Catholic Culture

Catholic Culture

The KZread channel of

We have four podcasts represented on this channel. The first two listed below have video and the last two have only audio.

The Catholic Culture Podcast - musician and writer Thomas V. Mirus explores Catholic arts and culture with a variety of notable guests.

Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast - A film podcast devoted to works of high artistic caliber and Catholic interest, exploring the Vatican film list and beyond. Hosted by Thomas V. Mirus and actor James T. Majewski, with special guests.

Catholic Culture Audiobooks - Voice actor James T. Majewski brings to life classic Catholic works, with a special emphasis on St. John Henry Newman and the Fathers of the Church.

Way of the Fathers with Mike Aquilina - A podcast about the Fathers of the Church, the foundational figures in Christian history. Hosted by popular Patristics author Mike Aquilina.


  • @fantasia55
    @fantasia55Сағат бұрын

    In the 13th century, a Chinese Nestorian priest visited Europe and said Mass for the Pope.

  • @CatholicCulturePod
    @CatholicCulturePod19 минут бұрын

    Yes, it's a fascinating story.

  • @georgetravers9333
    @georgetravers933315 сағат бұрын

    @10:35 'God created each individual as a pure spirit like the Angels. Those who failed the test by God were punished and put into a human body.' Could his idea partly have sprung from Psalm 8:4-5? "what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels" That it is only the humans who received Jesus' sacrifice, who are returned to the heavenly fold? Working from the Bible as the single inerrant source of All Life on Earth, Origen's conjecture's appear logical and deeper than most.

  • @richardkasper5822
    @richardkasper582220 сағат бұрын

    Its not about being labeled as a Saint that we should be after. But more importantly how we will be judged as to our actions during these times of trouble.

  • @nomoresunforever3695
    @nomoresunforever369523 сағат бұрын

    Derived from Ancient Greek haíresis (αἵρεσις), the English heresy originally meant "choice" or "thing chosen". However, it came to mean the "party, or school, of a man's choice", and also referred to that process whereby a young person would examine various philosophies to determine how to live.

  • @nomoresunforever3695
    @nomoresunforever369523 сағат бұрын

    I don't even believe. Why am I so interested in this?

  • @glorialabella6361
    @glorialabella6361Күн бұрын

    The Father is the spiritual leader and provider of a family while the Mother is the loving caretaker of the family. This is the Divine and Natural law as intended by God for humanity. This familial identity fortifies the child’s identity and self-esteem. This is the ideal structure of a family, the family is the basic unit of all civilization. 🎚❤️💙🎚

  • @yazanasad7811
    @yazanasad7811Күн бұрын

    Ground in reality to shoot for stars Torture scene merciful blood letting foreshadows burning alive Eye movement in close up as dramatic as hand waving on stage Close up interior thinking, raw

  • @yazanasad7811
    @yazanasad7811Күн бұрын

    Difficult to nuance for actor at heightened emotion. Need to find different lens for these

  • @yazanasad7811
    @yazanasad7811Күн бұрын

    Stylised realism

  • @yazanasad7811
    @yazanasad78112 күн бұрын

    Johannes as uncanny (in between human and angel) Dead are still alive - baby alive iwth god because resurrection Protestant - the word (not coming through other sacraments because protestsnts not believing in those sacraments) Johannes insanity helps to show lack of faith in other characters Aristotle

  • @yazanasad7811
    @yazanasad78112 күн бұрын

    Suits a play format - shocking in a live performance setting. Seeing it live

  • @yazanasad7811
    @yazanasad78112 күн бұрын

    Aristotle reversal of the situation - going certain direction and then there is a reveal in the reversal (Odysseus disguised, hinging on his reveal when back on the island). Overturning tragedy. Classical reversal. Status quo being upended - catharsis. Things restored back to before.

