What Are The BIGGEST Problems Of Specs To FIX in The War Within?


Dragonflight Season 4, Patch 10.2.7 & The War Within: What issues you would like to see resolved for your Spec? What are the problems to iron out in The War Within?
More Utility? More Defensives? Better damage profile? More identity, better rotation, less bloated action bars or more buttons?
00:00 What to Fix?
01:04 Demon Hunter
02:00 Death Knight
03:05 Druid
04:50 Evoker
06:04 Hunter
07:23 Mage
08:40 Monk
10:24 Paladin
12:26 Priest
14:29 Rogue
16:04 Shaman
18:44 Warlock
21:43 Warrior
25:00 Saying Our Goodbyes!
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Пікірлер: 99

  • @Chaydex
    @ChaydexАй бұрын

    As a Shaman main, the simple answer what to fix is: "yes", the whole class needs to be fixed

  • @TimothyRisby
    @TimothyRisbyАй бұрын

    Warrior should get a BL as a shout for M+ viability.

  • @srnybreak


    Ай бұрын

    i think problem with warrior is that if they want some decent aoe cc(shockwave) , they lose lot of dps from talents...

  • @maxstreim4612


    Ай бұрын

    If I had BL as a warrior main it would help so much getting into groups and making groups. They should bring back banners too and add more shouts to help with viability

  • @TimothyRisby


    Ай бұрын

    @@srnybreak and we have barely nothing for affixes too. Warrior just has nothing to bring to M+ unless it’s a full melee group that might benefit a bit from Battle Shout but that’s just me coping hard I would bring anything.

  • @angelabadzhiev9036


    Ай бұрын

    Yes the Lizards stole our BL which makes the most sense having as a warrior but that is the narativ blizzard wants , so its what we get

  • @Kngkat


    Ай бұрын

    I think this is a great idea. I never play warrior but seriously they are at the bottom of my list when making up a mythic plus group. Lust would be huge!

  • @mariuszwieczorkiewicz8130
    @mariuszwieczorkiewicz8130Ай бұрын

    Well, if apparently, even Thrall is rerolling from shaman i think memes are justified

  • @TheEfrainable
    @TheEfrainableАй бұрын

    As a spriest I would give up twin priestess for a new interrupt or another defensive

  • @A_B90_
    @A_B90_Ай бұрын

    Afflictions main problem is getting dots out quickly and consistently, which is a must for how fast paced M+ is now

  • @joshoxley3869


    Ай бұрын

    agreeeeee, literally give aff shadow crash. GG

  • @sku11dugsWoW
    @sku11dugsWoWАй бұрын

    Shamans should have brez considering the whole commune with spirits class fantasy lol

  • @oskartu12
    @oskartu12Ай бұрын

    As a rogue main I think spec identity isn't bad at all for assa and sub. Assa being more of injecting mobs with dots with simple rotation and sub more of a careful strategist with stealthstrikes. My biggest fear into new expansion is new specs cuz they look turbo terrible.

  • @sanbakoryorshka6795
    @sanbakoryorshka6795Ай бұрын

    Survival, they literally haven’t been positively touched in what feels like forever, they bring almost nothing and are a mele dps, they are squishy, just lost their increased mele range, have to have a good set bonus to compete with other dps in C tier, and no matter how bad they perform blizzard refuses to even give them a number increase

  • @FoliumSakura


    Ай бұрын

    yup! we are still basically running our talent tree from DF Beta with only a few minor additions. Just a big tree full of 2 point "increases damage of an ability" nodes all over the place along with a buggy clunky offensive CD (coordinated assault) that isn't even that strong especially in ST. (Spearhead is ok for ST but takes 5 points to take which isn't worth it)

  • @driiifter
    @driiifterАй бұрын

    If I were designing Shaman, I would just make HW and LHW instant casts then put a 5 second CD on them, so basically your heals are shocks now. It's unique, all Shaman players from all ages will understand it and it's sorely needed. Just make all their stuff instant.

  • @BeckyYork
    @BeckyYorkАй бұрын

    biggest thing to fix is demonology warlock; make the wild imp meteor always drop 5 imps that last 1 minute with a 30 second cooldown. when i'm raiding i need to pay attention to raid mechanics; not counting soul shards.

