

Just a scottish bloke playing games in Finland.

Eve Online, Deluge and Torrent

Eve Online, Deluge and Torrent

Eve Online bopping about

Eve Online bopping about

Talos burner check

Talos burner check

Eve Anomic Gurista Agent

Eve Anomic Gurista Agent

Eve Anomic Sansha Agent

Eve Anomic Sansha Agent

Eve Anomic Team Hawk

Eve Anomic Team Hawk

Blackbelt Syndrome

Blackbelt Syndrome


  • @maede3786
    @maede378613 сағат бұрын

    I agree unreservedly with most of the points you raise, and specifically your take on the likely disconnect between the developers and the segment of players who operate mostly out of highsec as well as your highlighting the need for the game to have engaging paths available for solo and low-interaction players. There are two points I would like to raise in return: 1. You never mention it explicitly, but unless I am completely mistaken, I sense an underlying desire in your approach to the industry side of the game that I see in a lot of players: You want to be able to realistically manufacture even very high end items such as T2 battleships and jump freighters by collecting all the raw resources yourself (i.e. not just engage in occasional trips into lowsec to huff some gas for the variety, but to have access to enough quantities of all the required inputs from outside highsec to keep a chosen assembly line active). I can understand why - having to deal with constantly changing market prices and even potential interruptions in availability of materials adds a significant layer of complexity to industry operations. And yet, in my mind, the game would be much better overall if it was generally understood that the main purpose of going out and gathering materials was to then go and sell them on the open market, and the main purpose of doing manufacturing was to rely on players specialising in resource gathering for the inputs and to use the market to acquire these. There's opportunities here for both solo players and small groups to have a much more varied gameplay, without necessarily forcing players into areas that they don't want to engage with. For example, somebody interested mainly in the manufacturing side always has the option of simply buying materials off sell orders, but they have the option to increase their profit by learning even just a little bit about market dynamics and how to use buy orders. And in small groups, players can make meaninful contributions to the experience of the corp as a whole by specialising and offering their knowledge for everyone's benefit. 2. The story of the new Eve player who gets ganked on their first trip to Jita and quits over frustration at having lost their hard-earned loot - sigh... On the one hand, I can certainly see how going through the experience itself is unpleasant. On the other hand, if they are not coming back to the game after getting over the initial period of upset, would they even be a type of person to enjoy what the game offers, or would they be another one of those who end up loudly insisting that all ganking needs to be abolished immediately and that highsec should be 100% safe? In my view, the proper way of addressing this scenario is already what is being done. Ganking *is* disallowed in the starter systems. As for the subsequent step of venturing out into the rest of highsec and beyond, the focus should continue to be on offering the appropriate level of guidance from both CCP and new-player-focused corps, with the onus to actually acquire more knowledge about the game squarely on the new player's shoulders. It is not too large a step to learn how to fit your first T1 hauler for a market run and to understand the idea of cargo-value-to-tank ratio. We have enough people in the world who seem to think that they can blithely walk around in complete ignorance of their surroundings, unwilling to even consider that it might also be on them to learn a bit about what is around them and how things work. You only need to look around in RL and see the ludicrous amount of warning signs and notices emblazoned on god-knows-what, most of which would be completely unnecessary if we had a more balanced view of personal responsibility in our modern societies.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland10 сағат бұрын

    Love the comment and well explained, but you are mistaken in reasoning for parts of my critisizim. e.g. point 1, i do like being specialised in manufacturing, and i do agree with the ideal that people can specialise in mining, manufacturethen selling etc.... But thats not what this is, first there is no specialisation to get the parts for faction ships, its just mission grinding, there was specialisation in gas huffing, exploration and PI, but that basically was killed by this patch infaviour of one item that comes from an LP store. And the problem with that for the factions like serpentis or samsha, is their LP stores are held in space by aliences that kill anything not blue. Also those palces dont require sov mechanicxs, so its just biggest blob wins. So that one group controls the main item for ths ships, which is why a vindicator or nighmare is 300 mil more expensive now than the other comparible ships. Thats not varied gameplay, nor skill. Its also not an opertunity for a solo player nor a small group, as they are larger targets in those areas. the other point, we do all know that strory of the newbie that gets ganked. but they arent prepaired, its one of the most common things to happen to a new player but its not mentioned in the tutorial. And when i started and got ganked that was fine (pre tutorial in 2005), however because of the way monitisation works now, those new players are coming in with far more money in game and loosing alot more because of the lack of information, and the predatory marketing from CCP. So my gank in my first week loosing a million, isisnt the same as they guy that looses 20quids worth of cash, converted to ingame assets. The impact is worse mentally, far more negative, and the community muttering 'this is eve, get good' is a tellingly toxic responce, and a bigger part of the reason player numbers are declining than the gank its self. Sure you can say 'if they are not coming back to the game after getting over the initial period of upset, would they even be a type of person to enjoy what the game offers' but the answer to that is, if you bought a new game and in your first few hoursa playing you lost 20 quid, dollers or euros, to an action you werent warnd about.... are you not the idiot if you keep playing that type of game. And if your questioning what happend in the forum illicits the responce 'you are and idiot ' for not knowing something that was never explained.... is that a comminuty you would want to be part of? the monitisation changed that issues, and a lot of people dont understand the difference.