  • @yazanasad7811
    @yazanasad78112 күн бұрын

    Black screen and music to make people think

  • @yazanasad7811
    @yazanasad78112 күн бұрын

    Mortens prayers answered through the ending of the film. Faith vindicated

  • @LostArchivist
    @LostArchivist2 күн бұрын

    I'll be honest. I have not seen many of these priests and being an eccentric, I have little use for what they desire. That said, I am not sure this is as deeply seeded as this work would speak. Then again my finger on the pulse of the Church is primarily from those who do speak up, so it would make sense for there to be a bias against the quiet shuffling courtiers and diffident comformists. There does seem to be a use for such men as maintainers and functionaries, in a healthy social order. But in an unhealthy climate in the Church, they are unfortunately used as chess pieces. They are inevitable to appear as the cultute breeds them, and some simply take this path naturally as it is an easy road to find in any human society and culture, useful in peace, the targets in cultural war. In other words, they are civilians, and we always need some, but we desperately need more soldiers, captains, and champions. I do wish there was someone with psychological or sociological research training to run the numbers on this. These sorts of hypotheses can be tested. But only the audit ought to be run from this. And even then, only as one advisor among many, never as the sole expert or final standard, but scrutinized as much as the rest. The solutions ought to come then from not the ivory tower, but the Church qua Church. That is to say, give the scholars their seat on deck if it is prudent for them to have one, but do not give them the captain's chair. From what little I can gleen, I do believe this matter is slowly being addressed as Holy Mother Church revs up out of Her period of quiet cold war and back into the active furnace of the war for souls. The Church as always, moves slowly as She has one eye in contemplation and adoration of Her Bridegroom awaiting His call as She must, for She is His, and He Loves Her and always has Her best interest. Even when She does not understand His ways, She trusts Him. Lord Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.

  • @ceuser6119
    @ceuser61193 күн бұрын

    Ordained in 98. The seminary encourages balance. Give no offense. Make sure the bills get paid. This makes courage and fortitude unattractive.

  • @Finnishpeasant
    @Finnishpeasant4 күн бұрын

    It is one of the best love stories because it puts romantic love and higher love against each other.

  • @lepantoslim7058
    @lepantoslim70584 күн бұрын

    Thank you for this

  • @stephentravis2250
    @stephentravis22504 күн бұрын

    Thank you, I really needed to hear this.

  • @frankcontreras8886
    @frankcontreras88864 күн бұрын

    “Hail satanic catholic mary” Repeated at least 100x’s a session 👿 Feminist ideology masquerading as a religion! She-male followers

  • @frankcontreras8886
    @frankcontreras88864 күн бұрын

    “Hail satanic catholic mary “ 😂 Repeated over 100x’s a session! Feminist ideology masquerading as a religion! She-male feminists followers 👿

  • @malcolmclayton6651
    @malcolmclayton66514 күн бұрын

    The fault dear Brutis is not in the stars but in ourselves.

  • @georgeallen7887
    @georgeallen78875 күн бұрын

    What would St. Augustine think of the paintings of Caravaggio? Or of the films of Fassbinder? Father Pine works from the position that we should all strive to be saints. I don’t think that most artists do.

  • @georgeallen7887
    @georgeallen78875 күн бұрын

    Some great art is definitely immoral, and the church will always have problems with it, because it will contradict the church’s teachings. About the human person, about society, and about God. Wonderful program.

  • @fantasia55
    @fantasia555 күн бұрын

    Hosius opened the gathering by reading a letter from the Pope.

  • @arthurmaglieri1824
    @arthurmaglieri18245 күн бұрын

    This is amazing!! I listen to it again and again

  • @fantasia55
    @fantasia555 күн бұрын

    Protestants ignore the fact that there were dozens of gospels and hundreds of epistles in circulation before the Catholic Church settled on MML&J and the rest of the New Testament in the late 4th century.

  • @johnmckeron3663
    @johnmckeron36636 күн бұрын

    Excellent podcast on what went wrong in the Church’ and one of the core points Paul made was getting away from the monastic deep prayer life ‘ a foundation for everything else ‘ the other is a lot of compromised clergy ‘ blackmail in the Church ‘ which explains the silence of these clergy in the midst of terrible sexual ‘ predatory behavior’ and I do believe what I heard recently that at least 80% of the hierarchy are compromised in some way

  • @kkhickman2532
    @kkhickman25326 күн бұрын

    Can you do an episode on Jansenism, as well? It is said it is "Catholic Calvinism", but I am not sure why. Love this series. I just binged on this.

