

Hi, my name is Jason and this is my Poker Vlog. I recently moved to the Las Vegas area and decided to take my poker hobby a bit more seriously. This vlog is document my journey. I primarily play low stakes live cash games so you can expect to see a lot of $1/2, $1/3, and $2/5 NLHE. I've been playing poker as a hobby since 2007 and am still learning the game. My goal for this vlog is to create a community of like minded poker players who are looking to improve their game and move up to higher stakes. I would like to play $5/10 or maybe even $10/20 NLHE someday! I play the occasional poker tournament for fun and might include some tournament vlogs from time to time. Looking forward to this adventure!

Email: [email protected]


  • @doneliasson4672
    @doneliasson4672Күн бұрын


  • @Lurorunner26.2
    @Lurorunner26.2Күн бұрын

    Damn….. you played the QQ hand to perfection. That sucks….

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker16 сағат бұрын

    Sick River 🤢

  • @jrminor2408
    @jrminor2408Күн бұрын

    Rough session brother

  • @Frosty2211
    @Frosty2211Күн бұрын

    He makes some super weak folds would love to have his type at my table. Too scared

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    Not about being scared it’s about knowing your opponents tendencies and what they are capable of. Most villains don’t bluff often enough and they certainly don’t bluff rivers with a high frequency. Calling in those spots on rivers is just lighting money on fire.

  • @Frosty2211
    @Frosty2211Күн бұрын

    @@panicpoker I can’t imagine you win often. Or you’re really cutting into your profits as scary as you play. Maybe go down in stakes

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    Also note that roughly 20.5% of hands have 0 EV or higher opening UTG 8 handed 100bb deep at 10% rake, so why are we folding hands that have 0 EV? Because if you get 3-bet, you're going to have to call with your pocket pairs / suited connectors, 4 bet the strong hands (and some A4s/A5s/AQs), but you're going to be folding a large % of the time compared to your opens (roughly continuing with 9%, so folding and losing 3x bb 55% of the time) whereas if your open range utg is 13% and your continue range on a 3-bet is ~6% so even though you're raise/folding about same percentage (55% folding to 3-bet), you're doing it roughly 33% less often plus that 6% range you're continuing with, the top quadrant (AK/KK/AA) makes up around 2% so you're going to be 4-betting 1/3rd of the time. Compared to 1/5th of the time if you had to continue with that 9% range.)

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    Probably way too much information but.. 8max 10% rake 3x open utg baseline open range A3s+ KTs+ AQo+ JJ+ K5s KQo 9% of the entire hand range although with Aria/Bellagio/Wynn rake roughly being 5% rake A3s+ K9s+ K5s ATo+ KQo TT+ 11.6% = 28.8% more hands than in the 10% rake baseline. 8max 10% rake 3x open utg+1 baseline open range A2s+ ATo+ KTs+ KJo+ JJ+ K5s 12.1% of hands. With 5% rake. probably adding in TT and K9s = 12.5% of hands utg 2 (LJ) ATo+ A2s+ KJo+ JJ+ KTs+ QTs+ A5o 13.7% of hands and with 5% rake.. K9s, K8s KTo, TT. 15.2% of hands. Utg 3(HJ) A2s+ A9o+ A5o TT+ K9s+ K7s QTs+ QJo+ KTo+ 17% of hands and with the 5% rake, K5s, K6s, A8o, JTs = 18.9% of hands. CO All suited aces All broadway (suited and non) 99+ A4o-A9o K5s-K9s Q9s 24.4% of hands and with 5% rake, adding in 88 and K4s = 25.2% of hands Remember, this is a baseline of what you should be opening 100% of the time as a 3x raise 100bb deep. Hands like 55-99 that are not listed can be mixed as an open-raise or fold. Same with suited connectors, K7s/K8s And button, we're opening roughly 40% of hands for 3x: 55+ A2s+ A2o+ K2s+ K7o+ Q4s+ Q8o+ J7s+ J9o+ T7s+ T9o Along with mixing suited connectors of the 54s-65s-76s-98s (you want 98s here more than the others, 98s is probably a 100% open with 5% rake) and 44 and K6o

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    This is a lot and I appreciate you putting it together and sharing it

  • @DevilDog0351
    @DevilDog0351Күн бұрын

    17:29 Why do people say they BLOCK blah blah blah as if the draw will never come. You have a removal to a draw, you don’t block zhit. 🤫 Just my 2 cent. 😆

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    Blockers are a consideration when ranging your opponent’s. Thats why you hear people talking about them during hand analysis.

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    Nice play with the QQ for last hand. Definitely like thought process. SB should be checking entire hand range on turn. Turn is definitely close between call/jam . Definitely a player dependent hand. How many Kx does my opponent have. Would he 3bet AK to buttons raise? Would he 3bet JJ? Would he 4bet AK/JJ to my 3bet? Does he fold off suit Kx to my 3bet after calling preflop? Would he check/call a set on the flop and now lead the turn when you should be blasting on a Kx a large % of the time. Would he lead a K when you can easily have JJ+/AK/KQ here?

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    Yeah, a lot of those questions ran through my mind and the conclusion I kept coming to was he doesn’t take a check/call lead turn line with many of any Kx. His line strongly represented draws so then it came down to call or jam. I don’t think calling is a terrible option. Keeps ranges wide and he is going to miss quite often and when he misses he might bluff off his entire stack. I settled on jam though as I’m not sure if he was the type to continue firing on the river when he misses.

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    Quads hand, hard to say because A) LJ should be leading full pot on flop if he is going to bet. B) Turn is just way too small. C) River is hard to say because you're never going to be showing Villain a bluff here enough. Like you're not going to call flop with a marginal hand like QsTs and just start blasting turn / river for full pots to get all-in on river.

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    True. I have seen some of the 2/5 population calling way to light on rivers. Calling big bets with 2nd or even 3rd pair on boards they feel “safe” because draws didn’t come in.

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    QJ hand. solver prefers checking flop. calling turn if sb bets, and mixes bet 66% /check on turn if checked to. If bet turn and called, solver wants to bet 100% pot on river when checked to. Logic being is that you should have a lot of bluff hands on the river and your opponent should not have that many better hands that beat you when called and SB should be calling with 9x, 7x, 4x worse Jx. However 67% of pot is also fine. As long as you bet the river when checked to. And of course, river call is 100% standard.

  • @Ontheflop01
    @Ontheflop01Күн бұрын

    I think you’re playing great . Continue to grind . New supporter .

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    Thank you 🙏 and welcome to the community!

  • @Ontheflop01
    @Ontheflop01Күн бұрын

    I think on the reraise turn 9 it’s alright to fold because the 9 itself shouldn’t have improved him unless it’s pocket 99s excatly . A9dd which hold Ad . I guess 108dd that wants to press the equity but 9/10 players aren’t thinking THAT deep so sometimes give them credit . I’m sure you know MOST of the time they have it when they pop it like that lol

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    Yeah, I think they almost always have it when they raise turn. It was just such a small amount of money that I didn’t think I could get away from it in that spot. I guess at the end of the day the amount doesn’t matter. When you’re beat you’re beat, just fold and look for a better spot.

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    QJo Btn. Interestingly enough, you can open this to 7x and be profitable (and probably 8x and maybe 9x), however 3x is more profitable than 4x-7x-9x raise sizes. But if you're going to play tight, it's a thing to consider since at open button 3x raise size at 100bb deep, you should play around 40% of hands but 4x, you go down to 35% of hands, and roughly 5% less hands when adding 1bb to your raise size (i.e. 4x raise = 35% of hands, 5x raise = 30% of hands and so on). I.e. if opening to 45$ preflop (9x bb), your range should be roughly 99+, AJo+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, KQo, A4s, A5s. I do wonder if that inverse holds true though if opening into short stacks into sb/bb. Obviously, one is not going to make a habit of opening 5-9x preflop on button, but if sb/bb have short stacks (much less than 100bb preflop, say 40-60bb), if your range should tighten considerably to those hands (i.e. if bb has 30bb, and you are going to open 3x, you're basically opening to 9x if 100bb deep).

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    This is interesting and not something I consider often enough. I feel like tournament players are way more in tune with preflop sizing in position vs effective stack size. Definitely an area in my game that needs improvement.