  • @TheGluboy
    @TheGluboyАй бұрын

    Destro lock: Conflag needs to grant two charges of Backdraft like it did a while back. The spec is very simple, which I don't mind, but when it becomes really slow on top of being simple it becomes a very dull spec. I think Cata needs to be baseline or not share a node with Inferno. I could name a few more things I don't really like, but those two changes would improve Destro so much IMO.

  • @luizfbrc
    @luizfbrcАй бұрын

    I loved how affliction warlock worked back in legion.The whole kit. Dotting an enemy to then reap their souls felt powerful. it felt amazing. it was a simple yet satisfying rotation. They really screwed up affliciton from BFA onwards. Can we get back to Legion affl lock?

  • @domperry4175
    @domperry4175Ай бұрын

    Not sure how a warrior can compete with a ret paladin for example, unless warrior is tuned to be 20% higher dps which won't ever happen. They need to re-balance utility and defensives across the board but they dont seem to think its important. They removed melee range from the specs that had it instead of giving it to every melee, but the likes of fire mage and shadow priest can still still move and cast for 80% of their rotation.

  • @Caffrof091


    Ай бұрын

    Blizzard actually has been here for over 20 years now, and somehow managed to give mage a completely undefeated class and is completely broken a rework BEFORE THEY GAVE FURY DECENT AOE LMAOOO WHAT IS THIS COMPANY?!

  • @nmc400
    @nmc400Ай бұрын

    Reduce the cooldown of prim wave for enhance shamans, takes a tier set reducing it to 25 secs to put the class into average.

  • @emansfield2017


    Ай бұрын

    Screw p wave, bring back chain harvest

  • @ceroenblanco
    @ceroenblancoАй бұрын

    7:23 broke me 😂😂🤣

  • @TopicxWoW
    @TopicxWoWАй бұрын

    They need to give close to half of classes battle rez and lust. They are the two most sought after things when making a group. Only 4 classes having each is not enough. Give two more classes lust like Warrior and Havoc. Give two more classes battle Rez like Monk & Rogue. Now every class brings something huge.

  • @99Pierogies
    @99PierogiesАй бұрын

    They should add a stacking party buff per bleed on targets that buffs auto attack damage for melee. Would pair well with enhance, and give a reason to bring a feral. 1% AA damage per bleed would hardly break the game, but you'd want at least one in raid like with enhance. Can give feral druids shroud as well to make them more viable in keys for skips. Can even give something similar to survival with bleeds/poisons and camo, and you just saved two specs from obscurity It's not fucking hard to give specs something unique that makes them worth bringing. Instead all they do is pile on the unique abilities into like 5 specs total and then wonder why their balance is so shit

  • @jonkalv7808
    @jonkalv7808Ай бұрын

    What specs have the least buttons you needa press? Tryna move away from BM but it’s tough

  • @vaeell6532


    Ай бұрын


  • @docrains9949
    @docrains9949Ай бұрын

    the hunter defense cooldowns need to be cut in half and i think that would be enough to help with survivability

  • @MrJonHimself
    @MrJonHimselfАй бұрын

    Frost dk needs to no longer rely entirely on tank positioning as a gimped class . Breath/having to stand in and for oblit.

  • @mrj5202
    @mrj5202Ай бұрын

    Warrior should have silence shout baseline

  • @bosssavage3325
    @bosssavage3325Ай бұрын

    Priests need an interrupt. Just make it a PvE Mob Interrupt only.

  • @legendofmira4759
    @legendofmira4759Ай бұрын

    Not all aff locks are begging for the removal of rapture. It's very much a split of the community between wanting to go back to ua spender and wanting to improve the current rapture structure

  • @xsardes336
    @xsardes336Ай бұрын

    It might be unpopular take but how to fix frost and fire mages? Simple. Revert the rework for Frost and make fire fire again. Frost went from simple upkeep spec, that was fun in its simplicity and yet fun to keep 100% IV uptime, to a burst spec with like 20 buttons. And fire...fire went the other way. Yes the 100% combust uptime we unlocked in late BFA was super fun, beacuse back then we were burst spec super powerfull on combust...now that having insane combust uptime became a baselane to not be compleately broken the combhst window is MUCH weaker...like really wihout double BL they are taking away it dont even feel like proper cooldown...aaaand out of combust we still hit like wet noodle but somehow even worse, so we went from cool burst specs that dominates the first 15sec of the pull and then goes afk for 1.5min cuz damage out of combust was tank like...to doing normal damage for a minute and then LITTERALY going afk for 20sec cuz out of combust we no longer do tank damage, we are doing healer damage

  • @jockeberg8353
    @jockeberg8353Ай бұрын

    Could hero please become a baseline hunter ability and not tied to pets. For mm it would feel much better and even for Bm/survival it would allow more freedom of pets. Give ferocity pets a new ability instead.

