so I guess that tells you something about me. But I still feel like they are the most popular. I was going for a more generalization when I said that. Thanks for watching and your comment. It is truly appreciated. I hope you are able to get back out there soon.

  • @GeoRick
    @GeoRick5 ай бұрын

    If you are enjoying it keep going. Loved the Autumn colours.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    I do and I plan to keep going. I just might try changing it up a little. Autumn is pretty spectacular.

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX25 ай бұрын

    I enjoy creating videos, so I make them. That's enough for me. Good luck with your decision.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    That is certainly important. I do enjoy creating videos and plan on continuing, but I feel like I want to change things up a bit. Not just to hopefully increase views, but make a better overall video. Nothing crazy. Just a different perspective or something like it. If that makes sense. Thanks as always for your support and input.

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino5 ай бұрын

    Dude, I hear you. Sometimes I get frustrated because it takes so long to make a video and when I post it... 100 views. UGH. And then trying to figure out the type of video that people will enjoy and watch. I've had videos that had some great content and finds in them to not break 100 views while other random videos that were "mediocre" (in my book) break 200+. I thought the japan caching videos would do great but some have still yet to break 200 views. Hell, I thought the Pokemon D'oh video team up with Bob Billy would bring in views but it finally broke 100 views after being posted 2 weeks ago. And I think when I included that in the "Last Jasmer" video, people didn't know it was there because they just skipped through the video to the very end. It's annoying and nerve racking. My only advice would be to keep doing what you love. If you don't love it anymore, then it's new hobby time. Don't give up caching though. :)

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    It's frustrating for sure. I noticed the same thing on videos and views. You feel like "This is the one!" and...nothing. Thanks for your comments and support.

  • @ComepiedrasGeocaching
    @ComepiedrasGeocaching5 ай бұрын

    Hi! We have been subscribed to your channel for several years now and we find your videos entertaining. There is nothing wrong with them! 🥰 As others have said, if you enjoy making videos, just go ahead and do not get discouraged. On KZread, we apply the same strategy as we do in geocaching: forget about the numbers and just enjoy the game!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    Thank-you so much for your kind words and support. I really do appreciate it very much. I try to maintain the strategy you do of just enjoying the process of making videos (which I do), but sometimes it's hard not to get caught up in the numbers. 🙂

  • @adairmd
    @adairmd5 ай бұрын

    Yes. Love the fall. I enjoy your videos. With all the other geocaching KZreadrs making videos where they travel everywhere, it’s hard to compete. Just do what you do. I need to listen to my own advice though and start making videos again.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    Fall is a really great time for geocaching. Thank you so much for the kind words and I'm grateful that you enjoy watching my videos. You are right about the competition in this niche; it is very hard gain traction. But in the end, I do enjoy making the videos and geocaching so I will be continuing making videos. But I still might experiment with a few things as well as some different video ideas. Could be fun. Lastly, yes it would be good to see you making videos again.

  • @GeoElmoGeocaching
    @GeoElmoGeocaching5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for posting this video, and don't be discouraged. As long as you're enjoying making videos, then continue to make videos. But one suggestion (related to something you said in your video) is to work videos until you'd enjoy watching them, and if the video is something that you wouldn't enjoy watching, then don't post it. I've dumped plenty of videos that I've created and found not so interesting. Geocaching is a tough niche to get a big following on KZread, for a bunch of reasons. Many geocachers would rather go outside and geocache than watch videos about geocaching. Also the bigger names in geocaching KZread video post regular content, self-promote, and travel a lot to find more interesting caches to show their viewers. They're also pretty extroverted and very animated on camera. I'm not any of those things which is part of why I'm not a vlogger, and my niche is videos about geocaching, not videos about ME geocaching. Long story short, if you're enjoying creating videos, then keep going, and if you're not, then take a break and see how you feel later.

  • @RaymondoLeeTravel
    @RaymondoLeeTravel5 ай бұрын

    Very well put. Yes extremely Niche and I agree those that geocache are out all day geocaching so they don't sit and watch geocaching uploads. What I have learned is that we are actually a rather small bunch that do regular English speaking Geocaching content. I do follow some euro channels also. Also have you noticed the absolute explosion in youtube shorts and tiktok for geocaching where they just show the finds! My channel has developed into a travel channel now and I incorporate geocaching into it. Yes Billy just keep doing what you enjoy. 👏

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    @geoelmogeocaching As always, I value your encouragement, support, and any suggestions you have to offer. There have been scrapped videos, trust me. I even go as far as to delete the footage to make sure I don't get tempted to use it just for the sake of putting out a video. You're correct about most geocachers preferring to just get out there instead of watching videos of others going geocaching. Which is why when it comes to geocaching videos, there is a strong preference towards videos about geocaches or geocaching the game. Gadget cache videos do really well overall. in the end, I do enjoy getting out there and finding geocaches and making videos so I don't think I will be stopping, but possibly experimenting with a different focus on the adventure of just documenting my journey (unless of course it's something unique that makes it part of the uniqueness of the cache). I'm not extroverted by any means. but getting in front the of the camera and putting myself out there certainly has been a positive change and has helped me in my life.