  • @CatholicCulturePod
    @CatholicCulturePod6 күн бұрын

    Thanks for listening! I doubt that will come up very soon because we are covering the early Church. We will start on the Doctors of the Church (next year?) and I suppose it's possible it will come up with one of them, but I'm not sure.

  • @benmoi3390
    @benmoi33906 күн бұрын

    she's wrong there's a sense of hierarchy... Eve is a part FROM Adam... and when two become one... to be one will, one must submit her will to the other... people think well if they are one then they should discuss everything, but no if the husband have to talk to his wife for every decision he make then he is submitted to her.. it's either one or the other that is submitted and dominant women in marriage well that's what Paul is calling an unatural relation that cause men to fall into homosexuality... we see that reality now... dominant women raise weak and effeminated men... who become gay or transwomen... that's the unatural relationship with women... I never heard any Gays saying that they became gay after anal sex with their wife... it's more dominant women that produce gay men... also a women having orgasm during pregnancy would make the baby in her womb experience that ormonal cocktail that women get during orgasm... and that would cause in them a urge to experience that subconsciously... the same way a mother tacking drugs during pregnancy gonna cause the children to have a tendancy to dependancy... the "religious" time forbiden to have sex was during menstruation and for the week following during which women are "purifying" and during pregancy... and during religious fasting.

  • @nathanjones3621
    @nathanjones36216 күн бұрын

    I agree a husband is to love his wife via acts of service and laying down his life. This is not all Christ showed us of love. There is an element of correction with loving authority. Jesus showed us this by the way he constantly corrected His bride the church in all those he freed from sin and ailment as well as rebuking His own apostles at times pointing them back to God's order. Adam did not lovingly correct Eve when she ate of the tree. This is the same thing some women say in arguement to obedience that they do not have to listen to their husband. Demanding independence with work and a life out of the home seperate from the family and being valued monitarially as a bread winner and labeling it dignity. God made man to have dominion over His creation giving adam authority as he had the ability to name that which God gave to his care. An authority to direct and guide that which is under him with the proper understanding of why we where created and meet that to offer it back to God in love.

  • @benmoi3390
    @benmoi33906 күн бұрын

    children identify to their mother since an early age... we trust our mother way more instinctively... that our father... that's why if a wife want her husband to have authority and be obeyed by her children... she must be an example of it... a wife submitting and obeying will have her children be more obedient to their father and will bring a more peaceful and harmonious home... a wife that argue or is disobedient even worst in front of children... you'll see the children becoming more rebelious to their father.

  • @marymars2842
    @marymars28426 күн бұрын

    So relevant to the world we are living in today

  • @maryryan3485
    @maryryan34857 күн бұрын

    Thank you. I am so grateful to Dorotheus today and also to you.

  • @rspjfrost1400
    @rspjfrost14007 күн бұрын

    Really interesting and clearly put and like the modern day analogies of Batman and Superman (: Another group in contemporary culture, as well as Jehovah's and Latter Day Saints, who could be viewed as Arian, are Muslims. Hillaire Belloc writing in the early 20th century, defined Islam as a Christian heresy. A pointer from history on this would be the fact that Spain (other than Sicily) is the only major Western country in the Medieval Period to have been Islam. This occurs shortly after Spain had for centuries maintained the teachings of Arius through the Visigoths . As the video explains, many barbarians remained Arians for centuries and the Visigoths implemented Arian thinking in the country during its reign there. Hence why Fatima is a place in the former Spanish territory (now Portugal), a name derived from Islamic culture. Theologically too, Islam does not dismiss Our Saviour, but refers to Him as a prophet, not too dissimilar from Arius. My opinion is Islam grew in a part of the world (Persia) where Arianism festered and mutated for 200 years and was ripe for what occurred in the 7th century.

  • @noelsullivan2589
    @noelsullivan25897 күн бұрын

    Beautiful explanation. In the Philippines there is a sect named Iglesia ni Cristo who also deny the divinity of Christ, but this sect is worst as its argumentation suggests God ca not be circumcised, don’t get hungry, don’t die. Ridiculous.

  • @KEP1983
    @KEP19838 күн бұрын

    I'm praying for his canonization, which has recently been transferred from a Barcelonian civil association to the final ecclesial process in Rome. Today is day 2 of his "novena," since he died on June 10.

