

D-Wave is the leader in the development and delivery of quantum computing systems, software, and services and is the world’s first commercial supplier of quantum computers. Our mission is to unlock the power of quantum computing for the world. We do this by delivering customer value with practical quantum applications for problems as diverse as logistics, artificial intelligence, materials sciences, drug discovery, cybersecurity, fault detection, and financial modeling. D-Wave’s systems are being used by some of the world’s most advanced organizations, including NEC, Volkswagen, DENSO, Lockheed Martin, USRA, USC, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. With headquarters near Vancouver, Canada, D-Wave’s US operations are based in Palo Alto, CA and Bellevue, WA. D-Wave has a blue-chip investor base including PSP Investments, Goldman Sachs, BDC Capital, NEC Corp., and In-Q-Tel. For more information, visit: www.dwavesys.com


  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5klКүн бұрын


  • @VaultBoy1776
    @VaultBoy1776Күн бұрын

    Funny thing, in history, this will be unbelievable. Scale will be resolved.

  • @VaultBoy1776
    @VaultBoy1776Күн бұрын

    We need receipts, Sir. We need receipts. You already have us zealots.

  • @SiarheiSavitski
    @SiarheiSavitski2 күн бұрын

    into zer darkness, we are one!!!

  • @SiarheiSavitski
    @SiarheiSavitski2 күн бұрын

    it's like very smart and staff like that..

  • @RealEstateSafelyNavigated
    @RealEstateSafelyNavigated6 күн бұрын

    Great talk! Want to hear more from Bill. :-)

  • @poooooooo100
    @poooooooo1006 күн бұрын

    Demonstration of the new NL solver and how it massively outperforms CQM and the best classical solver in some instances

  • @poooooooo100
    @poooooooo1006 күн бұрын

    This experiment proves the incredible power of quantum annealing over classical computation. The problem solved here is the simulation of spin dynamics which would have taken millions of years on the best supercomputer to solve and more energy than is available in the entire world. The importance of this result will become evident once companies obtain similar outsized returns for their applications running on a D-Wave computer. Congrats to the team of researchers who worked on this 👏

  • @poooooooo100
    @poooooooo1006 күн бұрын

    This video shows how d-wave can optimise an employee schedule given multiple constraints and how professional services construct a proof of concept

  • @poooooooo100
    @poooooooo1006 күн бұрын

    So to summarise : 1. Vinci happy with the proof of concept, looking to move into production and exploring other use cases 2. Hermès the demo looks promising, POC underway with results in a couple of weeks + already exploring other use cases 3. BKW did not see an advantage but is now familiar with the process so looking to see if it can apply it elsewhere

  • @bustercam199
    @bustercam19910 күн бұрын

    This is mostly classical with a little bit of quantum.

  • @bustercam199
    @bustercam19910 күн бұрын

    Ok, but what you have described is actually a classical computer.

  • @rocketman99
    @rocketman9912 күн бұрын

    Going in for 100k stocks at 1$ I believe in this company

  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl7 күн бұрын

    Good Luck 🚀💰

  • @smoothemoveexlax
    @smoothemoveexlax12 күн бұрын

    How come nobody has contacted me about my request to get access to LEAP? I would like to be a paying customer but seems like your sales team isn't doing their jobs.

  • @smoothemoveexlax
    @smoothemoveexlax12 күн бұрын

    How come nobody has contacted me about my request to get access to LEAP? I would like to be a paying customer but seems like your sales team isn't doing their jobs.

  • @smoothemoveexlax
    @smoothemoveexlax12 күн бұрын

    How come nobody has contacted me about my request to get access to LEAP? I would like to be a paying customer but seems like your sales team isn't doing their jobs.

  • @TsarHare
    @TsarHare12 күн бұрын


  • @shooding
    @shooding13 күн бұрын

    這段影片介紹了D-Wave技術顧問Fiona Hannington介紹Leap Quantum雲服務。以下是主要內容要點: - **背景介紹**:Fiona Hannington是D-Wave的技術顧問,主要負責Leap Quantum雲服務的項目管理。她介紹了Leap作為一個安全的實時訪問量子計算機的平臺,並展示了其用於生產應用的優勢。 - **Leap概述**:Leap提供從客戶應用到量子硬件的實時訪問,包括一套量子和混合求解器。該平台支持目前的Advantage系統和下一代的Advantage 2原型機。 - **混合求解器**:Leap中的混合求解器可處理多達200萬個變量和約束的工業規模問題,使其成為解決生產規模問題的理想選擇。 - **用戶和數據**:自2018年推出以來,Leap已經擁有超過40,000個用戶,80多家商業客戶,其中一些已經在生產中運行應用程序。此外,已提交了約1.85億個客戶作業。 - **高可用性和實時性**:Leap平台具有超過99%的可用性,支持24/7監控、警報和運行團隊,確保系統的高穩定性和實時性。 - **全球覆蓋**:Leap在全球42個國家可用,系統分佈在D-Wave總部的Burnaby、加利福尼亞和德國。 - **自助管理和數據安全**:Leap支持客戶自助管理用戶和作業,並提供服務級別協議(SLA)。該平台達到SOC 2 Type 2合規標準,確保客戶數據安全。 - **如何開始**:Fiona鼓勵非Leap用戶掃描二維碼或訪問網站註冊帳號,並利用Leap上的互動演示和示例來學習如何開始。她還提到D-Wave的專業服務團隊和在線培訓資源。 總的來說,這段演示強調了Leap Quantum雲服務在量子計算中的應用潛力,特別是在生產應用和高可用性方面的優勢。

