Without You, There Is No Us: Book Talk with Suki Kim

October 23, 2014 - Suki Kim, who has written about North Korea for Harper's and The New York Review of Books,discusses Without You, There Is No Us, her fascinating new book which chronicles her six month stay in North Korea, where she taught English to the sons of the North Korean elite at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology during the end of Kim Jong Il’s reign.
For more information, please visit the link below:
Produced, Directed, and Edited by Peter Stuehmke.

Пікірлер: 8

  • @angeleyes7417
    @angeleyes74174 жыл бұрын

    Without God there is no you.

  • @auxlee72
    @auxlee729 жыл бұрын

    so sad.....

  • @bloomintokyoseoul
    @bloomintokyoseoul9 жыл бұрын

    I wonder if Suki Kim or any westerners have any idea what the North Korean people went through during the Korean War- [Korea Truth Commission Report for June 23, 2001 , War Crimes Tribunal 29 Report of the Committee of the Women's International Democratic Federation in Korea, 1951 Declaration After the observations made by the members of the Commission in different parts of Korea, the Commission has reached the following conclusions: The people of Korea are subjected by American occupants to a merciless and methodical campaign of extermination which is in contradiction not only with the principles of humanity, but also with the rules of warfare as laid down, for instance, in the Hague and the Geneva Conventions. This is being done in the following ways: a) by the systematic destruction of food, food-stores and food-factories. Forests and ripe harvests are systematically burned by incendiary bombs; fruh trees are destroyed and peasants working in their fields with their animals are killed by machine-gun fire from low-flying planes. By these means the whole people of Korea is doomed to starvation. b) By the systematic destruction of town after town, of village after village, many of which by no stretch of imagination could be considered to be military objectives or even industrial centres. The aim of systematic destruction is clearly, in the first place, to break the moral of the Korean population and, secondly, to wear them out physically. In these never-ceasing raids, dwellings, hospitals, schools, etc., are destroyed deliberately. Even towns which have already been turned into heaps ashes and in which the surviving inhabitants are reduced to living in dug-outs, continue to be bombed, c) By systematically employing against the peaceful inhabitants weapons banned by international convention i.e., incendiaries, petrol bombs, napalm bombs, time-bombs, and by constantly machine- gunning civilians from low-flying planes. d) By atrociously exterminating the Korean population, in the district temporarily occupied by American and Syngman Rhee (ROK) forces, in the period of occupation hundreds of thousands of civilians, entire families from old men to little children, have been tortured, beaten to death, burned and buried alive. Thousands of others have perished from hunger and cold in overcrowded prisons in which they were thrown without charges being leveled against them, without investigation, trial or sentence. These mass tortures and mass murders surpass the crimes commit by Hitler Nazis in temporarily occupied Europe. Evidence given by all civilians questioned points to the fact that nearly all of these crimes were either perpetrated by US soldiers and officers or else on the order of US officers. Therefore the full responsibility for these atrocities falls on the US Supreme Command in Korea, i.e General MacArthur, General Ridgeway and other commanders of the invading forces who call themselves the Forces of the UNO.The members of the Commission are: Nora K. Rodd (Canada), Chairman; Liu Chin-yang (China), Vice-chairman; Ida Bachmann (Denmark), Vice-chairman; Miluse Svatosova (Czechoslovakia), Secretary; Trees Soenito-Hey tigers (Netherlands); Assistant Secretary: Dr. Monica Felton (Great Britain); Maria Ovsyannikova (USSR); Bai Lang (China); Li K'eng (China); Gilette Ziegler (France); Elisabeth Gal lo (Italy); Eva Priester (Austria); Hilde Cahn (German Democratic Republic); Lilly Waechter (Western Germany); Dr. Germaine Hannevard (Belgium); Li-thi-Que (Viet-Nam); Candelaria Rodriguez, Doctor-in-Law (Cuba); Leonor Aguiar Vazquez, Doctor-in~Law (Argentine); Fatma ben Sliman (Tunisia); Abassia Fodil (Algeria); Kate Fleron Jacobsen, Observer (Denmark). We, women of different countries, of different nationalities, of different religious beliefs and different political views, some of us members of different political parties and others with no party affiliations, had a common task before us: to tell conscientiously and truthfully to the women who have delegated us to this commission and to all the common and peace-loving people of the world the facts as we have seen them. All the acts given below, the figures and other data, mentioned in this document have been recorded personally by the members of the Commission. These facts are all in accordance with the evidence members saw with their own eyes and with statements given to them by eye-witnesses and officials in Korea. The report itself was completed and signed in the time of May 16 to May 27 on Korean territory, somewhere near Pyongyang. ] archive.org/stream/pdfy-1KgDlKSWqRifyuBa/We%20Accuse%20-%20Report%20of%20the%20Committee%20of%20the%20Women%27s%20International%20Democratic%20Federation%20in%20Korea%20%281951%29_djvu.txt

  • @ScholarKWood


    4 жыл бұрын

    She was born in South Korea and raised there...

  • @bloomintokyoseoul


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Lamont Seiler Hi, no I haven't been there yet but know people who have.

  • @bloomintokyoseoul


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Lamont Seiler If you're sincerely interested you can start researching.