Where I've Been.

It has definitely been a while since I uploaded something, or even made a community post. A lot has been going on this year, and this video will explain.

Пікірлер: 24

  • @jaydenwhite1166
    @jaydenwhite1166 Жыл бұрын

    I’m sorry for all of the hard and challenging stuff you are going through. Your channel is so awesome! I am just curious, can you please do a video of all of the smoke alarms in your house? I think it’s interesting to see smoke alarm designs in houses. If you can that would be great!

  • @yalekthelembine0391
    @yalekthelembine03918 ай бұрын

    I did also want to mention even though this is a year late, you did mention your brother helping you get better with the most righteous decision making. And I've also talked to you about this in PMs, but I'll make it public and I'll also personally acknowledge his righteous acts of kindness and love. Your brother is basically trying to restore your faith in in humanity and tell you that not all is gone, or bad or anything like that. You still have your family and your friends to help you get better, just like I did by giving you the motivational speech about courage. So yeah he's basically trying to tell you that. Even though I don't get along with my family sometimes they are actually the reason why I exist on this planet Earth and do the things that i do.

  • @dynatrak
    @dynatrak Жыл бұрын

    Sorry to hear about your rough year, and hope things are on the up swing once again. 2017-2019 were my recent tough years, with one blow after another. I had a lot of work stress early this year, but by spring, and into the summer it settled down. Just always some good, and some bad years in life. This year hasn't been great, but not bad either. I guess after the 2017-19 stuff, 20-22 has been tolerable. Getting a bit sick of the "supply chain issues" though! Yep, house repairs will always need to be done! The more you can learn to do yourself, the better off you'll be. Seems like you have learned quite a bit, and have a handle on most things that can go wrong. At times, they pile up can get get a bit overwhelming. What helps me, is making a checklist, and physically marking things off, as completed. Just that action, where I can see progress is being made, is helpful for stress levels. During the summer, one cup of bleach, once a month, down the condensate traps is helpful. How is your car holding up lately? Sounds like the typical aging car. I remember on my 1981 Silverado, once it hit 60,000 miles, I had a ton of trouble, with many repairs. After that is was good to go until it reached 135,000, when it needed engine work. (Un)fortunately that was the time it got stolen. Fast forward a few years, it turns up, so I have it towed home, and gave it a full refurbishment. Now it's quite a dependable truck. Yes, being 41 years old, it needs plenty of TLC to keep it in reliable condition. Up next, I need to reseal the transmission tail housing, as it's developed a leak. I'm sorry to hear about the covid, glad you are on the mend, and hope your taste will return very soon. Very nice of your brother to get you stocked up like that! As far as youtube goes, I still go by the old "broadcast yourself" style. Not in it to get rich, no Hatreon, as Jay calls it. Just a man, and a camera. If people want to watch, cool, if not, oh well! Still generally the same core group of channels are still going, as when I started, and mainly watch their videos. Definitely found some other similar channels along the way that are good, too, like yours. Agreed, the community isn't what it once was though. You have good content, I hope you can find your groove, once again!

  • @Sharkie626


    Жыл бұрын

    And interestingly enough, 2017 - 2019 were absolutely awesome for me. Yeah a lot of things have definitely been overwhelming me this year for sure, no question. I am very happy to be a handy person, but man, can it really add up sometimes. At least it saves you money. I'll keep that thing in mind about the condensate traps! So right now, the car does fine with street driving. Highway driving is when the light intermittently flashes. So it's something happening at higher RPMs. I just don't know what. Every part of the ignition system has been replaced, so I can rule that out by now. My next guess is maybe the fuel injectors, I'm hoping it's not the head gasket going bad. Still needs to be looked at. As of last week, taste is slowly coming back, so that's good. I'm certainly glad it's not one of those longer deals. That would just be annoying. That is also how I run my channel. Uploading videos, on my own schedule. I will never ask for a subscribe, a Like, never put mid-roll ads on my videos, and I will ESPECIALLY never ask for money for content. If people want money for content, well too bad, I'm not giving them a penny. One thing I always find funny is how people go like "this updated equipment for our videos cost money!" And I'm like "Oh okay, and how many of your subscribers asked you to buy all that stuff? Probably none of them."

  • @dynatrak


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Sharkie626 I'm glad that range was good for you! With the age of your car, there might be a vacuum leak. Perhaps an elbow or fitting has a micro crack. I'm sure you'll get it sorted out. Great to hear! Yep, yep! I have to remind folks that get a bit nit-picky, this is the free version. I charge nothing for people to watch my videos. Heck, I just used my phone to record videos, until a couple years ago, and it worked out pretty well.

