Celtic Source

Celtic Source

Dr Gwilym Morus-Baird discusses various aspects of Celtic myth and culture, with a particular focus on Welsh and Irish source texts.

Taliesin the Guide

Taliesin the Guide

Book Launch Tour

Book Launch Tour

Thanks, Rest and Next . . .

Thanks, Rest and Next . . .

The Life of Stories

The Life of Stories

Sir Gawain and the Mabinogi

Sir Gawain and the Mabinogi


  • @henryjohnfacey8213
    @henryjohnfacey821320 сағат бұрын

    Thank you for posting this is so good to a person who didn't speak his grandmothers tongue.

  • @richardkeep1974
    @richardkeep19747 күн бұрын

    Thank you for a very interesting video. I've been interested in folklore, mythology etc from a young age and absolutely love the story of Tam Lin ( and also Thomas the Rhymer! ). I first discovered Tam Lin through the music of Fairport Convention and am still totally fascinated by it ( Thomas the Rhymer too ). It's amazing how Melusine came up! Another " goddess " type. I have a great interest in her too. Thanks again for a brilliant video 👍

  • @godskingssages4724
    @godskingssages472416 күн бұрын

    The main #Goddesses of the proto-indo-Europeans (PIE) were associated with the rising #sun at dawn and/or both #cosmic and terrestrial waters. (REPLY A) A #Goddess mentioned in the #Rigveda is an #Asura Goddess named Danu/Anu who was said to have led one of the five original Vedic tribes known as the lunar dynasty. (REPLY B) The Anu were a tribe said to have been located to the southwest of Aryavarta (homeland of the Vedic Aryans/Iranians) in what is roughly Central Asia/Anatolia/Iranian plateau/the Steppes. (REPLY C) In #Irish #mythology, Goddess Danu is said to have led the Irish #gods known as the Tuatha dé Danann (“Tribe of the Gods of Danu") into Ireland and against the demons known as Fomorians, and to have given her name to many cities and river systems along the way. Ex: Danube, Donets, Dnieper, Dniester. (REPLY D) Dôn is the #Welsh Creator and Mother Goddess and her "Children of Dôn" are the Welsh versions of the #TuathadeDanann. Don comes from the Old Iranian (#Avestan) word for “River”, Danu, itself from the earlier PIE root *dʰenh₂- "to run, to flow". I believe these Tribes of Danu/Don are where the #Bible got the “Tribe of Dan” narrative and it is likely that part of the story is inspired by these migrations and another by the invasions of the #SeaPeoples into the Levant (and basically all coastal regions) during the #BronzeAge collapse of the late 2nd millennium BCE. (REPLY E) The Tribe of Dan of the #Bible were associated with the #serpent/#dragon, which is not only on the flag of the #Celtic nation of #Wales, but also was the focus of religious persecution by (fake) Saint Patrick and the (real) early #Christian fanatics. #Genesis: “Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of #Israel. Dan shall be a serpent in the way, a viper by the path, that bites the horse’s heels so that his rider falls backward.” Like the #SeaPeoples and the Greek & Germanic tribes of the early Iron Age, the warriors of the Tribe of Dan were said to be sea faring folks, who in the Song of Deborah, were said to have “stayed on their ships” instead of fighting with the Canaanites; and in real history, the Denyen were one of the groups of Sea Peoples, as well as the Peleset, aka, ONE OF the groups of Aegeans/Greeks, aka the Philistines. There also happens to be a Danaus, in Greek founding mythologies, which I will cover in part 2.

  • @godskingssages4724
    @godskingssages472416 күн бұрын

    The Tribe of Danu was also known as one of the original 5 Vedic tribes known as the Lunar Dynasty. The five tribes (pañca janāh) were the Anu, Druhyu, Turvaśu, Yadu and Puru. The Yadu were proto Greeks/Thracians/Illyrians/Albanians/Romans etc. The Turvasu were likely the Turanian, a far eastern segment of the Aryans, aka the Eranians, which likely include proto scythians and proto turks. The Druhyu were likely proto dravidians/elamites. The Puru were a segment of Iranian/Indian sintashta culture.