  • @shooding
    @shooding13 күн бұрын

    Should solve a cloud cost optimization problem with EC2 EKS Spot Instance, lamda function composition that provide a smooth workloads

  • @shooding
    @shooding13 күн бұрын

    這段影片展示了D-Wave技術顧問講解一個應用展示,重點是如何利用量子計算進行勞動力管理優化。以下是主要內容要點: - **背景介紹**:講者介紹自己是D-Wave的技術顧問,負責與客戶合作,探索D-Wave技術在他們業務中的應用,同時支持研究人員使用D-Wave的工具進行前沿研究。 - **案例設定**:講者以自己居住的小鎮蒙大拿州利文斯頓為例,這裡以飛釣和冰淇淋聞名。當地的冰淇淋工廠在夏季面臨生產需求增加和員工度假安排的挑戰。 - **勞動力管理問題**:工廠需要解決的是如何在滿足員工休假需求的同時,安排足夠的工人以應對生產需求。這是一個高度約束的問題,涉及多種規則和條件。 - **量子優化解決方案**:D-Wave開發了一個應用展示,使用量子計算來優化工廠的工作排班。展示中包括員工的工作偏好、休假需求、每班次的員工數量等條件。 - **操作過程**:演示展示了如何使用D-Wave的混合求解器處理這些約束,生成一個滿足所有條件的最佳工作排班。 - **變化和擴展**:講者進一步展示了當工廠擴大生產規模,增加員工和班次數量時,如何利用量子計算重新優化排班。 - **專業服務**:D-Wave的專業服務團隊可以根據客戶的實際需求,定制化構建優化引擎,並提供輕量級的用戶界面。 總的來說,這段演示強調了量子計算在解決現實世界中複雜優化問題的潛力,特別是在勞動力管理和排班優化方面。

  • @shooding
    @shooding13 күн бұрын

    這段影片展示了來自Quantum Basel的代表,介紹他們在量子計算和可持續發展領域的倡議和合作。以下是主要內容要點: - **介紹和目的**:Quantum Basel的CEO表達了對在量子計算、創新及與全球合作夥伴如D-Wave合作的興奮。 - **創新園區**:Quantum Basel在巴塞爾運營一個完全私募資金支持的創新園區,目的是促進研發,最終可能產生諾貝爾獎級別的發現。 - **專注於可持續發展**:園區強調可持續實踐,利用水力發電廠的能源和回收熱量來支持當地社區。量子計算被視為推動可持續發展的重要技術。 - **挑戰和機遇**:量子計算面臨高計算需求和傳統計算環境影響的挑戰。量子技術旨在通過提高效率來解決這些問題。 - **合作與項目**:Quantum Basel與各行業和大學合作,致力於普及量子計算。他們提供硬件訪問、教育和項目實施支持。 - **主要項目**: - **與Fany的HVAC優化**:使用量子計算設計建築的HVAC系統,結果節省了材料並減少了能源需求。 - **與Hermes的路線規劃**:優化物流公司的最後一公里配送路線,以提高效率並減少二氧化碳排放。 - **與BKW的能源系統規劃**:整合太陽能電池板、電池和電網以優化能源系統。 - **AI和量子計算的整合**:Quantum Basel將AI與量子計算相結合,以增強機器學習並降低能源消耗。他們強調結合這些技術對未來發展的重要性。 - **未來目標**:Quantum Basel旨在將量子計算的好處帶給各行各業,強調合作和實際應用來解決現實問題。 總的來說,演講強調了量子計算在推動創新和可持續發展方面的潛力,並展示了Quantum Basel的戰略合作和成功項目。

  • @user-vu8ko8oj4l
    @user-vu8ko8oj4l14 күн бұрын

    Great talk! The point that the system uses all the qubits no matter the problem size clarifies why one expects the best performance for the largest problem sizes. It brings to mind Gustafson's law for parallel computing.

