विवेकानन्द को मां काली के दर्शन || प्रो. एनवीसी स्वामी || Prof. NVC Swamy - DAY-05

These video lectures on the life of Swami Vivekananda will take you on a deep experiential journey where you can feel Swamiji’s living presence. This is the first video of a series of 17 talks delivered to the YIC (Yoga Instructors Course) students at SVYASA, Bengaluru.
Prof. NVC Swamy, (April 22, 1935 - May 01, 2020) was a civil engineer (NIE, Mysore), with a Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics (IISc Bangalore), the former Director of the Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT) Madras, and the former Dean - Division of Yoga and Physical Sciences, SVYASA Bengaluru.
He was great Vedantin, who, in his teachings, harmonized modern science with the ancient Indian science of Yoga and Vedanta.
His flagship course was the lecture series on Life of Swami Vivekananda, on which he could speak endlessly, in the most captivating way on the message and greatness of Swami ji.
Prof. Swamy had an uncanny memory about every minute detail and dates pertaining to Swamiji’s life and weaved them effortlessly into his lectures. He made complex subjects of Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, and Bhakti Sutras most interesting for his students, and created a new course on Science and Consciousness.
Prof. Swamy was a passionate research scientist and educator during his tenure at IIT Madras. His publications include internationally recognized research papers on Fluid mechanics and
contributions to various scientific books. His command of the German language made it very easy for him to collaborate with German researchers and he published many joint papers with
He had a voracious appetite for knowledge and his reading had both breadth and depth as evidenced by his vast collection of books. He also had a keen sense of music along with a deep understanding of both Western and Indian classical music forms and enjoyed listening to CDs from his large collection.
While at IIT Madras, he began his journey in Vedanta at the Ramakrishna Mission Chennai. He received ‘deeksha’ from Swami Gambheerananda-ji Maharaj. He was also the inspiration behind starting the Vivekananda Study Circle on campus. This study circle has flourished and inspired at least 9 people to join the order of monks of the Ramakrishna Mission.
Post-retirement, he immersed himself further into his Vedanta journey and was a key player in placing SVYASA on the world map as a recognized Yoga university. He was usually found sitting outside his cottage with students, faculty, or esteemed visitors, passionately discussing various aspects of consciousness or new ideas and dimensions in meditation.
As Swami Mahamedhanandaji of Ramakrishna Mission Chennai said in Prof Swamy’s Shraddhanjali, “Swami Vivekananda, in his letters, more than once he writes, I’m a voice without form. He means the Eternal Voice, the voice of Sanatana Dharma…. And blessed are those who become instruments of this voice. And Prof NVC Swamy shaped himself as one such instrument.” Every cell in
his body resonated with the message of Swami Vivekananda. Prof. Swamy’s teachings continue to be an inspiration to thousands of people across the world and they will never be forgotten. Truly a Diggaja Purusha - legendary person.
0:00 Introduction
1:19 Demise of swamiji's father
4:18 Litigation against swamiji's family
5:14 Naren in search of job
6:48 Thakur utter belief in Naren
9:48 Time has not yet come for abandon the world
18:02 O mother! give me Devotion, Wisdom, Renunciation
26:46 Thakur was diagnosed with throat cancer
36:04 Thakur shifted to Kolkata
39:46 How shri Ma got shifted to Kolkata
43:46 Thakur appeared at Suren's house using Yog Siddhi
48:19 Dr Mahendra Nath Sarkar
52:49 Kashipur Garden