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    8max 3x open utg 10% 8max 3x open utg 10% rake has open range of: A3s+ JJ+ KTs+ K5s KQo with mix of open raise or fold of ATo/AJo KTo/KJo 55-TT K7s-K9s 54s-87s T9s-JTs However with the 5% rake that Bellagio has, you can add in these hands to mix open raise or fold utg: A2s K4s/K6s QTs / QJs However folding suited aces A2s-A9s utg is not bad when opening 3x. Does depend on table line-up. If your open is 3x your must open range (makes more than 0.02bb+) is: QQ+ ATs+ AQo+ A5s KQo KJs and with Bellagio (and Aria/Wynn's rake structure) I'd add in JJ, A9s, KTs, and maybe K5s / TT as a 100% open here utg.

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    8max 2x open utg 10% rake has open range of: A3s+ K9s+ QJs+ TT+ ATo+ KJo+ K5s+ with a mix or raise or fold utg of: 55-99 A2s K7s-Ks8s QTs JTs 54s-65s-76s However if you wanted to play tight, this is the 100% open before folding too many hands utg: A9s+ A5s, A7s, A8s KTs+ TT+ AJo KQo

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    So as we can see, the smaller your open raise size, the looser you can play preflop, even from under the gun.

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    Ironically, A9s is more of a hand to play UTG than 77 This should be your baseline open range from utg opening 3x from 100+bb deep. A3s+ KTs+ KQo TT+ ATo+

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    This is quite a bit wider than I’m currently opening from UTG. I need to experiment more with this and with the 3x open sizing and 5% rake I feel like mixing in some suite connectors is probably fine as well?

  • @jonathansykes4986
    @jonathansykes4986Күн бұрын

    ⁠@@panicpokeryou could toss in some suited connectors (54s, 65s, 76s 87s). It would still mix in open raise or folding . So not opening it 100% of the time, compared to the range I listed. Also mixing in some lower pocket pairs as well 77-99 (if not down to 55-66). Probably mixing open raising and folding these. Also probably mixing in K9s and KJo as well. Maybe some KTo but that’s pushing it. I would still muck 22-44 utg.

  • @mtnflyer9859
    @mtnflyer9859Күн бұрын

    Nice read on the QQ hand. Too bad you got punished for it.

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    Thanks brother, not going to be results oriented. It was the right decision and that means I’m getting better at this poker thing 😂

  • @707ridah
    @707ridahКүн бұрын

    Hey, im a new sub. Watched some of your video's, im not knocking on how you play, but i saw a few things. You're a good player, but work on your confidence and always go with your gut. Last thing, play the player and not your cardsm Good luck and stay blessed

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    Thank you 🙏 and welcome to the community!

  • @chancelorpalmz2048
    @chancelorpalmz2048Күн бұрын

    mite have to change title to bad reads and lucky I didn't run bad lol just threw the first 3-4 hands and you played them all bad brother

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    It will be helpful if you could add some deeper analysis. Playing a hand “bad” doesn’t really mean much and is relative.

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro2 күн бұрын

    Q8s: If she calls loosely on the flop and then folds most turns, just bet larger on the flop and take the turn fold. No reason to try to get more on the river with no pair no draw. 77: I'd bet larger on the turn after losing value on the flop after it checks through. AA vs set: I think you can fold turn. Villain did not raise flop, so he likely does not have a draw. Only other likely hands are either sets and 2pr. QJ: Villain has not shown any strength, the 4 does not bring in any draws, and there is only one possible straight (T8). I wouldn't go for a small bet on the turn. I'd go for a large one. You just got unlucky here imo. KJ is the one hand that isn't good enough to raise preflop or on the flop but still beats you. QQ: Not sure about the jam. You really don't have enough stack to make it mistake for villain to call with a draw, so I think calling is better.

  • @johannessmithenstein
    @johannessmithensteinКүн бұрын

    If he doesn't jam the queens, he's still gonna have to call on the river when the guy hits the straight. Are you suggesting he fold while ahead? Jam or call he's still getting stacked.

  • @hii-zz1uv
    @hii-zz1uv2 күн бұрын

    You have lost it. You thought the fold by opponent on the turn because you wanted to get another street with no hand. Please come play in NY.