  • @DistressQQ
    @DistressQQАй бұрын

    I mean hunters are supposed to be simple. If anything I'd say they have way too much keybind bloat from abillities that don't really do much and yet you press them every 20-45 seconds, because they sim the highest of available chocies.

  • @evilmarius
    @evilmariusАй бұрын

    You dont have to be alan turing to play a hunter and that is the reason i main it. However, man it is hell out of a pain to survive in higher keys. One blink and you're dead. Maybe they can work on that. Other than that, i love the simplicity.

  • @Hopless1900
    @Hopless1900Ай бұрын

    Sadly I disagree, the problem with Holy Priest is not the missing Interrupt... it has far more problems, especially since we will lose the strong t set bonus of season 4 (still no good mobility- we need to cancel alot of our casts when moving out of mechanics and for some we depend on other classes to save us/ not used abilities like poh or renew because it is weak and costs to much mana/ weak aoe + passive healing for high aoe dmg intervalls - and to much depending on cds/ pom needs too much talent points to be effective/ to many 2 point spenders in talent tree / because of PI we miss alot ...). In short as holy, especially in M+ you have to cast more heals than any other class besides druid, because most is single target and this wont be addressed by blizz at all. Ps. The class was not even balanced till beta now after losing the t set boni and passive renew, talents like healing chorus are not strong anymore... since we need to cast renew to get proccs.

  • @SweetOddBoi
    @SweetOddBoiАй бұрын

    I'd say give Warriors a lust to help us out and I would love that but I want them to also give us something unique that makes people want a Warrior specifically. Like give us a way to spell reflect the whole party or give it to one person, perhaps through Intervene so people actually want to take it. Maybe give us some sort of Battlefield Medic talent that gives us two charges of a throwable health pack or potion or something so we can give a big spot heal at a range every minute or so so we can help with big damage or even Afflicted. Give us back our strong Rallying Cry, give us more shouts that can maybe target allies specifically to give them damage resistance so we can help out squishier classes with potential one shots. I have a whole Idea for a Battlefield Commander dps spec that uses shouts and commands to buff allies like AugVokers and has a lot of utility, but a whole new spec is a big ask so these are just snippets of it that I think existing specs could utilize.

  • @michaelkovalsky4907


    Ай бұрын

    I think that would be awesome, and could be a nice way to add a 4th spec as I am still bummed that we lost gladiator. I think just giving us a lust would go a long way towards making the spec more appealing for invites. As it stands, you have no real reason to pick a DPS warrior as a ret paladin does the same, if not better, dps and can spot heal + brez + bubble, etc. Rogues bring meld, and can easily lock down a mob if need be. DKs have army, can spec for AMZ and can deal with magic damage all whilst doing uncapped aoe (as Unholy, iirc diseases just keep spreading?). Like us warriors are in a good spot DPS and feel wise, but we don't bring much to the table as battle should is completely pointless for anything non-melee.

  • @richardburke9
    @richardburke9Ай бұрын

    all healers have no agency, all classes without buffs.

  • @slicknick4140
    @slicknick4140Ай бұрын

    Enhance will forever be the meme spec in M+. Squishy af, no defensives, only hitting 5 targets. So unless you plan on pulling mobs 5 at a time the entire dungeon, they are trash. Hunters act like Turtle is cancer just like Spriests act like Dispersion is cancer. They'd rather die then actually live and not dps for 3 seconds. And monk's utility is garbage. Outside of the usual 'ring of peace' . Without them getting an Ancestral guidance/Natures Vigil/Vampric embrace,/ Mass barrier, ya know, REAL utility that saves groups from wiping, they will never be brought in the average push group. 4% avoidance is also trash and does not save groups from wiping.

  • @aleksaas
    @aleksaasАй бұрын

    Rogue is the only class in game that does not have cr or hero or group buff. It has become useless in m+. The only way people will want rogue in group is if it is much better dps than others. It needs to get something.

  • @asasdsaasda


    Ай бұрын

    One of the rogue advantages was mass stealth (which blizzard duck us by giving something similar to a priest) and control we had with interrupt stun etc (again, blizzard duck us by making DH the best tank that ever existed in M+ with insane control), I don't think CR is possible, I would like more of a BL type of utility, or remove BL/CR from classes and make it a profession consumable, that would help a little with meta been more balance

  • @jeCktHeReal
    @jeCktHeRealАй бұрын

    I'm not a high key pusher nor a mythic raider but I frowned at certain points of the video sir you are absolutely wrong on Arms warrior not being good on large aoe pulls - that and their single target damage is the only broken thing about them. Warriors also do have CC in form of the aforementioned stuns and fear which they don't usually take because of a terrible class tree as they are just about the worst class to bring for CC, also shines through their inability to deal with Incorporeal amongst many affixes with which they as you correctly mentioned can do absolutely fuk all about. Warbreaker -> Thunderous Roar -> Bladestorm combo is insane uncapped AOE and they are only good for their DMG and tankiness. Also incorrectly identifying Frost DK's problems. Breath of Sindragosa hasn't been the ideal build for neither ST or AOE - it's been all about obliteration for at least 2 seasons now but both builds have their own problems. Obliteration is plagued by way too many resources, runic power being a meme while breath needs to be pulled around in keys to be of any use basically excluding itself from the m+. TWW changes are looking good but Frost needs a massive rework, their identity is not strongly defined. Breath in its current form can be sustained up to a minute and sometimes longer which is just terrible gameplay/tuning for the spell. Both builds suffer greatly on downtime, obliteration even more so and it's a wheelchair class so there a lot of awful situations.

  • @Bman24641
    @Bman24641Ай бұрын

    Man, you made it sound like warrior wasn’t in an absolutely terrible position in regards to group utility 😅 nothing could be further from the truth. Wars bring practically nothing to a group

  • @MrkraZzz


    Ай бұрын

    They bring battle shout and rallying cry

  • @Caffrof091


    Ай бұрын

    You can easily replace battle shout with WW MONK or simply dont take it because all ranged is broken vs melee. Rally isnt even that good TBH yeah it helps with a single raid mechanic or dungeon mechanic woopty doo. You can bring classes that simply immune things or just out heal the damage. Warrior is bottom bottom tier



    Ай бұрын

    Warriors have spell reflect which can be very rarely a priority. Spider boss in Atal'Dazar comes to mind. Other than that, yeah they are pretty poor for utility

  • @DeuterJog
    @DeuterJogАй бұрын

    Brewmaster is doomed

  • @Mentok211
    @Mentok211Ай бұрын

    Please fix Holy pal Blizz!

  • @Jaredius
    @JarediusАй бұрын

    For the love of god buff Sin until it is meta…so 20%.

  • @teseron1480
    @teseron1480Ай бұрын

    mana cost on resto druid has been absolute trash this xpac, especially season 4

  • @VDHmain


    Ай бұрын

    Only if you don't play it right. Druids using treants and cat form rarely go down 50% except on like the ice boss in halls. Of course, if you spam rejuvenation you're gonna run out, that's not how the spec is supposed to be played this season.

  • @joshhurst7648
    @joshhurst7648Ай бұрын

    They don’t know what they want to do with Rogue. Outlaw is being gutted and being given horrible Hero specs, so it’s just muddy water for rogues period. Time for Blizzard to just throw out the baby with the bath water at this point since they’re not willing to actually put time and resources toward making them more appealing to bring in more players.

  • @outcast1sub7
    @outcast1sub7Ай бұрын

    Blizz might as well take shaman off of the character creation because they already ignore the class.

  • @joshoxley3869


    Ай бұрын

    I think Shaman drew the short straw when they carried over Primordial wave into DF. They should have taken Chain Harvest. It's better thematically and practically in every way.