  • @godskingssages4724
    @godskingssages472416 күн бұрын

    REPLY A -> see Vedic ‘Ushas’, from PIE “Heuwsos”. Other Dawn Goddesses of PIE descended cultures include the Greek Eos, Roman Aurora, Germanic Austra, and Baltic Ausrine. Devi/Aditi/Vak/Apah are the early Vedic/Hindu Cosmic Goddesses of the waters and the Mother of Gods. ----- REPLY B -> Asura Goddess Danu is likely Indo-Iranian as the Indo-Iranians were associated with Asuras (aka Greek Titans) and the Indo-Aryans with the #Devas (Greek Olympians) ----- REPLY C -> Druids were the same priestly class as the Brahmans of the Hindus. They had the same training, same function, same status, and conducted the same rituals. The Flamens of the early Romans were likewise of the same origin, as were the Magi of the Indo-Iranians/Medes. In fact, the historical Gautama Buddha himself was an Indo-Iranian/Saka-Scythian magi. ----- REPLY D -> Here we see the same division of the Gods as we see with the Green Olympian/Titans, the Vedic Devas/Asuras, and the Germanic Aesir/Vanir. Prominent members of the Tuath Dé include The Dagda ("the great god"); The Morrígan ("the great queen" or "phantom queen"); Lugh; Nuada; Aengus; Brigid; Manannán; Dian Cecht the healer; and Goibniu the smith, one of the Trí Dé Dána ("three gods of craft"). Several of the Tuath Dé are cognate with ancient Celtic deities: Lugh with Lugus, Brigit with Brigantia, Nuada with Nodons, and Ogma with Ogmios. And yes: we can identify, and I intend to do so, all of their earlier Vedic/Hindu/Roman/Greek/Iranian-Aryan/Germanic counterparts. ----- REPLY E -> At this time the Indo-Aryans would have been roughly around the area of ancient Bactria & Margiana and the Elamites of the Iranian plateau (in modern Kazakhstan/Turkmenistan/Afghanistan/Pakistan). New iron weapons most certainly gave the Sea Peoples and other “barbarians” the upper hand im against the longtime powers of the era (Egypt, Hittites, Trojans, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hurrians, Ugarit, Myceneans, Minoans, Elamites, Amorites, and etc). The Hittites/Luwians-Trojans and Hurrians in Anatolia, to the Mycenaeans and Minoans of the Aegean, to Ugarit, Canaan, and Egypt of the Levant, and to The Kassites and Amorites of Babylon and Mesopotamia.

  • @godskingssages4724
    @godskingssages472416 күн бұрын

    Vedic origin of the Celts & The Tribe of Dan(u) PART 2 -> Greek ‘Danaos’ ***See 2nd/3rd slides for a brief summary of part 1 + added details*** In the #Vedas, Greeks were known as Yavanas: Yona/Yavana" are transliterations of the #Greek word for "Ionians”. In Homer's Iliad, "#Danaans" ("tribe of Danaus") and "Argives" designate the Greek forces opposed to the #Trojans. (REPLY A) #Egyptians called them ywnj, #Assyrians, Iawanu, #Persians, Yauna, Biblical #Hebrew, Yāwān, and #Babylonians, Yaman/Yamanaya. Yamnaya is also the name given to the 4th Millenium BCE early Bronze Age culture of the Steppes that is thought to have been the area from which the proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE) were last together before their, let’s call it, confusion of languages. The Yona are often mentioned along with the Kambojas, as two societies where there are only nobles and slaves. Kambojas were Indo-Iranians closely related to the later Persians, as seen in the name of Persian King #Cambyses, itself a Greek transliteration of #Kambojas. (REPLY B) In Greek #mythology, #Danaus was the king of #Libya. His #myth is a foundation legend of Argos, one of the foremost #Mycenaean cities. Danaus, was the son of #King Belus of #Egypt and Achiroe, daughter of the river god Nilus, or of Sida, eponym of Sidon. He was the #twin brother of #Aegyptus, king of Egypt, and brother of Cepheus, King of #Ethiopia. After Aegyptus commanded that his fifty sons should marry the Danaides, Danaus fled to #Argos, which was ruled by King Pelasgus, the eponym of all indigenous inhabitants who had lived in Greece until the arrival of the loanian Greeks, aka Mycenaeans/Anatolians. When Aegyptus and his fifty sons arrived to take the Danaides, Danaus instructed his daughters to kill their husbands on their wedding night. Forty-nine followed through, but one, Hypermnestra, refused because her husband, Lynceus, honored her wish to remain a virgin. Lynceus and Hypermnestra then began a dynasty of Argive kings (the Danaid #Dynasty).

