Who holds firmly to the Quran and Sunnah?

READ: A person who is honest and is not fanatical in his/her beliefs will have no problem answering these questions:
Who are those who have obeyed the command of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and are cautious from introducing innovations (bid'ah) in Islam?
Who are those who are staunch in their defense of innovations and claim they are only defending good innovations?
Who are those who invented new ways of making dikr (remembrance of Allah), even though the Prophet Muhammad (saw) has said, "I have not left a single thing which brings you closer to Paradise and distances you from Hellfire except that I have commanded you with it and I have not left a single thing which brings you closer to Hellfire and distances you from Hellfire except that I have prohibited you from it " ?
Who are those who focus so much on minor disagreements in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), such as how many voluntary rak'at one has to perform during Taraweeh, or wiping over the sock while making wudu, instead of focusing on the major innovations committed by those who claim to be under the same banner as they are upon?
Who are those who pray and recite the Fatihah [X] amount of times each day and have not understood the meaning of the words, "You (Alone) we worship, and YOU (ALONE) WE ASK FOR HELP (for each and everything)", yet still ask for help from other, than Allah and have taking intermediaries to Allah.
Which group explicitly states, that there are no innovations in the way this Ummah practices their religion, except by those who warn against innovations?
Which is the ONLY group, that has lead SOME people so astray, that they would worship graves, build shrines, leave letters by the graves of scholars in hope of their prayers being answered, etc.
Which group has founded new holidays, other than the two Eids?
Which groups has saints, similar to that of the Catholics?
Which is the only group, that has followers who focus so much on personalities rather than the message, that they would literally kiss the feet of their scholars? The last and final Prophet (saw) who is more deserving of such praise, didn't even like it when the Sahaba stood up when he walked in a room.
Before you criticize Muslims who are trying to practice Islam in it's purest form and claim that they are a new group, ask yourself this, "Has their dawah produced any grave worshipers, or any other innovation remotely similar to those found in other groups?"
Innovations in Islamic beliefs are the main cause of disunity, as well as the fanaticism of certain groups....Go back to the Qur'an and Sunnah whether you like this phrase or not.

Пікірлер: 15

  • @sambios
    @sambios13 жыл бұрын

    What a message to those who hold on a Bidah matters. May Allah guide us all and show us the right path.

  • @koolkol009
    @koolkol00913 жыл бұрын

    masha allah and may allah gives us janaat ameen.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah13 жыл бұрын

    Assalaamualykum, dear brothers even i have difference with Yasir Qadhi but the respect should be there as he is our muslim brother. Yasir Qadhi does have a problem with the Sunnah of Jihad and its rewards. I remember reading one of his Books on Rizq (Provision) and No where did i find the following hadeeth: "...and my provision has been placed in the shade of my spear..." Musnad Ahmad 4869. This thing Hurt me but we should try and correct him instead of hating him. Allaahu A'lam.

  • @SamiZaatari
    @SamiZaatari13 жыл бұрын

    @SFAvfx you never know brother, he might be one of those undercover agents, they send them to some well known muslim youtube users to just see what's up.

  • @SFAvfx
    @SFAvfx13 жыл бұрын

    @Mr1Fox9 I don't have time to respond to the 20+ comments you posted, but I do want to give you one last suggestion. If you choose to continue treading down this dangerous path of criticizing the people of knowledge, you should at least go study Islam for about 10-20 yrs, so that you can come close to their level of knowledge. The second thing is brother, don't talk about be about it. Go and fight because posting a 100 comments, that will eventually get buried is not helping anyone.

  • @Wowzerz00
    @Wowzerz0013 жыл бұрын

    @Mr1Fox9 I agree on some of the things that Yasir Qadhi says and he is still upon the Sunnah. Nationalism is NOT Bid'ah but it is classified as haraam I believe. Our Prophet salahu alahi wa'salim forbade us to fall under tribalism (Modern day Nationalism) so it does make it haraam I suppose. He speaks against bida'h but he sits with people of ahl bidah (Hamza Yusuf, Zaid Shakir and I believe Faraz Rabbani) in RIS conventions and other occassions.

  • @usevolnec5
    @usevolnec511 жыл бұрын

    2 and last - Don't tell me u asked them (those intels&FPI people) to do those things to me because i wouldnt do what u wanted (visit the FPI Front Pembela Islam organization or something). If u've heard news lately, the FPI gets much money from Eyang Subur who has many many girls not just 4 (four) and decorates his house w/ crystals, expensive luxurious stuff. Why does FPI receive money from sufiism guy like him?

  • @facilitator999
    @facilitator99913 жыл бұрын

    @Mr1Fox9 Unfortunately you are too blunt. but i couldnt agree with you more.

  • @SamiZaatari
    @SamiZaatari13 жыл бұрын

    @Mr1Fox9 mr fox you now have brother sfa telling you off, now ask yourself, do you think it's a coincidence that Muslim video maker after Muslim video maker keep telling you off? And if you notice, you are being told off by the same reasons, it's a consistent pattern we see, but only you fail to see that.

  • @SamiZaatari
    @SamiZaatari13 жыл бұрын

    @Mr1Fox9 lol, okay whatever you say mr know it and judge it all. :D

  • @mrmikober
    @mrmikober13 жыл бұрын

    Whois this brother?

  • @SamiZaatari
    @SamiZaatari13 жыл бұрын

    @Mr1Fox9 lol, your a funny guy.

  • @SFAvfx
    @SFAvfx13 жыл бұрын

    @Mr1Fox9 Listen, if you choose to waste your time playing cyber-jihad, and going around criticizing all those who dedicated their lives in seeking knowledge, that is your choice, but don't waste the time of everyone else with your nonsense. If you didn't waste so much time attacking the people of Knowledge, you would have known that nationalism is not an innovation (bid'ah), it's actually a sin. Yasir Qadhi who is originally from Pakistan never claimed one nationality is superior, than another

  • @SFAvfx
    @SFAvfx13 жыл бұрын

    @Mr1Fox9 Cont. This video has nothing to do with the topics you over indulge in, so why would you distract people from the clear message in this video. Your words are even more useless and dangerous, than that of the other extremists who throw people off the "manhaj". Since it's so easy for you to make takfir, tabdee, and tafseeq, you shouldn't get offended, if I tell you, that you appear to be a spy trying to entrap Muslims with your rubbish about it being ok to kill innocent people.