  • @archangel8172
    @archangel81722 күн бұрын

    I only ever earned 50M/h alone while huffing gas in a venture in null. It takes like 15m to scan the nearby systems, and then it was hours of waiting for the hold to fill, and then a quick hop into either station or to drop at a cargo ship. Or a bit more doing faction warfare in a catalyst. Probably like 70M/h.

  • @hristos0
    @hristos07 күн бұрын

    exploration and sell loo in jutta ,,,, i also started to runn missions ...

  • @hristos0
    @hristos010 күн бұрын

    I think we all know the answer for this. Why they are not banned ? they have 15 accounts that is why ... they lose a lot of money, real money for CCP Gaming. I think if you want to do this , and you have one or 2 characters ... you pay for 3 subscription ... I guess you get banned... but if you go big .... and have over 10 ... the chance of being but decreases a lot. This is my guess what do you think?

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland9 күн бұрын

    @@hristos0 they do get banned, and they done provide money. People multiboxing botting like that can generate alot of isk, they dont need to pay for accounts, however that level of multiboxing is easily traced.... most people running 15 accounts arent broadcasting, there a great video of a guy fighting pvp in about 10 vargurs, and its amazingly impressive because of his setup, but he aont broadcasting, you can see every click

  • @sawman88
    @sawman8813 күн бұрын

    Wtf you talking about. The gas Is all in wormholes and low. The only gas in null is booster gas

  • @Whitehorze
    @Whitehorze13 күн бұрын

    These new ships just don't have the enough Low / Rig slots. I maxxed out my Tayra to 30K, these ships can't come close.

  • @viriditoralen1539
    @viriditoralen153913 күн бұрын

    As an NPC nullsec resident, I kind of disagree with some of your takes on nullsec. NPC nullsec has been neglected for longer than anything else(even more than wh or hs people). Whenever nullsec changes hit, it always is aimed to sov null. So, the npc null players often live in a more dangerous nullsec experience than sov without much reward for it. Some kind of exclusive reward opportunity would has been long due. Siding with pirate factions has also been half baked and not developped really. We have gurista and angel insugencies, but what about other pirate factions?

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland13 күн бұрын

    @@viriditoralen1539 yeah can dissagree with any of that, my bias for nullsec is that it's just pvp and resources, because that's what it was for me. But you are right, I think npc in general needs some looking at. Though with what's happened to the angels, I would expect that's in the pipeline for the other factions too.

  • @gregmcnamara2563
    @gregmcnamara256316 күн бұрын

    They’ve just crashed the gas market by increasing the spawn rate. Don’t know WHAT they were thinking there.

  • @nelyrions1838
    @nelyrions183816 күн бұрын

    Statistics says it all. Eve developers need to start looking at them.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland16 күн бұрын

    its not just the looking, its the looking from all perspectives. its not easy to see when your in, from the outside.

  • @D.I.E.Z.E.L
    @D.I.E.Z.E.L17 күн бұрын

    Well Said!!!