  • @zwandathomas123
    @zwandathomas12314 күн бұрын

    D-wave physicist are on another level

  • @Raokeno
    @Raokeno15 күн бұрын

    Oof. Still several years away from meaningful revenue

  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl15 күн бұрын


  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl15 күн бұрын


  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl15 күн бұрын


  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl15 күн бұрын


  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl16 күн бұрын


  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl16 күн бұрын


  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl16 күн бұрын


  • @Sqksiii98s
    @Sqksiii98s17 күн бұрын

    I am confident that this company will soon become a game-changer. I am grateful that it is publicly traded and even more thankful that its stock price is currently very low.

  • @CoreyChambersLA
    @CoreyChambersLA19 күн бұрын

    A "subsurface anomaly" isn't a recognized term in quantum computing or related fields. In the context of Saudi Aramco, a "subsurface anomaly" refers to irregular features detected beneath the surface of the earth that could impact oil and gas exploration and extraction. Saudi Aramco, being one of the world's largest oil companies, uses sophisticated geophysical and geological technologies to scan the subsurface and identify these anomalies. These anomalies can be variations in rock formations, the presence of faults, or differences in fluid properties (such as oil, gas, or water) that may not align with the surrounding geology. Detecting these features is crucial for Saudi Aramco because they can indicate the presence of hydrocarbon reservoirs or present challenges in drilling and extraction operations. Technologies like seismic imaging, magnetic resonance, and other remote sensing methods are typically employed to detect and analyze these anomalies.

  • @TobiasenL
    @TobiasenL19 күн бұрын

    Dwave to the moon!!

  • @multipointus
    @multipointus20 күн бұрын

    Where to start.. AWESOME!!

  • @junal27
    @junal2720 күн бұрын

    Thank you for such presentation

  • @Patrick-wt5kl
    @Patrick-wt5kl21 күн бұрын


  • @fumblerooskie
    @fumblerooskie22 күн бұрын

    As successful as D-Wave appears to be, I have to wonder why its stock is so low and going lower.

  • @ismelldt9566
    @ismelldt956621 күн бұрын

    you better buy now

  • @HelloThere.890
    @HelloThere.89021 күн бұрын

    thats because they are running out of funding money from investors and they are failing to attract new better investors. as a result they keep making really bad deals with the actual investors, which of course are not happy about the current situation. for example they sell stock units at really low price 2$, 3$/unit. when they will stop doing that, the stock will go up eventually but again they have no choice they are running out of money. also nowdays the AI is in the center of attention, quantum had a few of attention like 2 years ago and since they it kept going down (the stock price is really representing that very good). quantum needs some big improvments/discovery to go up again, but it has a potential. at this moment it is as risky as investing in crypto tbh. ps: im down 80% in my dwave stock holding :D, im just hoping for them to not go out of bussines and game over :)). overall dwave is a good company they have 100% working products (good cloud implementation and documentation is what i've tested at least) but thats not much applications for it

  • @sneedjak
    @sneedjak18 күн бұрын

    where we are going who needs fiat

  • @fuhishva
    @fuhishva17 күн бұрын

    Poor revenue, because their products and services are not useful to industry yet.

  • @poooooooo100
    @poooooooo10017 күн бұрын

    Only a handful of cases apply to the annealer to start with and out of those a demo has to be built, then a POC and finally an app working in production… so the process is long…

  • @HaroldKimmey
    @HaroldKimmey22 күн бұрын

    Excellent. Thank you!

  • @user-fl5sg3rr1b
    @user-fl5sg3rr1b22 күн бұрын


  • @fiumerijeka9213
    @fiumerijeka9213Ай бұрын

    I heard that's the big bang, the creator made us like that and we made a other simulated world with that

  • @N3omega
    @N3omegaАй бұрын

    Pfft ima make this replace my psu

  • @donutloop
    @donutloopАй бұрын


  • @terry7893
    @terry7893Ай бұрын

    Hahahaaaaa. They show some BLACK GUY in there, as if he is one of the people that holds the keys to the future. I have to assume he is just doing some basic data entry.

  • @N3omega
    @N3omegaАй бұрын

    Dude black people do hold the key to the future lol

  • @winspyre
    @winspyreАй бұрын

    D-wave needs better subject matter expertise in this field.

  • @urvi7384
    @urvi7384Ай бұрын

    Pretty helpful considering there are not a lot of resources (I have come across) talking about this.

  • @amohammedarif5102
    @amohammedarif5102Ай бұрын

    Excellent job guys. Keep it up

  • @TeePrince
    @TeePrinceАй бұрын

    This company is young literally an infant & is a PLTR competitor 👀

  • @AwakeningWARRlOR
    @AwakeningWARRlORАй бұрын

    What they will never tell you is it's weaponized with billion dollar military contracts.

  • @christianleininger2954
    @christianleininger2954Ай бұрын

    Very interessting video. You guys doing a great Job.