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    One of the liberating things you can learn playing poker is not only can you make people fold when running a bluff, you can also significantly increase the value of your bluffs by getting your opponents to call multiple streets and fold the river. I’m sure I’ll be on the east coast at some point. See you at the tables 👍🏻

  • @anthonyconfalone7267
    @anthonyconfalone72672 күн бұрын

    89c 🤮🤮

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    Yeah, it’s a sick 🤢 one 😂

  • @cjones6776
    @cjones67762 күн бұрын

    How much did 8 9 of clubs have behind

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpokerКүн бұрын

    He had me covered so I’m estimating it was around $700

  • @707ridah
    @707ridah2 күн бұрын

    I haven't seen AA OR KK in the past year lol😂😂 unbelievable but I'm ok wit it.. I don't wait for premium hands and I wanna break off the player that does . Good luck out there

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker2 күн бұрын

    Hey everyone, I misspoke on the 77 hand. No backdoor flush draw came in. Hope you all enjoy the hands!

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro3 күн бұрын

    I think you need to bet the turn after the flush checks through. You got lucky that he hit the nut flush on the river.

  • @armank9927
    @armank99273 күн бұрын

    He prob had aces

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker3 күн бұрын

    @@armank9927 he had AQ of spades. Rivered the flush.

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro3 күн бұрын

    Yeah that was almost definitely a flush after calling the bet-jam.

  • @sanantoniogolfpro
    @sanantoniogolfpro4 күн бұрын

    *too fancy

  • @dinosaur6756
    @dinosaur67565 күн бұрын

    Yeah, you also missed repping that ace on the river.

  • @alessiodallatorre4788
    @alessiodallatorre4788Күн бұрын

    No, even a pot size bet doesn’t change the fact that he can call

  • @707ridah
    @707ridah6 күн бұрын

    If your in Las Vegas at 4pm on a Saturday trying to play poker m your waiting a few hours.. even in Sacramento where I'm at, weekends I'll play around noon or 8pm

  • @meipakyu4688
    @meipakyu46886 күн бұрын

    Why do people call an ace high flush a nut flush when a straight flush is higher than an ace high flush?

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker6 күн бұрын

    If there is a straight flush possible, then technically that would be the nuts. I think most people refer to the A high flush as the nut flush is because a straight flush is very difficult to have and there often isn’t a straight flush even possible.

  • @baustin2402
    @baustin24026 күн бұрын

    Yes you did... 🙄

  • @mikemurphy7605
    @mikemurphy760510 күн бұрын

    Congrats on 1 year! Keep it up. By the way, I’m sure you track all sessions so would you be willing to share your results over those 52 weeks? Like hourly rate, winning vs losing sessions, etc. I think it may be interesting to see your results for the first year of vlogging. Maybe even your hourly difference between 1/3 (1/2) and 2/5. Thanks.

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker10 күн бұрын

    Thanks! 🙏 and yes, I plan on sharing my results at the end of the calendar year. Unfortunately I did lose some data from earlier this year but I should still have a pretty good picture of my hourly and BB/100 by end of year.

  • @707ridah
    @707ridah11 күн бұрын

    The JQ str8 hand. I put him on either 10 9 or 10J. The JJ hand, you know he's a very good player when he tanks on the nut flush and then in good spirits afterwards. I'd do the same thing it's hard to get away from a nut flush paired board. I would called you on the rover and not raise stay blessed

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro12 күн бұрын

    Definitely should go big on the turn imo.

  • @bryanbautista6259
    @bryanbautista625913 күн бұрын

    What kind of phone stand do you use??

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker12 күн бұрын

    Some cheap little plastic stand I bought on Amazon. Nothing fancy.

  • @Poker-in-VR
    @Poker-in-VR13 күн бұрын

    Wow that 4,3 offsuit call ... was that one of the 'action' players? I know in VR people say they get bored as a reason why they play pockets like that, what's your experience in live games and advice to new players playing too many hands simply because it's "boring"otherwise?

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker13 күн бұрын

    It was one of the action players. My advice to new players is to focus on what other players are doing when you’re not in the hand. Just because you’re not playing your hand doesn’t mean you’re not still in the game. If you pay attention, you will rarely get bored.