  • @Burbun
    @Burbun19 күн бұрын

    The balance of isk faucets hasn't changed, but they're working with a reality of players just staying wherever they stay, so they're introducing different activities to high and low sec, but the problem they see in null sec is likely the sheer number of systems held by certain groups, systems most of which they don't actually use, so I'm betting the goal of this patch is to increase the complexity of holding space, and at the same time, likely increase the number of systems you'll have to visit for the same profit. So they'll hold less total space, and be active in more total space. They will hate both of these things as they run into the need to change their behavior, but it'll be better long term

  • @maede3786
    @maede378614 сағат бұрын

    I 100% agree with your take on this. It is understandable that people will have a negative initial reaction whenever something changes that they have become used to. What I cannot for the life of me understand however is the apparent desire of so many Eve players to just be able to sit in an area of space somewhere and make isk all day long. Is watching a number on a screen go up that riveting? Yes, the game should have activities that you can do just to relax after a long RL day. I enjoy these times in the game too. But these should remain low-risk-low-reward. (I can certainly understand that getting the balance right on such things is very complex.) For the rest, however, in my head, I can see a much more interesting game where resource gathering is rightfully dangerous and also so much more rewarding both in terms of isk as well as for a sense of having accomplished it successfully if in fact you manage to do so. Where players get rewarded for going about it in a clever way and adapting each time to the situation that they find themselves in. Where for anything larger than maybe a solo player having a QRF plan in place beforehand can actually make a difference to the outcome in a practical way. Where there is much more ongoing contest between alliances over systems. And where coming in as an uninvolved small gang can have a much more disruptive effect to the people living in that space. (Again, huge issue of balance, obviously.) Eve in my mind should remain a PvP game at heart renowned for its unforgiving nature, naked brutality, and also inspiring stories of bravery, cleverness, perseverance, and deserved triumph. There are other games out there that cater to players who are looking for a different type of gaming experience.

  • @NeilDeBarna
    @NeilDeBarna19 күн бұрын

    Good video mate! Disconnect or logical bias? Some more food for thought: - History and headlines. "Player mines lots of veldspar in high sec!" said no headline in any publication ever. Null sec gets all of the headlines, should it get the lion's share of the dev's attention too? - CSM and history. Null sec bloc voting dominated the whole of the CSM for years. CCP had to "legislate" to counter it, but they still have the CCP's ear more than any other area. - They who shout loudest. Out of all space, it's unequivocally null sec players. That's my opinion obviously, but it's also obviously a correct one :p - CCPs heart is in null sec. Check out the players that end up being CCP employees. The majority have come from null sec. The yearly convention caters more to null sec than any other area etc. So yes, there probably is some disconnect to certain parts of the game and imho it is mainly born from the history, culture and "importance" (from a marketing / exposure perspective).

  • @Puhnu
    @Puhnu20 күн бұрын

    Im having hard time to place you dunno if you are finnish irish or scottish xD

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland20 күн бұрын

    @@Puhnu yes :p scottish born and raised, irish heritage on all sides (rileys and murphys) life in finland for quite a time, and lived outside scotland for nearly half my life wirking in international places, so my accent is bolloxed

  • @Greg-vq1fs
    @Greg-vq1fs21 күн бұрын

    The dev's don't care as they get told by the game owners what is going on. About 2 years ago most of the people on the CSM quit EVE after they finished their term and these people are the advisory people that speak for all the players as we vote for them. This game is now a carbon copy of world of tanks where the developers bought in gold ammo and this ammo had huge dps resulting in new players with no skills could buy top tier ammo and kill anything in sight. The result was a battle went from 15 minutes to around 2 minutes. Then they bought in a armored car that had a 14 in diameter gun that was so fast you could not shoot it, so unrealistic as no way could a light armored car carry a huge gun like that. After this a lot of long term players and you tubers or twitch players quit the game. The developers then had celebrities come in with special tanks like Arnie the terminator and a few others just to make people buy the tanks. The game now is just a money making pay per view thing. Sad but I use to like EVE but now stopped doing industry and just build ammo for my ships as needed. High Sec is where I live as I have no interest in PVP and I may just become a courier doing runs from Jita to Dodixie etc as developers keep making changes to things and it kills your future plans as you need to change tact like when they moved ore from high sec to low sec. They will do the same again as they just want pvp in a few large corps at the expense of small or solo players that may just login for a few minutes each day.

  • @disekjoumoer
    @disekjoumoer22 күн бұрын

    The only conclusions I can come to is that CCP is desperate for money. The null changes and the Skinr debacle costing huge amounts of real money give me the impression that the only thing they worry about is $. This reminds me of 2011.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland21 күн бұрын

    @@disekjoumoer i wouldn't say desperate, but they are now corprate owned, thats 50% off the top to share holders.....

