Zangbeto Celebration

The Zangbeto Celebration in Grand Popo, Benin

Пікірлер: 6

  • @Siddone
    @Siddone16 жыл бұрын

    they told me it wasn't a "true" magic ceremony, it was only a "demonstration" for people in the village, for the children and the families (not for tourists, I think, because the village was difficult to find and we were introduced as "special guests"). the "true", magic vodou ceremony was during the night but only adepts could see it.

  • @Siddone
    @Siddone15 жыл бұрын

    There are TWO men inside, this is the reason it is very huge, twice the others. There is a moment when the other men lift it, and it drops a thing, wich is one of the two men inside, crouched under a veil. You can't see it, but on the top there was a plastic devil-shaped toy. The man under the veil moves,and then the zangbeto start moving thanks to the second man wich is still inside. Then they lift again the Zangbeto, with the man inside, maybe attached to something, and put it on the other.

  • @Siddone
    @Siddone16 жыл бұрын

    the first time, one of the "drivers" crouch to the ground, and it is said he is a spirit. the second time, the other driver grabs the strucure and is lifted with it, to demosntrate there is noone inside - but you can see that eight men are necessary to lift it, so it's very heavy. it drops a little demon-shaped fetish (actually, a carnival plastic "devil" toy on a rock) and then starts moving again, while the first driver, crouched on the ground, is covered with another empty zangbeto.

  • @Siddone
    @Siddone15 жыл бұрын

    everybody is free to believe what they want. as a skeptic, I say that the movement of the Zangbeto in this video is rationally explainable with the simple presence of a man inside. but if you believe you can trust there is nobody. I won't blame you for this.

  • @Siddone
    @Siddone14 жыл бұрын

    I'm not a vodou believer but I'm graduated in Religious studies so I know what I'm speaking about. If you believe in it, you are free to do it and I respect you. But I, as a rational man, think that there is someone inside. it is far more reasonable to me then the existence of spirits. what i see is not a miracle, only a moving zangbeto and it is not sufficient to shake my rational way to think. I hope not to hurt your feelings, I respect your faith but I wish you respect my filosophy too.