Youth Pact for the Future, National Youth Council of Ireland

Title: Youth Consultation ‘A Better Tomorrow’ - Ireland’s Youth Pact for the Future
World leaders and members of the United Nations will come together in New York in September 2024 for a ‘Summit of the Future’ and to agree a way forward for the world for current and future generations. The Summit is a “once in a generation opportunity” to bring world leaders together to create a new international agreement - through a negotiated and agreed commitment - ‘Pact for the Future’.
In advance of this, over 70 young people living in Ireland gathered for a Youth Consultation on the topic in March 2024.
The event entitled “A Better Tomorrow” was hosted by young people, for young people. The aim of the youth consultation was to create Ireland’s ‘Youth Pact for the Future’, including a ‘Youth Declaration on Future Generations’.
This short video provides a quick snippet and sense of the discussions, ideas and energy of the day.
United Nations (2024) “Summit of the Future Website”:
