What Is Absinthe, Exactly?


Absinthe is one of those spirits that's wrapped in as many myths as it is mysteries. It's been both cherished and scorned, feared and misunderstood. In movies and TV shows absinthe often gets painted with a big, bold brush of emerald green, usually shown as the bad guy behind tales of chaos and crazy visions.
Despite getting a bad rap and being banned for nearly a hundred years in many places, absinthe is making a major comeback. Today it's all the rage at craft distilleries and the hot ingredient in trendy cocktails.
But what's the true scoop on absinthe? How is it made? What kicked off its notorious bans, and how are folks enjoying it these days? What keeps people so fascinated by it? Stick with us as we answer these questions and find out how absinthe has reemerged into the limelight, now more enchanting and popular than ever before.
#GrubLore #FoodHistory #Absinthe