  • @CruentusV
    @CruentusV22 күн бұрын

    good show. little things tell us how thin players actually are in EVE these days. been this way post scarcity, but it's getting worse (or better considering your point of view). these days, most pinch points can not be manned effectively without multiboxers...

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland22 күн бұрын

    @@CruentusV you can see that just from active logos, but the finances are actually going up, I immagine because older players have less time to grind but more money to blow on plex... if they could just brink more players in by not incentivising play instead of ignoring large sections of the player base we would have a winner

  • @umadbroimatroll7918
    @umadbroimatroll791821 күн бұрын

    LOL bro you been hating since scarcity just give it up 😂 eve is alive and well, the stats of zkillboard will easily prove this.

  • @CruentusV
    @CruentusV21 күн бұрын

    @@umadbroimatroll7918 i'm sure your little corner of EVE is doing as well as the rest of new eden. using zkill shows me a lot less activity than ever before and a whole lot more multiboxers. been at this game long enough to recognize when a shill troll is straying from the truth. whistle louder, game metrics are showing the graveyard is growing ever more quiet, especially since they cut the log on bonuses and such...

  • @BBRAIN1977
    @BBRAIN197719 күн бұрын

    @@umadbroimatroll7918 So many people multibox . it is just normal these days :)

  • @umadbroimatroll7918
    @umadbroimatroll791819 күн бұрын

    @@CruentusV if people stopped playing just because of a free booster or 10k sp every few days then they weren't active in the game in the first place. Regions in the game will always wax and wane because thats the nature of the game, faction warfare in both warzones is more active than ever, jita has more players than ever before, sure the other hubs have suffered but that's due to pochoven formation cutting those hubs off, with the smaller but still substantial markets many people have gotten very rich that wouldnt be able to before due to high competition. There is a new war brewing in nullsec in the south and it's looking to be the biggest war in gaming history, bigger than world war bee 2 before it. And when I say zkillboard proves it I mean the entire zkill, not just one specific region because as I said as groups move in and out of areas they will have more or less pvp throughout the years.

  • @tibshortfortib1837
    @tibshortfortib183722 күн бұрын

    Very good, interesting and thoughtful video. 👍

  • @MrJonathandowns
    @MrJonathandowns22 күн бұрын

    PvP combat safe logoff timer is 15 mins, just tested.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland22 күн бұрын

    thanks, i was to adhd to test again :p

  • @JStankXPlays
    @JStankXPlays24 күн бұрын

    I made about 4 bil selling those on the hypernet. I wouldn't undock one from jita though. That is asking to get ganked

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland23 күн бұрын

    lol, that summs up everythign i undock. jita is uber bmed for me, if someon tries i have the ehp to redock, then its undock warps from then on out

  • @trinkschokolade
    @trinkschokolade24 күн бұрын

    You can use evermarks for upwell structure skinning.

  • @trinkschokolade
    @trinkschokolade24 күн бұрын

    Never done it though 😅

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland24 күн бұрын

    interesting, not something ive looked at yet, thought i was thinking about putting an engineering complex somewhere...

  • @theamazingwesbrown3290
    @theamazingwesbrown329024 күн бұрын

    It's hard to tell which bad design choices are due to disconnect and which are just them intentionally making the game worse so that someone with more sunk cost has to spend more to get their false sense of accomplishment

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland24 күн бұрын

    damn man, i thought my outlook was bleek :p

  • @conradpursley18
    @conradpursley1824 күн бұрын

    You should run for csm

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland24 күн бұрын

    dont have the time for it, i barley have the time to play some eve.... thats why the videos are soo unpolished, editing takes time i dong have, so i just throw them together and hit render then goto sleep

  • @Fi77on
    @Fi77on25 күн бұрын

    The new Upwell Ships are listed under EDENCOM Faction

  • @jono_cc2258
    @jono_cc225825 күн бұрын

    Why does it sound like there’s running water in the background? Just a tad distracting.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland24 күн бұрын

    ah sorryy its like white noise to me, there is 7 aquariuyms in the room im in, and 2 are open topped so the water goes down faster. I must have forgot to top them off before recording.

  • @trinkschokolade
    @trinkschokolade24 күн бұрын

    @@aloneinfinland I like the water noises. Although I'm also used to it, due to a cat fountain.

