
This is a retro gothabilly rock song about losing someone we love, no matter how daft they were. I wanted the kind of sound that is similar to the soundtrack for True Blood, really bassy and twangy with a baritone voice. It's not quite perfection but I like it nonetheless. I used prompts like, psychobilly, blues, rock, jazz, goth rock etc. It took FOREEVVEEER! to get anywhere near decent, lots of reruns, tweaking the prompts and trying over and over again. I think I deleted more than half my days worth of generations because they were frankly, even too weird for my liking.
So I hope you enjoy, because this one took a long, long time to get right.
Words are my own and music is by Udio. Video editing by Mortal and Wild.
You can now buy the full length version of this song and my other tracks via my Bandcamp - link in profile info. 'Mortal Wild'.
It's called Miss Your Stupid Grin - enjoy!
LYRICS by me - Music by Udio.
CLIPS by Cottonbro Studios @PexelsPhotos
Mortal and Wild creative stuff.
I currently create my art and designs with #procreate and #affinitydesigner, Affinity Photo and On1. In my earlier career I was a creative director mainly in editorial design for magazines and books and graphic design marketing. I come from old school analogue design background before embracing new tech, which i am still continuing to learn all the shiny new things getting introduced every day. As I learn, I can pass on what I know onto you - hopefully.
When I am not creating, my head is full of astro-geekery.
I edit my videos in Davinci Resolve, which is awesome.
• My design products, merch and downloadables available on - you can also support with a donation on the website too.
• Instagram @mortalandwildphoto
@mortalandwild for astro stuff.
@topnotchvintageshop for my vintage shop

