World Tree: Beautiful Meditation Music Inspired by Ancient Symbolism


The world tree is a powerful archetype found in many cultures and religions throughout history. It represents a cosmic axis linking different realms of existence, such as the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. As a symbol of interconnectedness and spiritual growth, the world tree embodies themes of balance, renewal, and transcendence. It serves as a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds, offering guidance and wisdom to those who seek deeper understanding and enlightenment.
In our meditation music video, "World Tree," we draw upon the profound symbolism of the world tree archetype to create a transformative auditory experience. Just as the world tree serves as a bridge between different realms of existence, our music acts as a conduit for inner exploration and spiritual connection. Through soothing melodies and tranquil sounds, we invite listeners to embark on a meditative journey, traversing the branches of the cosmic tree of life and tapping into the universal harmony that resonates within. As you immerse yourself in the music, allow the symbolism of the world tree to guide you towards a deeper state of peace, insight, and transcendence.
Image, animation and music by Inner Garden

