What is Classical Christian Education?

At Veritas Press, we believe Classical Christian Education is the best possible education to help every child reach their God-given potential.
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Пікірлер: 7

  • @rovenstinewarmerdam

    This is very useful, helpful and we here in Mexico are grateful for this insight you have given.

  • @hope12792

    Thank you very much.

  • @KenCunkle

    Ah, you want to create "free-thinking citizens." Admirable. The only problem there is, you can create free-thinking citizens, or you can create devout Christians, but you really can't do both. I can really go for the whole classical education trivium/quadrivium thing, but you just can't very well combine that with an education that creates religious ideologues who accept Christian theology (or any theology, for that matter) . It's like you've got an education where inquiry is the primary value, EXCEPT that there are a bunch of beliefs that are fenced off and not susceptible to examination or doubt. We can see this is in some of the video itself. It was a nice story about the guys planning for 500 years ahead, but where does the concluding claim come from that "that kind of vision is unique to a Christian worldview It's as if myopia or blindness is baked into the cake.