Willard Kachere | Episode 5: The Power That Be | Purpose & Influence With Tehn Diamond

Podcast Link: Podcast Link: anchor.fm/will-kae
Tehn Diamond is widely known for his lyrical prowess as one of the finest rappers to ever come out of Zimbabwe. In what he described as a reality similar to that of Batman and Bruce Wayne, he spoke about the evolution of his identity and everything around it. It was a conversation on purpose, rediscovery, faith and more. All in all, it was a grand conversation with this multi-faceted creative.
Let's Connect - Links Below:
Website: willardkachere.com
Instagram: / willardkachere
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Twitter: / willardkachere
Snapchat: @Will-Kae
For Bookings Contact: Info@willardkachere.com
#WillardKachere #TheWillKaeExperience #TehnDiamond
