WCLN - Hydrolysis of Salts - Chemistry

The video shows how salts dissociate into ions that can either be neutral spectators, or undergo acid or base hydrolysis. Once the hydrolysis behavior of each ion is known, it can be determined whether the salt is acidic, basic, or neutral. The video goes through a few examples of salts and predicts whether they will be acidic, basic, or neutral in aqueous solution.
0:03is an eye on it compound consisting havoc at hand other than age bias
0:07and and and I N other than oooh minus you will show you all about hydraulic
0:13system by ins
0:14in Salt assault can either be acidic
0:18new char
0:20or basic depending on the hydraulic system but science
0:24were sometimes given the formula for assault and asked to determine whether
0:29it is acidic basic your new job
0:31when dissolved in water
0:34there is a step-by-step process we can use to determine whether a given salt is
0:39acidic basic your new Chou
0:41uniquely a solution
0:43step 1: used to write and dissociation equation for the salty
0:48in order to determine what it's cat eye and and and INR
0:53step 2: is to eliminate any spectator ions
0:58remember spectator cat eye and are the positive binds a group 1
1:02her alkali metals
1:04and group 2 are alkaline earth metals
1:08so the Zions are always neutral in a quiescent lucien
1:13the spectator and I and are the top five bands on the right side up the ass a
1:19they are perchlorate iodide bromide
1:22chloride and nitrate
1:25designs do not react with water and are always new journal
1:29uniquely a solution
1:31we can list all the spectator cat in's and spectator and I and in a single box
1:37and use this whenever we have to determine whether assault is acidic
1:41basic or neutral
1:45it is a good idea to memorize the in order to save time later
1:49at this point you may want to pause the video take a screen shot at this
1:53and print it
1:58once we have eliminated the spectator ions the third step
2:02is to locate the remaining INR I and on the ass a table
2:07if the nine is not a spectator I N it means it must undergo
2:11either acid are Bayside real Asus herbal
2:16in chemistry 12 these are the fork at Heinz that hydrolyze
2:20they all undergo acid hydrolysates
2:26noticed that three hydrated cat eye ins I and three
2:30chromium 3 and aluminum can be depicted
2:34either in their hydrated or hacked ako for
2:37as shown here
2:41farm out simple I ins with 83 plus charge
2:47when you dissociated salt you're like me is the the scat I it's depicted
2:52in this simple form
2:56just keep in mind that if you need to write a hydraulic system equation
3:00for wanted these three you must convert them
3:03to their hydrated farm
3:08the other hydrolyze in cat I N ammonium
3:12always appears as an age four plus or in compound formulas
3:17as NH for
3:22now for an
3:23diane's and I hands are on the right side in the ass a table
3:27we start by looking at and I and that undergo
3:30on the base I draw lessons
3:34that's the Zions here
3:40excluding a spectator ions on the top rated as table
3:44these are all the in's on the right with the negative charge
3:47this formula do not start with an age
3:54at the break and I
3:55hands are the negative I N on the right side
3:58his foreign minister art with an agent
4:02at the protec- and I and undergo both acid in Bayside real assess
4:06what we have to do it the it to determine which I draw Asus is
4:12how to do that is shown on the video hydraulics this
4:15a vampy prodi animes
4:19hear the anti prodi can I ins noticed their formulas all start with an H
4:25and they all had negative charges
4:32the fourth step up
4:34process comes into play in cases where both the cat I'm
4:37and and I and the salt idealize
4:42if both the cap and I and and and I am idealize
4:46we compare the value a bikini for the cat I N
4:49to the value at Kb for the anime
4:52in order to decide which I draw losses is predominant
4:57will go through an example love this later
5:01now we'll go through it the examples working with salt
5:05rest to determine whether the salt calcium nitrate