  • @Caffrof091


    Ай бұрын

    At least yall got BL and good specs, warrior less useful than shaman -BL

  • @Nuttz360
    @Nuttz360Ай бұрын

    Fix needed is to buff damage to whatever spec I end up playing

  • @Caffrof091
    @Caffrof091Ай бұрын

    Make Warrior Death Wish talent PVE. Give us BL or legit any utility at all? Simple

  • @mattfisher2889
    @mattfisher2889Ай бұрын

    Go watch critcake and tell me that arms doesn’t do well in mass aoe

  • @legendofmira4759
    @legendofmira4759Ай бұрын

    Click on a video, immediately jumpscared by incomprehensible accent

  • @garethlewis1984
    @garethlewis1984Ай бұрын

    Rogue is meh. Constantly losing AR due to forced down time (noticeably aggregious now we're back to DF dungeons with all these ridiculous travel mechanics) and without AR, rogue DPS is barely better than a healer. And with the AOE hard cap, we may as well be banned from certain high keys. ..and these problems are going to be even worse looking at the class so far in WW.

  • @matobi91
    @matobi91Ай бұрын

    At least hunters have been confirmed to be being worked on and spec update expected next week! Shaman next???

  • @wiskeeamazingdancer4964
    @wiskeeamazingdancer4964Ай бұрын

    All classes have too many defensives and too much self healing. Let us healers heal.

  • @99Pierogies


    Ай бұрын

    They tried that in season 1. You all quit

  • @wiskeeamazingdancer4964


    Ай бұрын

    that wasn't what they tried. No changes to defensives or self healing. What they did was expecting every to use their defensives properly. People not doing that made healers quit.

  • @99Pierogies


    Ай бұрын

    @@wiskeeamazingdancer4964 no they purposely made healing harder. Their whole goal of df healing was to steer the healer focus of DPS into more healing. Not saying they did a good job, cuz I think most healers want to heal rot damage, not split second 2 shot mechanics. I think they've done a better job lately. I still think they have too much of a hardon for healer micro CDs and they should simplify them a lil, but it's in a reasonable place now. If they relaxed timers a bit more that would put even less pressure on healers dpsing, but it's still fairly relaxed now

  • @Naeinsengimnida


    Ай бұрын

    @@99Pierogies Healing numbers were too low to fill the HP pools compared to previous expansions no matter what they were telling about numbers being higher than any other expansions, certainly spread on 5 to 10 skills (depending on the class) and specifically for raiding, not M+. Spot healing was sh*t for almost 3 seasons and still is not what it used to be. And lastly there's nothing to heal on a one shot with braindead dps's than don't know how to kick especially on S1 where EVERY spell was a threat, so we can't even save you from your own laziness in spite kicks being off GCD. Basically, your comment is nonsense you don't know what you're talking about.

  • @Primal_Echo
    @Primal_EchoАй бұрын

    As somrome who enjoys warrior, please stop forcing bladestorm. Do like, anything else.

  • @MrkraZzz
    @MrkraZzzАй бұрын

    Melefic rapture just looks like shit.

  • @CaughtColdBoxing
    @CaughtColdBoxingАй бұрын

    Taken over by blood DK lol? It was paladin blood was never relevant in DF

  • @ephemerisone74
    @ephemerisone74Ай бұрын

    Bro's problem with mage is that is good?.. you know why its a confirmed pick? Because everything is worse. If everyone had utility and defensive like mage it wouldn't be as hard of a pick. That's a... Blizzard don't know how to do something right more than once issue then a mage busted issue.

  • @christmasham4312
    @christmasham4312Ай бұрын

    Pure dps class’s with sh*ty cc should do max dmg

  • @etchieSketchie
    @etchieSketchieАй бұрын

    Player base is getting older, we need fewer abilities. Age aside, WoW actually has more abilities than what the zoomers are playing these days.

  • @sintherogue
    @sintherogueАй бұрын

    Just delete rogues and hunters at this point...

  • @whirlstormbladestorm9228
    @whirlstormbladestorm9228Ай бұрын

    These mini talent trees just remind how bad blizzard are at specs

  • @A_B90_


    Ай бұрын

    Personally find the new hero talents pretty cool idea really.

  • @Rural-ds4ut


    Ай бұрын

    Covenants 2.0

  • @yeye1600


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@Rural-ds4utthe fuck are you talking about lol. This is nothing like the covenants and their powers we used.

  • @whirlstormbladestorm9228


    Ай бұрын

    @@A_B90_ Yes a cool idea but it's so little compared to what it could

  • @A_B90_


    Ай бұрын

    @@whirlstormbladestorm9228 Next expansion they will probably grow the tree
