Workout Deltoid flys band

Using a gym grade band, lift your hands away from your body, flexing the deltoid shoulder muscles. This can be done at home using a home grade band as well. Using dumbbells, lay with your back on the floor allowing gravity to contribute to your exercise. I do 30-50 of these, in sets of 3 including all the demonstrated upper body exercises, 7 exercises total. It takes me 17 minutes for the entire upper body workout: it includes all the major upper body muscles. Hey, go get an anatomy book: Pectorals, Deltoids, Latissimus dorsi, Biceps, Triceps. Add Abs and leg exercises for a total workout. Remember to balance muscle strengthening with cardio fitness: so walk/bike/swim for cardio; I like kickboxing, and remember to keep your heart rate up for cardio fitness! I like to do upper body on even days, lower body on odd days; I walk 5 days a week ... ok, dancing 2 days a week! You can do abs to your heart's content; heavy on odd days, light on even days. Give yourself a day off each week; many like to take a Sabbath once a week. Highly recommended! Always drink lots of water. When I do drink Gatorade or a sports drink, I cut it 50/50: half water, half Gatorade.
Filmed at Waikele UFC gym, on of the BJ Penn gyms in Hawaii, 9/15/18. Yes, kickboxing classes available: shameless plug for all, but especially Sheldon's classes! He is the best! Train honestly, stay strong! Blessings, Dr. Bernie.