  • @godskingssages4724
    @godskingssages472416 күн бұрын

    REPLY A -> something to keep in mind, Herodotus divided the Greeks, into Achaeans, Aeolians, Ionians and Dorians. Ionian Greeks were actually located in western region of Anatolia (modern Turkey), which is where we see the Luwians/Trojans of Wilusa and the Hittites/Lycians/Lydians/Celicians of Kizzuwatna and Hattusha. The Dorians were located in the Macedonian region and later formed the culture of the Spartans. --- REPLY B -> The Akkadian name for the Sumerian God Enki-associated with the Waters-was Ea/A’as/Yah, and the original moon god of the early Egyptians was Iah. The first King and mythical ancestor of the Vedic tribes was known as YAma and Yima (and in Germanic accounts, the giant Ymir). Sooo, perhaps the people of YAH? This is essentially what I argued way back when I covered the Bronze Age migrations of the confederation of tribes in the near East/Syria/Anatolia during the middle/late Bronze Age, called the Hayasa-Azzi….Also the Indo-Iranians heavily influenced the founding mythologies of the Greeks and the Greeks and Persians heavily (and I mean very heavily) influenced the writing of the Old and New Testaments. Future post will explore how Persian imperial administrators collected all local mythologies of their subjects provinces and tried to write down/canonize them and install temples to both collect taxes and control the population. This usually involved bringing in a new priestly elite to oversee this shift-ie the “returners” who were usually of a different culture, as the Assyrian and Persian practice was to swap elites of different conquered areas, which would also entail changing the religions to more closely match the Zoroastrian account of Ahura Mazda as the One Good God who gave power to the One Good King, that of the Persian emperor. One God = One King as his chosen representative. The Babylonians started this shift with Marduk, the Assyrians continued it with Ashur, the Persians nearly perfected it with Ahura MaZda, and then Roman Empire completed the process when they adopted Christianity as the Cult of Empire (why was fake Jesus so adamant about paying the Roman tax collector? Why was Ezra, a Persian administrator, so involved in the writing of the Old Testament? We will come back to this….Likewise the Indo-Iranian Persians, who, remember worshiped Asuras and saw Devas as demons (with the situation reversed in the Vedic Indo-Aryans and Ahura Mazda being the same as Asura Varuna-Medha) produces inscriptions that mention how they sought to replace the religions of the Deva worshippers with versions that honored their God, Ahura Mazda. As I pointed out, Devas were associated with the Greek Olympians and the Persians saw basically all religions of astral/planetary Gods as being Deva-Worshippers, which would include the Arabian/Mesopotamian-based religious cults practiced by the real Canaanites. There is much much more to say here, in time. --- REPLY C -> Samson was a Danite hero, and his berserker war bloodlust is a common trope of the furor/frenzy of the warrior God/divine poet/priest found in nearly all ancient PIE based religions: from Wodanaz (Odin) to Achilles and Ajax of the Iliad and to Bhishma/Drona/Parashurama of the Vedic Mahabharata. Going back to my posts on proto-Germanic etymology, this divine madness is seen in not just the warrior but also the priest or poet. Wodanaz = lord of frenzy', 'leader of the possessed’, inspired, delirious, raging' + suffix *-naz ('master of') = divine possession or inspiration, and ecstatic divination. Also, Samsun is a solar God, so when he cuts his hair and loses his powers, that reflects the belief that the rays of the sun were his “hair” and when they are covered up he temporarily loses his power.

  • @godskingssages4724
    @godskingssages472416 күн бұрын

    PANCHA JANAAHA’, means ‘Five Peoples’, and refers to the five original Vedic tribes of Ailas/Chandravamsha, aka, The Lunar Dynasty: The Danus, the Yadus, Turvasas, Druhyus, and Purus. The Danu were named so after their founder: Asura Goddess Danu (Asuras pointing to an Indo-Iranian origin, which, remember, included both dark hair Indo-Iranian and light/red haired Scythians and later red haired Celts/Germans)…I argue that this Bronze Age Goddess and tribe is the same as the Tribe of Danu found in Iron Age Celtic mythology, where Danu is seen as the mother of the Irish Gods named the Tuatha De Danaan. See part 1 for more on her…I also argue that the Rigvedic People of Danu are the same as tribe of the Greek Danaos, as well as the later Biblical ‘Tribe of Dan’. The Sea Peoples-who helped contribute to the #BronzeAgeCollapse around 1200 BCE-included the Denyen and Peleset, who I argue should be identified with the Greeks-Achaeans (Philistines) & Anatolians-Trojans (Danaans), respectively. Thus, the biblical Tribe of Dan(u), would have been one of these largely Vedic/Indo-Euro groups descended from the Rigvedic Goddess Danu who sacked or settled (or both) all over the coastal regions of nearly every major population center at the close of the Bronze Age.

