Open Doors.


Let’s explore the benefits described in these Scriptures:
Matthew 10:11-15:
Meaning: Jesus instructs His disciples on their mission throughout Israel.
Hospitality: When entering a town, inquire about hospitable households and stay there.
Blessing of Peace: Greet the household with a blessing of peace.
Judgment: If rejected, shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.
Comparison: The judgment for rejecting the disciples will be more severe than that of Sodom and Gomorrah12.
Acts 13:48:
Meaning: The Gentiles rejoiced and believed the Gospel.
Inclusion: God’s salvation extends to all who believe, regardless of ethnicity or background.
Acts 16:14:
Meaning: Lydia, a worshiper of God, responded to Paul’s message.
Open Heart: Lydia’s heart was opened by the Lord to receive the Gospel.
Conversion: She and her household were baptized, experiencing new life in Christ.
Colossians 4:6:
Meaning: Let your speech be gracious and seasoned with salt.
Effective Witness: Gracious speech attracts others to the Gospel.
Wisdom: Salt adds flavor and preserves; our words should do the same.
May these Scriptures inspire and guide you in your faith journey!