  • @yalekthelembine0391
    @yalekthelembine0391 Жыл бұрын

    One thing I learned about myself when dealing with even the shittiest most fucked up situations, have fucking courage. And shark, you made it through this year. You have had so much courage this year with the amount of crap we've seen on this planet. Lembines stand by this quote every single moment. You did too. Resilience is the best.

  • @Sharkie626


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah I hear ya. All I can do is hope that things move up from here.

  • @bradroesler7072
    @bradroesler7072 Жыл бұрын

    How has the 626 been over the past few months, and what mileage is currently on it?

  • @jaykay18
    @jaykay18 Жыл бұрын

    If there's one thing I've learned from KZread over the years, it's when a channel starts uploading "Where I've Been" videos, the end is near. One of them is a red flag. A second video 6 months later means the end is imminent. Some channels bounce back, but it's rare to see that. I did want to touch upon something you mentioned about the KZread community not being there. You are correct. It's not. KZread, as a platform, has changed, and certainly not for the better. In the old days I could turn the camera on and basically record what was on my mind, get it done in 10 minutes or so, and that was that, just briefly touching upon the various subjects. KZread isn't like that anymore, those days are gone. Now, it's practically expected that every video is well edited and on topic, along with a requisite clickbait title and thumbnail. It NEVER used to be this way, but it is now. Another thing that happened, and while this doesn't pertain specifically to your case, I have noticed it--you start making content for your subscribers. KZread used to be "Broadcast Yourself". Not anymore. Now it's "Broadcast what your subscribers want". And sometimes it's just not feasible to do that, so viewership (and therefore revenue) goes down. Someone I do watch, Fran Blanch, recently posted a video on this subject. People had stated that they wanted to see more in-depth projects like she used to do. So it turned into "OK, I'll do that, but I need money". Of course the Hatreon has always been there but she relies on the income to live, a big no-no. In order for her to continue to just live, the KZread revenue was not enough. So, the Hatreon is called into play, and she recently did a "pledge drive" video. In this latest video, she stated that since that was successful, she will now do the more in-depth videos like she used to. But in exchange for that, she will no longer read/reply to comments. So basically, without outright doing it, she's doing everything for her Hatrons, and nothing for KZread. All of the videos will be posted to KZread still, but a lot who have Hatreons release videos ONLY for their Hatrons. So yes, the community is no longer there. KZread revenue is not enough to sustain life, this we already knew. Thusly, the entire demographics have changed. Will it get better? No, it's like the economy, it can only get worse. There of course can be upswings and downswings like stocks, but the general trend is downward. This is one of those things I wish I was taught early on in life. I mentioned it to my dad, and he said "If I told you that, you likely wouldn't have a will to live". He was right. If I knew then how bad it would be now, I wouldn't be here. On the subject of KZread, old Uncle Jay has a few tricks up his sleeve, which started many years ago when I started uploading. I came to the realization that if I record two weeks' worth of videos and upload them all in one shot, they wouldn't get views. If I released them one per day, they do. In the following two weeks, I recorded more videos, and they sat in the queue, waiting to be released. In the two weeks following that, I recorded even more videos, and they sat in the queue. Over time I have amassed a huge backlog of videos. I estimate I have approximately 6 months of content ready to be released. Quite honestly, it's been slow here lately. That's a good thing. I have videos I want to make, but haven't had the drive as of late to make them. They will be made in the near future. Then those can sit in the queue with the rest. And in that time, I'll make more. Every now and again I go and "count my money" and realize that it's running low, and that's enough to light a fire under me to make more. Having that back catalog of videos has been the secret to my success. I understand that with a full-time job, that's not always feasible. When I had a full-time job, I made SURE it was feasible. I would spend many Saturdays making videos all day. As of late, I've had to RELY ON the money I've been making from KZread to live. I say that pejoratively, because it's not really true, there's plenty to go around that I'm in absolutely no danger. This situation WILL CHANGE in the near future. (I'm sure you know where I'm going with this and why I bring it up). On to your problems: Many have said that 2020 was the worst year ever. No way, no how. 2022 has been the worst year ever, hands down, no holds barred. Your car problems, well, yeah, it's a very tough fact of life. Cars are not made to last forever. There have been shining examples out there, and yet others that can't even make it to 100,000 miles. Your car is old and tired, and problems are sure to pop up. One after the next as it's been, yeah, it's bad. And that's a blow to ANYONE. We've heard stories about people who have had an accident and their car was in the shop for a month getting fixed, only to return with damage from another accident 2 weeks later. These are the unknowns in life. But we can't live life thinking that if we walk outside, an airplane will come and fall out of the sky and land on us, killing us. So, we carry on. It's tough, it's a bad situation, but still, the will to live is much stronger than that. As for Calderona, I'm SO SORRY to hear about it, as I had stated in our emails. I'm even more sorry to learn that you have lost your sense of taste. That will come back, in time, in most cases. It's a very unfortunate thing and I deeply sympathize. I have learned something very important: You can lose everything in life, your house, your car, your job, even all 3 at the same time. But once you lose your health, you really have nothing. As far as I'm concerned, as much as you play this off as just being "another one to add to the fire", this is actually the most important one. Complain at will, it's your right and your turn right now. When people start complaining when they do have their health, it's time to tune out. Considering what has happened with myself and my family this year, I've dealt with an awful lot. I'm not going to point fingers and nay-say here, because you know what I've gone through. Just remember: As bad as you have it, there are many people less fortunate than you. Corollary: There are many people more fortunate than you. I don't know where that leaves you except right where you were.