  • @doneliasson4672
    @doneliasson467214 күн бұрын


  • @doneliasson4672
    @doneliasson467214 күн бұрын


  • @richardsimmonsjuggernautof9781
    @richardsimmonsjuggernautof978114 күн бұрын

    Why do you always play at Bellagio with their garbage $500 cap?

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker14 күн бұрын

    I believe it was Jonathan Little who gave the advice “Find a game you can beat and play that game A LOT” it’s pretty good advice.

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro13 күн бұрын

    @@panicpoker Another vlogger said the Wynn Encore is good. I have no clue whether that is true or not.... The max buyin appears to be 1500 for 2/5.

  • @doneliasson4672
    @doneliasson467215 күн бұрын


  • @DevilDog0351
    @DevilDog035115 күн бұрын

    2:25 You should really start looking at the camera lens instead of the screen. Looks more professional. 👍

  • @ambientexpanse
    @ambientexpanse15 күн бұрын

    Just noticed it was a double paired board so perhaps another word other than 'cooler' might be more appropriate in terms of describing your opponent's play in this particular hand such as perhaps maybe the word 'punt'? Lol.

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker15 күн бұрын

    He got it in on the turn before the board was double paired so not really a punt. He flopped the straight and got coolered on the turn when I hit the boat. Had he called it off on the River after the board double pairs I would say it was a punt 👍🏻

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro15 күн бұрын

    65s: Agree with your commentary, but I think your turn and river sizing needs to be larger, especially after checking flop. KK: I bet larger on the turn after checking flop on a card good for my range. AJ: When PFR checks turn after cbetting flop, he rarely has a value hand. For 35 I probably call and then fold to a raise.

  • @eugeneahmad5459
    @eugeneahmad545915 күн бұрын

    Congratulations on year 1.... like ur content, keep it up

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker15 күн бұрын

    Thank you 🙏

  • @hungryhorsepoker
    @hungryhorsepoker15 күн бұрын


  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro15 күн бұрын

    77: was this the actual board? If so, I would not have jammed here. Tx and 8x have you dead. I think you have the worst hand a lot after this action.

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker15 күн бұрын

    We beat all their 10x hands except for 108. We are dead if they have pocket 8s. I think we are ahead on the turn quite often. FYI the 8 peeled off on the river after I jammed all in on the turn and villain called I case that is causing confusion.

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro15 күн бұрын

    @@panicpoker Board was TT887. Tx is tens full of 8s. 8x is 8s full of tens. Edit: You showed the river card before indicating that you jammed, making me think that you jammed on the river.

  • @s.z.2271
    @s.z.227113 күн бұрын

    @@MaydayAggroyeah the editing was off but he jammed before the river.

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro13 күн бұрын

    @@s.z.2271 yeah, after he pretty much called me crazy, I went back, rewatched the hand, and figured it out. 😂

  • @magiciangob
    @magiciangob16 күн бұрын

    So many players at the table just wandering off that the table breaks? Are you sure you weren't at the Wynn?

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker15 күн бұрын

    Unfortunately it happens everywhere

  • @nickg408
    @nickg40816 күн бұрын

    On Qs4h3h are there really a ton of turns that change the equity of the hands? There are few turn over cards that change what is top pair. This might be a wet board but not sure how dynamic it is outside of the flush draws and the occasional wheel draw

  • @jambiee
    @jambiee16 күн бұрын

    I’m a tight player like you as well. I just find it humorous or ironic when we say the table wasn’t good because it was pretty tight or not that much action. Because we play a pretty tight game which also makes the table not as good as it was before we sat down.

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker16 күн бұрын

    It’s true 😂 😂

  • @jambiee
    @jambiee15 күн бұрын

    @@panicpoker 🤣

  • @jameswest-ti1it
    @jameswest-ti1it16 күн бұрын

    Vlog is much better!!!

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker16 күн бұрын

    Thank you! 🙏

  • @anthonyconfalone7267
    @anthonyconfalone726716 күн бұрын

    In cooler hand, no worries of any 8 or 10 with bigger full house? Whew!

  • @panicpoker
    @panicpoker16 күн бұрын

    It’s always a factor but can’t fold in that spot. If he has a better full house then it’s just “nice hand” and move on.