What was your experience during AML treatment? What were the most challenging parts of it?

In preparation for AML World Awareness Day 2023, Know AML spoke to Lizzie Dean, a Know AML ambassador, on her experience during AML treatment and what she found the most challenging.
Lizzie discusses how lonely it was during treatment as she spent weeks in a hospital room. Even though nurses checked on her and she had visitors every day, she emphasized “the days did feel very long and they all merged in to one.” She highlighted that listening to music was her way of staying entertained as she was unable to concentrate on puzzles or books. In addition, Lizzie shares another challenge she faced, which was the frustration she felt due to being unable to do things she was previously able to do both physically and mentally. She reflects on how her mindset worked, which was that if she does what the doctors advised her to do, she will get better.
