He taonga, he pukenga, he tohungatanga te matakite i heke mai i ngā tūpuna. I tēnei hōtaka o Waka Huia ka huakina te ārai ki ngā kōrero ā tētahi tokorua tohunga matakite. Ka wānangahia te ora tonu o ēnei taonga i roto i ngā kainga maha puta noa i te motu, me te wāhi ki te ao wairua i roto i tēnei ao kikokiko nei.
Matakite is gifted knowledge that has been handed down through multiple generations. In this episode of Waka Huia we speak with two experts who discuss the presence of these gifts throughout the country and the fine line between the spiritual realm and the physical world that we live in.
Director: Eruini Paranihi