  • @godskingssages4724
    @godskingssages472416 күн бұрын

    Vedic origin of the Celts and the Tribe of Goddess Danu PART 3 -> The Greek ‘House of Dan(aus)’ continued (see part 1 + 2) Danaus-brother of Aeguptus in the Greek account-was also said to have invented the first #ship and fortified city walls-hallmarks of the Indo-Iranians/Indo-Hittites (aka Ionians) of the late 3rd Millenium BCE Sintashta and Andronovo Cultures of the central Asian steppes, which is thought to represent an eastward migration of the Corded Ware culture of western Europe, showing an early Vedic connection between Bronze Age cultures of Western Europe, Central Asia, and Northwest India (modern Afghanistan/Pakistan). Sintashta was also The #SintashtaCulture (circa 2100 BCE) is where the proto Indo-Iranian languages likely branched off from proto-Indo-European/proto-Anatolian (Indo-Hittite). It is also where we first see horse driven, War Chariots-a staple of later Indo-Euro/Indo-Aryan culture-who introduced them everywhere from Babylon to Egypt. Sintashta also had some of the earliest and most sophisticated metallurgy/production of bronze weapons, and was also one of the first cultures to build cities with circular fortified walls. (REPLY D) In parts 1-2, the Biblical Tribe of Dan were described as sea faring warriors who “stayed on their ships” in the Song of Deborah. This means by the time of late Bronze Age collapse the Sintashta based Graeco/Mycenaean-Armenians & Indo-Aryans/Iranians had developed a sea faring culture, likely due to back and forth migrations between the Corded Ware and Sintashta cultures, particularly, the Corded Ware offshoot known as the Battle Axe Culture, which flourished in the coastal areas of the south of the Scandinavian Peninsula from 2800 BC to 2300 BC and is what led to the emergence of the Nordic Bronze Age. (REPLY B) And why would they stay in their ships? Well the Indo-Aryan/Greek tribe of The Sea Peoples known from Egyptian inscriptions as ‘The Denyen’ likely didn’t feel like fighting their Vedic cousins, The Peleset (aka Philistines). (REPLY C) Finally: where does Egypt fit into this? Well we have to go back to my posts on the Indo-Iranian/Hurrian Empire of Mitanni (1600-1300 BCE)………who not only controlled most of Syria/Canaan-where the Tribe of Dan AND the Mitanni-Hurrians (aka the Horites) were said to have been located-but they also intermarried with Egyptian Pharoahs of the New Kingdom, including the Aten worshipping Akhenaten, with Nefertiti being an Indo-Iranian/Hurrian Princess. This means that the most famous dynasties of Egypt, the New Kingdom, we’re half Indo-Iranian/Indo-European (aka Vedic because as my old post showed they worshiped the Vedic “inner-Sun”, the Atman/Brahman, as the Sun Disk Aten. Let’s also add that the “foreign horse riding warriors” who introduced the chariot into Egypt-known as the Hyksos-were likely a confederation of Indo-Iranian tribes, with the names of the “foreign rulers”, being cognates of Names we find in Indo-Iranian cultures (ex: Khyan = Kewan/Kevan, aka the Iranian word for Saturn). Thus the Argos mythology-and the Biblical narrative of the Tribe of Dan and the Rigvedic Tribe of Danu-seem to be at least in part accounts of the Sea Peoples during the Bronze Age collapse-who were largely Greek/Trojan/Anatolian/Minoan-Cretan-Cyprus (ie Indo-European/Indo-Iranian). QAfter the invasions of Egypt by the Sea Peoples, the Egyptian New Kingdom settled many of the groups on their borders in the levant, and used them as mercenary soldiers against the groups of raiders in the highlands of Canaan-so here is where he see the Bible narrative of “enemy” Hittites, Amorites, Hurrians, and Philistines; they were settled in the Levant, first, by the Egyptians as a buffer against the Indo-Iranian Scythians, Medes, and eventually, the Persians, who captured Egypt in the 7th century BCE, likely sending many of these Greek mercenaries back to the Greece where they became the Dorians and the Hellenes. Once the Persians controlled it, they likewise stationed soldiers in the Levant as a buffer against the Greeks and Romans. And yes: the Persians helped to canonize and write down the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. These events and The groups of Sea Peoples are thus likely the