  • @christinewolfteigen7581
    @christinewolfteigen75818 күн бұрын

    Thank you. This is beautiful

  • @jmichaelortiz
    @jmichaelortiz8 күн бұрын

    Guy with the serious beard nailed it.

  • @Metarig
    @Metarig8 күн бұрын

    I wasn't very familiar with Origen and came here to learn more. I heard that Origen believed in multiple gods and that we shouldn't pray to Jesus, but after checking the facts, I found out that's completely untrue.

  • @CatholicCulturePod
    @CatholicCulturePod8 күн бұрын

    I believe he did say we shouldn't pray to the Son, only to the Father in the name of the Son. But he definitely didn't believe in multiple gods.

  • @jmichaelortiz
    @jmichaelortiz8 күн бұрын

    I'm guessing she moved the desk because she wasn't interested in her mother's idea of a "beautiful view." Too normy.

  • @gideonopyotuadebo2304
    @gideonopyotuadebo23048 күн бұрын


  • @CatholicWithaBiblePodcast
    @CatholicWithaBiblePodcast9 күн бұрын

    I’m all for the arthouse film stuff that Shia used to do, but I just didn’t care for this. I don’t even know what they were trying to do.

  • @gtaylor178
    @gtaylor1789 күн бұрын

    St Andrew and St James were just as real as these men, the difference with St Andrew and the Fr Jimmies is that St Andrew had the faith and was not leading a double life.

  • @Miroslaw-rs8ip
    @Miroslaw-rs8ip9 күн бұрын

    People need to understand that in the first church the Roman church wasn’t preeminent! We had several centres of Christianity such as Antioch, Jerusalem, Ephesus and Alexandria. These churches were all on the same level and there was no Pope preeminent over them.

  • @CatholicCulturePod
    @CatholicCulturePod9 күн бұрын

    St. Irenaeus and others of that time testify to the primacy of the Roman Church. Even the Orthodox today, who do not accept papal infallibility, admit that the Roman Church was always considered preeminent.

  • @EvelynBaron
    @EvelynBaron9 күн бұрын

    I live in the US and I dislike the fact that the full movie is not available to viewers on any platform.. I have no reason to listen to 2 guys talking about nothing. I have watched the film ... when it came out.

  • @CatholicCulturePod
    @CatholicCulturePod9 күн бұрын

    It's available on the Criterion Channel streaming service in the US.

  • @christopherreynos3469
    @christopherreynos34699 күн бұрын

    I wanted to ask this a long time, i know its off topic. But is Islam a form of gnoticism? To me when looking at the historical snd ideological values of Islam it tend to be swinging that way.

  • @jaispera
    @jaispera9 күн бұрын

    You are doing great work. Thanks for recording these.

  • @cjharlesmitchell377
    @cjharlesmitchell3779 күн бұрын

    Karl Marx was deviled possessed

  • @DaMilkmanDelivers
    @DaMilkmanDelivers9 күн бұрын

    Excellent composition by St. John Newman, will definitely listen again!

  • @user-yc7kl3tu1q
    @user-yc7kl3tu1q10 күн бұрын

    How can I join 40 days for life org?

  • @CatholicCulturePod
    @CatholicCulturePod10 күн бұрын

    I'd just look on their website.

  • @aljay2955
    @aljay295510 күн бұрын

    This video was very well done. Still not into the Roman Catholic thing but at least you didn't go Protestant bashing from the beginning to the end.

  • @CatholicCulturePod
    @CatholicCulturePod10 күн бұрын

    Dr. Papandrea teaches at a Protestant school, so I wouldn't expect him to bash :)

  • @tonyl3762
    @tonyl376210 күн бұрын

    Where is the evidence/citation that Hippolytus/ _The Apostolic Tradition_ refers to reserving the Eucharist in a tabernacle??

  • @womenagainstfeminismreturns
    @womenagainstfeminismreturns10 күн бұрын

    Hello MELODY would you be willing to be interviewed by me? I am interviewing non feminist women..

  • @soroushfetkovich5084
    @soroushfetkovich508410 күн бұрын


  • @juanprince
    @juanprince11 күн бұрын

    humbling and inspiring....