Week 7 Meccano's Meccanoid Robots


Meccano, a classic brand known for its metal building kits, offers innovative robotic sets such as the Meccanoid XL and G15. These robots are built using Meccano's signature pieces and are designed to teach children and hobbyists about robotics and engineering.
The Meccanoid G15 is an entry-level model standing nearly two feet tall, equipped with over 600 parts. It features voice recognition, can be programmed using a simple "LIM" (Learned Intelligent Movement) system, and can mimic movements and sounds. The more advanced Meccanoid XL 2.0 stands four feet tall, includes over 1,000 parts, and offers enhanced capabilities such as voice recognition, motion capture, and more complex programming options via a mobile app.
Both models can be purchased from major retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, and specialty toy stores. They are also available on online platforms like eBay, which can offer both new and used options.
Meccano, originally a British brand, was established in 1901 by Frank Hornby. It has undergone various ownership changes and is currently owned by Spin Master, a Canadian toy and entertainment company known for its innovative and educational products. Spin Master has continued to develop the Meccano line with a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning, integrating modern technology with traditional building techniques to create engaging educational toys.