  • @evilmotorsports5076
    @evilmotorsports507619 күн бұрын

    ​@@aloneinfinlandthat's a "fishy" explanation. LOL

  • @nullx8
    @nullx825 күн бұрын

    quite pointless, since the hold does not hold Fuel or Starbase parts. none of the ships can fit a large Upwell structure. So its back to a standard freighter or a Orca anyway. The torrent is however pretty good to make PI-ops .. making planetary industry finally a group activity. the design is quite nice, since those ships actually look like haulers.

  • @ppan3245
    @ppan324525 күн бұрын

    disruptive changes like the equinox expansion usually are at least risky, …player numbers in a couple of month will show how „good“ equinox is…😢

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland25 күн бұрын

    i think itll take a bit longer until the new upgrades are mandatory, buttstill will be interesting, usually is, regardless of good or bad.

  • @MrJonathandowns
    @MrJonathandowns25 күн бұрын

    Autistic, and playing EVE Online? Say it ain't so. But if mining Isogen safely is something you want to do, and without ever hitting NS, hit me up. I have a mad plan.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland25 күн бұрын

    if only they tolt me this 20 years ago it would all make sence :p

  • @CruentusV
    @CruentusV26 күн бұрын

    great video. you did well and had receipts. it's a shame so few involved with the game have so little regard for its health, especially at the ccp level...

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland25 күн бұрын

    i dont think its a lack of regard, just a different focus. Kinda why i started this stuff, and why i always ask for comments, trying to give a voice to the silent masses in new eden....

  • @CruentusV
    @CruentusV25 күн бұрын

    @@aloneinfinland if you have their ear, that's the best use of it. wishing you luck for the sake of the 80%...

  • @Pinkey_dyxx
    @Pinkey_dyxx26 күн бұрын

    with regard to the Pirate faction ship construction tree: the original change was a stupid move. BPC drops under the "old"new" system became worthless in relation to other potential drops. this new system also misses the mark in the ways you mentioned. there are so many other much better ways they could have changed this whilst streamlining the process and making those BPC drops worthwhile again

  • @JStankXPlays
    @JStankXPlays26 күн бұрын

    Can you please tell them to stop trying to waste ui real-estate. those ship cards waste SOO MUCH SPACE! Thank God there is a button to turn them off.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland26 күн бұрын

    ive been trying to figure out how to see the quick fitting thing that i saw on the cards when ccp showed them on twitch....

  • @Justdizzy
    @Justdizzy26 күн бұрын

    I want a new mining ship please

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland26 күн бұрын

    i want the triglavian hauler!

  • @douglasharbert3340
    @douglasharbert334026 күн бұрын

    We already have 9 mining ships. Why do we need another one?

  • @Justdizzy
    @Justdizzy26 күн бұрын

    @@douglasharbert3340 we have 100s of combat ships but we keep getting more. So I don't understand the argument. New mining ship would offer new skills to train - skill farmers would benifit. New research - researches would benifit. New hulls to build - industrilist would benifit. New items on sale - maket traders would benifit. New things to shoot - gankers would benifit. New toy to play with - miners would benifit

  • @Justdizzy
    @Justdizzy26 күн бұрын

    @@aloneinfinland Now that you mention it...I want that too!

  • @jono_cc2258
    @jono_cc225826 күн бұрын

    A dedicated gas harvesting vessel, possibly based upon the Porpoise where it gets improved cycle time when industry core is active.

  • @BalefulStar
    @BalefulStar26 күн бұрын

    Don't worry CCP is disconnected from how large collectives do their problem solving even more than from solo player experience. CSM does their best to clue them in with varying results. As for "love for NS" I dunno where you heard it, probably CCP's own pamphlet or reddit, current concensus in nullsec is that it renders huge part of space not viable and nobody is eager to switch to new sov mechanic until the time is up. ergo If you call this "love for null" then why are all these TCU's are still around

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland26 күн бұрын

    not so much love for, but focus on.... though i personally think the problem is more base than that, its time to transport, same in anywhere where i used to live in null is dead these days because its sooo far from trade, and i think thats true of alot of the far flung areas, which all started with the cap jumps being shortened a decade or more ago. For HS the trig expantion increased the safe transit times between alot of places, so there again its transit time. if you long on for 20 minutees (the average time according to ccp) your not going to want to travel 40 minutes between hubs. but that could be resolved with some HS gateways like thie angel system that was brought in....

