Why It's Stupid To Be Against The Youth

Look am I saying that the youth are always right? No. What I am saying is that as a group, they have a way better trend line than the rest of us. And that it seems to be a weird point of cultural pride to 'know' that 'you're better than teens'.
Like honestly I think this starts with really insecure old people who are just scared of being replaced so they hate young people, but there are so many well adjusted and nice people that do this too. It's just really common to assume that teenagers have nothing to offer, no unique insights, and are confused and wrong about everything.
And that's... stupid and wrong imo. Like throughout history the youths are the ones fixing the olds mistakes, the ones realizing what could happen by seeing the potential and flaws in our current system.
The example I think is most clear is how in the 90s + early 2000s, it was kids pushing their parents into getting internet. Like, adults didn't understand that THE INTERNET could be worth bringing into your life. And then time passes, the adults become more used to the idea, and then lo and behold all of a sudden maybe internet in the house isn't such a crazy idea.
I'm not saying that teens and the youth are always right, I'm saying that their big ideas, their thesis statements about society are right a lot more of the time than most other groups, so I think it's always worth looking at what the teens believe and strongly considering their opinions.

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