You Will See My Mercy, To Your Faults And Sins

Фильм және анимация

Hello dear ones,
May you all be blessed and be encouraged by my struggles, and Lord's mercy.
I was before the Lord adoring Him,
Lord began to speak,
My dear,
What did you discover?
Lord, there is nothing good in me,
I have seen my sins, I thought I loved you but deeply I am coveting others' gifts and anointing,
My pride is breaking I thought I am good, I am honest I don't cheat,
Lord chimed in,
My dear
It's OK you are coming to know yourself, I have known it always. But I didn't reveal to you for you are not ready. You had anger on Me for your sins, you were given over to hate still I showed you My mercy.
My dear, there is nothing I cannot do, all you go through there is an end, I am cleaning you as you see yourself, I want you to be known in My ways,
This channel is Mine dear, keep coming don't stop for you will see My mercy to your faults and sins,
Trust Me, more is coming I know what's in your heart, I know you rely on your strength, I am breaking it dear, so thank Me, for I am doing it for you and My glory.
Trust Me, I am there always, rejuvenating you, making you new for My glory and for others who suffer like you.
Do you trust Me, My dove,
Yes Lord,
Lord asked?
I replied,
because I seen you, your humility your forgiveness and love towards one another.
Lord continued,
Yes, My daughter that is what I am teaching you. Love one another as you are learning keep notes and learn keenly discernment, you are getting sharpened. I will help you as I am doing now.
I am giving My trust to you, so be thankful and move. Trust Me, I am there, you are learning soon you will learn more.
That was the end of Lord Jesus' message.
Family, I encourage you all to keep seek the Lord, that is in intimacy with Him only we got to know Him and love on Him, He is with us and always with us. Amen.

