Webisode 1 of 5: Enhancing Future Student Success

Five-part webisode series for state leaders on social and emotional learning (SEL) and career and workforce development. Webisode one features: Matthew Atwell (Civc), John Bridgeland (Civic), Dana Godek (CASEL), and Dr. Orrin White (Delaware Department of Education).
Key takeaways:
Develop a shared vision of student success that explicitly integrates SEL and CWD.
Build adult capacity to provide productive and collaborative instructional strategies.
Foster the creation of safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments.
Cultivate opportunities for customized learning, including Personalized Career and Academic Planning (PCAP) and individualization.
Provide flexible, future-ready pathways that lead to stackable credentials that are valued by institutions of higher education and employers.
Bridging SEL and career and workforce development is a win-win. By promoting the social and emotional development of all students, they are given rich opportunities to explore and practice new skills in a broad array of career fields.
Thank you for Learning Policy Institute for supporting the production of these conversations.

