
After completing the #worship of #ancestor deities, the family members partake in Parsad. Following this, they proceed to cook local chicken and rice. The men undertake the task of cutting the chicken, while the women prepare the rice and chicken dishes. Once all the food items are ready, the entire family gathers to share a meal together. Sitting together, they enjoy the freshly prepared food with contentment. Finally, they pack up the utensils and head back home, filled with happiness from the day's festivities.
पितृदेवताको पूजा सकिएपछि परिवारका सदस्यले प्रसाद खान्छन । यसपछि स्थानीय कुखुरा र भात पकाउन थाल्छन् । पुरुषहरूले कुखुरा काट्ने काम गर्छन् भने महिलाहरूले भात र कुखुराको परिकार तयार गर्छन्। एकपटक सबै खाद्य वस्तुहरू तयार भएपछि, सम्पूर्ण परिवार सँगै खाना बाँड्न भेला हुन्छन्। सँगै बसेर सन्तुष्टताका साथ ताजा खानाको आनन्द लिन्छन् । अन्तमा, तिनीहरू भाँडाकुँडाहरू प्याक गर्छन् र दिनको चाडपर्वबाट खुशीले भरिएर घर फर्कन्छन्।

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  • @LuongTien168
    @LuongTien168Ай бұрын

    Hay quá 🥰👍❤❤❤