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX25 ай бұрын

    That, right there.

  • @BrentSmithsimrebel
    @BrentSmithsimrebel5 ай бұрын

    I find your videos entertaining 😊 and educational at times :) if you enjoy making the videos keep it up :) 😊

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    It makes me happy to know find my videos entertaining. Not sure what you could learn from me, but glad to hear it. You have way more experience than I do. I do enjoy making videos so I will continue, but I think my focus will change. Just need to figure out exactly what that means.

  • @BrentSmithsimrebel
    @BrentSmithsimrebel5 ай бұрын

    @GeoScouter117 always nice to see different geocache hides

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    Indeed. And this goes to the change I'm talking about but later I found that the cache may not have been hidden as intended and that would have made an interesting twist. The container was hanging on a nail, but later I realized there was fishing string tied to the nail and ring of the bison tube. So I am not sure if the string is just a safety line incase it's dropped or if it is supposed to be hanging down. There are a lot of leaves and places for a bison tube to get lost up there.

  • @RaymondoLeeTravel
    @RaymondoLeeTravel5 ай бұрын

    Yes, like you, i enjoy Fall geocaching! My advise is just make the content you enjoy making and dont worry about it. I think geocaching is very niche on youtube. Incorporating michael name into it might be good seeing he inspired you to get out geocaching?

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1175 ай бұрын

    Thanks for your insight. Yeah, I do enjoy making videos, but I think I need to change things up some and come up with a different approach. I do need to incorporate Michael more, but his memory is in nearly every video, though. The #G4M on my intro and channel header means geocaching for Michael (started by Joshua

  • @RaymondoLeeTravel
    @RaymondoLeeTravel5 ай бұрын

    ah apologies. Im not even sure I was on youtube back then. Just watched it. I understand now. @@GeoScouter117

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX26 ай бұрын

    Nice use of slow motion to match the change in the music's tempo. Cute swag. Another place that geocaching takes you. #Coins4Kids It only makes cents. Nice job. Thanks for sharing.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1176 ай бұрын

    Glad you like that little element. You're absolutely right #coins4kids makes cents. Thanks for watching and your comment.

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino6 ай бұрын

    Coins for Kids!!! Nice finds!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1176 ай бұрын


  • @CacheCanada
    @CacheCanada6 ай бұрын

    #coins4kids it all makes cents. Oh memories of summer, sunshine and warm days.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1176 ай бұрын

    Every coin adds up! Yes, the warm weather certainly is nice, but I do enjoy a wintery geocaching adventure once and a awhile. Maybe I will get a chance this year. We didn't have many opportunities around here last year.

  • @WhatIsKevinUpTo
    @WhatIsKevinUpTo7 ай бұрын

    Nice! It's so satisfying to get that DNF.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1177 ай бұрын

    Darn right it is. Especially when it is not yours. 😄 Thanks as always. Hope you are well my friend.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1177 ай бұрын

    Do you enjoy geocaching in the fall like I do? I think it is a great time of the year despite winter coming. But then again, I like winter geocaching too!

  • @WhatIsKevinUpTo
    @WhatIsKevinUpTo8 ай бұрын


  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1178 ай бұрын

    Thanks! Hope to win one of the coins some day, but completing the challenge is always fun.

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX28 ай бұрын

    Good editing on a short. That is a pleasant surprise and a good inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1178 ай бұрын

    Thanks! It was a little tricky to edit since it was originally shot in wide format about two years ago. I had to tweak the horizontal quite a bit in a few spots. I was pleasantly surprised to find this one close to home. It did not disappoint. Thank you for watching and your comment.

  • @LisaJRichards
    @LisaJRichards8 ай бұрын

    How often do ones like this get vandalized?

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1178 ай бұрын

    Great question. This is a small corner unit of a storage unit with a regular combo lock and security cameras so hopefully not too often.

  • @mourneswanderer1767
    @mourneswanderer17678 ай бұрын

    Pretty sure that I DNFed the first time. They make great muggle free hides.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1178 ай бұрын

    Ha. Never thought of the muggle factor. If a Geocacher can't find it, then a muggle isn't likely to have a chance. I know I DNF'ed my first and probably my second.

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino9 ай бұрын

    Nice! A fake rock in a covered park area. :)

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    This one is a little different from other ones I have found. I like the texture of it.

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino9 ай бұрын

    @@GeoScouter117 I like the different fake rocks!

  • @BrentSmithsimrebel
    @BrentSmithsimrebel9 ай бұрын

    You gotbit done in time

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    Yep. It was a little close but made it.

