Women Pastors - A Sign of the End Times.


Women Pastors - A Sign of the End Times
In today's world the enemy is working hard especially here in these last days to erode away the order of what God has laid out within His Word. Never before in history have we had so many women seeking to be pastors. Mnay of our modern women pastors are now gay or transgender. There is an agenda at play here. Some of these husband and wife pastors look really cute together but have succombed to the church culter today. Is a woman pastor biblical? Lets learn today what exactly what the New and the Old Testament says or doesn't say about women who want to be pastors. What's the big deal? I use to think this to until I truly looked for an answer to whether or not woman should be pastor, priests or shepherd. "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 ~ Always stand firm on the Word of God and His order of everything. Only then you wil never go wrong. Amen?
Last Days Deliverance
1157 Russ Ave. Waynesville, NC. 28786

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