Zack Sabre Jr vs Bryan Danielson - AEW Highlights


AEW Wrestledream 2023 highlights. Zack Sabre Jr aka technical wizard fight American Dragon Bryan Danielson to prove who the best technical wrestler in the world is. This match was excellent, from Zack targeting Danielson arm to eliminate his submission finisher, to Danielson taking out Zack leg. Taking out the leg would eliminate the ability to counter the running knee finisher of Danielson. While Zack wrestled Danielson in a battle of who is the best technical wrestler. Danielson had a different perspective of how technical wrestling is suppose to be used. It is not always about tapping out your opponents. It is about taking away any possibility of defense and offense.
They both went all out, and this masterclass of submission wrestling showcases AEW as the platform for the best wrestlers.
This is my favorite match of Zack Sabre Jr and Bryan Danielson. One of the top favorite matches in Pro Wrestling culture. Was a match I was looking forward to, and it exceeded my expectations. Two excellent technical wrestlers, on one of the best promotions in decades of wrestling. AEW gave us a PPV called WrestleDream, I recommend getting this PPV. One of the best lineups with this amazing dream match.
Hope you enjoyed the highlights video, I do try to keep the feel of the match. It doesn't even come close to the real thing. Still, from time to time will continue making these. I do enjoy the editing process.

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  • @MrTeamGuy
    @MrTeamGuy20 күн бұрын

    This is in the top of my favorite matches. (AEW WrestleDream 2023)
