👀 Visual Snow ❄️ Seeking Clarity with the Tarot ✨🔮🕊️ What’s Really Happening❔⁉️

Welcome to Passionate Perseverance Tarot ✨🔮🧿
This reading is meant to open a discussion and dialogue, seeking answers to help others.
The Following is for Entertainment Purposes only -
Disclaimer- NOT MEDICAL ADVICE!!!!!
Visual snow is primarily recognized as a neurological condition rather than a sign of spiritual enlightenment. It is characterized by a continuous visual disturbance, where individuals see static or "snow" across their entire visual field, similar to the static seen on a television screen. This condition can be persistent and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as light sensitivity, afterimages, and difficulty seeing in low light.
While some may interpret the experience of visual snow in a spiritual or metaphysical context, mainstream medical science attributes it to neurological causes. Research suggests that visual snow is linked to abnormal processing of visual information in the brain, although the exact mechanisms are not fully understood. Treatment often focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life, as there is currently no cure for the condition.
Love and Light
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