  • @Sharkie626


    Жыл бұрын

    It certainly is possible. I'll get back to that first part in a moment. The community is definitely a lot less than it used to be. I will admit, I think a lot of that is just natural. Everybody naturally grows up and moves on in life. Think about it, when KZread began, I was 17, you were 26. Now we are in our 30s and 40s. Needless to say, life priorities change an exceptional amount from then to now for something like that. But also on that note, videos on the internet, and frankly just the internet itself, has naturally lost much of its charm, which again, I think is natural. When it began it was this new ground-breaking and exciting thing to explore and experience, same with sites like that that let you put videos on it, free of charge. Nowadays, it is so commonplace that it's no longer fascinating. It more than likely is just one of those things that suffers from The Law Of Diminishing Returns. Many videos that used to interest me, I hardly ever check out anymore. And also, it's because the website is so inundated with content today, that anything new just isn't "new". Getting back to the first part, for probably the last year or so, I have come to realize, and accept, that I think channels like mine are a dying breed. By that I mean those that just upload because they want to without any of the clickbaiting nonsense, money-begging, or feeling they have any obligation whatsoever to upload. If other channels want to go that route, have at it, I can't stop them, but that is a route that I flat out refuse to go down. If I am left out in the cold because of it? Then so be it. Speaking for myself, I was smart enough to have never let my channel or my livelihood be reliant on KZread stuff. So if/when the day comes that it is time to pack up and go, I can do so without any issues. I do have in the back of my mind that maybe simple/easy channels can make a comeback, but I'm certainly not readily expecting it. Yeah I learned years ago that too many videos per day was a bad idea. I think the only day where I uploaded every day regularly was in 2015 when the pool was getting worked on. That was a LOT of fun, and I think not having too many videos at once really helps, but like we said, it was a different time too. I certainly know where you're going with that future stuff. 2020 was absolutely a walk in the park for me (even with the stuff that really got me mad that we talked about in emails), compared to now. All I can do is hope things move up at some point. Yeah, the car is indeed old now. In fact, I probably would not have been as upset abut all this stuff is the service I paid good money for actually fixed the issue. I don't know of ONE car person that would be like "Well yeah, you can put all this money towards this service, but I can't guarantee it." Yeah I know, from a business perspective, why would they say something like that? But still, I'm sure you can see what I mean. We shall see how this thing runs its course. Thursday or Friday I'll give myself another test to see what it says. But hopefully all the Vitamin D and Zinc I've been taking since March 2020 keeps doing something. You have definitely been through a lot as well. I do try to keep thinking that as bad as things are for me right now, it could definitely be a lot worse.