inspirations for parts of the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, as well as the Mahabharata of the Hindus, and the founding myth of Rome where a Trojan hero, Aeneas, founds Rome after fleeing the Trojan War. I’ll identify the likely groups of sea peoples in time. The Tribe of Dan peoples were at least partially descended from the Vedic Indo-Iranians of Bactria, the related Sintashta and Andronovo Cultures, and the early PIE Anatolian branches (Hittites/Trojans). This means they are the Celts/Irish/Welsh, and their priests, the Druids. Druids were the same priestly class as the Brahmans of the Vedic Hindus. They had the same training, same function, same status, and conducted the same rituals. The Flamens of the early Romans were likewise of the same origin, as were the Magi of the Indo-Iranians/Medes (historical Gautama Buddha himself was an Indo-Iranian/Saka-Scythian magi). Druid means “knower/to see”, and is a cognate term for the Sanskrit ‘Veda’: ‘knowledge, wisdom’, which itself is derived from the root vid- "to know" and the Proto-Indo-European root *u̯eid-, meaning "see" or "know.” So yea: the Tribe of Dan stayed on their ships because the Philistines were also Greeks and they saw no need to fight them for the “Israelites”, who were if not literal Assyrians-yeah, I Can back up the argument-at the very least, were Assyrian approved elite “returners”. (REPLY D) REPLY C -> Samson was a Danite hero, and his berserker war bloodlust is a common trope of the furor/frenzy of the warrior God/divine poet/priest found in nearly all ancient PIE based religions: from Wodanaz (Odin) to Achilles and Ajax of the Iliad and to Bhishma/Drona/Parashurama of the Vedic Mahabharata. Going back to my posts on proto-Germanic etymology, this divine madness is seen in not just the warrior but also the priest or poet. Wodanaz = lord of frenzy', 'leader of the possessed’, inspired, delirious, raging' + suffix *-naz ('master of') = divine possession or inspiration, and ecstatic divination. Also, Samsun is a solar God, so when he cuts his hair and loses his powers, that reflects the belief that the rays of the sun were his “hair” and when they are covered up he temporarily loses his power. REPLY A -> I believe I have showed compelling evidence that we can identify the narrative of the #Biblical #TribeOfDan with the Vedic #IndoIranian worshippers of #Goddess Danu who are mentioned in the much earlier Rigveda. This Bronze Age tribe eventually-after mixing with local indigenous Neolithic populations of Western #Europe as well as their Indo-Euro cousins of the #CordedWare and #BellBeaker Cultures-ended up as the early Iron Age Celts, which in turn, gave rise to the the Scotts, #Irish and #Welsh (see slides for how the origins of Red Hair lies in the Indo-Iranian groups of the more northerly areas of the steppes, particularly, the Scythians.) REPLY B -> It is thought to have been responsible for spreading Indo-European languages and other elements of Indo-European culture to the region. It co-existed for a time with the hunter-gatherer Pitted Ware culture, which it eventually absorbed, developing into the Nordic Bronze Age. The Nordic Bronze Age has, in turn, been considered ancestral to the Germanic peoples. REPLY C -> Fellow Sea Peoples clans have likewise been identified with various Mediterranean polities, to varying acceptance: the Ekwesh with the Achaens, the Denyen with the Danaans, the Lukka with the Lycians, the Shekelesh with the Sicels, the Sherden with the Sardinians, etc REPLY D -> The Steppe life of the Bronze Age was not for the weak; warfare and raiding were constant threats, creating the need for fortified towns that doubled as commercial centers for weapon manufacturing. Round towers-as opposed to square or rectangular-also called drum towers, are more resistant to siege technology such as sappers and projectiles than square towers. The round front is more resistant than the straight side of a square tower, just as a load-bearing arch. This principle was already understood in antiquity….Also Sintashta and its neighbor-the related Andronovo Culture-both interacted and traded with Bactria-Margiana and the Indus Valley Civilization to their south, both of which I have done posts on where I argue for their Vedic connection.

  • @vickiburns1642
    @vickiburns164219 күн бұрын

    There is nothing about "rape" in Tam Lin. Yes they have sex but there is nothing to suggest it wasn't consensual. "My love's an Elfin Grey" suggests that she was in love with him.

  • @jacobparry177
    @jacobparry17722 күн бұрын

    Wrth edrych am berfformiadau o farddoniaeth Gymraeg ar YT rhyw mis neu ddwy yn ôl, nesh i ddarganfod rhestr fideos (playlist?) Y Gerdd ar Gân, ac o'n i am ofyn (cyn gorffan y cyfweliad yma) os mai chi oedd hwnna yn y fideos yn canu Trafferth Mewn Tafarn a Chywydd y Fôst. Ond wnaethoch chi atab y cwestiwn cyn imi ei ofyn. Perfformiadau gwych! A dwi'n falch o glŵad bod y defnydd o'r ffon i greu beat yn rwbath eithaf lled-awthentig i'r hen draddodiad barddol.

  • @UkeJackson
    @UkeJackson23 күн бұрын

    Lovely exchange. Enjoyable, informative, and uplifting! Thank you!

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @yurtdog1117
    @yurtdog111724 күн бұрын


  • @lisayalich8544
    @lisayalich854424 күн бұрын

    Strangely…I am very grateful to COVID…because it forced me to sit on the couch long enough to drink this in….this enriched and enriching nectar. This discussion Reminded me of the essential nature of exploring, and taking the time to do so. I am deeply grateful to you both 🙏

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    Glad you took the time, it's often worth it, get well soon

  • @KrisHughes
    @KrisHughes24 күн бұрын

    Really enjoying this conversation. Taking it in installments!

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    She has a great way of asking all the right questions!

  • @ComeRee
    @ComeRee24 күн бұрын

    Ardderchog! Mwynheais yn fawr [fel wastad]! Diolch am eich chwilfrydedd Genevieve a diolch am rannu Gwilym! Cariad fawr o Gymru De x Excellent! I really enjoyed that [as always]! Thank you for your curiosity Genevieve and thank you for sharing Gwilym! Much love from South Wales x

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    Croeso mawr

  • @AwarenessShop
    @AwarenessShop24 күн бұрын

    Loads of wonder-filled things to ponder... thank you <3

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    You're so welcome

  • @lukehuwllewellyn8683
    @lukehuwllewellyn868324 күн бұрын

    Brilliant conversation 👌

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    diolch Luke

  • @bobbiebrotherton9673
    @bobbiebrotherton967324 күн бұрын

    So greatful for your work. Have listened to your podcasts a few times and get new insights. Also love how reliable your information is.

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    Thanks, Bobbie

  • @dairshamackenzie2632
    @dairshamackenzie263228 күн бұрын

    You are quite a find Gwilym! You attract inquiring minds, your videos spark and encourage depth of thought and you facilitate meaningful discussions. I agree with the previous comment. This is my favorite YT channel. I'll email some thoughts on future courses.

  • @vanessafielding9049
    @vanessafielding904928 күн бұрын

    Thanks so much for a year of wonders! I loved your recent interview with Charlotte Hussey. I've been rather limited through ME from joining one of your courses, but have found all your videos of great value. The idea of a shorter 4 week course greatly appeals, and I look forward to hearing your new programme in September. Have a magical summer!

  • @catmalogen23
    @catmalogen2329 күн бұрын

    One of the finest channels on YT. Thank you for “everything”, consistently outstanding.

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    That's very kind, thank you.

  • @mollymcnaughton3133
    @mollymcnaughton313329 күн бұрын

    I fell under the glamour of mythology in the sixth grade and this was wonderful..✨💜

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    It's intriguing yes

  • @mollymcnaughton3133
    @mollymcnaughton313329 күн бұрын

    Unfortunately I have missed too many of your lectures these last few months, I am always looking forward to your goodies..go raibh maith agat. I always look forward watching you, Manchán Magan, and Anthony Murphy. I've always enjoyed your material.

  • @DeborahRoseHalani-dc6sn
    @DeborahRoseHalani-dc6snАй бұрын


  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    Diolch, Deborah

  • @Solrakiano
    @SolrakianoАй бұрын

    Would be cool videos about the Medieval Welsh language, you speaking about it or even teaching

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    take a look at the other videos I post

  • @WTSD850
    @WTSD850Ай бұрын

    where the crusades happeningaround the time the geals and picts were interacting with each other? or was that after scotland was formed

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    a few hundred years later with a bit of overlap

  • @WTSD850
    @WTSD85022 күн бұрын

    @@CelticSource so say theirs a geal mercenary that working as a crusader would it be possible for him to be alive around the time when rome was driven off from the British isles

  • @IamKingCraig
    @IamKingCraigАй бұрын

    Diolch yn fawr. Would be great to have a chat. Much to share

  • @Davlavi
    @DavlaviАй бұрын

    Great interview thanks for sharing.

