WACC CEO Series with Fred Whitfield

Much has changed on the global basketball scene since the original Dream Team stormed its way to Olympic gold in 1992. Today, basketball is a fixture in most countries around the world. The National Basketball Association (NBA) announced in October 2022 that 120 international players from 40 countries were scheduled on the opening-night rosters for the 2022-23 season, including a record number of players from Canada (22) and Australia (10) and a record-tying five players from Nigeria. There is no doubt that basketball is closing the gap on soccer’s stronghold as the world’s most popular sport, with leagues in the Philippines, China, Spain, Turkey, Canada, Nigeria, and others.
On March 21st, Fred Whitfield offered his insight into the Hornets’ impact​ in Charlotte and regionally through sporting events and athletic engagement​, philanthropy, and business.
