Woman Robbed Of Being Able To Reproduce Due To Abortion Bans Speak Out Against Texas Senate


This woman almost died from going septic from a pregnancy who is speaking out against Texas Lawmakers and the Senate, along with many other women she is speaking out against these politicians, because her going septic with a pregnancy made her sterile from the damage it did on her body.
Her and many others in other states, who have bans on abortion; are suing their states for allowing them to go septic and nearly die from fetuses that died in their wombs, causing them to go septic, especially with a miscarriage causing sepsis in the USA.
Many women and children who are forced to give birth will die under these abortion bans, many states have NO EXCEPTIONS at all, not even for ectopic pregnancies, incest, rape, or life of the mother, thus will cause many women to die, including children forced to birth a child themselves through incest or rape or even sex trafficking, (which does happen sadly in a child's own home since it happened to me for six months by my biodad), they will in fact die.
This is the future for America.
These politicians believe when a little girl gets her period she is old enough to be pregnant, a 40lb child, let that sink in, forcing a 40lb child to give birth, breaking her body, her pelvis, ripping her rectum and vagina, which will cause major disability, and many future surgeries to have such damage fixed, some will not be able to walk and leak feces and urine for the rest of their days, which all I mentioned are fact and the WHO says happens, which a child 13 years and under will go through.
These kinds of things happen in Middle Eastern Countries, 3rd World Countries, which the United States is now rated a 3rd World Country by the United Nation indefinitely thanks to these lawmakers doing such bans.
The United Nations has warned they will intervene if politicians and Lawmakers do not stop making laws that will force women and little girls to birth u wanted children.
Which we are apart of the United Nations, and it is a war crime to force birth children and women, and there doesn't have to be a war crime for a war crime to happen take note of that.
And America is commiting that war crime, and violating the 13th & 14th amendment entirely.
Children birthing children is wrong, very wrong and prolifers believe it's right, because they want children to birth the fetus no matter if the child is raped by incest or sex trafficked, and could die from forced child pregnancy.
A child menstruating at age 5-10, which is possible, are not ready for a pregnancy, and I'll mention it again which this has been studied on, the fetus would be obstructed in the pelvic cavity, causing the fetuses head to cave in and cause fetal death, as well as causing pelvic inflammatory disease, ripping of the rectum, and vaginal pelvic floor severe tears, which many surgeries will be needed to fix such damage, and the child will be forever sterile because such damage, which was studied on by Livescience.com ordered the the WHO.
If a child menstruates they are not ready to have children themselves know that.
As well as republicans are voting to keep child marriage alive in the United States in 43 states.
Since 2000 child marriages in the 300,000 rang have happened, old men marrying children, and children cannot go to a homeless shelter or flee the marriage until they are 18!
Republicans as I said are voting to keep such laws, so child pregnancy can occur after these horrific laws are enacted, this is an agenda by the Republicans to legalize pedophilia, this is not just about abortion, as well as the Comstock Law will be reinstated, where it bans All Kinds Of Contraceptives including condoms, you could be arrested for having a condom on you, especially KY Jelly in the future.
They are also voting on fining couples who aren't married if they do not get married which will effect the disabled who cannot marry at all, so this is also an attack on the disabled too in America.
Soon more children will be disabled from forced pregnancy, yet Republicans want to gut SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, and Medicare, so nobody has healthcare not even children who will become disabled from forced pregnancies, take that all in.
They do not care for the life of the mother, whether it be a child nor an adult woman.
This is a crisis in the United States, that anyone with a uterus is property once again, second class citizens.
If you are from another country, there have been warnings sent on websites to not visit any red state due to this factor, because rapists will take advantage of these laws including pedophiles.
As well as the LGBTQIA community is losing their rights, so that puts you if you're from another country and are LGBTQIA at risk.
Heed my advice don't visit red states.
Such as South Carolina, Alabama, South and North Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Idaho, Iowa, Florida, North Carolina, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Virginia, Oklahoma, Georgia, and anymore I will list later, if a woman don't visit them.