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    you're welcome

  • @Dishfire101
    @Dishfire101Ай бұрын

    Was todays Ireland not called Scotia = Scotland and the people were called the Scotti = Scots, Ireland did not exist as Ireland in the 1st to 10th century (I read somewhere that it was formally Ireland in 1922?) The Irish monks had too much Guinness making up stories and myths, the Romans and Greeks in the 1st century called today's Ireland Scotia, later it was called Hibernia, and later still Ireland. I read also that the Picts invaded today's Ireland in the 2nd century captured slaves and brought them back to today's Scotland si I surmise that there was trade between Scotia and Pictland in the 1st to 5th century, perhaps the Scotti were actually Picts that went home to Scotland.

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    please check out any standard history of Ireland

  • @brianmason9803
    @brianmason9803Ай бұрын

    I'm trying to find out what the Mabinogion actually is and an outline of the stories. This posting goes in so deep I am totally lost. Is there a simpler way in?

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын


  • @creinicke1000
    @creinicke1000Ай бұрын

    I'm curious about the story that some Christians tell about Jesus traveling to Celtics area with his uncle Joseph of aramathea because he was involved in the tin mines. Is there any myths or stories that support this?

  • @karensmith4336
    @karensmith4336Ай бұрын

    There are a couple of old buildings that have proven the travels you ask about. One of the buildings is a church.

  • @IamKingCraig
    @IamKingCraigАй бұрын

    The tribe of dan

  • @sisterpatience22
    @sisterpatience22Ай бұрын

    Really enjoyed listening to this. Charlotte fascinating to hear about your creative practice and to listen to your poetry readings. Has reminded me to buy a copy of your book!

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    yes, do!

  • @CatrionaRuadh7
    @CatrionaRuadh7Ай бұрын

    Beautiful poetry and an engaging and fascinating discussion - thank you both!

  • @bronwenjones2435
    @bronwenjones2435Ай бұрын

    Very interesting and inspiring! Looking forward to reading your poetry, Charlotte!

  • @alexanderguesthistorical7842
    @alexanderguesthistorical7842Ай бұрын

    So was it the time of year when the huge blocking stone of the long barrow was moved by entirety of the people of the village, and the bones of the ancestors were placed on a bier to be carried through the settlement so that they could see what had become of place? Only to later be gathered up, separated by bone type, and caringly, lovingly, placed back inside the monument, in their separate alcoves, along with the excarnated bones of the recently deceased. To be entombed once again behind the wall of the great blocking stone, which could only be moved by the force of strength of the entire community, ready for the festivities at the same time next year? I think so.

  • @WillMowass
    @WillMowassАй бұрын

    Moving poetry and informative dialogue. Thank you so much for your art and sharing yourselves

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    You're welcome

  • @1amjapan
    @1amjapanАй бұрын

    Wow, what a thoughtful piece. Thank you, exactly what I was looking for. Very generous and much appreciated.

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    You're very welcome

  • @MsMustela
    @MsMustela2 ай бұрын

    I love this mythological story and the lessons it imparts. Thank you for your insightful explanation! Let's hope that in modern times, the sacred feminine doesn't turn into a rotten matriarchy that disrespects men, as Gwydion disrespected Arianrhod. The pendulum is in perpetual motion. Perhaps one of the lessons is the loss of balance between the feminine and masculine energies and the consequences thereof. Both energies can be toxic.

  • @evancutshaw4587
    @evancutshaw45872 ай бұрын

    Just FYI typo in the title. Dwi'n mwynhau eich fideos yn fawr!

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    diolch Evan

  • @twoforjoy123
    @twoforjoy1232 ай бұрын

    Thank you for this...do you know of any translations of the Mabinogion, written then as a story tale book...? Thank you 🙏

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    Siond Davies, The Mabinogion (Oxford World Classics 2007)

  • @KyIeMcCIeIIan
    @KyIeMcCIeIIan2 ай бұрын

    The Scottish were a Scythian tribe! The Pontic Scythians that were driven off the steppe by the Huns around 300AD. We are the tribe of Hercules, who was a Danite Hebrew named Samson. We migrated to Ireland to be with the rest of our tribe, the tribe of Dan- Tuatha de Danaan. What other pork free pastoral culture did you think we came from?