  • @BalefulStar
    @BalefulStar26 күн бұрын

    @@aloneinfinland nah it's dead because there's simply not enough players in game to populate NS, and all the people remaining in highsec are those to whom risk/reward ratio isn't acceptable. It's ridiculous but while people can go on parroting things about blobs and blocs get 15-20 motivated people and you can take and hold some claimable NS from some non or lightly affiliated entities and nobody will mind really. There's really alot of uninhabited null held by someone nominally and as long as you manage to not annoy goons/ph/frat much to warrant strategic response you can get away with way more than it's currently thought.

  • @umadbroimatroll7918
    @umadbroimatroll791825 күн бұрын

    ​@@BalefulStarLOL easy to tell someone doesnt play the game whenever they say there arent enough players to populate nullsec or lowsec 😂

  • @BalefulStar
    @BalefulStar25 күн бұрын

    @@umadbroimatroll7918 sure go check around pure blind or angel regions, you can autopilot there for hours

  • @labyrinthmaze1125
    @labyrinthmaze112524 күн бұрын

    @@aloneinfinlandI was a JF pilot for a small corp in PL. We had (at the time) a nice backwater in Etherium. With my Anshar, max jump skills, and 3 cyno alts, and the caution a (at the time) 5 billion ship warranted it could take hours to move stuff. Anxious frustrating hours as I waited for that one neut to leave or had to replan jumps. Truly wasn’t worth the effort. Recently looked into moving a carrier to new alliance after 4 year break. 9 jumps just to get to a the nearest staging system. Moving caps sucks. The correct answer shouldn’t be “just buy another carrier”

  • @bruceblake2506
    @bruceblake250626 күн бұрын

    well done son

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland26 күн бұрын


  • @Darth0308
    @Darth030827 күн бұрын

    Ive been playing off and on since 2006. Just got my buddy playing, he got his 1st mining ship in a couple days and was mining in .8 Sec, Tolle to be precise and these pirates came thru and tried to force him to pay. Of course he only had a couple thousand isk cuz he just bought his shop so he got blown up. We all get it, highsec isnt safe....but dumb stuff like that is why its hard to get new players in our game. .8 sec of all places to try and deter noob miners for no reason and then the same people complain there is no good PvP in the game.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinland27 күн бұрын

    Yeah, thats been a big problem since the beginning, but it got really bad for a while with the alpha stuff. Have a look in hek local, theres a group there thats been mining in large groups with full bounises, i met them last night when doing my dailys

  • @volaan1842
    @volaan1842Ай бұрын

    youtuber:- "i cleared a 3/10 ded in 3 minutes and a 240mil repper dropped, therefore you can make 4800 million isk an hour with my method."

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinlandАй бұрын

    lol, i like it

  • @davidruffino131
    @davidruffino131Ай бұрын

    Design department really out done themselves

  • @davidruffino131
    @davidruffino131Ай бұрын

    Looks like an orca

  • @robertmiller32
    @robertmiller32Ай бұрын

    The one trick i have found to eve pvp is choose your fights if you go into low sec looking for a fight you are going to run into far more experienced players and in eve no one fights fair there will be a gang of them. Do not let them choose the fight i am fairly new i have a fair amount of kills i fly solely cloaked ships and i go after the low hanging fruit explorers miners and ratters. I must be doing something right i have not died yet i am sure that will change though lol

  • @toniheinonen1034
    @toniheinonen1034Ай бұрын

    We have HF fleets a couple times per week with our corp, they're very nice small gang activity and a great way to teach people fleet stuff. Contact Jesse Royal if you want more info. I don't know of your corp situation but Brave Empire is recruiting :)

  • @paul-br2fs
    @paul-br2fsАй бұрын

    Another great vid a good breakdown on some of the effects from the update personally i will buy up some of the market items on contracts with the crash as the market will come back on some over time it becomes a long game if you have spare isk In general the null changes look good i dont believe they will be quite what most think the ore isn't as rich and the requirements needed means you will get system focuses but attacking 1 system could throw off the whole connected transfers it could also mean actual constant shifting resources to maintain only time will show .

