Webinar | ENG - Supporting health development of young children and parents affected by emergencies

This webinar held on the 3rd of October 2023 explores the effects of war and displacement on young Ukrainian children and the challenges related to provision of holistic support for health and development by primary health systems and practitioners in Ukraine and Czechia.
Emergencies can have devastating effects on young children’s physical, psychological and socio-emotional development with the potential for lifelong negative effects. Children’s environments and routines are destroyed and they may be deprived of responsive caregiving as parents or caregivers are not physically present, or do not have the psychological capacity to meet their developmental needs.
War and the refugee experience result in elevated levels of stress for families, undermining parents ability to engage in quality nurturing care interactions with children. Stress can directly affect child development, increasing the risk of developmental difficulties and mental health issues. Additionally, children and families often lose access to important services such as health, education, social protection, and social safety nets essential for development and wellbeing.
This webinar explores how home visiting can be used as a tool to address these challenges, highlighting the context and experience of home visiting programs which are supporting Ukrainian children and parents still in Ukraine and refugees in Czechia.
In Ukraine, UNICEF in cooperation with state agencies and other relevant stakeholders, have provided additional training to home visitors to ensure health care and support for families in the frontline conflict areas. In Czechia the health care system is integrating new programs to support the health and development of refugee families and children from Ukraine.