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    Fascinating how history is so easily re-written

  • @KyIeMcCIeIIan
    @KyIeMcCIeIIan22 күн бұрын

    @@CelticSource Yep. If Hercules was a Jew, it changes everything. Dig deep in to this subject using Gaelic eyes. The Gaels would have you believe that Goidel Glas, Moses, and Scythia all existed at the time of Babel. Total bullshit. This is the history I am trying to re-write. I hope nobody fecking minds and I hope some people help.

  • @IamKingCraig
    @IamKingCraig2 ай бұрын

    Ynys enlli that’s where you will find all lost wisdom 🕊️✝️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

  • @stevejonesphd
    @stevejonesphd2 ай бұрын

    Sounds lovely! Will an audiobook version of Taliesin Origins be available soon?

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    yes, available now on Audible

  • @ceciliajones7816
    @ceciliajones78162 ай бұрын

    My daughter and I discussed this topic last night! Seeing the connections of Inanna to other Goddesses in much later times and very far away lands. Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite, etc. Her powers and similars stories come through. History is like a web. You can get tangled up in it if you don’t remember to step back and look at the totality of it! Thanks for these posts. I’ve learned much from them!

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    You're welcome

  • @TheBearRiverHomestead
    @TheBearRiverHomestead2 ай бұрын

    And many of her descendants are still writing today...😉

  • @kateking3953
    @kateking39532 ай бұрын

    I read the White Goddess thirty forty years ago, and because I'm learning Welsh I've returned to Taliesin and the Mabinogi now with the perspective of age, wisdom (hopefully)and a greater sense of what I believe about our place in the world as humans. I would now agree with Taliesin that we are also fish, stars, trees, raindrops, and that there's no separation between the strata of created life. The separation is one created by our idea of our elevated status as humanity. I don't see it like that at all. I was born, lived and will die like the lily of the valley, the horse, the alder, the planet. We will just do it each in our own time. Diolch yn fawr iawn Taliesin a Gwilym M-B.

  • @spirator0429
    @spirator04292 ай бұрын

    Really lovely peaceful walk. Not a soul. Thanks for your wisdom as always

  • @tigermind108
    @tigermind1082 ай бұрын

    Sorry I'm late to this party 😄 I didn't know about the linguistic difficulty of trying to trace Welsh Dôn back to the same root as Danu, really interesting! I'm curious - apols if this is a dumb question, we've established historical linguistics isn't my area - how does the Irish figure Donn fit into this picture, if at all?

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource22 күн бұрын

    see this video kzread.info/dash/bejne/dYR5ppiHldCWm7w.html

  • @AngelaDibble-qc2ot
    @AngelaDibble-qc2ot3 ай бұрын

    So interesting, thank you. I'm an artist researching for my paintings and these tales are so inspiring.

  • @edwardlecore141
    @edwardlecore1413 ай бұрын

    Addressing the first question asked, two reasons for the cow to be allowed to fall into the hands of a mortal, first, the Fey may not have minded so long as it was not harmed, which is why she appears when she does, and second, it could have been a deliberate test, both can be inferred from the material.

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource3 ай бұрын


  • @edwardlecore141
    @edwardlecore1413 ай бұрын

    @@CelticSource I like to operate on the presupposition that there is more logic, meaning and missing coherence than is often assumed. I am constantly surprised by the way single-words or sentences in the Triads or Taliesin fit with hypothetical lost branches of the Mabinogi.

  • @edwardlecore141
    @edwardlecore1413 ай бұрын

    Welsh mythology always hints at something much bigger we never get to see. This is why it has inspired more fantasy writers than anything else.

  • @throughthewoods416
    @throughthewoods4163 ай бұрын

    I couldn't agree more. One thing we need to get better at as pagans is to admit that we ARE a new and evolving path. We are NOT the exact carbon copies of our ancestors, nor would they expect us to be. We can form and change and evolve parts of our path as much as they did, and that can be beautiful.

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource3 ай бұрын

    I agree

  • @no-relic
    @no-relic3 ай бұрын

    I think I’m still a bit more convinced by the Danu hypothesis. From what we know about the history of the settlement of Britain, an earlier Bronze Age Indo European migration may have taken place roughly from Holland. In this sense, they may have maintained traditions attached to a goddess from even before the Celtic influence. This also explains why she is really mostly found in Ireland and wales, two of the west most regions and thus the last to be totally crowded out.

  • @CelticSource
    @CelticSource3 ай бұрын

    I think it's Patrick Simms-Williams who thinks it could also have been North Western France, Armoica.