  • @jaykay18


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Sharkie626 Diminishing Returns is a HUGE part of it. No doubt about it. It's no longer new and exciting, it's so commonplace--until you lose connectivity! Dying breed? Eh, maybe. What I can say is that I was an early watcher of the David's Farm videos on KZread. He eventually faded out of the limelight, and that was a shame because he made great content. All of his videos were rough and unedited. He has since made a very small comeback, and posts videos very infrequently. Yet his videos are still great, not just because of the content, but because they are still raw and unedited. There is something to be said for that! So maybe there is hope after all. Nah, it'll just be a new trend that will die out before its time like everything else. It's not just the Internet, it's not just KZread, the WORLD ITSELF has changed, and certainly not for the better. I fondly remember those pool videos, that was a great series. 2020 was indeed a walk in the park here too. It wasn't business as usual, it was better! In my opinion, we would have been better off left under lockdown for longer, it would have helped to quell the spread and allowed us to get better quicker. They did postpone it and postpone it, but it should have gone for another month as far as I'm concerned. I'm pretty sure that as ripoffs as many mechanics are, there are many who will tell a customer they cannot guarantee it. My favorite was the time my dad got tires. He asked the guy what the warranty was, and he said it was the "tail light warranty". He said "As soon as you drive off and I can't see your tail lights anymore, the warranty is up." That happened again with Old Clanky, my dad brought the car in and told the guy to take off the oil pan and replace the pickup tube and screen. He said it wouldn't be worth doing and warned him but my dad insisted he do the work. And so he did. Believe it or not, the clanking absolutely went away, besides the startup. I was in the car with him and we drove 20 some-odd miles out (this was to look at Ginger and the other goodies from the old lady), and sure enough, it didn't clank. The fix lasted a very short time before the engine called it quits. I think what happened to you was a matter of the mechanic being fairly sure that he could fix it and what the problem was. I'll be the first to admit that even though I was top in my field with computers, I have made mistakes. It wasn't often, but definitely did happen. Personally, I think the mechanic should now be on the defense, and do whatever is in his power to fix it, short of parts prices, since you just had all of that work done. I cannot remember if I mentioned to swap plugs since you got the P0301. Yes, the plugs are new. Have I ever told you how many NEW DEFECTIVE parts I have dealt with? I hope you feel better--as you said in your signoff, time will tell. Go easy on yourself. Things for me could have been a lot worse for me. I said that taking a final look at Patty's old car, and it brought a tear to my eye saying it, that as bad as this was, I won the ultimate prize in this fight, my wife. That should help put things in better perspective.

  • @ItzYaBoyJesse
    @ItzYaBoyJesse Жыл бұрын

    On an episode of On Patrol Live in Daytona Beach someone was dressed up in a shark costume, I said could only imagine Sharkie626 in a shark costume.

  • @Sharkie626


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah that'll be the day, haha.

  • @ItzYaBoyJesse


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Sharkie626 right.

    @BRISTOLFORCE2009 Жыл бұрын

    I had the exact same symptoms in the same order as you when I had Covid in December of 2020, when I had something with garlic, it straight up tasted like poison and spoiled garlic

  • @Sharkie626


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah I've heard similar stuff. We'll see how it turns out for me.

  • @DoomVideoVault
    @DoomVideoVault Жыл бұрын

    What a hectic year, I didn't realize so much shit was affecting you this summer. Car problems? Yeah, multiple times during the summer's gonna get to anyone owning one. This doesn't compare to all the people coming in to take a look at our house before we got a buyer, who went for then pulled out of it but later came back offering 50k lower and we took it. So we got shafted out of 50k which would have helped with us post-moving from this shithole that is Long Island. Also I need to give you a nice big hug the next time we meet for all this shit you've dealt with this year.

  • @Sharkie626


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah dude, it's been insanely rough. Probably one of the roughest times I've had. 50k lower?? Man that's totally ridiculous. Absolutely nonsense that you guys had to take that. I think you deserve one as well! :)

    @BRISTOLFORCE2009 Жыл бұрын

    Will you do a current irrigation tour, also if you and jay want some other irrigation content then watch mine I make hvac and irrigation videos

  • @Sharkie626


    Жыл бұрын

    Maybe next year I will.



    Жыл бұрын

    As I also said, you can check out my hvac and irrigation vids and see what you think

  • @jbb3design
    @jbb3design Жыл бұрын

    2021 was biggest medical crisis ever in my life and medical crisis affects my mental health in extremely bad way.

  • @Sharkie626


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, stuff like that adding stress upon more stress is never a helpful thing for sure.

  • @jbb3design


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Sharkie626 early August, I'm been diagnosed with severe anxiety and moderate depression. Couple days later, I got my first UTI from kidney stone and spread couple nights at the hospital. A week later, I got heat exhaustion at work and went to ER again. Other week later, I got cleared for work and a day later I'm back in the hospital for 3 nights with two kidney stones. Soon after that major mental health crisis started.