We have Joy


May these Scriptures inspire and encourage you as you walk in faith!
Proverbs 14:26:
Meaning: Loyalty to the words of Jehovah builds confidence.
Strong confidence in God’s protection.
Assurance that God is in control even in difficult circumstances.
A secure refuge for both believers and their children.
Psalm 72:13-14:
Meaning: God has compassion for the weak and needy.
God’s mercy extends to those who are vulnerable.
He rescues from oppression and violence.
The preciousness of human life is acknowledged.
Proverbs 3:5-6:
Meaning: Trust in Jehovah wholeheartedly and seek His guidance.
Direction and wisdom in life choices.
Confidence that God will make paths straight.
A close relationship with God.
Proverbs 3:26:
Meaning: Trust in Jehovah for security.
Fearlessness in the face of danger.
Assurance that Jehovah God is our stronghold.
Jeremiah 17:7:
Meaning: Trusting in Jehovah brings blessings.
Flourishing like a tree planted by water.
Unshaken even in times of Trials and Tribulations