  • @TSGAdventures
    @TSGAdventures9 ай бұрын

    I have not done a geochallenge of the month in a while. Congrats on getting it hope you get picked for the geocoin.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    I really enjoy the challenges because they are just fun. And a chance at a cool geocoin isn't bad either. Thanks for watching and the well wishes.

  • @TSGAdventures
    @TSGAdventures9 ай бұрын

    @GeoScouter117 yeah I got second place last year and they are definitely nice geocoins. I may do next months depending on what it is.

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX29 ай бұрын

    Congratulations on meeting the challenge. Thanks for sharing.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    Thank you for watching!

  • @GeoRick
    @GeoRick9 ай бұрын

    Loved the graphic 🙂

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    Thanks! It was really windy with the storm blowing in, and I desperately needed a haircut. (I did get one after recording this video.) But when I saw my hair blowing around, I thought of that cloud I used in another video.

  • @GeoElmoGeocaching
    @GeoElmoGeocaching9 ай бұрын

    Congratulations! I haven't been paying attention to the geocaching challenge of the month for a while, what was this month's? Something in a shelter?

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    Thanks. Yes, the challenge this month was to find a geocache on or near some sort of shelter. It was interesting because I found many in the past but had to get a little clever with searching. The name of this cache had nothing to do with the shelter, so it was more about location.

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX29 ай бұрын

    Fun video. Thanks for sharing.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    Thanks 😀!

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX29 ай бұрын

    Congratulations. That is an excellent shelter for sure. And the bridge is an excellent Eagle Scout project. Now someone has a chance to find a cache after your DNF. Smugness Karma at work. :) Thanks for sharing.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    😅🤣😅🤣 That is a good way to put it. Goes around and comes around.

  • @GeoRick
    @GeoRick9 ай бұрын

    That shelter reminds me of a DNF we had in the US a few years ago called Muthers Challenge. Some people call it The Shelter. We still have no idea where it was hidden.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    I remember that location and video. I think I remember how difficult it was and that it has quite a few DNFs.

  • @GeoRick
    @GeoRick9 ай бұрын

    @@GeoScouter117 yes hundred of them. The FTF went 10 year after the cache went live.

  • @adairmd
    @adairmd9 ай бұрын

    Nice. It’s always nice to find one that other people couldn’t. Good job!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    Right? 😆 Thanks.

  • @GeoElmoGeocaching
    @GeoElmoGeocaching9 ай бұрын

    Nice job! And that is a nice pavilion too.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    I have not seen one like it before. I really like it. I have a feeling they might also hold services there too.

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino9 ай бұрын

    If this happened in September, you'd qualify for the September Geo-Challenge of the Month!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    I know. Go figure. I wasn't sure if I could find another one in my area near a shelter, but I managed to find TWO. Now just have to get out there before the end of the month.

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino9 ай бұрын

    @@GeoScouter117 I know, right?! I have cached my home area out so much that some of these challenges are difficult to complete. There was a new cache posted recently that I left alone (for this reason) and I think it might help me meet this challenge.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter1179 ай бұрын

    @@Komikino I hope so. Good luck!

  • @Skimbosh
    @Skimbosh10 ай бұрын

    First time? Some of them sucka COs do such a good job with their paint blend that there was a struggle with my second and third time.

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter11710 ай бұрын

    Oh, they can be so evil can't they?

  • @gsmX2
    @gsmX210 ай бұрын

    Three times and long searches each time. The same with my first LPC. I have gotten better at finding them. :)

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter11710 ай бұрын

    I have actually found a couple of these as an LPC early on. One was right in front of me as I lifted the skirt! Yes, LPCs have f gotten me more than once as well.

  • @annc931
    @annc93110 ай бұрын

    My favorite was a magnet “nose” on a penguin at an ice machine in Kentucky. Looked for EVER! Finally found it! No better feeling in the world!

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter11710 ай бұрын

    That does sound trick. I would like to find one like that. Geocaches hidden in plain sight are my favorites to find.

  • @BrentSmithsimrebel
    @BrentSmithsimrebel11 ай бұрын

    yeap , but on the other hand i have cancelled caching trips and going to events because the weather forecasts rain, then it doesn't rain :(

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter11711 ай бұрын

    Yeah, that sucks too.

  • @WhatIsKevinUpTo
    @WhatIsKevinUpTo11 ай бұрын

    Stoopid tree. 😁

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter11711 ай бұрын

    Haha. Yeah!

  • @Komikino
    @Komikino11 ай бұрын

    Yep. It's happened. :(

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter11711 ай бұрын

    Guess it's just part of the game being outdoors and all.

  • @BrentSmithsimrebel
    @BrentSmithsimrebel11 ай бұрын

    lol i can spend a lot of time in those trees, you did past some benches you could submit fort this month lol

  • @GeoScouter117
    @GeoScouter11711 ай бұрын

    I know what you mean. Luckily, I was able to see this one right away. Once I was at the right tree, of course. Unfortunately, this was found back in April so I need to find another one.