😇What time is it⁉️✨It is Affirmation time with Pastor Cas✨July 05, 2024

✨It is affirmation time✨

🗣️ Let’s learn the discipline of silence from the books of Psalms. Why do we need to learn the discipline of silence? Because God is fighting for you. Ask you start your day, As God to “search your heart.” Know that rejection hurts, but it does not define you, your Heavenly Father does.🗣️

📖 “Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.”Galatians‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬📖

🗣️ Decree and declare these words today into your atmospheres 🕊️💜

#Dailyaffirmations #TheBible #Affirmyourday #StandontheWordofGod #KeepAHeartofPrayer #viral #Ambassador #Chaplain #PastorCasleam #fyp #BlessedRoyalty #HolySpiritLED #Christledfollower #IAMnotashamed #Gospel #JesusChrist #Christians #Christminded #Eternityminded #Heavenminded #persistent
#consistent #July052024 #Godslove
#PacedbytheHolySpirit #AtmosphereChanger