  • @krash3333
    @krash3333Ай бұрын

    Reference to HF, Nope everyone does multi box and I hate it game needs to be rebalanced so that single players don't need to have multi box to make good isk not to mention how bad the broadcast inputers are getting

  • @Ilkanar
    @IlkanarАй бұрын

    It didnt blew up tho, you are not that shafted, its a lesson on not having all eggs in one basket

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinlandАй бұрын

    thats true, its not like i lost everything, but between manufactured parts and things i was selling i have lost 4 months of profit in game, which is pretty painful

  • @Ilkanar
    @IlkanarАй бұрын

    @@aloneinfinland I did the same but trading Tesla stock, i feel you brother. I found its better to look at situations like these as isk/money paid for the lessons. Good luck on your future endeavours :3

  • @achong007
    @achong007Ай бұрын

    I say completely F this entire game. You can configure any ships any way you want if you set it up right and with the right tech.

  • @achong007
    @achong007Ай бұрын

    And in 6 months the nerf bat comes out and it will be just like any other hauler. Defenceless. No thanks to god damn pirates gamers. Pirates are more carebares then care bears. Plus that is the same thing that happen to the origional haulers. I was able to carry 8 mining lasers at one time.

  • @tomsmith48
    @tomsmith48Ай бұрын

    Yes, we have run Homefronts as a group with actual people. Not for a while, but we did do it about two or three months after they came out. The difficulty varies quite a lot - I almost exclusively ran fleets with the dread sites. But you're right, there are many (majority) of folks multiboxing them. I'd be happy to see a further slight reduction in rewards and / or things which make multiboxing harder. The issue is that almost anything designed for a group to run can in theory be multiboxed, particularly when the difficulty isn't super high.

  • @caseylp7121
    @caseylp7121Ай бұрын

    Yeah even stuff like Pochven or Incursions which is "endgame" PVE content is heavily multiboxed I would honestly love to see people reduced to only having maybe 3-4 accounts maximum, but at the same time I understand from a business perspective why CCP doesn't do that.

  • @tomsmith48
    @tomsmith48Ай бұрын

    @@caseylp7121 Totally. I don't think any of these ideas would fix it, but some suggestions would be - Reduce the payout from the sites, particularly the easier ones. Increase spawn rates further out from hubs / career agents. Newbros care less about their ISK/hr and may be prepared to travel further, particularly in the novel idea of a 'fleet' which few often join except to get porp /orca boosts for mining.

  • @nelyrions1838
    @nelyrions1838Ай бұрын

    CCP can't tip toe around the needs and wants of every individual. The game will change, items will become more expensive or cheaper. That's just the way it is. It happens in every game. They can't keep the ship economy as expensive as it is today because most people dont want to undock or take risks in pirate BS's. Find a new market :)

  • @Gamez4Evar
    @Gamez4EvarАй бұрын

    About homefronts There is a community doing them 24/7 with other people, yes It’s quite fun and profitable

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinlandАй бұрын

    can you point me in their direction, im interested in trying them with a team cause i havent done them before

  • @borgassimilator8910
    @borgassimilator8910Ай бұрын

    There are a few in-game chat channels that create groups for Homefronts and I know at least one or two corps that are based in hisec that go around and do Homefronts with corp mates. So its not exclusive to multiboxers. But they do Raids and those cap recharge ones.

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinlandАй бұрын

    do you have their details? im not looking for anything permant because of my playstyle, but id love to chat with them and maybe do some of the stuff to get a feel for it, just to increase my knowledge?

  • @zerokelvin-273
    @zerokelvin-273Ай бұрын

    Your point is legitimate but you Lazy example for industry it has never been viable to construct capital ships by purchasing the components from market it's always been that way

  • @aloneinfinland
    @aloneinfinlandАй бұрын

    thats not entirly accurate, while its always better to build from scratch profit wise, 2 weeks before this update throug the last 6 months its been slightly cheaper to construct a freighter instead of buy one. while there isint much profit in it, its something to do to save a little. Think about it, if it wasent the case, no one would buy the components....

  • @zerokelvin-273
    @zerokelvin-273Ай бұрын

    @@aloneinfinland but would you not think that the components prices might be raised due to people trying to get a quick step into production of the new freighter more than component cost

  • @nullx8
    @nullx8Ай бұрын

    ship skinnr is a total scam, the cost is so high, the cheapest skin you can make you need to sell it for at least 250 PLEX just to break even.. while the cheapest skin in the nES Store goes for as low as 20PLEX ..

  • @sawyerlachance7745
    @sawyerlachance7745Ай бұрын

    The skills matter a lot.