Waiting to Buy will cost you THOUSANDS!!

Here is some math as an example:
Buy a home now 2023 for $550,000
2024: 10% Appreciation = $55,000 (in just 1 year!!!!)
2025: 12% Appreciation = $72,600 ($127k in 2 years!!!!)
But Denise... the rates are UGLY right now!!! You would spend an extra $14,400 in interest over these 2 years in interest costs... so would you spend $14k to make $127k??
But Denise... I can't afford a house I like... THEN BUY THE UGLY HOUSE!!! Use the money you make in these 2 years to then buy the PRETTY HOUSE!!!
It's a small window of opportunity - we might not see it again so don't waste it! We can help you buy no matter what state you are in! Text 972-544-4480 or schedule a free phone consul at www.BookTheNerd.com
